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Steady losers ;-)

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hi everyone-- sounds like everyone is getting back on the exercise bandwagon again. Good going! I am still not doing very well with getting to the gym. I dont know what it is going to take to motivate me. I am hoping to find a tread mill or bike for home. My dh could use it too they are just so expensive.

Tonight I am having a pampered chef party. I love pampered chef, although I plan on not eating too much of the bannana cream dessert she is making. =) Sounds great though!

My weight loss is occuring be it ever so slow! I average about 5 lbs a month, whether I exercise or not. But I felt so much better when I was working out every day. I just cant seem to get motivated. What a looser am I!

Nat- Sorry about your mom that is so hurtful. My mother is not always the most supportive either. I think pretty much all she see's is how fat I still am. =)

Bev- WTG with the food and the working out and your pics look great!

Steph- where are you going on vacation?? Have fun! Hope it is relaxing!

Transformer-- my Dr's scale always weighs a few pounds heavier also. I really use my home one to go by anyway since I use it everyday at the same time and NAKED! =) (after I pee!) =) Wouldnt want those few extra ounces from pee!

=) Jill

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I have been considering lap band surgery for a while now. I am concerned that the general percentages lost are reported at 50-65% but

I am told everyone is different. I see people have lost more. When you guys started out, did the weight percentages bother you. My BMI is 43 and I really want to lose all my weight. What can you do to reach your goal and be more successful.

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I am being selfish with my time again...

I saw the doc for my check up. I've lost 17.5 pounds in the past 6 weeks! I'm down to 236, and my surgeon is very proud of me! He said that for a LB patient, I've done extremely well! My goal is to be under 200 by December 14. That's 37 pounds away! He was reluctant to give me another adjustment, but I talked him into another tweak. He doesn't want me in the "red zone" - where I'm too tight that I can't eat anything but soft foods and junk.

I know that eating well and exercising is the way to go.

Steph- so good to see you! When you're ready to get back to basics, you'll resume your weight loss efforts! I'm so glad to hear that you're happy with yourself right now! that rocks.

Elle - if you look at the tickers on the site, you'll see various losses from the group. Our success comes from doing our part. That means exercising and eating sensibly. We splurge on alcohol, Desserts and Snacks, but we'd all admit that our weight drops when we leave those things alone. No, the success rate for LB patients didn't deter me. Good luck with your decision!

B'man - posting pics tonight.

I know there's more I wanted to reply to, I just need to get DS taken care of. We are going for a walk (hopefully another hour) and then I'll be back.

It took the doc 2 tries before he found my port. I have needle anxieties! He said I have 9.5cc's in my band and it holds about 11cc's. So I am hoping to be at my "sweet spot" now. I go back December 13 for my 1 year check up.

It's taken me 60+ pounds but I finally feel like I'm losing weight! *laugh* My scale is in the storage closet for now, and I won't see it again until my b'day. (over 2 weeks away) I'm hoping to be 224 by then. It's 12 pounds... *laugh* I totally feel like I can do that! 12 pounds in 20 days. Uh huh... K.

I did 2 hours of cardio last night. I was in a ZONE! I'm going to take DS for a walk now, and hopefully do another hour on the elliptical when I get home.

Later kids!


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35 minutes on the elliptical again!! hooray!

Going to go do some crunches and head to bed. I was doing SUPER good on calories then I ate a chicken pot pie... UGH... 370 calories in ONE of those little bastards... but they sure taste good.

I ended up with 888 calores today, grrrr. I worked almost all of them off, but it is amazing how one food choice can ruin a whole days work.

Go nat GO!! hope you found that elliptical tonight honey... 2 HOURS!? :) of cardio!?!? that is crazy... my 35 minutes gets me pretty worked up. I couldnt probably make it 40 or 45 min. BUT TWO HOURS!!!

AWESOME JOB!! :clap2:

Elle - The truth is if you want to lose more than the 50% YOU are going to have to work your ass off for it... literally!! This is is no way an easy option. If you want to truly see results, you can not just sit and do nothing. It just wont work that way. You have to exercise regularly and watch your calories.

Now once your AT goal. I don't think it will be as critical to count the calories... it seems somewhat easy to MAINTAIN without gaining. However, these last pounds are the HARDEST.... they stop falling off and you start having to work for every single lbs that you lose. :-)

But I wouldnt trade the weight I've lost for anything.... I am totally happy with my surgery and my results so far. I just know that I am not done until I reach my goal!

