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Steady losers ;-)

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Steph--I am sory hun. My insurance doesn't pay for a full tt either. BUT I can get the panni and pay extra for the tt, like $2k. I am surpised they didn't offer that to you! I would look into another place if I were you. You shouldn't have to pay for the full tt, I don't.

I go on the 8th of October so it is right around the corner.

Brandi--I agree with you completely. I feel the same way everyday, I thought it was the magic I needed...pffff...

Claud--I don't know if having a child will make you happy or not. Only you know that! I think it is something you can think about seriously and decide if it is right for you. I could think of worse things that having a child with your best friend!

Faith--my parts were in the backseat of m y car, they opened the hood to look for damage and they fell out. That is their storyu anyways, they know I am paying attention so I expect less hanky panky...

Va--are you feeling better sweetie? Sorry about the job stuff....life can stink somedays...ugh..

I went to the chriropracter today and it made me feel SOOO much better. My car insurance is paying for it as well as massage! That did not feel so good since my muscles are a wreck...oh well....

Brandy, I'm all yours Monday morning October 8th at 0800! I'll be there for ya, babe!

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hey ladies.

I put up some pics on before and after. I was a bit disappointed with them, I look a lot bigger than I thought I did. Now i finally have some full body pics to compare to in a few months.

32 more lbs to lose by year end. My goal was 40 and I've lost 8 so far this month! gotta love South Beach. I just hope I can stay on it this time. It works like crazy! My body apprently doesn't tolerate sugar and simple carbs at all, the scale doesn't budge if I have one bite of bread.

Brandi- how is your low carbing it coming?

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Hey ladies!

Boo...glad to hear the chrio helped you feel better!

Steph...sounds like you are one lucky woman to have such a supportive husband!

I've been really down in the dumps this week. This not having a job and my severance ending has really hit me hard, not to mention a guy I had a crush on has decided that he wants to date this other girl he'd met before me. I always seem to have such crappy timing when it comes to men. UGH....and my eating has been out of control since I'm home all day and Bored out of my skull!!! I just munch endlessly....instead of doing my 3 meals a day. NOT a good bandster AT ALL!!! :-(

Although I did get my butt on the elliptical yesterday and monday and am going to do it again tomorrow....so hopefully that'll keep some of the damage down.

Anyways, if you don't see much of me here, you'll know why....you guys seem to all be getting back on track and I'm really struggling :rose:

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Vaband - Brandi is NOT back on track... i am trying... trying hard... BUT it isn't working.

BUT I have to admit... I dont think i am anywhere close. I've only lost 15 pounds in the past 2.5 months. It is ridiculous. I've been low carbing it till yesterday and decided to eat some of the low calorie medifast meals that I had from pre-op. They have 15 carbs in each one.

So, is low calorie best... or low carb and a bit more calories. I can't F$ing tell! I am frustrated and pissed off and don't understand how I can exercise like I do... eat 800-1000 calories and lose NOTHING!? WTF?

If that sounds like "on track" -- haha -- I'm in trouble.

So don't worry VaBand. your not the only one. I've been struggling for months. It sucks. I only lost 4 lbs since July 31st. WITH 15 miles a day of biking and low carbs... I thought physically I would have HAD to have lost something.

I hate this shit some days... i really do.


hang in there with the job girl. I know how that can reek havoc on the mind and the body - when you are worrying about something like that. I' ll have you in my thoughts and prayers girl!

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Brandi---- BIG BIG hugs sweetie. I think you are doing everything right, don't be so damn hard on yourself! You are creating a new you, a new life, a new outlook! You have done so freaking fantastic, need I remind you girl you bought (and wear) a size 4, a freaking 4! I will never see that no matter how hard I try! You rock. I am sorry your body is being a bitch, it will get better. Could it be that you need more calories?

Anyway you are not gaining weight, you are doing good, even if you don't feel like it!

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I saw Betty today, they have ordered parts and will begin working on her tommorow! I am so happy she is not being totaled. Insurance got it down to a bit over $7 k in damage. I don't care as long as I get my Betty back.

I am thinking of having flames put on her, it would only cost about $800 extra because she will already be stipped down. I was thinking blue ghost flames, I am debating if I want to spend the money or not. I have wanted them, and if I wait it will be $2,300 to strip her back down and clear coat, ect. AND of course more time without her. I miss her so much...lol...yes girls this is me obsessed with my car...lol..

I have to drive a Nissan Sentra till I get her back. I hate it, with a passion I hate it. Only 35 miles to the gallon, and guess what this car is automatic....I hate automatics....ugh....lol...I call this car P.O.S. :)

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Bman - Hon, 15 lbs in 2 1/2 months is great!!! I'm thrilled to lose 5 lbs a month!!! Remember that the less you have to lose the harder it is to lose it. You are way to hard on yourself. You and I are in the same position, we both have 27-28 lbs left to lose and it is a lot harder then the first 28 lbs. But we'll do it.

Va - I'm sorry you're feeling down. Things will turn around and like I've said before enjoy your 'single' time. You all know I love my dh, but I envy the single life too. Everything I do I have to think about how it'll affect him, or the kids - one of the nice things about him working out of town is that I don't have to worry about him, his supper or if he's got something planned, so remember theres always some bad with the good. I think you're needing another fill. I was munching too much before this fill. Now... I just ate half of a tuna sandwich and I'm stuffed. I won't eat again until dinner. The other thing, and I know its hard bc you have the teenage boys in the house, is get that junk out of there. Last weekend when we were in DC before bed dh went down to the snack machine and I asked for chocolate - sometimes when I'm craving it I can just take a bite and I'm done. So he brought me M&M's, I ate 5-10 and put them in my purse, the next morning I gave them to my dil - :) If I wouldn't have I'd have ate the whole bag. Sounds like you're doing good on the elliptical - thats a tough machine.

