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BooBoo? Quit saying what sh*t??

BooB - sorry bout your Spartans. I thought they were going to pull it off last night. I was SO into the game! Man. I thought they had 'em.


lol...you were talking that SNOW word...lol...I hate snow with a passion. Makes me wonder why I live here...lol..

Thanks for the condolences....I am still majorly bummed I thought we had a chance....ugh....

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Yes they are calling for that white stuff here too. I really don't mind the snow it the flipping cold I hate!

I went to get my nails done tonight - I've been going there for over a year, close to 2 years - but last month I was in the opposite direction (remember I'm 20 miles from town whichever way I drive) so I had them done somewhere else. OMG the girl at my salon grilled me, where you go? I said I was just over at Walmart - no where you go? My daughter has class play practice tonight - where you go? I'm not going anywhere - Where you go get nails? Oh well um er... well I was in Johnstown so I just ummm .. er.. stopped in the place by walmart... ohhhh... and she turns her back on me... LOL ... it was the friggin nail police!!! TOOO flipping funny!!!

So after puking on my hot pocket today - I sipped on a cappychino until I spilled 3/4 of it all over my desk! Which I guess was a blessing in disguise bc I burped (mini throwups) cappicino all afternoon until supper - which I had Soup and a salad and all seemed ok - until I got home and those dang chips and dip started calling my name again! My dd was supose to hide everything (like Nat does her scale) she said she would take some to her bf's and take a bag to the play practice.... but Nooooooooooo she leaves them all sitting out on the counter just daring me to pass them by - I've said it before I don't keep that crap in my house and its purely for this reason ... I HAVE NO SELF-CONTROL!!!!!

DH is working out of town, feels weird knowing theres football on and I'm watching dancing with the stars... in the living room on the big screen.

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btw - thank you for all the happy anniversary wishes - he can be sweet but as we all know .. men are men.. they all suck. LOL just kidding .. no I'm not... yeah I am...really if he didnt' do something sweet once in a while I'd throw him back for one who does.

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Hi ladies!

Bannannie--You made it to 158?? You are incredible!!!! :waytogo:

StephC--I'm so sorry you had such a bad day... Now that my band is tight, just thinking about eating a Hot Pocket is making me gag. :puke: EWWW! Thanks so much for pointing out that it’s okay to lose at different rates. I have to keep reminding myself that the ultimate goal is to be healthy and more energetic no matter how long it takes. We gotta look at the “big picture,” too!

Nathalie— You got into regular size 16s—that is fantastic!! I hope you make it to your exercise goal this week! :cheer2:

Nikki32—No worries! I was just kidding around. :biggrin1:

Sweethot143—Isn’t it cool to enjoy going shopping and getting dressed up? Your excitement is rubbing off on me!

Kaydotrn—I haven’t figured out the whole podcast thing just yet, so you’re light years ahead of me! I went to the website with the “Couch to 5K” information, but I didn’t know what to do once I got there! How sad is that? Maybe I’ll ask my son for help. :noidea:

Beversman—Does this mean you’re willing to share your handsome Marine buddy’s phone number? If you hesitate too long, I know a pack of ladies who just might snap him up! Sorry, I couldn’t resist! Oh yeah—I actually made the effort to check the football scores. Sorry your Colts lost! From what I read in the news, both teams made some really dumb mistakes! OOPS!

VABandster—Even if you don’t make it to 225 before January, remember that you’ve already lost more than me in all! That is outstanding!!!! My boy gets to stay home tomorrow…I wish I could play “hooky” too!

I wore a sweater to work today that I’ve been trying on every Sunday for weeks! That sucker finally fits well enough for me to wear it out in public! I finally lost enough weight so that I’m moving around much more easily lately so exercising isn’t as hard. :)

I just found out last week that I have jury duty from next Tuesday through December 7th. I never had to do that before. I hope I don’t have to miss too much work—there’s so much to get done! Should I sound like I’m prejudiced against everything so I don’t get picked as a juror? I can say I hate fat people, skinny people, short people, tall people, people with two ears, college graduates, anyone who wears blue, people who wear glasses, or even anyone with hair! :devious Think it’ll work? LOL

Hope everyone stays on track this week—good luck!!!! :(

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steph- you and I are so much alike in the food dept! I could never stay away from chips with onion dip or chips with cheese dip, or any dip for that matter. And I cannot not not stay away from chocolate fountain. no way! Oh well.

so i started week 3 of couch to 5k and it was a bit harder! But i finished and it felt awsome. It was also a lot shorter than I expected, it went by so quickly.

