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Okay. I'm home. Can I share a retarded NSV?

I have a routine when I get home. I have a lil "private time" in the quiet room. You know...the room with the tub and bowl in it. ANYHOW...

Today while 'watering the flowers' I leaned forward and hugged my knees. Why? Something to do. Do you know I could get my arms all the way around my legs and touch my elbows effortlessly? I was astounded! I HAVE LOST SO MUCH WEIGHT!

I don't remember whether I could hug my knees like that in the past. I could barely touch my arms together, and certainly couldn't touch my elbows. All the stuffins in my belly and thighs were prohibitive to the huggins I may have done. I don't weigh again until next week Friday, so I don't know where I am today. I am, however, skinny enough to hug my knees and touch my elbows.

That rocks.

More later!


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Nat that is awsome! way to go on the knees and coat. I too had to buy a new coat this year. the one I couldn't zip last year 2x, is now big enough for two of me. I downgraded to a L.

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chocolate fountain was amazing!!! just had to share.

this is what what around it,




graham crackers




pound cake

german biscuit cookie things that are deeelish.

i had a bit of everything! and yum yum yum.

2 fountains, one dark chocolate one milk.

I'm thinking about having me some dark chocolate covered Staff Sergeant Airman tonight! j/k. he would love it though. I'm tired and full.

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StephC—where you go? LOL. I hate having junk food in the house, too. With this new fill, all I have to resist is chocolate and ice cream though. If I tried eating anything more doughy, like a doughnut, I'll be seeing that sucker again! I’m not a big candy eater, unless it’s made of chocolate, of course! :hungry:

Sweethot143—I think that lying in a huge chocolate fountain with B-man’s handsome Marine might just be my new ultimate hot fantasy! Mmmm-mmm-good! It's a heck of a lot better than lying around contemplating my belly flap! :confused: As for the skiing, give it a try. Just think—you get to go skiing with your smaller jacket!

Nikki32—You got into a size 14! AWESOME!!!! :hail:

Nathalie—From a 3x to a large with room to spare? Whoo-hoo!!!! You rock! :rockon:

Keep up the good work everyone! :whoo:

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Hello all!

OMG :confused: I don't know where it came from but I went out to walk tonight. I went a mile at a fast walk. Then, I thought "wow, I feel really good and warmed up. I want to run" So, I started running.... and running... and running...

I felt like Forest Freaking Gump! I just kept right on going! I ran a mile and a half straight! out of the blue... no stopping! Did a total of 4.5 miles tonight!

It was crazy! I just never got winded. My legs were actually tired before I got out of breath! It was great... I've NEVER had that happen before EVER. The most I cold go at a time was about a 1/3 of a mile. Then, I'd have to walk a bit before I ran again. THIS TIME... I just kept right on trucking! It felt amazing! I felt like I could have ran forever!

And the things is I came home did my ab work and a big cool down and stretching and right now (I am tired) but I feel GREAT. No knee trouble... I just feel like I need a good nights sleep!

Maybe my body has finally "caught up" with the changes. Everyone keeps telling me it has to "reset" itself... I sure hope this in an indication that it is doing that. Stupid freakin body.


HAHAHA! you are cracking me up with the chocolate!! How on earth did my Marine get chocolate covered?? I think SweetHot had something to do with THAT! hahahaha

BUT I must admit... mmmmmmmm if that is REECE's chocolate and peanut butter... OMG, heck with a date. I would say "I do" in a minute!! (j/k hehe) You all know how I am about Reece's chocolate and peanut butter... marine or no marine. He could be buck-toothed, and hump-backed!! I'd still take him if he was covered in THAT chocolate goodness! hehehe

Well, I think this guy is too young and having "too much fun" for me to take him seriously. As sweethot was saying "drinking... womanizing" I just have this feeling. He is soooo good-looking (and loves to go out and have fun) and the girls around the military bases stalk those Marines like wild-animals. But I know for a fact he went home alone this weekend becuase he was calling me at 3AM to talk on the phone. I guess I should give him a chance to do wrong instead of assuming he is that way.

BUT heck, I will just have to do some thinking. It could be an awfully memorable Thanksgiving Weekend. [blush] haha.

I talk alot of crap, but I tend to be a good girl. I guess we will have to see how well he "works his sexy, muscled, ripped, chiseled, marine-uniformed magic" on me. I will have to just remember to bring the chocolate! hahaha

Love ya all! Good Nite!