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Hi Everyone!

I’m so excited about not having class this week because I don’t have any homework! I actually have time to write before I go walk on the old treadmill. I managed to walk for an hour on Sunday night. I’m hoping I can do the same tonight…gotta speed up the old metabolism! :whoo:

Beversman—so glad the scale has started moving again! :bounce:

StephC—good to hear from you! It’s not so easy to be regimented and perfectly “good” all the time. We gotta just do the best we can!

JillRn—I love it! I always weigh myself in the morning, naked, after peeing! At this point, I think I’d shave my head of hair off if it would help the scale keep moving down (ha, ha)! :)

Nathalie—AWESOME job on your weight loss! Keep on keeping on!

Elle—I’ve seen such a range of results (online and among other lapbanders I’ve met in person). It’s all in what you do. Some folks have failed miserably, but they didn’t do what they were told. Other folks have been able to really focus on eating right and exercising and the pounds have been melting away. Some folks chug along well for a while, hit a wall, then do better again. I was not deterred by percentages at all. It’s up to me whether the band is successful or not!

By the way, I got my final exam and presentation back from the class I just finished in the mail today. I was worried that I did lousy because I spent the entire afternoon before the presentation throwing up and I had a fever that night. I didn’t think I stayed within the time limit and thought the professor was going to skewer me for it! :pray2: She had warned us at the beginning of the course that no one earned all the possible assignment points…ever…so my sights were set pretty low at the outset. As it turns out, she thought everything was great and I earned all of the points for every assignment in the class—that is SO nuts! All that time wasted worrying for nothing…sigh!:Banane49:

I’m off to walk now--maybe posting more often will help keep my exercise on track??? :)

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Well, I didnt get on my elliptical last night BUT that is because i spent 5 hours at a rock concert jumping around like a moron last night and didn't get home till after midnight :-) :drum:sooooo, I think that counts as exercise!! I didnt drink! I was a GOOD GIRL! So, no extra calories.

I took my little brother. It was his first rock concert EVER! He is addicted like me now... we had a blast. Boy are my legs sore today from all the jumping and running around :-) FEEL THE BURN!

I need to start my own workout.... "Mosh away the pounds" hehehe :rockon:

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Hola Mamacitas!

((Where is Claudia??!))

As promised a few days ago, here are my personals. I'm finally in a place where I can sit and think about things other than MYSELF! :)

SassyAssy -- We miss you when you're not here, but it's great to know you're taking care of yourself! I take it that means eating well and exercising, too! We're so proud of you for getting back on that wagon! YOU GO GIRL! And yes, Steph posted that picture. It was a forward.

B'man - your pictures are amazing! You look like your own younger, skinnier sister. Look at your face, your neck, your chin and your delicate woman bones! When are you going blonde? **laugh** I can see it coming! You're gonna start feeling HOT and then you'll be posting pictures with a sexy blonde 'do! I have that self-critical stuff going on, too. At 63 pounds, I'm just now starting to see a physical difference in myself. It's odd isn't it? I think it's because I never really saw myself as HUGELY FAT when I looked in the mirror to begin with. Go figure.

Maurdan - How is your fill working out? How is the home elliptical working out? Are you finding the energy and the time to get on it? Man, it took me some time to get into a rhythm, but right now I'm going 20 minutes in the morning (sometimes longer) and 45 - 60 minutes at night. How's the eating? How are YOU? Check in when you can!

bk - I agree with you. In my pre-band dreams, I was already 155 pounds, dating a fabulous guy and rich by now. **laughing** But realistically, I am delighted with my results. I love that there is more effort required and that success isn't just handed to me. I love that I have to WORK at my results. That is so odd that you get yeast infections from the bike. I've never heard that. :confused: That would make me sad. Congrats on the new job!

transformer! YOU GO GIRL! Any loss is an accomplishment, so don't sell yourself short. As for the psycho hunger, I have a few tricks. I drink Water. I eat a few spoonfulls of cottage cheese. I chew a few pieces of boiled chicken. I also do push ups if I KNOW I'm not hungry. Or crunches. Sometimes I go 10 minutes on the elliptical. Or go try on clothes. I think that my idle mind turns to food, so I busy my mind with other things. I hope things in your office are better. My office drama was blown out of proportion thanks to PMS. I cried so much last week, and then my p'rot started on Thursday out of the blue. DUH. Crisis over. Hope you're still transforming, momma! Work it out girl!

