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Steady losers ;-)

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Hey all hope you are doing well. Sorry I havent been around Life is crazy busy. Looks like you are all losing well. I am slow like usual I made it over 50 lbs gone-- for me a MIRACLE ! So we will see where I get. I am not going to make it to the 75 lb down mark by the end of the year as I hoped. But I am still hoping for 65 down! Jill

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Hey girls, I have to share! I am so freaking happy!! I had these jeans that DH made me by last year, size 10 my goal size. I was actually pissed off like hell he made me buy them. Anyways, I had no pants to put on and I was cold. SO I grabbed them from the back of the closet and thought I just want to see how much longer till I can wear them....

WELL....they fit, and I look awsome! I love them! lol....I have been wearing 14 and my bf has been making fun of me, now I know why! :fish2:

SO I am NOW at my goal size!! Before surgery!! YEAH!!! :car: I am sooo happy!

Steph-No I have never wanted small boobs, but I need to get a reduction, and now I have mostly skin, not breast tissue. Plus my insurance is paying for it! I guess if I don't love them I will buy new ones... :tea:

Claud--give me a call anytime you want and we can chat! I am super excited to finally meet you! :)

:) Annie how is the car? Loving it?

Jill--how is your little one doing? I am sorry things are going slow for you, it will get better! Stress can screw you up.

And BTW, Steph---that scared the shit out of me....

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Hey Steadies!! Man....it feels like forever since I last posted!!

Thanks Steph for asking about me!!

BOO...glad to hear you finally laid it on the line w/your hubby...You looked HOT in that bridesmaide dress btw!! congrats on getting to your goal size!

Annie...NICE Wheels!!! I'm sure all the guys will be checkin you and your hot new bod out now! :)

BMAN....I am at 3.4 or 3.5 ccs in my 4.0 band...almost the same as you and I'm afraid I may have stretched something too b/c sometimes I can eat way too much also!! although I think really I've just been doing the shi* Grazing also....I've had a few parties lately and end up w/all sorts of crap leftovers. Since I"m still unemployed, I end up grazing on it all throughout the day :-( I've GOT to get my eating under control I know I need a fill....but have just not been motivated enough to go get one. I've been pretty depressed now that my severance is up and I'm still not found a job.

I have a few interviews this week though, so keep your fingers crossed!!!

STEPH...glad to hear you had some good family time! I can't imagine what its' going to be like when my oldest goes off to college next year....ugh!!

JILL...just think, you're still in a MUCH better place now than you were this time last year!! Keep up the good work!

NAT.....Welcome BACK GIRL!!! We missed you!!!

Anyone else I missed.....HI! hope you're all doing well!!

I'll be back later to post more and will try to keep up this time!! :fish2:

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Hey Ladies -

Checking in. Work is kicking my azz -- not only from the tasks, but political games ppl are playing. I am exhausted. Things are going great though. I love being challenged.

Last night I pumped out 45 minutes on the elliptical. I'm going for a solid hour tonight. I need to eat something before I get on that thing. I have had tea, 4 crackers with cheese and a handful of teddy grahams today. (laugh) That is pitiful!

One of these days I'm going to get around to doing personals. I'm just a selfish lil bitch, I guess. *laugh*

Love to see you guys here and posting! I love you more than ever! I'll be back in the swing of things soon. And I think I'm taking pictures this Sunday. 10 months out! I need to share my progress.

More later!


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Legal troubles: no new news. UGH! and grrrr


15 minute jog - 1 mile

15 - 20 minutes weight lifting and crunches

2 sets of lungs (20) reps

2 sets of squats (trying to grow a booty)

30 minutes on the elliptical

calories for the day - just under 1000

Got some new pictures... so here ya all go.

I wore the size 4's for you ladies :)

I am so trying to get my scale moving the bastard is still stuck and mocking me. So, happy for all of you plastic surgery mamma's! Cant wait for my "someday"

Vaband - girl, love ya. we are so much alike - ha! that job is coming girl. So glad you came back to say hello. Ive been worried about ya!

Jillrn - welcome back!

Kaydot! hello!

Nat! so glad you're back to posting...you elliptical crazy bitch! hehe






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Hey Jill so good to hear from you!!! You're doing GREAT, over 50 lbs is great. I think I'm a slow loser too but its slow and steady and I'm ok with that.