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oh my goodness brandi!!! You are a runner! wow. that is amazing,all this work has paid off for you! you go girl.

enjoy that chocolate covered marine! There is totally no harm in adding Peanut Butter to the mix! go for it. yummmy. Make sure he starts off in his uniform. Marines do have the best uniforms.

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nat...... i swear im howling with laughter and worse still you just know we all going to be trying it !! i love that you told us about that hugging on loo ,congrats on your unique nsv oh and your new coat im still wearing a knee length blk one that me and baby bump will fit in ...its like a tent but really cosy and last winter i could zip it up but afraid to sit down incase zip burst.

transformer,,,looking at your taz pic makes me tired..does that mean im officially the laziest person ever ..lol

brandi.....glad your back honey ...thats the girl we all love ,the lean mean running machine and you sound so cheerful ..excercise and you go so well together ,ive yet to start anything thats why im like wobble monster

steph .....i dont really fart alot but those pains always feel like a wind ball trapped in areas that they shouldnt be ,i took big glass of this Constipation stuff and added some fibre powder and went to bed ....no "movement" but pain gone when i woke up so not complaining ,i felt really peeved because ive eaten rice many times no problem but last night it killed me and i swear it was only a little bit i had Cereal this morning and threw up .im hungry but cant seem to find anything that doesnt annoy me .maybe i should go on liquids for 24 hours and give everything a rest .is melted chocolate liquid...pmsl

sweethot...you have us all chocolate mad talking about your fountain we even want to dip our men....lol

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Well, I don't know if I am back or not - i hope I can do it again and it wasn't a "one time" thing. I feel a little sore today. I think I will walk tonight and that is it... no running. Then, tomorrow... I will go for the run again. I don't want to overdo it like I did before and mess up my knee.

Your right though it did make me feel alot better. I wish this Marine lived closer. I know he would whip my bod into shape! I could make him take me running and exploit his well trained butt! Turn him into my own personal trainer. :-) THAT would rock.

I might be able to half way keep up now.


Nat - congrats on the NSVs honey! I totally notice when I lay down at night or any time I hold my legs together... the bones are touching at my knees! Who knew there were bones there!?!? I think it is funny to notice those little things that everyone else would never think of! I LOVE holding my knees up in front of my now and wrapping my arms around them! It is my favorite way to sit now that I can actually do it! hehe - i soooo understand!

tranformer - OMG :) PMSL! better fantasy than your belly flap!? I almost pee'd myself when I read that... I often sit around and think about mine... hehe! only soooo funny because I knew what you were talking about! HA! I like to move mine around in the mirror and see what it looks like with it gone.

SweetHot - Yeah, I've never even seen him in his uniform to be honest. I met him in Indianapolis at a concert and he was "out of uniform" -- I was really unimpressed with the whole Marine thing at the time. I think that is what threw him off the most. He probably likes to use it to pick up the ladies and I was more interested in all the weight he lost and his life than I was in the marine stories. I will give the guy a chance and see what he comes up with... not like I have any other offers on the table right now. haha

VAband - Did you get ahold of your doc for your fill under floro?? I know you've been worried about it :-) How is the job hunt coming? Would a chocolate covered marine cheer you up?? hehe

Steph - That is a crazy Alaska story :Banane34: but not so crazy if you are me. I had a similar situation - only with England. THAT is why I shy away from ANY long distance anything. I have this part of my brain that thinks they are all con-men and liars covered in a sweet chocolate disguise. You get past the chocolate and "suprise"..... not so sweet.

So, not to worry. No hastey decisions to be made here. I know better. In fact, I tend to worry that I will do the exact opposite anymore and completely ignore a good guy instead. Other than "cuddle time" with my best friend Eric. I haven't even wanted to be anywhere near a guy. I like things that are familiar and being with someone that actually cares about me. I'm to a point in my life where I've moved past evening desiring a random "booty call." Is THAT possible? haha. yeah, sadly it is.

BooBoo - and AirForce man huh? Us women are all a bunch of suckers for a man in a uniform aren't we??? damn, they can look so freakin good! hahaha - the jerks. Wish women had an outfit like that. No matter what you look like... you put it on and stop men dead in their tracks.

Nikki - So glad our bundle of joy is doing well. Where were you from again? Congrats on your SIZE 14! Isn't it amazing when you realize you've made a mistake like THAT. I can actually eat rice (brown rice). Just in very small amounts. I can't eat bread though... not after this last fill. THAT would be the death of me.

