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you girls make me laugh brawling over teams..lol

and i thought the fellas were bad

thank you transormer for pointing out the obvious thing that i will be indeed be gaining as you lovely ladies will be shrinking and i just wanted to say i wish you all every sucess and dont begrudge you any of your weight loss no sensitivity required i will be cheering you all on.

i on the other hand have a weight that im trying not to gain over .............im at this moment 187 pounds up from 182 and i think 210 should be the number i have as my absolute heaviest id be ok with ,i have never gained more than 28lb with my other 4 and they were with no band so i think im being reasonable

im 18 weeks this tuesday with only a 5lb gain so well on track

but to be truthful ive been eating not so good stuff over holidays (think it accounts for most of gain )and its amazing how quickly you go back to reaching for the biscuits and crisps oh and i have been drinking milk yep full fat yum ..but my baby developing bones and teeth at moment and needs extra Calcium so sod it that im keeping ..lol well a couple of glasses not gallons.

im not on a diet but i do think reading your posts reminds me that it better to have good food and control weight instead of thinking im pregnant so whoo hoo eat all i want.

so you still encourage me and i was 14lb away from goal and hopeully after wards it wont be long until im back there and crawling over finish line ,i just everyone still around then as you will all be done .

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I didn't mean to sound like a total moron Nikki--it just comes naturally! :doh: It sounds like you have a very healthy attitude so you're bound to do well before and after the birth! Congrats on only gaining 28 lbs. with your other four children--that is fantastic! Some ladies I work with are viewing their pregnancies as a time to go all out and eat everything they can get their hands on--not such a healthy attitude, huh? I guess they haven't realized yet that the baby will only weigh a few pounds! LOL

As for me, pregnancy has never agreed with me. I had 2 miscarriages and one full-term pregnancy in which I gained 85 pounds because I had toxemia, high blood pressure, and gestational diabetes. I was bedridden for the last 2 1/2 months of the pregnancy while having to eat 2,000 calories a day. After a week of being induced and 28 hours of labor, my son was finally born. The little sucker just didn't want to come out (we soon found out why!). After years of struggling to find out why he was throwing 30-minute long tantrums 5-6 times/day and could not function in any daycare, he was diagnosed with bipolar, AD/HD, and ODD. I pretty much decided then that making more babies isn't something I should aspire to do!

With all I've been through with this one child (becoming a single mom when he was 3 months old, learning to restrain him by the time he was 3 so I wouldn't get hurt, his being thrown out of 12 daycares between 3-6 years old, being institutionalized in a pediatric psych ward for a week when he was 5, attending 7 public schools so far, etc.) I can't even imagine how on earth I'd keep up with more children.

Right now I'm seriously considering taking over his education as well. He's a sophomore already in his third high school setting. The two large high schools he attended last year were an absolute nightmare and he is still struggling to learn in the smaller setting he's in now. No one at any grade level would follow through with the few modifications he needed to be successful even if he had an IEP (a totally worthless packet of paper, in my opinion). His current principal said that disability or no disability, they "don't have time" to deal with him (even with meds his moods still swing at times and he is not always a perfectly compliant little sheep). They don't have time with class sizes less than 15 students? WTF? All the time I was in the classroom before taking an administrative position, I had collaborative special ed. students and had no problem at all doing what needed to be done to make sure they succeeded. I guess it all boils down to whether or not you are actually committed to the success of all students or not. In the end, I seem to be the only person who can work with him and the only person he can count on.

It's kind of funny in a way...I'm in public education and I hate it! :)

Well, that's my rant for the day! You can tell all of this is weighing heavily on my mind these days. I gotta go look over my budget now to figure out if I can pay for on-line home-schooling for my bright young lad! I was thinking last night that it's too bad I had to be a self-payer to get my band because I have to pay off the loan I took out which will make it harder to afford to pay for his schooling, too! Sigh!

The good news of the day is that my band is tight and I'm not eating because I'm upset for once in my sorry little life! Hooray for the band! :clap2:

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AND BTW...Nat Nat quit saying that sh*t. I will be hopefull that it will not come!

BooBoo? Quit saying what sh*t??