B'man (again) - I think you did the right thing with the guy. I mean, if you didn't really even like him, why waste your time or his? All that cleaning counts, girl! that's all the exercise I did last Friday - cleaning, moving, building, vaccuming, etc. I got a helluva work out! I agree, I think some people are jealous and don't want anyone else to do/have things they can't acquire on their own. My Mom has always been about a size 8/10. Now she's a 12/14 and complains that she can't find clothes. Whatever. I was a size 26 and found PLENTY of clothes. Shut up and go to Lane Giant like the rest of us porcine bitches. *LAUGH*

StephC!!!!!!!!!!! Hey girl! I said this before, but I love that you are happy with your body right now. That has got to feel SO GOOD! I love that you're enjoying life and appreciating yourself and the good weather. When you're ready you'll hop back on the band rules, or maybe you'll look up and will have lost a bit of weight without even trying. Work must be going well and everything. So glad to hear from you. Check in again soon.

jill - First of all, you're right. You are a loser. A 5 pounds every month type loser. YOU WORK IT GIRL! Amazing, isn't it? 5 pounds per month is 60 pounds per year - nothing to beat yourself up over. Even if you don't have any fancy equipment at home, can you take a 15 minute walk after dinner? Maybe make it family time together? Or dance. Or run up and down the stairs. Or even go outside and play in the yard with your children. (How is your DD by the way?) Don't be so hard on yourself! When you're ready to get back to basics, you'll do it. I think all of us ebb and flow in terms of working hard at losing weight and just enjoying our newly found selves. Keep up the great work! How was your Pampered Chef party?

AnnieAngel - where are you girlfriend? How are you doing? How's the exercise? How's the eating? Are you back to basics? I know you are rocking the shit outta your band, girl! I think I owe you an email, too.

SweetHot - KayDoll? Where are you my loves? I hope you're doing well.

As for me... my fill from Monday is working like gangbusters. I am still on liquids, and totally can't guzzle water like I used to. Small sips. I was starving last night and tried to eat some Wendy's chili that I put through the food processor. My band said "HELL NO!" - it was too thick. I stuck with one of my pre-op drinks. I was trying on clothes last night and am into a size 16/1X! Some of my 18's are still fitting, and others are too big. I have some size 20 things that also still fit, but they are straight cut. Regardless, I am excited and feel fabulous! I think I may wear a skirt to work tomorrow for the FIRST TIME EVER.

I tried to work out on the elliptical last night, but after about 5 minutes I felt dizzy. I think it's because I didn't eat too much yesterday (only about 300 calories). I slept like an angel! This morning I was up and ellipticizing at 6:30. I only went for 20 minutes, but that was 200 calories. If it's not raining, we're going biking tonight after work. I just got my bike out of the shop - it wouldn't shift to first gear for some reason. Can't wait to get on it again. I may even wear some bike leggings (capris) tonight! MAYBE. I need someone to take a picture of DS and I in our bike gear. hehehe

DRAT! Still haven't managed to post those damn pictures, have I? I'll work on it tonight. I hired a cleaning woman to help keep me organized. She starts tomorrow. That is a LOAD OFF MY MIND! I definitely need the help. $40 per cleaning - and she does dishes, windows and laundry. WOO HOOOOOOOO!

Work is better. My new team lead started Monday and he's made a good impression on the team. That makes me feel great. Like I finally have some support in that position.

And I feel kinda cute today in my sassy top (kinda clingy with a ruffle down the front) and my cocoa brown slacks. 3" heels, my hair is wild and curly and my lips are kissable fresh with a gloss called "Soda Pop." I can't stop smiling lately. For the first time in a LONG time I feel like my goal weight is attainable. I'll be there by this time next year. Right now I'm totally focusing on cardio - and when the weather turns ugly, I'll be ready to join the gym and bust it out with some weights. LOL

I've rambled long enough - KUDOS to anyone who read this entire post! I love you guys! Hope you're all having a beautiful day!



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Read the whole thing, Ms Nat! I love reading your posts!

Blonde!?!? Ohhhh hell no! haha. RED!? YES.... (I LOVE red hair) I "was" a red head for 8 or 9 years.

but blonde???? I don't think I am the blonde type. haha

Althought I was as blonde as they come until I was about 5 yrs old.

I will get my plastic surgery one day. Get some blonde hair and call up Mr. Heffner!! I will be the next "Girl Next Door" haha -- I could do "playboy" bunny. :) HA! yeah right!