Sweethot - I didnt' look yet but I'm going to check out your pics. How's soccer?

Boo - get the flames- if you can afford it and if you would be doing it anyway. I'm glad they're fixing Betty for you. As far as the ps goes, I don't think I'd go anywhere else. I know there's other good dr's out there but I don't think I'm ready yet. Are you having the surgery the 8th or just going to your first appointment?

Love ya girls

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FFS, DO it! Absolutely, put those blue flames on there! That would look fab!

I'm struggling, too. But it's hand to mouth disease in my case.

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Why do I do the things I do? I went to the store after work - just me home and its been a while since I've had steak so I got a nice t bone - cooked it up, and I know I can't eat it all so I cut of the smaller, more tender side, maybe a half a cup full, made some onion and mushroom, nephew came down so he ate the other, larger half - all is good. BUT do I stop there? NOOOOOOOOO ... I start digging around trying to find something sweet. I just ate a cannoli. Well a half a cannoli left over from my dd last night. Now my belly hurts. Slap me! Its not about the calories, with all that I'm still less then 900 today but its about the tummy ache. I have an open house to go to at my dd school tonight and I'm miserable. OH and to top it off I got my period. Just shoot me.

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STEPH...don't be too hard on yourself...at least you didn't eat the ENTIRE steak and the ENTIRE Cannoli!!! I'm sure that's what you would have done in the past, no??? So....don't worry about it. shake it off and move on! :)

You are probably right that I need a fill.....I need to get out to CO To see my surgeon and see if he'll do one under fluro to make sure everything is OK and I haven't stretched my pouch out.

BOO.....glad you're getting Betty Back!!! That's great news!! Congrats!!

Brandi.....Sorry to hear you're struggling as much as I am....Wish I could offer you some magic advice, but if I could, I'd hopefully take it myself! I have only lost 10 pounds since the end of June, so I'm losing even more slowly than you and I still have quite a bit of weight to lose!! I've just been a slacker and a bad bandster. Hang in there....we will find our MOJO somewhere! I know its out there! ;-)

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hey whats happening in here steady losers

i sense negativity creeping in you must know deep down how amazing you all are !!!!feck me just take a look at the women we were when we started on here when we were all HUGE and on a road to ill health and felt crappy ,ok we didnt transform into super models but god we look amazing we tell each other honestly ,our friends are amazed, we no longer wear those clothes, we have great days ,crappy days,non discript days thats life girls .

brandi ....you are totally changed you are gorgeous !!dedicated beyond us all and the ONE who has embraced a total life change ...ok so mr right not been found but you (mrs right)is alive and well and mr right will be so lucky when he finds you !!! im so glad i met you as i always had someone to show me that it can be done .

boo boo...you are such a darling and a great listener with no judgements and an amazing bander look how much weight you have lost ,a whole person got of your back

sweethot...va...steph..claudia..faith...bk...brandi ..boo boo

we have lost........SIX HUNDRED & FORTY NINE POUNDS between us

thats alot of fat girls can you imagine if we could see what that looks like laid out in front of us ..........WE BLOODY WELL ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!

well mondays the day for me

i go for unfill (total)faint.gifi tried to negotiate a half out now, half later approach but they not happy for me to have any restriction ,(ive lost 12 pounds in last month eek.gif i know thats not good and know i need unfill so girls i need your positive mode to return .

ps...love you all to bits.... you keep me on track :kiss2:



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Nikki - thank you so much, im just being a silly cow... haha

I tend to do that from time to time. thank you for saying such nice things. you ARE right. we have all come a long way. We've lost soooo much.

I just hate that my head doesn;t always see that. I've just had a couple weeks where it feels like I did it for nothing. I know that isn't true, but lonely me think so. Wish you were a hit man... you're acutally in the right country to do something about my ex who ran away. I hate NOT being over him. No matter how far i come he is still right there. I can't get away from his memory no matter how far I;ve come. he is always there.

i will keep at it though. even when i am down, and i will always be here if you need a pick me up or someone to talk to! We have a band-baby on the way! our first one, steadies!! We have to stick together and get him/her here safely! dont worry about the unfill. you will be fine girl. Just remember what you've learned about eating :-)

thanks again everyone for the kind words. i know you are all right. i just hate doing this alone. just a new friend to share it with would be enough. i am just very lonely here :) thank you all for being here for me online.

you are all that i've got my steadies (new and old). love you all!

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Hey girls! I am so nervous I am on my way to my cousins wedding today! I will post some pics of me so you can all see the new hot me! :) lol....

Faith-it will get better! See if you need a fill, measure if you can eat more than a cup or so!

Steph-just first consult on the 8th!

Va-thanks I am happy as hell to be getting her back. I am gonna do the flames if I can find the $$... lol...

Nikki--I agree I love everyone here. How are you feeling? How is our band baby?

Brandi--we love you, please start feeling better!

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boo you look amazing ..gorgeous dress

it made me laugh though as this morning i was parading around bedroom in a bridesmaid dress i wore last time i lost weight and i thought heck i wish i could find a place to wear it....lol

i think il take pic and show you though tummy looks a bit full and it aint baby belly yet ,its just my fat has fallen down around me..lol

i dont know how our little band baby is yet as i dont get scan until 27th of october ...im going to ask sex ...i have four boys and really want to go pink mad in buying equipment if i get a girl ,but to be honest in my heart i feel it another little laddie..dont mind as long as he/she is safe and growing well.

i took some pics of me the other day but was disappointed as thought i looked bigger than i feel ..does that make sense to anyone else,my goal weight i think is too high now, but i cant worry about that now but after my little babs is here i think i will have to rethink my goal.

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