I had a fabulous time shopping! In addition to some beauty products and perfume, I bought a pair of the most gorgeous, booty hugging, hunter green Ann Klein slacks. Size 16. NOT 16W. 16! They were MUCH more than I wanted to spend (entirely too friggin much, even at 40% off) but I could not pass them up. Everything else was for DS. He's all set for winter. I'm about to clear out his closet today, and get rid of the too-small, too-summery stuff.

I want to buy this fabulous gorgeous cinch-waisted cashmere coat from Nordstrom to get me through Winter, but know that it is a total waste of money since I will only be in a size 16 for a few months. I'm going to get a JC Penny coat instead. Maybe a puffy Stadium coat. *shrug* Whatever.

Nikkums - you'll gain weight while preggers, but in the end, 30 pounds are Water and baby. Don't sweat it, chica!

BooB - sorry bout your Spartans. I thought they were going to pull it off last night. I was SO into the game! Man. I thought they had 'em.

My goal for the week is to exercise 7 hours. I don't care if I do it 30 minutes M - F and then 6.5 hours on Saturday... I just want 7 hrs of moving my fat can this week.

And by the way, broke as I am, I can't stop spending money. I wish my AmEx bill would friggin disappear! UGH. that is my goal for next year - to pay it down at least 50%. That's a HUGE chunk of change. *sigh*

Not much else going on today. Just cleaning and getting ready for *gag* work tomorrow...


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transformer...i didnt think you were a moron !!!i think i worded my message like a moron i meant you stated the obvious and it was kind of you to think about my feelings as it is hard to watch scales moving up...feck maybe i should do what nat does and hide them....lol

i think you have had a hell of a time and dont blame you for thinking life complicated enough with one you have your hands full ,but what a lucky boy he was to be born your son you have my upmost admiration i get ratty if kids being cheeky...lol

nat ..well done on your purchases and restraining yourself on buying coat dont fret over spending just think you saved money not buying coat..lol

what perfume did you buy ??im really into perfumes and what everyones wearing at the moment i think because im pregnant i am really into nice smells and find myself asking strangers what you wearing ..lol the other day i asked this girl and she said none it must be my deoderant ..he he ..she smelt nice but i felt like a wally.

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No way...

(steps off scale, steps back on)

blink, blink, rubs eyes... no way...

158.8? that CAN'T be right...

(steps back off scale, steps back on)


I don't EVER remember being in the 150's! I'm only 4 lbs from a "normal" BMI... and since I have quite a bit of muscle, and the BMI calculations really don't take that into account, could it be that I'm pretty much "normal"?????

No way... :)

(sorry I've been so absent! ok, gotta go hit the gym, but I'll read the past few pages and get caught up later chicas! You guys write a LOT! Love you all!!!)

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omg well done 158..omg ive just turned green with jealousy...lol

ive changed my mind i want you all to get fat....pmsl

im joking you are fabulous and im so pleased for you sweetie you are kicking some serious ass and rushing of to gym , well you working for your sucess well done banannie you rock !!!

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happy sunday ladies! I find the sports rants hilarious by the way! I myself cheer for Patriots and TB Bucs. I am from New England originally but claim TB as home. So that's my reasoning, lol. I don't really watch the game anyway though.

so i'm still eating like a cow, had oreos for Breakfast, garlic bread for lunch and 3 fun size snickers and then broccoli and steak for dinner. what is wrong with this fat girl! don't know. But i am back on track tomorrow! I am. other than tuesday night, I don't think I can resist chocolate fountain. Maybe if I don't eat all day tuesday, I'll save calories for chocolate fountain? good reasoning? see how i justify?

Nikki-congrats on the upcoming baby boy! I'm sure you won't gain a ton of weight judging by what you gained before. i actually lose weight while preggo too. Its after the baby is born I gain a ton.

booboo- yeah for you getting Betty back!

brandi- how's life? feeling any better yet?

annie- Holy crap! 150s?????? woahh!!! congrats to you! I would so be scheduling my TT if I was in the 150s.

Nat- I feel exactly as you do without sugar. Sugar is also my pimp, him and I are great buddies, but he sure does have control over me and I just can't seem to let him go. even though I want a size 8 so badly.

kaydot- I looked on 24 hr. fitness and BB was 324? where is it on sale? I need one so bad!

are you ready for another week of couch to 5k girls? I am so pumped for week 3! I am very excited for it. I actually want to go tonight to start but that would throw off my entire week because of the resting day.

we are getting ready to go away for a week for thanksgiving and thankfully the resort has a gym in it so I can keep up with my running. I just have to be motivated to leave all the food and get in the gym!

