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Hello my lovely ladies~

Well I made it back from the trip without killing mommy dearest. I even manage to let most of her b.s. roll off my back! She did say something wonderful that made me happy!

She told me I was beginning to look like Dolly Parton. All boobs and a tiny waist. :( That made feel good, and I took it as a compliment!

Had a great time with the girls all weekend and David was on his best behavior. He was very nice. Quite a change. We went tubing and for once I didn't feel like a beached whale in a bathing suit. That felt great.

We were looking at pictures yesterday and Brooke said "There is fat Mommy. I hate fat Mommy. She needs to work out." It totally surprised the hell out of me. I told her that was me, and she said "No, you aren't fat." I was sad, and tried to talk to her about it, but it is hard. She is 8 and absolutely hates me fat. Kids can be strange.

I have no scale anymore. David took it away from me. :think For my own good of course. I am going to see how long I can go without it.

I was a bad girl all weekend. I had smores and other junk. BAD BAD!! Good thing there is no scale here.

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Hi girls - can you believe its actually me online at 9:00 at night! I was on emailing one of the bunco girls. grrrrrr the whole thing has me pissed.

I talked with the case manager today for a long while. She seems to think I definitely need a fill. She said if I was too tight I'd be knowing in other ways and so today I was very good - natta for Breakfast - then I ate a crab cake for lunch - which I was stuffed when I finished... all the while eating slowly small bites - then I ate some almonds for snack and a BLT for supper - I resisted the running to town to get something to eat - pat pat on my back - I haven't snacked yet tonight although I have some fresh picked blueberries in there calling my name. I suppose I should get on fitday and start tracking again - because I feel like it was a good low cal/protein/healthy day. :) Thanks for all the encouragement and I know getting on here has really been encouraging me to get my act together.

All this talk about men and dating is exciting. Its gotta be fun for all of you now, being thinner and feeling sexier. I know I feel better in bed even though its the same old man I've been boinking for the past 30 years! Geesh I crack myself up! Always giving way tmi! But you all have to be loving all the attention!

While we were on vacation - in the flatlands of Minnesota - I thought of all you bike riders EVERY day! I would so love to be bike riding like that but I seriously - SERIOUSLY - couldn't do it around here with the hills.. er.. MOUNTAINS.. and speaking of exercise, ok I didnt' do any today but I thought about it, and planned on going for a walk before dark but ended up gabbing on the phone for an hour and then my ds stopped by and now its dark. BUT I'm going to go set my alarm and get my butt up and out the door in the morning before work.

OUCH!! Who just kicked my ass!!!

love yens!

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I just wanted to stop bye and say hello to a lot of you that I recognize from when the December thread started. I was supposed to get banded in December but had it done in January, so I lost touch with all of you.

Just wanted see how you all were doing?

I, for one, have been on a 3 month plateau. Just got fill #3 to 3 cc's in a 4cc band. FINALLY have restriction. I am eating very little and am not very hungry in between. I still need to start excercising too.

It is nice to see what some of you look like now that pictures are posted!!!!


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WOW! I got my bike back from the shop and had to try it out!

I just got back from a 15.12 mile Bike Ride!!!:whoo:

1 hour and 6 minutes... an average of 14.6 mph!:clap2:

I only intended to go out for 4 or 5 miles... but I wasnt even winded. So, I thought ok 10 miles... got to 10 miles and wasn't even winded. So, I thought ok, 15 miles.

I was still NOT winded at all! breathing well... and hyped up on adreniline BUT if it wasnt for the fact that it was getting tooo dark to ride safely. I could have just kept right on going!! I feel great. So, happy I got started on this. I LOVE my bike!


Next order of business, NSV -- OMG I had my first Cat Call tonight!! hahaha -- these guys saw me riding my bike -- as they came out of their apartment and totallly did "the whistle" and shouted some kind of "hey baby" comment at me.

I was like, "what the hell!?!?" (then I started thinking) I ride in these little bitty short shorts and tank top... I never once thought about what I must look like up on that bike. Half my ass is probably exposed! :omg: i guess they got to see a whole lot of "leg." :) haha... and mamma must be looking better these days when she is riding around town! I laughed so hard when I figured out the whistling was directed at me! I almost fell off my bike. THAT would have been sexy!


Claud -- well, at least you found a nice guy to spend the evening with... sound like you may want to give him a bit of a chance. I know your heart is in Chicago BUT this guy sounds awfully polite and nice. He would be great to spend time with and just enjoy yourself. BUT I know what you mean, when you heart lie somewhere else -- it is hard to even look at another person.

Booboo -- YEAH!! for not killing the mother! haha -- I am glad she finally came around. That probably took alot for her to make that compliment. She seems like the type of person that would have had to swallow her pride to say that one. So, I know must have meant alot to you. Kudos on the tubing!! I was with my 5'2'' sexy as hell Hawaiian friend this weekend. She is GORGEOUS! and she is like "you want to go down to the pool?"