Boo - wtg on the 10's!!! Thats exactly how I was feeling when I tried on a 12, I didn't think they would go up over my leg and when they did I flipped out! I gave my neice most of my 14's but kept a couple pairs of work pants just bc I have nothing else. Well I put on a pair of slacks today and thought wow these are comfy and went to work. I just went to the restroom and theres a full length mirror on the door, I did a turn and went omg! These slacks are hanging on me.

Bman - girl.. you are looking hot! size 4 - unreal!!! You look maaaaaaaaavolus!

Va - good luck on the interviews hon. You know when my son was a senior I started crying, I cried for months until I finally went on Effexor - it was just so hard for me having my kids grow up - I guess I've come to terms with it now but I still have rough moments. Did I tell you how I took a pic of my youngest on the first day of school - her senior year? LOL She said MOM! I'm not in kindergarten and I said I know but I'll never have another first day of school - for my own kids - again. I'm a sap.

Nat - good to hear you doing so well - you sound happy. I can't wait to see your pics.

I've been sick everyday now for the past 3 days - 2 nights ago I ate eggs benedict and puked all night - blamed it on the eggs or toast - yesterday stupid me ate a english muffin with p.butte - puked for 2 hours - today I ate a very small - maybe a half - peice of french toast - puking and hurting again! Am I just STUPID!!! NO bread STEPH!!! Good grief I'm freeking miserable!!

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OMG B-man...I left a comment on your myspace as well. You are looking amazing. I don't think you could actually lose more...you will be 2 dimensional!!! I am so proud of you. You must feel wonderful! Great work. I cannot get over your side view. Where did you get those tiny legs? I want some!!!! :)

VA-glad to see you. I am sorry nothing has happened on the job front yet. It will, just don't you hate not knowing when? Best of luck on the interviews this week. I am thinking positive thoughts!

Nat-get on that elliptical and crank it out. You are doing great. Eat something. Those little teddy grahams just ain't gonna cut it! :confused: I was thinking of your buffalo chicken whip. I have been sticking some grilled chicken in the food processor with Ken's buffalo sauce, chunk it like a chicken salad consistency and I plop it on a green salad. I add some sliced banana peppers (yum) and a little blue cheese dressing. SOOOO good. It is my favorite lunch/dinner. I feel like I am getting the yummy buffalo fingers but they are not all fried and I am getting my veggies.

I am off to get my fill today..I hope. I am fluctuating the same darn few pounds. I am hoping this will jumpstart things and not be too hard. My MD does 3 days liquids and 3 days mushies. WTF..I haven't been on liquids in so long. I forget what to eat. I am going to have to buy some Protein Shakes since all I have left in the house is the Peach nectar and I can only do that once in a while. It doesn't stay with me for any length of time. I guess I should get some Soup today too. Nothing like being prepared.

Well, I am off. Wish me luck. I feel silly that I am going to the MD after 5 or so months and down about 5 pounds. sad sad

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what's up ladies?

kaydot-good luck on the fill! i had one last week and it still hasn't kicked in! I'm patiently waiting.

brandi- the tummy is shrinking! loving the size 4 jeans on you! do you live in them? A size four isn't even in my dreams! i have some thighs that would stop me from that! I'm ecstatic that 13 are getting loose. I can't wait to slip 11's on! I haven't been in that size since i was 15.

I'm still Southbeaching it, i went back to phase one to lose faster, i'm so impatient. so i'm on day 3 of no sugar or bread. getting easier. this weekend will be hard we are going up to a big miliary base for a dr. appt. and all there is to eat there is fast food, so i'm guessing i will go with somesort of salad. or 6'' sub and just eat the filling.

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thanks for the encouragement ladies... its been almost 3 months since I lost a damn thing. I did my same work out tonight... weights, ab works... walked a mile -- 30 min on the elliptical. UGH - im tired.

it is almost 2am... must go to bed.

thanks again you guys. only 30 or 40 more lbs to go!

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hello all!