I worked a size 12 skirt again today and felt amazing in it. I was worried that it wouldn't fit after the week i had but it fit better than when i tried it on last. I seriously have zero church clothes, everything is in an 18! I was going through screaming this morning because i have nothing. Luckily i remembered that skirt and wore it with size M shirt from express that my friend just gave me. I wish i had taken a pic because i think I looked darn cute! I just love dressing up. I can't wait for my sexy new boots to get here in the mail.

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OMG-the boards was down since last night and I was freaking because I wanted to check in so badly. I think I have checked online 50 times and now that I have to leave for my clinical, it is up. Figures!

I have just a minute to say hello so please excuse the lack of personals (i love you all).

Annie-I am so happy for you. Normal, huh? I have no idea what that must be like. I think I jumped over normal in about 10th grade. I got close to normal once as an adult and that felt great...can't imagine what real normal feels like. Rock it!!! I am psyched for you.

Sweet-I started week 2 of the couch to 5k today. My second to last running interval was all uphill. I was freaking but did it. I know it is only 90 seconds but it felt like an eternity. Let me know how week 3 went today.

I have to tell you this whole podcast thing has opened up a new world. I actually downloaded some yoga programs and did one this morning. 20 minutes. I sucked a little bit but I know if I keep practicing, I will get it. It was cool.

According to my bodybugg, I have burnt 68% of my target calories already today and now I have a shift at the hospital. Today will be a good calorie deficit! Psyched.

As far as the cost, I don't know why the price keeps changing. For those of you interested, in the exercise forum there is a bodybugg thread. Check in there and they will keep you updated on price changes so you all can snatch one up next time there is a sale. If I hear of it first, I will definitely let you know.

Love to you all. I may see you late night tonight.

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Yeah, i am wondering what is up with LBT... i was trying to log on since last night. It wasn't working at all.

It is pouring down rain here. UGH. I'd planned to start the couch to 5K Podcasts tonight. It better settle down before I am out of here at 5pm. :-( ggrrrrrrr

I have alot of cleaning to do this week. My friend Blake is coming to spend saturday and sunday with me. We are going to an "after' halloween party together Saturday night -- I am so not used to having people around. So, my "little pit" that I call an apartment needs some major cleaning and straightening up before I can have a house guest.

So, I have this guy that is in the Marines that keeps calling and writing me. I met him a few months ago at a concert that I'd went to. I didn't think too much about it at the time. He was shipping out to California that next day. We met hung out a little bit (just chit chatting). He got my number and email. Well, here it is two/three months later and the guy is still calling. He wants to get together over Thanksgiving when he is back in Indiana on leave for the weekend. hhhmmmmmmm.....

Don't get me wrong. He is a very cool guy and extremely good looking, (he actually has lost 85 lbs himself - that is part of what got us talking was our weightlosses) BUT now, he is in the Marines... which means he is gone all the time.

I tried the whole long distance relationship thing before. It didn't work out. I am WAY shy of even trying to get to know someone from a distance again... even if I did meet him right here at home first. I don't mind being this guy's friend, but I hate to be a "pig" about it -- but I don't know many guys that call a girl for two straight months and are only thinking "friends" -- I don't want him thinking he is getting an "on-leave" booty call. I find it hard to believe that he isn't finding all kinds of women to spend his time with out there when he goes out with his marine buddys off base.

I guess that is no reason not to go out on ONE date with him when he is back in the state, but I don't know if I want to get something like that started. I never really thought he was going to be calling in the first place.

(sigh) I hate having this "why bother attitude" when it comes to men, but I do. Part of me thinks I should be excited... but I'm kinda not. I am pessimistic. But I also realize I should give the man a chance. I think I'm broken or something. Being pursued by some gorgeous Marine should be a good thing... right?

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Can't help it that they got one for the thumb!

LOL - truth is I'm really not into football.

I'm a freak. I have done HORRIBLE this weekend, HORRIBLE I TELL YOU!!! I have grazed on chips and dip and dip and chips and brownies and Cookies and chips and brownies and dip and chips and Cookies and then I threw in some bbq ribs and ham pot pie too! Is it any wonder I'm up another 2 lbs? Did I mention I didn't walk once this weekend? Notta single calorie burned, other then when I lifted the chip and stuck it in the dip and then put it in my mouth. So today I'm thinking okie dokie time to get my sheet together - so I bring in a hot pocket for lunch - WHAT WAS I THINKING?? Puke city right here - pain - agony - puke puke - mental note to self...

