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just popped in to say hi

i finally gave in and deciced to phone surgeon and tell him im pregnant( im not eating enough) .i did ask him for partial unfill like half now half later but noooooooooo they insist on total unfill grrrrrrrr so appointment 1st of october i dont have scan until 27th of october so il know then if everything ok and hopefully it will feel real and not just something i talk about,my weight has really been moving down in last few weeks which im excited about then feel guilty about because im worried baby not getting enough good stuff to grow ,but selfishly i am terrified of watching the scale and waist band increase.im 12 weeks on tuesday so still very early days so wouldnt have gained much at this point anyway .ive never gained more than 28lbs on any of my 4 previous pregnancys but have huge fear because body used to little small meals if i eat normally or worse like piggy those damm scales going to fly back up,but heck im going to think positive im going to gain just baby weight and be fabulous ..oh apart from the jelly that going to behanging below baby bump ewwwwwwwwwww,ive been emailing surgeons about body lifts for next year i.e after goal has been achieved and baby big enough to sleep at night ..lol im thinking next xmas i seem to be losing the weight with not too much sag then suddenly look like someone let the air out will definately need work doing ...but then again my poor body not only dealt with yo yoing weight but now 5 babys so i was asking alot.will keep you all updated with progress and will be popping in to check on you all im so proud of you all can you believe how far we have all come ,we all go at different rates but none have failed to shrink in size and there has been many a bump in the road but we are doing it and for some you will be soon saying "I DID IT".

pps ....im so sorry to hear about epidemic of strep im hoping i dont catch it..lol

boo boo,,,,, so sorry about betty but im just so glad that your ok ...and omg what a change in you ..your a babe but hey what can i say you always were a pretty girl but you now look amazing

annie.... you look amazing just popped into yahoo will take pic and post in there but for short time as only proper b4 was in my undies not even matching ones and although im alot smaller i wobble even more ...lmao



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boo oh man sorry about the wreck glad to hear you are not hurt too too bad

steph I hate kitchen or whatever remodels we bought a new house and I have cleaned like a bandit all wkend twelve hour days and I am sore

ladies I am still losing real well

about two lbs or more a wk so I am thrilled

I have to get in more Protein also this new home we bought has a extra bonus room for my workout stuff my own gym yes !!!!!!

claud I love the strip dvd my pal has it works out that tummy

well by for now

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hi girls!

Boo - soooo sorry about the car. I know what its like, last year a month before my surgery I got into a wreck, broke my kneecap. I was actually glad they totaled my car, it was the kids little "first" car and we ended up getting more for it then we paid and I was able to buy my youngest dd a nice little car, 2 yrs newer with 40,000 less miles - so you might end up with a new Betty that you'll love just as much. And I'm so happy you are ok. Did you go to your plastic surgeon appointment? or When do you go?

Bk - you didn't tell us you bought a new house! Last I heard you were trying to sell the other one. Good for you and yeaaaa on the extra "gym" room. WTG on the weight loss! I'm very proud of you.

Claud, sweetie.. NO BABIES!!!! That man is messing with your head!!!

Nikki - I'm so excited about the lapbaby! I'm sure you'll do fine with watching your weight, and then you can get a fill after the babies born.

I'm so excited about my ps appointment! I just can't believe they got me in so quickly! I did the dawn dishsoap thing - omg don't do it unless you are going in to the ps the very next day! I just smeared about 1/2 a teaspoon of it under my flap and went to bed, the next mroning I was raw! Talk about burn! So now I'm still red and I'm rubbing cream on it. I dont' think there'll be a problem with proving I get irritated. What are some questions you think I should ask? Besides how soon can we do it? :)

Kitchen - just when I thought it was done... he's coming today to lower my existing cabinets. They were hung so high I can't reach the top shelf -so this morning I had to empty all of them and my kitchen is a total wreck again. I guess when I get off work I'll be doing a bit of spring cleaning - ugh - will it ever end? The good news is my dishwasher - I guess I could call her my "Betty" :) - is absolutely wonderful!!! I'm in love with it. Call me simple, call me common but its the best gift I've ever gotten. Ok so thats going a bit far. But I do love my husband, he's good to me.

