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Hi everyone I am just checking in-- I am so busy right now but it is nice to hear the happenings of your lives!=) I will hopefully be able to update more tomorrow! Jill

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Hey mammas!! Just got done with my 4th day in a row of elliptical hell!!

haha. Just pumped out another 30 minutes. Didnt kill me quite so bad tonight. I think I am getting my stamina back up!! Knee is great.

Weight is still not moving much. Not sure what is up. Ive been eating less than 800 calories a day. Minimal carbs (less than 40) Protein is at least 70 (usually more than 80) Fat has been 20 or less grams a day.

I don't get it. Ive got to lose this gut!

K, im off to do a few crunches... then it is time for bed.

Love ya long time!

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Nat - under 240 AND over 60 lbs down - YIPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!

You rock girlfriend!

AnnieKins? THANKS! :clap2:

I am SOOOOO excited to be back on track again. I don't know why it's so hard for me to eat right sometimes, and so easy other times. But the exercise and eating right is working well for me! The pants in my closet fit a little better, and some other pairs of slacks are too big for me!

I also know why I had that crazy emotional jag earlier this week: PMS. I thought that may have been the culprit, but my p-rot wasn't due til the 28th. The dirty hooker showed up last night. I feel so much better! And I bet that by Monday when I go in to weigh, I'll be another pound or two down. My body is dropping Water and fat like it's hot. (ahah - drop it like it's hot)

I don't know if I'll have time for the bikeride today but I will get on that elliptical for 45 minutes tonight if it kills me. Maybe 15 minutes during the day and 30 minutes after DS is in bed.

Brandi - I hope that scale moves for you soon. My friend Darrell is a very athletic dude. He told me to put the scale away for 2 weeks. LONGER if I could. And eat right, work out hard. He said when I do weigh, I'd be pleasantly surprised. And the longer I waited, the more I'd lose, as long as I did my part. That's my plan anyhow. But the tape measure? As frequently as I want! heheh Keep working that elliptical out, girl! It's doing you good whether the scale moves or not.

Jill - Glad that you've checked in! Hope things slow down for you soon, girlfriend!

VaB - I wish I had some advice for that Vegas trip. Just have fun, sheesh. But be mindful of what you're putting in your mouth. That's all I can suggest. Don't deprive yourself, but don't over-indulge. And be ready to get back on plan when you return. Call your nutritionist for a pep-talk. That's what I did and immediately felt more in control.

I guess that's all for me today. I am taking on a HUGE project today, and need to get my day started soon.

Make it a good one, everybody!


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Heyy ladies! Been a while! Just coming by to say hello! I've been slacking on the posting I know! But I have been working out! YAY!

Ok, so.. I got this forward and guess what? It was the same photo someone posted in here (can't remember who posted it! And maybe it was posted in the yahoogroups!) The pic on the beach! Was that just a forward or someone actually posted that photo? Just a question!


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Here is a comparison (before) October 7, 2005 and (during) yesterday.

I finally found an older picture that was full length. I had to get it from my work.

Please ignore my current GUT:cry. Im working on it!!!


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Here is another comparison. I finally got my monthly pics taken for June. I will put them together tonight and post everything on Yahoo group! :-) My doc wants before and afters....

I don't think that I am an AFTER yet. But I am able to see some differences finally. Not what everyone else sees, but it is starting to compute.


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Bman.. Wow, you look AMAZING!!!

Nat, thanks for checking in on me! I'm struggling... BUT, I go for another fill Monday and I'm determined to get my head on straight. I now have my own elliptical, too, so there's no excuse. I'm giving myself until Monday (which sounds horribly like my old habits!) and my fill to get my sh*t together.

Congrats to everyone who is doing so well!!!

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brandi you are looking awesome

Well ladies it has been six months for most of us since we have had surgery. I would have hoped for better results but I am happy with what I have accomplished. Nat I am proud of you for your bike riding. I bought a bike but I kept getting yeast infections and the doc said the seat on my bike was to blame crazy I know. I started my new job at the bank last tuesday love it love it. I have not ate as good last wk hence my ticker not moving because of new schedule I will fit workouts in

va bandster keep fighting them boys off go gurl

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35 more minutes down on the Elliptical! I would have been around 600 calories today too BUT went to the movies... HA! Took my OWN popcorn... i popped the 94% FF and bagged it up and took it in my purse!! HAHA! BUT it was still 400 calories in popcorn alone... I ate alot of it... if you drink Water with it... it just goes right down.

It was my one treat for the week.

everything else was right on track.