DO NOT EVER EAT BREADS OR BREADED FOODS - BAND WILL MAKE YOU MISERABLE!! So now I'm sipping on a FF cappy hoping the warmth will sooth my tummy.

Anniversary was good. While we were at dinner dh says with a suprise tone in his voice - wow you look pretty tonight. I have to admit I was working it - I wore a black turtleneck with a red wool jacket - kinda cute without buttons, just a little hook at the breast. But like all of you I am in desperate need of clothing - I've also asked Santa for cash for clothes and I want a exercise bike with the bigass seat on it, and a stained glass window <-- they're so pretty with the sun shining through.

Annie - wow - in the 150s! I can't wait to get there... but it aint gonna happen if I continue to eat like I have the past few days. Did you hide the scale in the closet like Nat does? hehe

Sweet - the chocolate fountains are to die for - we had a huge one at ds's wedding and I have a small one that my dd uses now and then. She just used it at Fridays party but when we were cleaning up we threw the chocolate away - we both agreed we don't need that in the house. Sounds like you will be having fun.

Maurden - hon, how much have you lost so far? When you say lack of progress what do you mean? And I have to say we are all the same way - its really hard to post when you have to admit to eating chips and dip all weekend and then (I won't mention names Kaydoll) others are rocking the exercise bodybugg stuff. Seriously hon, we all struggle and fail and pick ourselves up and get back to band basic and lose a little and struggle some more but we are doing it together. Like Nat said

I love ya'll. I know there are some bandsters who have hit their goal and the year isn't even up yet but then there are several more of us who have had to work at it and still have a ways to go. I was really impressed by a before/after pic of someone banded 5 years ago, she said it took her 3 years to lose the first 100 lbs and then 2 years to get the last 30 lbs off. But she looks GORGEOUS now. I figure if I lose 1 pound a month I will be at my ulitmate goal in 3 years. Don't look at the short term, take what you've lost so far - say 20 lbs - thats 2 lbs a month since Dec. - in 4 years that will be 100 lbs. . We all want to lose it faster but if we don't we gotta be happy we arent' gaining. I for one am VERY happy you didn't have gastric bypass - this is so much healthier.

I promised my treasurer that I would have the budget done today... so again, sorry I can't post to all of you but I love ya love ya love ya!

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Kay!!! Our Patriots Rock!!!!:rockon: WHAT A GAME!!! Sorry Bman!! But at least it was a fight to the end!

STEPH...glad to hear you had a good anniversary..and of course you were looking pretty!! You always do! When I eat hot pockets (which is RARE), I usually just eat the stuff out of the middle! lol

Sweethot...I have not yet started the couch to 5k, but did DL the first podcast. Truth is I was going to start today, but I'm so damn sore from a 4.5mile HIKE I did yesterday that there is just no way! I'm hoping to be recovered enough tomorrow to start though! :) Glad to hear you're still enjoying it!

NAT...congrats on the size 16s!!

BOO...congrats on getting Betty back!! Love the flames on the car!

Transformer...wow...225...I'd love to be that before the end of the year, but tha's still about 20 pounds away! I NEED to call that Dr. this week and see if I can get in for a fill under fluro!

Ok ladies...will be back later to type more...my boys are out of school today and tomorrow, so gotta go hang w/them for a bit. TTYL

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I Got My Fill On Saturday So Iam 7.4 Cc My God I Still Hungry I Am Soposed To Be In liquids Only And I Am Not I Will Start Tomarrow Really I Need To . But I Am So Hungry Has Anyone Felt This Way Before ?

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I have absolutely felt that way after a fill, aren't you supposed to be less hungry?? Mine always gets better the next day, in the morning, I reallys start to feel it. I am always tighter in the morning than I am at night, is anyone else like that?

Annie - Congrats on 150!! That is amazing....you should be really proud of yourself.

Nat - 16, not 16W way too go!! Regular size people clothes, you rock!

Anyway, couldn't get on this morning and panicked, thought maybe work blocked the address, thank god they didn't wouldn't be able to make it through the day without the LBT love!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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