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yeahh kaydot!! week 1 almost done! I just finished week 2. I am so excited to start week 3!

steph you can do it!!

Ok, so i had the most awful week of eating! the worst ever, even worse than preband. In the past 3 hours i've had 10 oreos!

and my freaking stomach is growling! I'm starving. I had pizza and nuggets today, and a glass of whole milk. and a ton of candy! I am going to get back on track here this weekend. But tuesday night my girlfriends are having a chocolate night. 2 chocolate fountains, one regular, one dark. I have to go, it's a church thing which I am in the presidency so I can't miss it. I really love chocolate and especially when it's coming off of a fountain. I am having dreams about it already. The fat girl in me still lives!!!!

So my hubby says I can get a body bugg if i want to, however, we are broker right now with all these trips planned. I want it so bad but don't know if I should go for it. we still have to get the kids Christmas gifts too. This modest military pay is really really being stretched. the crappy part is that I saved for all these trips then both cars needed over 2k in repairs this past month and then my Money sucking whore of a rental property we have needed 4k in repairs!. So that pretty much sucked my emergency fund dry.

Have a great weekend. check in with me couch to 5k girls! We are going to be running marathons! love it.

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I love all you guys!

That's all I came in to say. I have had the best day today. Really. And I didn't do anything. I spent time with my friends here on LBT, I watched a little tv, took a nap, washed my hair, had a good cry, ate a South Beach wrap, did a few loads of laundry and straightened up the living room. It was absolute perfection! I am so happy right now I could cry all over again! I feel relieved and so so so very lucky to have friends to share my lunacy with!

Kaydoll I 'll check in the exercise thread. I think I may want one of those BB things. I've still got $2k in tooth bills to pay, plus I know I'll need a car soon, but *shrug* It's only money, right? :)

Steph - Enjoy the flowers, love up on your man and happiest of anniversaries! Girl, enjoy your dinner. You just have to be doubly choosy if you go to the buffet place now!

sweethot - chocolate fountains? GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN! ((laughing)) Chocolate night sounds divine! I need girlfriends in town. I also need to win the lotto. *sigh*

I didn't exercise today. I'm about to go get on the elliptical tho. 30 minutes while we watch Blue's Clues. *eye roll* I hate that Joe guy. Steve is SOOOO much better! (LOL @ ME!)

Later Y'all! <---- I got the "Y'all" from Britney Spears. Saying it makes me laugh as much as saying Paris Hilton's "That's hot."


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Nat: I'm doing ok. Still dealing with issues (sugar a big one) but am feeling a lot better since I got a slight unfill. I'm not frustrated that I'm puking all the time yet I still have restriction. I just need to kick the sugar!!! Sometimes I think I should have just had gastric bypass, but I really don't want my insides hacked up.

I read here almost every day, but I don't post often because of my lack of progress. I do want to say that I do enjoy everyone's posts and thank everyone for sticking with this group. And now that we're headed into the Holiday season, we'll need to stick together even more!!!

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Kaydot...i ask about the pouch stretch b/c I'm afraid I've stretched mine b/c I've not been a model bandster recently. I'm not sure if i stretched it by eating too much or if it really has just loosened up since I haven't had a fill since May? Trying to see if there is a way to tell the difference b/w the two? I guess I really just need to call my Dr. on Monday and see if I can get a fill under fluro done!

NAT...glad you had such a great day!! hope your weekend goes just as well!! I have a busy one ahead!

Going to a winery and a comedy club today and tomorrow going on a hike and watching the Patriots kick some Colts ass hopefully! :confused:

Hope you all have a great one...

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watching the Patriots kick some Colts ass hopefully! :confused:

Oh no she didn't!

Those are fighting words here in the great city of Indianapolis. I can say with certainty that the Pats are gonna be feeling the sting of an 8 - 1 record come Monday morning. So much for perfection...

Well... so much for perfection unless you are the Indianapolis Colts! 8 - 0 will feel oh so good... Won't it?

Dungy, Peyton and the boys will have it all under control come Sunday. Don't you worry about that.

I already have the party planned out for Sunday's kickoff at 4:15pm. I will be back to console you on sunday night VABand!


oh yeah... GO COLTS!

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Hey girls! I am so so so so so so happy!!!

Betty is back, there are a few things that need to be fixed still, but she is home where she belongs. I am so freaking happy! :confused:

Here is the new Betty!


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Oh no she didn't!

