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Steady losers ;-)

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bk - I know the feeling you're talking about! You need to find something to do with your hands. Write, knit, paint your nails, or something else. You can also try doing something like 5 push ups. Or balance on one foot. Water load, too. Fill up your belly so you won't want to eat. Or you can do like me and just say "Don't even try it, sugar tits" to yourself. And if you MUST have a snack while you watch tv, then make it a good one. Eat a Protein Bar or something that works WITH your lifestyle.

One day at a time, girlfriend!

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Nat you are so right if I occupy my hands for about ten mins the feeling to rush to the fridge like a mad woman passes.

I have used having my husband sit with me on the couch and I say lets cuddle he thinks I am being sweet when really I am trying not to eat ha ha.

Ladies I am down another two lbs and I am so thrilled I am losing real good now I hope I keep this up.

I have lost more weight in the past two months then all four others combined, It takes a while to learn how to eat right and not eat around the band.

I am off for my morning walk with dh

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Nat our tickers are so much alike I just noticed you weigh 240 and I weigh 242 and both of our goals is 170. I thought that was neat. I have a bigger goal than most meaning I don't want to weigh 140 my doc says a healthy weight for me would be between 140-155 but I am tall and do not want to be a stick figure. If I get to 170 and I am not happy with myself I will lose more maybe..... okay now I am really off for my walk

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[singing] I hate the evil P-rot :embarassed: .... I hate the evil P-rot :embarassed:!! lalalala

haha -- whoever came up with "p-rot" anyway... that sounds like a Nat one! ha

I cant wait till I lose this monthly bloating weight... I am back down the weight that I'd gained from the "monthly visitor" soooo I think when all is said and done I should have lost a few more lbs this week.

Geeez, this is a freakin struggle. I need my elliptical soooo bad. I know that is the difference!

My fat butt needs her elliptical back!! Momma's comin for ya baby... she needs you back in her life to make her Fat Brain MOVE!

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Hi Everyone!

I survived my horrid school administrator's exam last Saturday. I sure hope I did well enough so I don't have to do that ever again--3 two-hour blocks of solid writing (and a real bargain with its $500 price tag--NOT)! One more awful test to go on July 14th--another 6-hour writing marathon. This one is worse because I have to memorize all kinds of people and laws. If I don't screw up, I'll be done school at the end of August. I can't wait to be out from under this constant stress--I'm getting too old for this crap!

I wanted to tell everyone how much better I feel now that I've read that some of you are having some struggles too. I'm glad that I'm not alone. I haven't been able to go to any of my local support group meetings because I've been in school every Thursday night for months (which is when the meetings are held of course).

I started off SO well that I'm really ticked off at myself for letting my weight loss practically come to a dead stop! I just couldn't keep everything going at once. I didn't want to go for my fill this week because I knew that I hardly lost anything. I am SO grateful that I haven't gained any weight though. I guess that things could be worse!

Although I haven't suffered any great tragedies or anything, life has just gotten totally out of control. I haven't had time to exercise or to plan out and prepare my food. ARGH! I can't say I'm doing poorly because of the band (it's staying tight) or because I'm drinking alcohol or eating whole cheesecakes or bonbons. It just boils down to not having the time to plan and pay attention to my eating plan. I've got to fix that now!

So, because I got mad about the time I've wasted, I kicked myself in the butt. I pulled out all the paperwork from when I had my surgery and reread everything. I started my food log back up and broke out the old measuring cups. I have to go shopping tomorrow to make sure I actually have something decent to eat in the house (too tired to shop last weekend). I'm going to walk on the treadmill when I'm done writing this. If I'm really anal, maybe I'll catch up with where I should be with my weight loss.

On the positive side, I bought a bathing suit 2 sizes smaller than the one I wore last summer. I'm trying not to beat myself up too much because I at least have kept off the weight I've lost so far, which is a little something to build on!

I guess the bottom line is that we have got to hold it together so we can get to our goal weight! Hang in there, we can do this!

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LBT is tripping lately.

I really really needed to spend some time here. I am craving food. I mean, all I want to do is eat. My eye is twitching again. It's stress eating. I don't even know what I'm stressed about. Probably losing this weight. Or NOT losing this weight. I want Cookies. I want chips and dip. I want chocolate. I want meaty cheesy. I want apple pie with vanilla bean ice cream and caramel sauce. And I don't need any of it. I've been eating out of control part of the week, but the salt from the margaritas has me bloated.

I'm struggling to get back on track. I'm really struggling to get my eating under control. I don't know what's wrong! It may be the p-rot (yeah, that was mine) but I'm still a week away (or more).

I am too tired to exercise. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm going to get back to basics though. I feel like I've said all this before, but man - I am STRESSING that I am failing. I need to join the gym, but I need to make sure I'm going to go.