I've been wondering if I'm too tight but decided I'm just making some WRONG food choices. I was doing really well when I would skip Breakfast - or eat a banana - then a frozen dinner for lunch and whatever for supper. But its when I try to eat breakfast that I get sick, I think its bc I just can't tolerate the 'typical' bk foods, breads, cereals, eggs. I definitely loosen up in the evenings. I got on the scale this morning and I was down a pound - woohoo. I cherish each and every pound gone. (As slow as it may be)

Sweethot - I know how you feel about that smaller size and I don't know how you can do the southbeach diet - I suck at carb counting. I dont' think of myself as a big carb eater but even when I'm watching it I eat way too many carbs.

Kay how'd the fill go? I know it's hard to tell when you're in the liquid/mushie phase - keep us posted.

Bman - hon - don't fret about the plateau - you are a monster on the machines and probably just building muscle.

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Kaydot...don't feel silly! I haven't had a fill since April myself!! I still feel restriction, its just that I've been eating crap (sugar, Cookies, chips, etc) and grazing, so I've only lost 10 pounds since the end of June...how depressing! I hope you get a good fill!

Steph...I haven't started crying yet, but I'm sure I will in the spring when all the graduation stuff starts!! I got a call yesterday that I have a 2nd interview w/the CEO and SVP on Tues of the company I interviewed with earlier this week! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Sweethot...good for you for SBing it! That's what i need to do, but can't seem to get on track!

BMAN....I'm with you on the stuck weight loss! I've only lost 10 pounds since the end of June....ugh!! Although I guess its better than gaining, right?? :cool:

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Hey thanks all for the outreach regarding my fill & issues.

So I went to my appt a little bit with my tail between my legs. I was in for a surprise because I was praised for doing such a great job. HUH? I tell you, my nutritionist and surgeon put things in such a different perspective for me. They went on about the fact that I have lost 52.5% of my excess weight in 10 months. They said they shoot for 35-70%. Therefore I am doing fine. My nutritionist also went on to praise me for my workouts and good habits. She said that I should be very proud of myself and that I have been very consistent especially on minimal restriction.

I was really feeling a lot better. I had been doubting myself since I have not lost as much as many here. I was reminded that we are all different, have different medical histories and lifestyles and I should not be comparing (so hard not to!).

I am doing better. I am eating healthier than I was this time last year. I do have much better habits and my body is fitter and stronger than it has been in years. Why do I tend to focus on the negative????

At any rate, I got a fill and am up to 1.8cc. He feels it is aggressive and I really need to keep an eye on how I feel when I am back to solids. Of course according to my md's rules I am on liquids for 4 days and mushies for 4....dread! So I won't really know for a week or so. Thanks again everyone for your support!

VA-i am keeping my fingers crossed on that second interview!

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what's up ladies?

kaydot-good luck on the fill! i had one last week and it still hasn't kicked in! I'm patiently waiting.

brandi- the tummy is shrinking! loving the size 4 jeans on you! do you live in them? A size four isn't even in my dreams! i have some thighs that would stop me from that! I'm ecstatic that 13 are getting loose. I can't wait to slip 11's on! I haven't been in that size since i was 15.

I'm still Southbeaching it, i went back to phase one to lose faster, i'm so impatient. so i'm on day 3 of no sugar or bread. getting easier. this weekend will be hard we are going up to a big miliary base for a dr. appt. and all there is to eat there is fast food, so i'm guessing i will go with somesort of salad. or 6'' sub and just eat the filling.

Thanks Sweethot!

BTW, I too was South Beaching over the last couple months. I would do the Phase 1, then fall off the wagon because of some event, then drag myself back on board. I was getting a little down about it. When I was doing it, I would drop like 8 pounds and fall off and maybe 6 of them would creep back on. I did this a few times since the summer. It was messing with my psyche. When I was at the nutritionist this week, I told her about that. She told me I need to stop the diet mentality. I should be able to eat healthy without putting myself through that "detox" torture. It was like a lightbulb went off. I want desperately to not "diet" anymore. I have been doing it for most of my life.

That being said, I still see amazing benefits to knocking as much of that white processed crap out of our diets for the sake of good health. I just hate that feeling i get when southbeaching that as soon as I had something that was not allowed, I had undid all my hard work.

Do you ever feel that way Sweet? I am not trying to put my experience on you, just wondering if you share similair pitfalls. Of course, whatever works for anyone of us, we should work it, right? I am just wondering if you too go through that stress with the diet.

Good luck this weekend at your outing.:o

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