I am kicking ass on the elliptical again. I didnt feel like I was going to die at ALL tonight. I am getting the hang of all of this again.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Glad you guys can see the differences. I am too critical of myself to see what I should :-)

love ya girls!

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BK—Great news! I’m so glad you got the new job! :clap2:

Bannanie—Love your advice about posting 10 reasons why we want to lose weight (especially the part about sticking it in our faces so we can’t miss it)! J I think I’ll staple mine to my forehead and carry around a mirror!

I am so proud of your weight loss so far! You have to remember that we are all in different places in our lives. In my case, for example, because of working and going to school I haven’t been able to cram in as much exercise or always record my food perfectly. Other folks are chasing little kids around and working or dealing with really hard times like divorces, sick spouses, etc.. It is wonderful that you have been able to have an unwavering focus on diet and exercise. Be proud of yourself and don’t feel bad about it! I find it helpful, not hurtful, to read about your strategies. We can all learn how to cope and succeed from one another. I think it gives me hope that I can emulate you as I inch closer to being done my degree (and my life regains some sanity).

Beversman—Congrats on the new elliptical! That will be so convenient for you. I like having my treadmill in the house, too. Eliminates excuses for not exercising! Love your pictures—you look SO good!!! :wow2:

Nathalie—You go girl! I’m so glad to hear that you will have a little bit of help with the kids so you can squeeze in some more exercise. That’s fantastic! I liked what you said about how easy it is to fall into old habits.

I think the last really bad habit I have to conquer is stress eating. Most of the time I was doing okay following my meal plan. I noticed that everything really fell apart for me the two weeks before that big test I took—I was starving (mentally??), but the doctor told me my band was tight and hardly needed any fill. Has anyone found some good ways to deal with what I now call “psycho-hunger?” (I call it that because I feel like a psycho when I get that ravenous…) :)

Sorry to hear about the work troubles—I recently felt like I was developing an ulcer because someone in the office screamed at me because she blamed me for getting chewed out by her boss and proceeded to get all “passive/aggressive” by giving me the cold shoulder and making really loud derogatory comments in front of everyone. It was unbearable—I’m hoping to be seated elsewhere when offices are shifted around this summer. Sometimes the issues lie with the other person and it doesn’t matter how good we are at what we do…

My scale says 238 today, too! How about that?? J (Unfortunately, when translated into “doctor scale pounds” that means I’m still 245 (down 5 pounds from last fill...phew)!

VABandster—You met a new guy? :omg: I can see I missed reading some posts! Good for you! I’m so sorry to hear about your wreck. :( I feel your pain. I had never been in any accidents until I moved to Virginia 5 years ago. I’ve already been hit twice, once by a family in a humongous SUV that backed into and destroyed my front end and once by an extremely drunk woman (at 5 PM on a weekday, no less!) who had apparently blown through several stoplights before taking out the rear end of my car. My son and I were so lucky I spotted her and sped up—we could have been killed! The only silver lining in all this would be if you really hated your car or it was old…

Wait a minute VA Bandster…the new guy is toast? Beversman’s dude is off the radar and another one is on the horizon? I’m SO confused--I can't keep up! :) I don’t even know where everyone is finding these available men…maybe I need to get out of the education field? :faint:

Hang in there everyone--we CAN do this!!!!!

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transformer -- Thank you for the compliment and HAHAHA (about the men) well, the one "man" was only 21 years old and very much still a "boy" -- he was only around for a few weeks and I couldnt handle him anymore AND had to send him packing. I knew from the start that I wasn't interested, and I should have made that more clear to him.

The new guy (Ryan) IS very much a possiblity. (I met him memorial day weekend, a month ago) But we are taking things SUPER slow and just seeing how things develop naturally between us. Heck, we've never even kissed yet! We spent one whole evening hanging out and just couldnt stop thinking about each other after that. It was the end of the evening and we both stopped and looked at each other like "whoa, do you feel THAT!?" -- We've been talking and writing ever since. Kinda cool that he was completely interested in my mind and personality.

He told me yesterday that when we finally get back together he thinks it will be like "two souls in communion." (that's a Grateful Dad lyric by the way) He asked me out on our first "date" this past week! :biggrin1: We have a good connection.

He gives me those butterflys in my stomach. I haven't felt those since the "happy" days with my ex - and he was the only other one who gave me those at all. So, I am glad he's been persistant and made me pay attention to him. I was trying my best to ignore him at first. haha

He is alot like my best friend Eric. In fact, they grew up together actually and have known each other their whole lives. So, it makes sense that we get along so well. If nothing else, I have made an AWESOME new friend.