How can I get back to my good place? THIS SUCKS! I need to just shut up, quit my fat bitch belly aching and just do it.


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LBT is tripping lately.

I really really needed to spend some time here. I am craving food. I mean, all I want to do is eat. My eye is twitching again. It's stress eating. I don't even know what I'm stressed about. Probably losing this weight. Or NOT losing this weight. I want Cookies. I want chips and dip. I want chocolate. I want meaty cheesy. I want apple pie with vanilla bean ice cream and caramel sauce. And I don't need any of it. I've been eating out of control part of the week, but the salt from the margaritas has me bloated.

I'm struggling to get back on track. I'm really struggling to get my eating under control. I don't know what's wrong! It may be the p-rot (yeah, that was mine) but I'm still a week away (or more).

I am too tired to exercise. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm going to get back to basics though. I feel like I've said all this before, but man - I am STRESSING that I am failing. I need to join the gym, but I need to make sure I'm going to go.

How can I get back to my good place? THIS SUCKS! I need to just shut up, quit my fat bitch belly aching and just do it.


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transformer I am glad you have kept the weight off way to go. I had to give myself a kick in the butt a couple wks ago and I have been losing ever since.

Nat gurl you know better than that stuff you are eating come on now. You can do this. We have control over so much in life why can't we get the food thing. You need me to say don't eat around the band use it. We will lose weight and keep it off we are steady losers...

Alright ladies good news I am starting a new job Tuesday and I could not be happier. I am so thrilled I held out for this postion and did not accept some jobs I was offered.

I will be working at US Bank. I am happy because this will help my snacking I do not eat in front of people who have no idea I am banded in case I have to slime or pb ya know....

I have about got that under control no sliming or pbing lately knock on wood

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BK - congrats on the new job girl! That's AWESOME!!!

Brandi - I noticed your "Red Brandi" "Blue Brandi" antics disappeared too! I thought that was too funny... darn LBT!

And Nat my girl...


I know it, and deep down, YOU know it. Remember how you rocked this all early on? You KNOW you can do it!

Ask yourself this question, and write down the answers:

Why do I want to lose weight? List like 10 things

Then rank them, 10 being highest importance, 1 being lowest, and yes you can have multiple 10's. And yes, being hot & sexy should be on the list!

Put this in a place you'll see it at least 2 times a day, like your bathroom mirror.

Make a copy, and take it with you. Put it in your purse. Whenever you're craving something that you know is off limits, pull the list out and read it. Then tell yourself I AM WORTH IT. Tell yourself "I deserve to lose weight!" "I deserve to be thinner" and "I deserve to feel better"

Plan out the night before every single thing that's going to go into your mouth the next day, and prepare for it. When you get tempted, tell yourself that bad food choice is not on your list of approved foods, and that it's just NOT AN OPTION.

As for exercise go lightly at first. You got out of the groove and tried to jump back in with both feet here, and yeah, that would discourage ANYONE. Do 10 minutes on the elliptical. Just 10. When you're on it and workin' it, maybe you'll decide to do 15. Tell yourself you can stop after 10, but would prefer to do 15. I bet you do 15! Count walks with DS as exercise. Keep a log - it'll make you accountable!

Then tomorrow, add 2 minutes to the time on the elliptical. Just start back small, and work your way up.

As for exercise, join a gym. If it's not the one you went to last week that's ok, but join one. Once you're comfortable doing a decent distance on cardio, sign up for a few personal training sessions. REQUEST THEY NOT KILL YOU. You need to learn the safe way of using the machines and get a good routine set up for you. Request they do a "easy day" routine and a "killer day" routine, and go to the gym with the mindset of at least doing the easy day one. Once you're out and doing it, you KNOW you'll start alternating in those "killer day" routines!

I have so much faith in you girl! Don't give up, just take some baby steps. If you do something bad (not exercise, eat something bad) don't beat yourself up. Just remember we all spent ALL our lives eating bad. It's just a mistake, put it behind you, don't fret about it, and think of some positive affirmations you can tell yourself the next time you get close. Because NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels!!!

And you know, I have days where I really just want to eat. Everything. ALL. OF. IT. Like last night - I was out racing with my buddies and we went to a brewpub after. There is one sandwich there that I always get. Hoagy roll stuffed with smoked turkey, melted cheese, and grilled onions, and tater tots with ranch to dip them in. LOVE IT. Know what? I knew before hand where we were going for dinner. So, I ate lunch late. Ate a South Beach Diet bar an hour before we left for the restaurant. Guess what? I wasn't hungry enough to eat once we got there. So I cooked a chicken sausage when I got home. NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels!!!!!!!

Just know you can make a mistake and that doesn't mean you're a failure. You're normal. Everyone makes mistakes. Just tell yourself to move on, and start making good choices right then, not tomorrow...

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Got my elliptical!! Got it put together today, and will be getting up early to put my butt on it...