Those are fighting words here in the great city of Indianapolis. I can say with certainty that the Pats are gonna be feeling the sting of an 8 - 1 record come Monday morning. So much for perfection...

Well... so much for perfection unless you are the Indianapolis Colts! 8 - 0 will feel oh so good... Won't it?

Dungy, Peyton and the boys will have it all under control come Sunday. Don't you worry about that.

I already have the party planned out for Sunday's kickoff at 4:15pm. I will be back to console you on sunday night VABand!


oh yeah... GO COLTS!

OH NOOOO!!!! We are going to have some brawling on the board. I am a diehard Pats girl (even back when they were horrendous!).

Me and VA and going to team up on you Brandi!

Ha! At any rate, it should be an exciting game with the 2 undefeated teams playing each other. We'll see on Monday who gets the bragging rights. I just look forward to an exciting game.

Go Patriots!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

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Niki---AWWWWW there is our band baby!! I want to just come over there and steal him! :confused: Those are so great!! Congratulations to you! I think you are going to give me baby fever! ??? yeah, there I said it... :(

I have missed you all these last few days! lol....I got my car back and have been driving everywhere! lol...I think I am trying to make up for 6 weeks without her in 1 week! lol.... I had midterms this week, thank god they're over! :D

Claud--lol you and tequila...lol...I told ya I am a martinni girl! :)

I have missed you all! Big big hugs, back to my paper! lol...

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She is looking hot Booboo---not as hot as you of course.

VA-sounds like you are having another fun weekend. enjoy. I will be thinking of you while the Pats trample those Colts (hehe B-man). Let me know what happens when you talk to your MD. I bet it has a lot to do with not having had a fill and losing weight. I could eat a ton before I got this last fill and I had that same time span as you have now in between fills.

Nat-I love you too girl. Y'all crack me up! I hear Britney say that too. So freaking funny..."it's Britney bitch" hahahaha. So glad you had that R&R day yesterday. And you are right, it is only money, so buy yourself a bugg if the price is right...join me in debt as we work our way to skinny bitches...

I LOVE MY BUGG! I should be a spokesperson. ha. It is totally keeping me accountable and I love seeing my calorie burn. I am a solid 208 this morning. HELLO....after weeks of plateau. AND I actually went and did my run thing in the pouring rain today. How is that for motivated. I just hope it lasts. I am sorry that you all will have to deal with my excitement and blathering on about this thing but deal..that is what friends are for! ha.

Steph-how was the anniversary dinner?

Today is my anniversary. We are having a little Nor'Easter. It is cold, my heat is not working, and it is dreary outside. AND I have to study. Happy flipping anniversary to me......hehe

Have a great one..I am sure I will be back later to check in when I get SICK of studying.

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Oh, it's ok my BLUE blood can take it! :-) HA! I will forgive you both for liking the Patriot... everyone makes mistakes :confused:

hehehe - GO COLTS!

You are both right though... i think this is going to be one HELL of a game! I can't wait. Nothing like seeing the two best go head to head. THAT is what a football game should be...

On a side note - Indianapolis is going to be a freakin MAD HOUSE this weekend. Either a party in the streat... or a riot depending on how things go! haha

Boo - Congrats on getting Betty back!

I want a BODYBUGG damn it! Are they really on sale for $180?? if so please put the link up... i might have to go further in debt with you too! I've wanted one for so flippin' long! I KNOW it would be the think to get me movin again!

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GO GREEN! :confused:

Ok I am asking, no begging for my girls to rally around my Spartans today! We need all the good vibes we can get. We play UofM today. I need this win! lol...


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You ladies made me laugh this morning...

So I need to officially update my ticker. I was 218.5 this morning. I stepped on that scale 4x. Then I put it in the closet. (Stop laughing, Steph!)

We're on our way for an all-day outing. I know that my insane toddler will be the death of me today, because he's already acting like crazy 2 year old Tazmanian devil child. I am out of clothes. It's a problem, but it's a good problem to have. All of the clothes in my closet are either too big (saggy ass pants) or too small (size 12 or 14).

I am going to JC Penny to hopefully find some black slacks and a pair of jeans. Also going to Burlington Coat Factory for a winter coat. It's supposed to snow next week. I'm going to get more soap - my Valentine's soap gift (thanks again Annie!) is out. DS needs long sleeved shirts and turtle necks for winter, so we're going to pick a few up. Oh, and I am out of perfume - that was my 220lb reward. Our last stop is the grocery store. We're making chili tonight! (YUM) Did I mention it's supposed to snow next week? Winter is falling upon us. *sigh*

I realized the other day that I am saving SO MUCH MONEY lately! Money that I used to spend on food and eating out! It's amazing. Truly truly amazing.