Our trip to DC was great! Other then when I got pulled over - but even that wasn't too bad since I didn't get a ticket - I almost caused a wreck (musta been the weekend, hu Boo?) I thought I could make a left turn into the hotel and there was a median so I jumped over in the right lane and turned into a McD's and almost hit a car - on comes the sirens - but he was a sweetheart and just told me to be more careful and then he instructed me how to get into the hotel. LOL - oh I heard about that all weekend! My son did good at the competition, 6th overall, he did well and is pysched up for next year. We just really had a good time.

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Ugh, I got pulled over too.... I was NOT so lucky. Apparently I was 40 feet inside a construction zone... so although I was going what was normally the speed limit... (and although I hadn't even gotten to a point where there was ANY construction being done OR any orange barrels....) it was STILL considered a work zone. that EQUALS a $141.50 speeding ticket. So, now I can't pay some of my bills that I should be paying this week.

Rest of the weekend was ok. Went to see my best friend Eric. He has a huge show he was playing in Indianapolis. Was playing with 25 other national acts... big names in the professional "metal" scene. I met some incredible people and hung out with some wonderful musicians that whole day.

I met some nice guys... had a man who is in the marine corps who called me today. He is shipping out to Cali tomorrow for three months. He wanted to say good bye. We'd hung out for quite a few hours Saturday afternoon. I lost track of him later that evening though. ha. that figures.! doesn't it? He was an angel. Had lost 85 lbs recently himself. (when he went in for the Corps). We had a ton in common. (not to mention he was gorgeous and very funny. He is going to make a nice friend. Which is what I am looking for right now... new friends that understand me a bit better. Too bad he is going to be on the other side of the country.... Viva la internet and cell phone... ha

Boo== so sorry about the car... happy you are ok! let us know what happens.

Nikki. glad your baby is doing well! dont worry about the weight... just make sure you have a healthy happy pregnancy... all will work out. my tummy looks like ive carried 5 babies and i havent had a one. :-) hope the home life is going better. so happy to hear from you!

BKwall - NEW house?? congrats! hope you are doing ok... and holding up well with the other situation. so happy for you with the weightloss too!! great job honey!

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Hey girls....

I totally feel like sh*t. I have whiplash and soft tissue damage in my back, so I haven't been exercising...I hate it. I can't stand it. I am so freaked out that I am going to gain weight. I know it is one of the last things I should be worried about, but I can't help it.

I am loving the Vicadin though, lol...go figure...

I find out today I hope if she is totaled or not. I cannnot afford that to happen, I do not have gap insurance so I would be totally screwed...ugh....but I went to go clean out my car and it is 10 times worse than it was on Friday. WTF did they do???


BK--new house!! WOO HOOO! COngratulations girle! :)

Nikki--nice to see you girlie! How is out little band baby doing??

BK--:) Glad you're having fun girl...so sorry about the ticket, that bites! UGH

Steph--YEAAH! ALmost there!

Claud--why have a baby now? Just curious, want to make sure you are ready! lol...not that anyone is ever truly ready for kids....lol...

Faith--hey my diva. Thanks for the hugs. I need them.

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BooBoo: someone stole your grill, WTF? Did you ask at the storage yard? I'd be pretty pi$$ed.

Claud, I'm so sorry you are hurting. I'm about your age and occas think about why I haven't had kids yet. Then I think about how it would not make my life any easier or any more fulfilling right now. A child to patch loneliness just doesn't work. But it's such a personal decision. No one but you can tell you what to do. My loss is stalled too, but it's hand to mouth with Oreo disease in my case. I think you look BEAUTIFUL, it will pick back up.

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Hey Ladies....I have missed you all!! I've been recovering from my strep this week and just have been slacking in keeping up.

BOO...sooo sorry to hear about Betty! :-( I got rear ended in June and my car was totaled, so I ended up having to get a new car...which I now love more than my old one!

Steph...glad to hear about you PS appt! Let us know how it goes!

Claud....I know how you feel girl....I'm 37 too!

Well, the search continues for a job...severance runs out this week so I think I'm going to have to take money out of my 401k to live for the next month or two. :-( I still haven't had any interviews and Its getting really depressing.....

Anyways, just wanted to check in. Glad to see you all still posting!