Bannannie - OMG 150's... that is still just a dream to me. I thought i would be there by now too! CONGRATULATIONs you've actually figured out how to do it! so proud of you baby girl. Cant wait for the day that I make it that far. That had to feel wonderful to see that number on the scale. How is the prep for plastic surgery going? i know it is coming up soon. i am so happy for you! you are such a success girl! (HUGS) LOVE YA!

Kaydot - Body bug!!!! If you hear of a sale, PLEASE let me know. How is it going? You still loving yours? I want one soooo badly. I would love to see what all my running actually amounted to last night. See how many calories I actually burned!

Thinde! hey mamma!! so glad to see you back on the board keeping up with our crazy butts :-) we missed you! I totally freaked out when I couldnt see the board for a whole day! AGGHH! Even when I dont post, I have to read to keep up with everyone!

JillRn! - hey to you to mamma!! glad your are checking in - you have anything chocolate covered and yummy in your life right now?? haha - these crazy ladies have been cracking me up!

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MOrning all...

I have been substantially MIA on the postings, but reading everything. I have a HUGE HUGE exam tomorrow night that I am freaking a bit over. Plus, I am leaving for my trip Friday. That and trying to get the kids settled for their trip away to Grandma's while Mommy and Daddy play is leaving me with NO time to chat and it is killing me. I wish I could just pick up the phone and call you all.

So, I have minutes to spare and wanted to say hi. I am totally digging my bugg still (thanks for asking B-man) this thing is super cool. I cracked the plateau and lost 2 pounds this week. I would have preferred 10 pounds, but I know that is not realistic. Damn biggest loser show makes me think it is, but I am not exercising hours a day.

I am off to do my day 2/week 2 couch to 5k run. Loving it. Way to go Brandi on your run. It feels great when you just keep going, huh? Run, Forest, Run!

Nat-love love love the NSV. Give yourself a big hug! I had that happen too. I notice when I do my after workout stretches, my legs and arms go to places they have not in a long time. Never mind when DH and I are intimate...wooohooo them is some goood positions. HAHAHAHA

Okay girls, I cannot get any more personals. I love you all and love hearing all the good stuff..i totally keep seeing hot guys dipped in chocolate now..thanks a lot girls. haha.

I hope to be on after my test Thursday and before I fly out Friday. Wish me luck on this freaking exam, so much rides on it. AAARGH!

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BMAN..you KNOW a man in uniform w/chocolate always makes things better! ;-) I did call and request a fill under fluro, but they won't schedule it until I speak directly to the Dr. who is in surgery all day today, so hopefully he'll call me later tonight or tomorrow and I can convince him that I need this! Congrats on the long run!! I think my calves are just finally recovered from my Hike on Sunday! lol

Steph....I definitely still Fart! Much to the embarrassment of my kids! ;-)

The job hunt is still slow :-( Don't have any interviews even scheduled at the moment...so I'm starting to kind of freak out about money and stuff...but I guess I just have to have faith that something will work out! Its just frustrating!

Hope you all have a great day!

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Sweethot - girlfriend you misssed the nutter butter Cookies - they are to die for under the chocolate fountain!!!! Everything is better under the chocolate fountain.

Nat - I totally understand your nsv! My thing is to lay in bed and feel my ribs - one night I thought I was feeling my band until I figured out it was part of my ribcage. go figure?

Winter jackets? I am rocking my dd's last years pea coat - I guess its a pea coat but knee length. I love it and feel super sexy in it with my black boots and black gloves.

I just ate a slice of pizza and I'm dying - I guess I better go try to throw up - this is ridiculous. It wasn't a big slice, actually a small slice of a med. pizza - last year at this time I'd have eaten 6 slices.

Later chicas!

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Hey ladies!

StephC--EVERYTHING is better under a chocolate fountain? Everything? And how would you know something so sinful, I wonder? Oh, you were talking about food? Hee, hee! :biggrin1:

Beversman--You ran! I'm so excited you ran! :faint:

My new method of burning calories is by freezing my big, bad butt off! I still don't have heat! Brrr! The broken part came in, the repairman was here again today, but the heat pump still doesn't work. I might have to buy an entire new heating system and I just don't have the money to pay for it. OOPS! :cry

By the way, the swirling Tasmanian Devil was added in honor of my recently more hyperactive little self. Perhaps I've been imbibing (great word, huh?) too much caffeine lately? :)

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Steph...I can't do pizza at all really, except for the toppings and sometimes a few bites of the crust...don't know why, but other breads don't cause me nearly the same problems as pizza! Although boy do I miss it! *sigh*

Transformer...love the Taz Devil!! :) Wish I had that energy!! lol

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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