Nat, IM with you honey. FRUSTRATED :-)

I've been eating sooo well for a week now. and I cant get the weight to move. I am hoping my daily 30 minutes of elliptical butt kicking will do the trick and get things back in motion. It is frustrating when we dont see results.

I go for a fill tomorrow. I think I will have gained weight. My doc is gonna be disappointed. I hope some of this "period" Water weight goes away by then... ive been carrying around aobut 4 extra lbs becuase of it and they NEED TO GO!

Im disappointed in myself. Ive never went to the Dr. and saw a gain. Ive been behaving myself too. I dont get it. :phanvan

Bkwalling -- honey your doing great!! Things have picked up for you so much with the weight loss. I am so happy that everything is finally going as it should :-)

Banannie -- im jealous. I want a personal trainer so bad. I am just so poor :-( cant afford it. You are doing so well... I feel so bad for not being able to keep up. It is killin me.

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Brandi - YAY on the elliptical! You know, you're probably reenergizing some muscle tissue which is why you've been steady on the weight and not dropping. I wouldn't worry for another week or two! But go talk to your doc and see about a fill - if nothing else, go chat with them, they may be able to see a few things to do differently to rock it all again!

I admit, part of the reason I haven't been on the board as much is I specifically don't want others to feel bad that they "aren't doing as well as Banannie" - I'm so sorry about that! Remember this isn't a race! I'm fortunate enough to be able to make this my #1 priority and have the funds to do the trainer and such.

I think I'm going to pull my ticker off so people don't get frustrated with me. I want to be here to support you guys AND to get support (honestly, I could NOT have done it without you guys!) and not have anyone mumble under their breath "oh there's that Banannie again..."

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Brandi - YAY on the elliptical! You know, you're probably reenergizing some muscle tissue which is why you've been steady on the weight and not dropping. I wouldn't worry for another week or two! But go talk to your doc and see about a fill - if nothing else, go chat with them, they may be able to see a few things to do differently to rock it all again!

I admit, part of the reason I haven't been on the board as much is I specifically don't want others to feel bad that they "aren't doing as well as Banannie" - I'm so sorry about that! Remember this isn't a race! I'm fortunate enough to be able to make this my #1 priority and have the funds to do the trainer and such.

I think I'm going to pull my ticker off so people don't get frustrated with me. I want to be here to support you guys AND to get support (honestly, I could NOT have done it without you guys!) and not have anyone mumble under their breath "oh there's that Banannie again..."

Don't be ridiculous. Oh man, please don't do that to yourself, or put us in that position. Of course, I can't speak for everyone, but Annie no one is feeling spiteful or hateful toward you for your success. I'm amazed and proud that you have been so single minded in your workouts and so focused on your eating. You have gotten out of your band what you've put into it - and you should be equally as proud of your results. Don't do that fat girl thing where you feel shame for your accomplishments. (I know I'm guilty of fearing I'll make others feel bad in light of my good work. Pish posh! If you believe we're begrudging you your success makes me feel really bad, cuz AnnieBanannie, I thought we were better friends than that! :)

Seriously girl, put your ticker back up there! You are fuggin AWESOME! I love to see your progress. You see who I came to when I needed a kick in the ass. No shame in it, nothing but love.

And I've written down my meals for the day. I've planned my exercise, too. When I get home I'll do it for the week. I am also working on my affirmations. I join WW tomorrow morning at 8am. I'm rekindling that single minded focus that made me so successful and feeling good a few months ago.

AND my sister is going to keep my son for a few weeks this summer, so those weeks I can really kick up my workouts!

Love ya, girl!

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bannannie - i didnt mean it that way. i was just amazed at your success and kickin my own butt for not being more dedicated. it was nothing against you. I didnt think you'd take it that way girl! Put your ticker back up. Dont be ridiculous.

You're making ME feel bad! I wasn't intending to be unsupportive. You should know that! Im here everyday and can't wait to hear from you all. I would never discourage anyone or make them feel bad for their success.

Get that ticker back up there girl!

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Oh gosh girls, I certainly didn't take anything you said as criticism or bad mouthing, I think Nat's right, it's the fat girl "I should hide behind my accomplishments" thing. I have horrible self esteem. HORRIBLE. I know you guys are supportive! :) As I said, there is 100% absolutely NO WAY I'd have done this well with out YOU GUYS. You're my rock and stability - ALL OF YOU!

I just don't want anyone to be intimidated! I want people to come and ask "what the heck are you doing??" without thinking I'm going to judge them or think less of them, because I've been on both sides of this struggle - I've had success and I've struggled. I know how much it sucks when you totally and completely want to do something, and are struggling. And if I can help, I want to!

So ok, I'll put my ticker back up tonight (I have it set up on my home computer) :( See, this is why I'm on this group - you don't let me go hide under a rock! :(

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