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Well I go to see the ps doc today - kinda a nervous, excited feeling going on. I'm just hoping and praying for the insurance to pay for it. Cosmetic Procedures — Aestique Medical Center

Thats the link to the surgery center, its REALLY nice. The best thing about it is that when I was searching my insurance company's physician site these guys are a part of my network. Wish me luck ladies.

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I'm back. Went to the ps and wow what a nice man he was! BUT its not going to be covered by insurance. He said I need a Tummy Tuck, and he wouldn't recommend doing it until I was closer to goal bc it would be a waste of money. The only thing insurance will cover is a

pennacectomy <---:peep: or whatever its called, the skin removal surgery. He seemed so interested in the tummy tuck and how good he could make it look...;) so I'm bummed... kinda. But my sweet husband - did I say how much I love him? - I called him to tell him what happened at the dr and that insurance wouldn't pay BUT for $10,100 I could get it done.. hehe... that includes EVERYTHING, the stay, the gown, the 24 hr nurse... and omg did you look at the place? Its a mansion, really its a mansion that they've made into a plastic surgery/spa - its freeking beautiful! Just driving up the driveway you get this relaxed, calgon take me away feeling. Anyway so I'm telling my sweet man this and he says well, we'll see how the finances are and maybe you'll be able to get it done. Now whether it actually happens or not is another thing but it was sweet of him to say he'll try to make it happen. For all of you out there going through that marriage crap there is hope, believe me when I say I would never have believed my husband would ever turn into this sweet man that I'm married to now. I love him and I know how much he loves me and I know that he likes me looking good. Even when he says that crappy teasing stuff I know he's proud of me losing this weight. '

So for now I guess I'll just keep plugging away... steady loser that I am... :) I'll just keep on walking, keep on tracking and hopefully get this last 30 lbs off my jelly belly.

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Aww steph... sorry insurance isn't going to cover it girl... :-) I know how that feels. If you want it bad enough though, you will find a way to make it happen. That's the only way I got the surgery to begin with. It sucks that they don't feel things like this are necessary. They need to walk in our shoes for awhile.

But on the bright side... your husband sounds amazing. You are lucky to have him and so very lucky that he stayed around to work things out. It must be an amazing feelings to have someone with that kind of love and support there with you through this whole thing. Every step of the way

I know that no matter how much weight I lose... I lost THAT love and support a year ago and it isn't coming back. You can't find a surgery to fix THAT when it is broken. He stayed by your side and you both made it through. So, relax girl and enjoy what you've worked so hard on all of these years. You deserve it. A supporting hubby and happy life :-)


You know ladies, I wouldn't change what Ive done... getting my band -- but I certainly think it would be a bit sweeter if i had someone to share my journey with. A friend, a family member... anyone. It is kind of like finally solving a puzzle after hours of wracking your brain.... turning around to scream and yell @ your triumph -- only to discover YOU are the only one in the room. Celebrating seems kind of pointless when there is no one else to witness your accomplishments.

I really thought losing all of this weight was going to make me happy. I am a bit happier. True. But not what I pictured. Weightloss just made me realize that the weight really wasn't the REAL problem at all. It was just the excuse I used for "why" things went wrong or "why" things weren't the way I wanted them to be. Truth is... other than me feeling better physically... it hasn't fixed or changed anything at all. It is all still exactly as it was before. That's what I get for thinking I could change 'myself' enough to change my 'situation' -- apparently, it doesn't work that way.

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Bman - hon, believe me when I say Mr.Right is out there. I know you've been through hell with your ex but you know that you'll find the right guy and until then you are having fun. You are doing so many things I wish I could've done when I was younger - geesh that whole hippee girl vaca was too cool! As far as the weight loss it doesn't change the situation but it has changed you. Look at what you're doing, riding bike and dancing like a fool (hehe) - seriously tho don't you think losing the weight has given you more self confidence? I know it has with me and when you feel better about yourself it shows. Look at all the guys you've been meeting, I think its just a matter of time and you'll be telling us how you've met the most wonderful man. As far as my dh, I am blessed. I feel very blessed to have him but remember it wasn't always this way, just yesterday a kid from work said if you need to pay someone to tell you whats wrong with your marriage I say keep your money and get the divorce - I said WHOA! That was outta the mouth of a babe. I told him we went to a marriage councilor a few times and it really helped us. Marriage is alot - a LOT - of work. The first time we went we were married about 10 years and then a few years later. But I almost left him several times before that. Even in the 5 years before kids we struggled, then when I was preg with #2 I really thought I'd be better off without him - I can't tell you how many times we "roughed" out the storms of life and as much as I love him I know there'll be more storms that'll hit and there will be days when I look at him and think why did I ever marry him. This is life, all we can do is live it as best we can. And for you and me and the rest of the bandsters we're doing it thinner and healthier. You are a wonderful person sweetie and one of these days some great guy is going to fall head over heels for you. :) and then you'll face the storms just like I have. LOL I love ya!