It is also quite cold here too, and it's snowing already wehre we are going for thanksgiving! I'm hoping to ski. Do you think 2 1/2 years old is too little for a bunny slope? I can't imagine my baby on skis but a lot of friends seem to think that they can learn to ski at that age! what do you guys think? My hubby is a big scaredy cat so i'll probably have him take the girls sledding while I ski with my friend. He would love to do that so he doesn't look like a big baby in front of everyone.

nat. congrats on the reg. 16s! I remember i was in old navy freaking out when i slipped on a pair. The sales lady was laughing, i was like, send back the 18s! I only want 16s!! so she is on her head set cancelling out my previous request and saying, no no no, she said only 16s! do not bring 18s in this fitting room. lol. my sister was dying, rolling on the floor.

va- your doing awsome on your weightloss. Just keep plugging along, like me. I'm a very very slow loser. My body loves being chubby.

steph- the nail story is hilarious. I was laughing. I can just picture it. Kind of like the Soup nazi from seinfeld. No nails for you!!! Where you go?

brandi- ooh hot marine? sounds yummy. Maybe you could just humor him and let him take you out, you never know, maybe he is a really great guy that you'll want to stay friends with. Military life is a difficult one, I can't imagine having a marine boyfriend at a distance! Infidelity is the norm, it's hard for the guys to resist, it's sort of like their culture. So so so so many of my friends husbands have cheated while away. it's just crazy, i was shocked to know how prevalent it is. Also, the road to alcoholism is pretty easy too. The "regular" guy gets drunk 5-6x a week, it's what they talk about most and can't seem to go anywhere if there isn't booze present. Even at a family picinic that started at noon had 2 kegs!! I was mortified. And they wonder why there are 2 or 3 dui's a week on this teeny tiny base! Ok enough about that. I'm not saying he is that type of guy at all, my hubby is military and exactly opposite. so there are some quality guys, but like you said, the distance thing could be bad. good luck and enjoy the date anyway.

ok, so i'm salivating at the thought of chocolate fountain tonight. How many times have I spoken of this chocolate? I am pure evil.

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hi girls

transformer you made me laugh so much at your plan to get out of juror duty...pmsl...i think they would pick you as they think you not predjudice you have a problem with everyone..he he

seriously though i would hate to have to do that ,i think id get bored and just go with the general opinion ..like yeah ok he can be guilty if we can just finish an hour earlier...lol

ive been lying in bed stroking my wobbles imagining my bump in there somewhere and dealing with my weight gain as this nice thing that means baby is growing (yeah right candy )and im feeling little movements more regularly ...and then hopped on scales this morning and would you bloody believe it im back down again to original lowest weight...182...im 18 wks pregnant been eating candy and my weight great,someone smiling on me from the heavens but i am going to put scales in cupboard now though and keep this warm fuzzy feeling i go to doctors for check up in two weeks and il get weighed there and then every month after so im going to restrain myself using my own scales,my poor hubby gaining like he have twins ...eek for this first time in our married life im lighter...im trying not to gloat.

im trying to figure out which one i fancy more at the moment..

sweethots ..chocolate fountain v brandi's marine...yum yum to both..lol all i can say a little bit of what you fancy can do you good sweethot enjoy then get back on track brandi no harm in booty call if you want some fun ,you dont have to have long term thing ,if you want fun, go for it if not

,why dont you just say what you think ???if you think he only wants a bit of fun on leave and you just dont want that tell him ..say no booty just friends and see where it goes if he doesnt like that idea then you'll know

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quick one went shopping tried on pair of sixteen jeans (uk size ) and was thinking god they look a bit tight and waist was them low ones that dont flatter me so decided not to buy but..as i was taking them off i realised they were on wrong hanger..they were 14 whoo hoo looked like shit on ..but went on did a little dance cant stop smiling !!!!!!!!!!

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nikki- how about a little chocolate covered marine? that sounds yummy. of course I have my own military hunk. he has gained almost as much as i've lost though! he needs to lose about 50lbs. He eats all my leftovers. and the kids'.

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Brandi---Marines are just yummy. I married a Air Force man, very very yummy! :) We all just love a man in uniform! :D Long distance justs might be the way to go...lol...

Nikki--yeah for you! Great NSV!! WOO HOOO!!

Steph--I have no self control either. I am freaking hating all this candy in the house....I need to just pitch it. My kids need to understand Mommy does not want to get fat again! UGH!! :D

Sweet--2 1/2 is just nuts for skiiing, but then again I am 30 and would NEVER EVER do it...lol.... :)

Claud--it is snowing here, so when I get there I may just stay with you until Spring. I hate snow, I hate snow!! :lol:

Banannie---wooo hooo doing the happy dance for you baby!! WOO HOOO!! Congratulations sweetie you hot hot mamma!

Transformer--I hate jury duty, I always get out of it. I am soo much of a sucker and would never convict anyone. Tell them it is your friend's birthday (mine,lol..) on the 7th so you can't possibly do jury duty that week in moral support of me! :) lol....

Thin--I freak out as well. I hate when the boards go down.