I am so glad to hear that positive tone in your voice too :-) its been a rough month or so for us with this weight loss! I just have to keep exercising... and making smart food choices.

Lane Giant!?!? :heh: NAT you crack me up! I loved the clothes there. I have no idea where to shop now. It is killin me. I need work clothes STAT!

I took two more garbage bags FULL of clothes to my family this past weekend. I offically have like 15 things in my closet. It is getting desperate.


WHERE IS CLAUD!!?? I was wondering the same thing! :eek: I miss her. Where is our sexy mamma??

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I'm ok. I canceled my fill appointment because I was still ill from the weekend. Let's just say I now need to swear off alcohol!!!

I did get on my elliptical yesterday for 30 minutes. I'm going to shoot for every other day.

I cut out the sweets yesterday and only had a small sample today when I went to Publix. I'm a sugar addict so that's a plus for me.

Still fighting the head hunger like crazy, though. I can't believe I've had this band 6 months and I haven't made progress. It's all my fault, though. I've started having the "wish I had had RNY" thoughts but then I remind myself that that would have been cutting up my insides.

I've had 2 days of success (as I define it) so hopefully I'll keep going.

Thanks, Nat, for always checking in on me!!!

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Lane Giant-- ahh that IS good! Nat you are too funny thanks for your encouragement. I think I am going to get a recumbent bike. I dont like ellipticals and treadmills aggrevate my heel issues. I looked at a few today, we will see what happens! Jill

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Hey girls

Just checking in on all of you! Finals are over for me so I have a few months to relax again....ahh....no more stress eating yeah!

I chopped all of my hair off yesterday, maybe a mid goal crisis?? lol...but I am loving it still on day 2 which is a plus for me! I will try to post a picture!

How are all of you doing?

Maud--glad to hear you have made a recommittment. You can do this girl, we all can!

Brandi--next girl next door eh? :) Are you sure old Heff can handle a hottie like you? A no, stay red. Red is where it is at! lol...

Nat--so glad to hear you are feeling so good You deserve it! :)

Hugs to all! I will be back more now, I promise!

BTW, chapter 4 done in the book!

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Yesterday was my birthday ladies it was awesome I ate a little cake but for the most part I was good. I do know I need a fill because I can eat about two cups of food now. I will get one by the end of July. I am loving the new job.

b man I love steve and barrys do you have one of those stores. Sarah Jessica Parker new line Bitten is there and they have awesome work clothes for under 20 bucks and the sizes run from 2-22. you are a skinny ten but I was happy to hear they make plus sizes search steve and barrys and find one in your area.

nat - gurl I am so happy that last fill is working I am jealous. your posts crack me up.

maud how are you honey weight loss coming any faster yet

boo I am proud finals are finshed take a well deserved break

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oh by the way I got good gifts for my birthday

200 bucks from mom

55 from my new job

a purse and wallet and two cds and flowers and new clothes and a cake and out to eat from my hubby

just wanted to share with yall

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Good morning! You all inspire me!!! I need to spend more time on LBT!! I really do want to lose more weight - I'm just not motivated!!! I know I look average right now, not FAT but not thin either and I still get compliments almost everyday so its hard to get back in the zone. I might go for a fill when I get back from vacation. Its so wierd, I'm almost wondering if maybe I'm too tight. I went to mexican the other night and ate an enchilada, burrito and margarita. But the other day I tried to eat Pasta salad and threw up. So am I too tight or not tight enough - I know Pasta is a no-no for me so it could just be that. I don't want a fill before I leave bc I don't know what I'd do if I was too tight and in the wilderness of northern Minnesota - LOL - that wouldn't be cool.

We are going to Sure Game Wilderness Resort - kinda a family reunion. I see most of my family every year, mom and sis a couple times a year but I have a brother who lives in Cal. that I haven't seen in 15 - yes 15 - years!!! We leave the 6th and will only be there a week - bummer. But I'm really excited.

Gotta get to work AGAIN! love ya ladies!!!

(Nat - your hysterical!) (Bman - you rocker!)

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btw - Nat your mom, my mother in law!!! My mother in law hasn't seen me since last August when I was 46 lbs heavier - she came in the other day and she never said one fricking word about my weight loss - like she couldn't tell I'd lost any weight at all, she gave me the up and down look and then kept her mouth shut. I guess she was thinking I'd be a size 7 - but it hurt my feelings. All winter when I talk on the phone to her shes been asking how its been going so then she finally sees me and I guess she couldn't see the difference. ??? wtf!!???

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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