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...I really thought losing all of this weight was going to make me happy. I am a bit happier. True. But not what I pictured. Weightloss just made me realize that the weight really wasn't the REAL problem at all. It was just the excuse I used for "why" things went wrong or "why" things weren't the way I wanted them to be. Truth is... other than me feeling better physically... it hasn't fixed or changed anything at all. It is all still exactly as it was before. That's what I get for thinking I could change 'myself' enough to change my 'situation' -- apparently, it doesn't work that way.

What a profound, honest, soul-baring statement...I thank you for putting words to a fear that I have. Though I am only 1/3 of the way through my journey (weight-wise), I struggle with the probable realization that this isn't going to fix what may be broken. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the weight is what has held me and my psyche back all these years...but what if it isn't?

I know I came into this thread really late in the game, but I've read over the many pages and you are an amazingly insightful, wonderful group of folks. I'm so glad BBK told me to come check it out!

I don't know if my situation is any different, I don't know all of your histories, but I have been fat since I was 9. I was actually rail-thin until I started growing boobs going into my fourth grade year in Elementary School. My third grade pic, skinny. Fourth grade, moon face. And I have been heavy ever since. So I don't know what it's like to be a normal weight as a woman. I have no idea what it feels like to have anyone whistle as I walk by, I have no idea what it's like to walk into a room and not be stared at because the fat lady walked in. I'd love to blend. Maybe some day I will. But I truly wonder if I ever get to a semi-normal weight (or even to Overweight) how my life will change. My husband met me at about 270ish. I married him at about (I'm guessing) 290ish, how is our relationship going to change as I lose? He does not have a jealous bone in his body, not one. I hope that continues as I lose. I see so many threads and posts about husbands who get insecure and jealous and start acting like a fool as their wives lose weight. I don't want that to be me. But if it is, then so be it. What is it they say, a practice husband?

But in terms of my life, there are so many things I want to do. So many things I haven't done and I have no explanation why. Lazy? Fearful? Dunno, but I guess I'd better start figuring that all out, huh? Before too much longer the fat suit will be falling off and I'll be naked as it were with no padding.

Thank you again for writing this, Brandi.

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VA - hey girl - too bad about the job situation - I hope something wonderful opens up for you. Are you feeling better now - all of you strep girls - I hope you're all feeling better, sucks to be sick!

As for the Tummy Tuck, I'm amazed that I'm not more upset then I am. I don't think I was really ready for it yet anyway and it was a good visit. I got to see the center and meet the doctor so I feel a little better prepared so if I do go through with it... someday... I know what to expect.

Boo when is your visit?

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Steph--I am sory hun. My insurance doesn't pay for a full tt either. BUT I can get the panni and pay extra for the tt, like $2k. I am surpised they didn't offer that to you! I would look into another place if I were you. You shouldn't have to pay for the full tt, I don't.

I go on the 8th of October so it is right around the corner.

Brandi--I agree with you completely. I feel the same way everyday, I thought it was the magic I needed...pffff...

Claud--I don't know if having a child will make you happy or not. Only you know that! I think it is something you can think about seriously and decide if it is right for you. I could think of worse things that having a child with your best friend!

Faith--my parts were in the backseat of m y car, they opened the hood to look for damage and they fell out. That is their storyu anyways, they know I am paying attention so I expect less hanky panky...

Va--are you feeling better sweetie? Sorry about the job stuff....life can stink somedays...ugh..

I went to the chriropracter today and it made me feel SOOO much better. My car insurance is paying for it as well as massage! That did not feel so good since my muscles are a wreck...oh well....

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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