B'man's "OH NO SHE DIDN'T" made me cackle. Ya nutty bitch ya! And yes, GO COLTS! *ducking out of Kdoll and VAB's reach* How are you feeling today, girlfriend? Glad you found a new friend! Lord knows I need a new friend. In a bad bad bad bad way.

BBT - glad Betty is back in the old barn tonight! I love the flame-looking paint job. Looks really cool! What is that, a Jetta? Nice, chica!

Kaydoll - I am seriously thinking about getting a BB. I just spent $1300 on plane tickets last night, and STILL have to buy tix for Christmas. I was panicking over finances until last night when I said "FUGGIT!" So we're going to travel for the rest of the year and then be total paupers through July.

VAB - You didn't slip your band or stretch your pouch, your shit is too loose cuz you need a fill! Go and get a fill and you'll see the difference immediately! You probably just have no restriction, so you can suck down anything. Half chew a piece of steak and swallow it down to see what happens. I double dog dare ya! ((laughing))

Maudie my love, I feel your pain. I am a total sugar whore. I admit it. Sugar is my downfall. I gave up smoking without a 2nd thought. I can go without eating meat and chips/dips and even do without wine/booze. But sugar is my pimp. I have to psych myself up NOT to eat it, and then go cold turkey. I recognize that I'll have headaches and be irritable for a week or so, but I take it 1 day at a time. Just do it. You have control over what you put in your mouth. And if that means that one day you need to sit and literally gorge yourself on sugar to the point where it makes you sick so that you don't WANT it, then do it. I challenge sugar. I keep a big bowl of candy on my desk at work and refuse to eat it. I have a FUGG YEW attitude toward that bowl. (Mind you, the first couple weeks I had it there, I would make MEALS out of the candy!)

The best thing of all, Maudie my love, is that after a week you will see a difference on the scale. After 2 weeks you'll see MORE of a difference! For me, giving up sugar and sweets gives me the BIGGEST response on the scale. Eating sugar causes a chemical change in your body that causes addiction in some people. When I need sweet, I suck on sugar free hard candies (SF Cream Savers candies are SO good!) for a fix. You just have to be strong, be disciplined and do it. YOU CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT! Don't not post because of your lack of progress. I do that, too and it really isn't fair to any of us. :confused: We need you as much as you need to be here. I hope your unfill helps. Maybe do soft foods and liquids for a day or two to give your innards a rest? Or do they make you pukey, too?

I know sometimes you guys have got to think "why doesn't she just STFU" when I get going... Sorry. I don't mean to sound all preachy or know-it-ally. Just trying to help, really. *HUGS*

Anyhow, it's noon. Time to hit the road. In 4 hours I'll be back, crazier and broker than I am right now. :(

Love Y'all!


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Hi Everyone!

VABandster—yes, I did have my fill done under fluoro this time. I drink a chalky liquid so he can see it go down to make sure the fill isn’t too tight. I’m glad he said everything looks healthy while doing the fill—no slippage or stretching or anything like that! Phew!

Nathalie—I know how you feel about work. I’ve brought work home every night this week, but haven’t been able to force myself to work on it until today. Stupid deadlines! Pushing hard all the time gets really old after a while! You’re going to laugh, but I just caught on to what “boolsheet” is! LOL I’m SO naïve sometimes! :doh: About your crazy teacher comment—we had three headlines in a row on my local news about teachers yesterday. One resigned after drugs and alcohol were found in his car, an AP is in trouble for growing and selling pot out of his house, and a middle school teacher is in hot Water for being drunk at 11 AM in school! Of course I’m in education, so I watch these stories with great interest! So much for educators taking the moral high road to set a good example for kids! Yikes! By the way, you crack me up so bad—I’m going to add “cookiefest” to my vocabulary! LOL Thanks for the tip about shopping on eBay. I might try that, too (see the details of my Quest to find “normal” clothes below)!

Kaydotrn—Congratulations on the 208.5! :wow2: I think things are really starting to get exciting for us now that we’re seeing some new numbers we haven’t see for a long time! Progress is really energizing, isn’t it? When I get down to about 206, that’ll be the lowest weight I’ve been in the last decade.