I had to have looked at her like she was crazy! I havent been in a bathing suit in over 10 years! in a publice pool since I was 15 or 16! and here she is in all of her perfectly tanned and toned glory!! YEAH... um, that was NOT the day for me to try out sun bathing... I love her to death. Best person ever, but she is like Ms. Hawaiian Tropic... THAT would make anyone feel infearior.

Steph -- yeah, I would let them have it too!! haha -- i dont put up with ANYONES crap anymore. or at least I try not to. I just cant handle it. Give 'em hell! I am glad to see you checking in more. I've missed you!

Congrats on the awesome day! Make sure not to skip breakfast, it will put your metabolism in SLOW MO for the entire day. Ive been setting my alarm for 5am getting up eating my breakfast and then taking an hour power nap before I have to keep getting ready for work. It helps jump start my metabolism -- so I keep on burning up the food all day. Just an idea!!

hehe about "the boinking" of the husband. you crack me up girl. You seem to have a very healthy happy relationsihp with your husband. that is good! Keeps you both young and um..... satisfied??? haha:heh:

BabyGotBack! Hey chica! I keep up with you on the boards... I check up every few weeks to see how you are doing and how things are progressing :-) OF course we remember you! You are doing an awesome job with your band. I was plateaued for about 2 months. I've had to kick up the exercise HARDCORE to see results. But I think things are finally moving again! So good to hear from you!

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Way to go Beversman....we are unstoppable! Congrats on the catcall. lol. I was on the ferry yesterday and noticed a few looks I don't usually get. I thought WTH....I guess I am not invisible anymore. Kind of a wierd feeling.

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BabyGotBack- I too check up on you every so often to see how you are doing. Because you are HOT HOT HOT! You give me inspiration.

You already look like an AFTER.

Brandi- Isn't it just wonderful to say, "I ride my bike in these teeny tiny shorts?" Man I can't wait to say that!

Its fun to see all the dating stories from you guys. What a difference 7 months makes right?

I know that after i had gained 50 lbs I got zero attention from the opposite sex. And now it makes me feel weird to get attention again.

Like if I drop something, a guy will run over and pick it up. Or clerks flirting with me. It used to be a regular thing so i had forgotten how awkward it makes me feel, but on the other hand it's nice. Even if they are mostly ugly loosers!

Today day 11 no carbs! well no simple carbs anyway. I do eat some veggies.

Have a great day today ladies!

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Bman - 15 miles - unbelievable!!! I was feeling so proud of myself bc I got my arse out of bed this morning and walked for 1/2 hour and here you are biking 15 miles!! I am 20 years older then you tho :) But thats really awesome. I know what you mean about breakfast. I have a hard time getting to it until a little later in the morning. But I do know the importance of it.

Nice to see everyone checking in. I know how much it helps me.

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well the day is coming to an end and I made it yet another day carb free! I went to a friends house and they had oreos out and chocolate chip cookies! Oreos are my biggest biggest weekness.

I had zero!!!

Hard day though. I ate leftover ground turkey meat with some salsa for bkfast , less than 2 hrs later when i was out and about I was so hungry i was shaking and that also happened after lunch and dinner. I hope I can get a fill because this eating every two hours is just not cool! It's a lot of work! all that chewing.

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sweethot congrats gurl you are doing awesome

I am proud you are on track

steph you are like me we make bad food choices sometimes

I blame it on my boys but it is really my fault

brandi you are unstoppable I am so proud of you and the whistle

that makes you feel sexy I know

va no fill yet my appt is tuesday next wk I can not wait

I need one so bad

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thanks Bk - really the bottom line is ME - only I can make this band work for me. Thats why you all inspire me so much, I know you all were in the same place as I was, fat and unhealthy and when I am ready to fall back into all the old habits I can get on here and see how well you're all doing and know that I can do it too.

I'm really anxious to get this fill and hopefully get myself into the losing mode again. I just think if I can get the next five pounds off, and then the next five pounds, maybe by the end of the year I'll be at goal.

I was talking with a guy from work today, he's a young guy and he's struggled with his weight. We are both trying to turn over a new leaf right now - today. He said he's only 5 lbs from goal but its so hard to eat right, with him its cuz he's still in college and comes home for the summer and eats what mom cooks and whatever is coming out of the kitchen at work - believe me when I say everything coming out of that kitchen seems to be FAT! Fat and carbs! Our chef didn't even have wheat bread - so yesterday I bought a loaf and this morning I told the chef I bought it and he says "why?" - duh!! you fat jerk! I said bc me and Aaron need to be eating whole wheat bread instead of that crap. Aaron said he knows when he gets back to school in his own apartment he'll start cooking healthy again. I said you know with me its been the fact that dh is working out of town and its so easy to eat out or grab JUNK and then of course eating the crap that comes out of the fryer at work. So today I had my cottage cheese for breakfast, almonds for snack and a turkey on ww with ff vinegrette instead of mayo for lunch - Aaron did too. I know that this is what I have to do. Get my head in the right spot again. And ya know how I had said before that I was ok about where I was with my weight? Well I was feeling that way, after losing the 45 and having all the compliments at work, I feeling like "yeah I'm looking good" but now I'm past that feeling and back to the "geesh I'm fat" - this morning when I was getting dressed I pulled my fat belly to the side and tried to imagine what it'd be like without it. I can do it, I can lose this fat belly - if I can lose 45 lbs I can lose another 45 lbs.