Congrats on your soon to be degree!! That will take alot of stress off of you once you've completed it. That has to be on your mind all the time and has to take up a HUGE chunk of time as well.

And I hear you about the psycho hunger!! I get that alot. It is mental 100%!!!! But dont worry you are not alone. I dont know what to do about it though... except talk myself through it and give every reason NOT to eat it. It is soo hard though. I know I cant do it, but I want to eat everything in site! :)

I hear you about the 999 OTHER things to do. I'd gotten so distracted with life that I wasnt paying attention to the weight loss. I am trying to get back on track too. :-) I love my elliptical. It is savin me!

I weighed in at 192 @ the DR Monday. I am now back down to 189. 3lbs this week!! So, I am almost back on track to my 187 that I KNOW I saw before. The scales have started MOVING!!

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Hi Ladies!

Just checking in. DS and I just in from a walk. We were going to the park to play, but I decided to just keep walking. He enjoyed getting pushed around. We walked for an HOUR! I am so proud of myself for walking that entire time! I imagine we walked about 2.5 miles or so. I'll drive the path tomorrow morning to track our mileage.

I am proud to say I did not go hog wild at the party. I ate in moderation - small portions, but I had a little of everything, including cake and ice cream. We walked to the park and back yesterday, so I got in some exercise. I ate more cake and ice cream today (booo!) which is why I took the hour long walk tonight. I tossed the rest of the cake in the trash today, along with the rest of the party food. (chips, dips, pinwheel sandwiches) I'm not proud to say it, but I took Fiber laxatives to help push the rest of this junk out of me. I should be "clean" by morning.

My goal is to ride on the elliptical for an hour after DS gets in bed.

So, my sister is very supportive of my weight loss. She says "You look so good!" I am so proud of her for being vocal and supportive of me. She doesn't know about my banding. My mother, on the other hand, has said nothing about my weight loss. I know she noticed, because I saw her looking at my body yesterday while I was playing with Charlie. But she hasn't said anything complimentary to me at all. Whatever.

I could jabber on, but I need to get my boy bathed and in bed. UGH another day tomorrow.

I'll be back on later tonight to give personals and to give my elliptical report! OH! And I have some pictures to post in Yahoo tonight. My fat brain isn't really letting me see how far I've come, but rationally I know that losing 60+ pounds has my body looking more healthy. Even with all this ass I'm still carrying around.

Later Kids!


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Well, I didnt do my elliptical last night BUT I certainly had my work out. I spent ALL day cleaning and moving furniture by myself and THEN shampooed my carpets and got everything as clean as I've ever seen it!

I sat down at the end of the day it was like 11:00pm and thought, "damn, im tired" and I decided not to push it by jumping on the elliptical last night. I'd gotten my work out.

So, I will be hopping on it tonight!

I've been doing awesome with my food and my calorie intake. It is still below 800 calories a day. I am just waiting for some results. ;) It seems so much harder to lose anything right now. I am hoping that it is going to pick up now that I've been exercising daily.

Nat - way to go on the exercise and the compliments from your SIS. You mom sounds like a headache!! Mine can be the same way when it comes to some things. She seems to have come around about my surgery though. She is really very supportive these days. Now that she knows it works and that I am healthier than ever. It would be hard to be in your position where she is so judgemental.

I really think that with some people (i have friends like this) it is a bit of jealousy. Everyone has their hang ups and things they dont like about themselves. WE are fixing ours and that can bother some people. Which to ME is NOT right... but what the heck can you do?

I can't wait to see your PICS!!! :clap2:

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hellllllllllllllo Sweethearts!!!

I've been so busy - I won't even go there - when was the last time I checked in? Geesh! I'm stuck at the same weight - not going up and I'm not going down - I'm not counting calories and I'm not exercising - so who's to blame? I just don't feel like bothering with the calorie counting and I'm definitely eating what I want and just plain and simple not trying. Someone asked me yesterday how I was doing at losing and I said I'm not, I'm just at a stand still and my dh said its will power - he knows I've been eating junk I shouldn't be - like chips! Just like bmans popcorn, chips also go down really easy. So although I'm not eating like I did pre-band I'm not eating like I should if I want to lose the weight I have left. And thats another thing. I'm too happy being where I'm at and feel like I look good so I'm not working at those last 40 lbs. HMPH!!! I guess I'm repeating myself from the last time on was on - sorry. I guess when the golf season is over I'll get my shit together and work at losing again. ;) wish I could get it together now.

Love ya ladies - I leave for vacation July 6th - WOOOHOOO!!! I need it!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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