Nikki32—Don’t forget about that beautiful bandbaby you have growing in there (love the ultrasound pics)! :preggers:We are all probably going to start driving you crazy as we keep losing and you have to gain some weight to make sure you little cutie patootie stays healthy! We’ll have to remember to be sensitive to that as your pregnancy progresses so you don’t think we’re a bunch of meanies!

Beversman—You really do inspire me! Just seeing your ticker every time I log on reminds me that I could be doing so much better than I have been. You’ve already lost 90 pounds and I’m not even at 50 yet (going by my “official” weigh-ins)! Unfortunately, the closer we all get to our goal weight, the harder it’s going to be for all of us to lose. It is going to be a frustrating time without a doubt, but think of the radical transformation you’ve put your body through so far this year. I bet it’s stuck because it’s saying “WTF?” I think it’s good that you remain focused on eating right and exercising. When your body is ready, I think the weight loss will start up again. Plateaus really rot! I’ve never taken Effexor before, but I am on Cymbalta now. I’m not suffering from any weird side effects, which is a good thing. I’m so glad you got to spend some time with friends! Good for you! By the way, since my hometown is an hour outside of Boston, MA, I guess I have to root for the Patriots this week, too (even though I’m not a die-hard football fan). Sorry about that—it’s a matter of geography, not because I don’t love ya! LOL :cheer2:

StephC—Roses! I LOVE roses! You lucky girl—enjoy them while they last! :D

Maurdan—So glad the “unfill” helped! You don’t want to be puking all the time! I agree that killing the old sweet tooth is a tough thing to do!

Boo Boo Kitty—You got your faithful car back—hooray! Another obstacle has been overcome! :car:

I’m very happy to report that I’m back to 225 on my home scale today! Now I can get back to weighing myself once a week like a good girl instead of being a scale-obsessed lunatic. I’m hoping my new fill amount will help me lose faster. I’m still mad that I looked like an idiot at my weigh-in because the scale had only gone down 4 pounds. Sometimes the scale is just my enemy! :)

I’m going to ask for gift cards for clothes for Christmas this year. I’m running out of things to wear! Two more of my tops have got to go (so loose I’ll be flashing my boobies in front of everyone whenever I bend over soon). I don’t know if you have these problems or not. There’s nothing I want to buy in the stores either. The only suits on sale are sparkly holiday outfits that are inappropriate for work. I don’t wear sweaters because I’m always too hot (except for right now since my heat pump is broken). The “in” thing this fall is loose geometric print blouses and dresses that will only make me look pregnant (no band babies for me, unlike Nikki!). My baby factory is down for the count—I’m much more “into” other people’s cute little babies these days. I can coo at them, make silly faces, and then give them back! By the way, anyone out there want a 6’4” teenager? I’d be more than happy to rent out my moody DS to anyone who wants a trial run to find out what raising a teen is like. Hee, hee! Don’t mind the random thoughts of the insane single mom…back to my clothes dilemma. Where has all of the classic clothing gone? I don’t want to waste money on “trendy” clothes that will be out of style next week. Sigh! Maybe it’s time to surf the web for clothes or to try consignment shops??

Everyone is so excited about the couch to 5K podcast thingy that I guess I’d better break down and look it up online! Peer pressure can be a beautiful thing sometimes! LOL :music:

Alright…I gotta get my little ADD self :bounce:motivated to go work on all of the wonderful things in my life like the stupid laundry, the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, and trying to get my bipolar dude to shovel out the mess he’s made once again this week. That boy leaves a trail of mayhem and destruction behind him! Time for some heavy duty nagging! :(

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! :confused:

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P.S. 22 lbs until I'm "overweight." I think I'm going to give myself a "Not so fat" party. **laughing**

I can't wait to see DS's father this Christmas. I'll show up skinny and confident. Last time he saw me I was about 280lbs. And I won't give his big ole 6'8" handsome charming sexy-as-hell deadbeat azz the time of day. :heh: :clap2:

I make myself laugh.

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Nat Nat--you shouldn't give his azz the time of day! :confused: Turn his head and then slap his hand away! :( Yes, Betty is a Jetta. A TDi model so I get about 52 miles per gallon! That us why I love her so!

Transformer--I am asking for the same thing. I don't want anyone to buy me clothes, but I need them. My mom buys me some of the ugliest clothes ever...lol...so I don't want anyone from her.

AND BTW...Nat Nat quit saying that sh*t. I will be hopefull that it will not come!

My Spartans are loosing, guess I can't have it all right??

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