So I'm rambling.. thanks for listening.

Sweethot - its good to hear from you again. You have also inspired me to cut back on the carbs. Keep up the good work.

Are you guys still tracking on fitday?

Boo - I'm glad your mom gave you the compliment, you do look so good! I told you all about my mil - she asked all winter how I was doing, then she gets here and never mentions the 45 lbs I lost. Irked the crap outta me! But my mom is wonderful about compliments. When we were in Minn I was at the sink and she said Steph from the back you dont' look like you're over weight at all. :) Of course from the side or front you cant' miss the old jelly belly - she didnt' say that but it didnt' matter I know she was trying to be encouraging and complimentary.

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Brandi---YOU are a god woman, I say Athena!! :) OR maybe Venus. You shouldn't be surprised one bit QT! You deserve it!!

Steph--You will loose the weight one pound at a time. Something that I have to tell myself daily is that it HAS to come off the same way it got on there, 1 pound at a time!

Bandiva--it shouldn't feel weird that you are being noticed now! :)

Hope we are all having a great week! HUGS to all.

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Thanks Beversman and Sweethot!!!!

I miss all of you guys!!!

Can I ask you all a question?

I had a fill 2 weeks ago. Restriction did kick in at 2 weeks, but then I am also about to start my period.

Then I heard about "first bite syndrome"?

What do you guys think???

These last few days I literally choke down my food for about 6 or so bites, then it gets a little better. I have been having protien shakes for the first two meals. Tonight eating ground tuna I got so stuck it hurt like a heart attack:faint:

Thanks for the advice!!!

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Baby Got Back, after my last fill long long ago, 3 months or so, that used to happen to me. It lasted about a month or so. I just had to take the tiniest bites ever and eat so slow until about 6 or 7 bites then I could eat whatever. I was loving it though, i felt as if i really had restriction. Now that I put anything pretty much in my mouth and it slides on down and i'm starving an hour later, I want another fill.

Steph- You and I are on the slower track it seems! But We can do it. I like how you siad just 1lb at a time, 1lb at a time. I get so mad each friday when the scale doesn't move! Even if it took another year to be at goal, where would we have been without the band, probablly 20-30lbs heavier than where we started. I'm just so darn impatient and want it all now!

have a great day today ladies! My hubby is having knee surgery later on today so i hope I can keep up with the no carbs while being out of town with mostly German food and fast food on the base.

I bought some packs of tuna to take with me to eat if I get too hungry waiting around. Who knows what the hospital sells there.

Oh' I was watching Oprah a few weeks ago and this soldier was on there and he almost died after having surgery on his neck because there was gauze still in his wound! He was watching oprah about a similiar thing while recovering and told the Dr. he thinks that he has something still in him after surgery and He did. Well... that happened at the same hospital as my husband is getting surgery! I'm sure it will be fine, mistakes happen everywhere.

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Just popping in to say HI. Stressed, my weight is still up. BACK TO BASICS!

NSV - the cashier in the cafeteria asked if I was losing weight. I do look cute today, too. I smiled and told her yes. She encouraged me to keep it up.

I had a salad today for lunch. No juice, no bread, no crackers, no croutons.

I'm going biking today when I get home. DS will appreciate the effort.

Glad to hear you're all doing well.

Sweethot did you take down your picture? I went to see it, but couldn't find it. I suck - I still haven't posted my pics yet. I need to do that.

Later gals!


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"The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. What many don't know is that walking produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running. Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the gym.

Walk or exercise until you are mildly puffing and hold that rate until the allotted time. If your aerobic activities leave you panting or breathless, your going too hard, your energy is coming from your carbohydrate reserves and not from your fat stores. Try fast walking for one hour a day every day of the week if you are able."

Apparently, you want to be breathing DEEP the whole time. Goes back to anaerobic VS aerobic respiration. FAT is burned during the Aerobic which need Oxygen to run its cycle. So, slow and stead WINS that race. More oxygen in for longer periods of low impact training!

Anaerobic conversion occurs when we start breathing faster and NOT as efficiently. This comes with BURSTS of strenuous activity which make us huff and puff! Why is this important? Anaerobic does NOT need oxygen to get energy. Instead of burning FAT, it switches over to burn CARBS which dont need oxygen to burn... So, you stop burning FAT and start buring the carbs you ate that day instead.

So, huff and puff exercise = carb burning...

Good deep breaths but not dying = FAT burning...

This is something that Ive been trying to figure out for awhile. Thought I would share. Will write more later!

I posted more Before and During pics up on the Before and After thread! Go see what you all think :-)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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