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Transformer...I've only been called for jury duty once and didn't end up having to show up (you call the night before and they tell you if you must report or not). So good luck getting out of it!

Sweethot....My parents started me on the bunny slope when I was 2 yrs old and never looked back! Very quickly was I whizzing by them on the slopes b/c at that age, you have no fear! :D So good luck w/that! My calves are still so sore from hiking this weekend that I can't imagine skiing, but I really hope I'm actually in good enough shape this winter to be able to do that again! So how was the chocolate fountain??

Nikki...congrats on fitting into a size 14! Wowza!!!

Tomorrow (when my kids are in school), I'm calling my Doc to see if I can get on his schedule for a fill under fluro! I've not had one since May, so I realize I definitely need one if I'm going to lose any more! my scale is actually up 4 pounds and that is NOT good! This unemployment isn't helping b/c I'm just grazing too much...UGH!!!

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Sweet - I agree with VA about the little one skiing - if she wants to do it let her. They have no fear at that age and I think its safe. You should see the little ones who Water ski, its amazing.

Bman - I like the sexy chocolate covered marine... oh my... a new fantasy. My dil's sister started chatting with a local service guy, he is stationed in Alaska, via internet. They knew of each other but that was all, so after a couple months of chatting she flew up to visit him, they fell in love, she came home for a couple months and then went back to visit him again and without telling anyone they got married. Flipped the whole family out. So she came home and packed up and moved to Alaska. He still has a year to serve and then when they come home next July they are having a real wedding. So the moral of the story is, mr marine may just be mr right. (I personally think she was nuts to get married that fast but thats my opinion).

Transformer - I want to do jury duty and I never get picked. The last time I went in there were a couple hundred people there, I was in the 3rd group, out of 4 groups and we didnt' even have a call back, they picked all the jurors and alternates in the first 2 groups. I would find it very interesting as long as it didn't involve child abuse or something that I couldn't stomach.

Nikki what does pmsl mean? Your talk of the baby brings back all those old memories. I loved being pregs and knowing there was a little life in there. Now that little life is a grown man. I think you need so many more calories when you're preg, remember the old eating for two - I don't think you should eat for 2 but if you are eating healthy the baby is probably taking most of those calories. I was never one to gain the right amount of weight, 25-30 lbs, I always took it a bit higher like 40-50 lbs - I ate for 2. :lol:

Kay - I'm glad you are loving your bodybugg, I need something that makes me accountable. Dang if I'm not in a slump of lazy, junk food eating. Today I hope to leave work early (that is if I quite playing on the internet) and walk - maybe even get on the dreadmill.

Sweet - the nail lady was just like the Soup nazi! I couldn't quite put my finger on it but thats how it felt... where you go? Where you get nails?

Hey Jill and Thininde! It was good to hear from you. I also was flipping out when the boards were down - geesh I hope that doesn't happen again.

Annie - you are doing so good! And only a month to PS - woohoo!!! I have another appt with a ps in a closer town, I'm going to ask if the insurance pays for the skin removal if they would just charge extra outof pocket to make it a tt. I'm praying about it, just like I did the band and if its meant to be things will work out. In the meantime I need to get it together and lose something.

Ok - gotta get to work. Just when I thought the budget was done the treasurer calls and says its all wrong. :D

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im here for a moan

im in loads of pain ate a few forkfuls of rice and f%$&* me im in bits but in my lower back like right kidney area..i somehow know its food related i think my organs not happy with lots of different food... if my shoulder not causing me grief enough without this shit ...times like this i bloody hate eating !!!!!!!!!

ok moan over im away to fart ,crap or just continue rolling around am i the only one that seems intolerant to anything that swells in your tummy? ..makes meal choices miserable,candy doesnt have this effect,,lol maybe i should have stuck with that.

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Just checking in to say HI. I missed you while the site was down.

Glad to see everyone is A-OK. I'm okay, too!

NSV: I had to buy new coats yesterday. Last year's coat was a 3X. THIS year's coat is an XL. And I can button it and have a little wigglin room in it. I was blown away by that! BLOWN. AWAY!


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WTG Natster!!! Its so nice getting smaller.

Nikki - I do the same thing - yesterday the hot pocket - I can not tolerate anything like that, rice is something I try not to even look at, just seeing it brings back all the pain and misery it causes. I also get the achy pain in all my organs when I've had something I shouldn't have. Until I puke it up and then wait 5 hours. Its horrible. I hope you are feeling better. farting never seems to help - infact I was going to bring this up to you all... do you still fart? I am being completely honest when I say I seldom fart anymore - whats up with that? Is bc I'm not eating so much, or so fast that it causes air pockets in my intestine? I've been noticing this for a few months now - but the burping is still there, not the loud belches but when I'm too full I'll start these little burp burp burps. PMSL (hehe)

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