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Nat you can do it you can be under 200 by your birthday

my goal is to be under 230 by my birthday

I weigh 251 right now and my birthday is 6/27

I know the goal is conservative but I think it will be easy to achieve

I slimed all weekend everyone on everything from a bit of pizza to a piece of toast

I think I am a little tight so I call the doctor he says well I really don;t want to unfill you any will you try and lose about ten lbs this wk and then you will be fine

I said sure no prob since I can't eat that should be easy are u freaking kiddin me

I wanted to explain what happens to me to all yall so you can make sure I am sliming not pbing

I will take a couple bites of food and then spit for about 3 hours and have this pain in my chest that before I would have gotton checked out

I think that is sliming and my doc said well if you are just sliming then your not hurting your band so try and lose the weight for me

I could barely believe my ears it all breaks down to he is a lazy ass

I have decided that I am going to start eating like a single woman because I have found I break bandster rules because of dh and kids wanting bad food so I am making myself a different shopping list this wk and see how that goes

hey bk -

I think you should definitely eat like a single woman. That's what I do. When I eat the same thing as DS, I end up munching on BBQ meatballs, chicken nuggets, baked Beans, mandarin oranges and animal crackers. (laugh) I'm back to whips and canned tuna/salmon now. I was cooking too much, too. This way I'm eating for me, not from convenience.

I hate to say it (sorry) but I agree w/your doctor. But that's only because I'm being aggressive with my weight loss again. This weekend I slimed when I ate bread. I think was kind of stuck or something. I am not eating bread or crackers now. I'm back to eating like I did post-surgery - soft foods and Protein drinks mostly. I bet I drop 10 pounds this week. And after I lose that 10 pounds, I know my band will also be looser, so I'm going to hike my happy azz back to Dr. K. for another fill!

IF you are uncomfortable and really really really can't stand it, then insist that he take a tiny bit of Fluid out of your band. If you start throwing up, then I'd go for an unfill. Just my 2-cents; take it for what it's worth. Again, I'm being aggressive with my band and weight loss.

VaB - Yeah, I agree. 20 minutes is more than I had done in the past. I got another compliment today. I'm wearing pants I couldn't fit into 2 weeks ago. I am on my way to "thick." ((laughing)) Another 15 pounds or so and I am there! Granted, I'll be a Whopper value meal away from "fat" but I'm definitely moving in the right direction. Keep up the good work - and I'm envious that you have a garden. I'd love to have one, but it's not possible since I live in a condo.

My scale finally moved! Somewhere along the line I lost another 1.5 lbs. Ooooh baby, I rock! :) My eating for the day will be 2 Protein Drinks and 2 Protein Bars, plus probably a piece of grilled chicken or salmon for lunch.

Hope you guys are having a great day! I think I'm going to see Spiderman 3 after work. WOO WOO!

Big Love!


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I miss my girls!!!

Life had been super consuming..but in a good way. I just got back from a beautiful weekend away and a gorgeous wedding for one of my best friends. I had such dread over fitting into this dress and truth be told, I felt beautiful all day! THANK GOD I was 50 pounds lighter and it was worth every bite I did not have of something I desperately thought I wanted!

Anywho...a couple pics posted on yahoo.

I need to get my house cleaned but I wanted to let you all know I am thinking of you and miss you. I'll be back later..I am going to try to catch up on my post reading!

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Hi KayDoll! We miss you, too! Glad all is well with you, girlfriend!

Just a quick NSV. I already told y'all how I'm sporting a pair of slacks that were too tight 2 weeks ago. I got three compliments from three separate people in three different situations that they can tell I'm "working out" "getting skinny" or "looking really good lately! What's your secret?!" I wanted to bust out with my own nat-inspired version of "Rump Shaker."



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Bk I agree with Nat - I get the slimers too but just really think about the foods you are eating, eat SLOW, and chew well. And if you lose 10 lbs it sounds like it'll all be ok.

Kay you sound happy. I'm glad you had a nice weekend.

Nat have fun at the movie, let us know if its worth seeing.

Kirsten fitday will track your calories burned for gardening. Its movement and exercsie - count it. I didnt' go out this morning, hopefully I'll get home before dark and be able to go. My calves are still killing me from those hills.

The chef made homemade salsa for cinco de mayo- omgoodness its so good.

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Hey girls! I miss all of you! I have been in a terrible funk I have just chosen not to share with ya'all.

Breast issue not as bad as I thought. Pre cancer cells. SO I will have some brief raditaion and surgery to remove it. NOT life threatening at all.

BUT all of that, plus man troubles have gotten my scale to move 2 pounds the wrong way, but whatever! lol...

How are all of you?

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KAYDOLL....good to see you girl!!! Your pics were FABULOUS! As my best friends little boy would say...You looked "fergilicious"! ;-)

NAT...Congrats on the compliments!! Always nice to hear, I know! ;-)

STEPH...Did you know you can burn about 500 calories an hour just GARDENING!?? Who knew!? So I definitely got my workout yesterday, even though I didn't get on the torture machine! LOL My doggie and I went for a really nice long walk tonight....it is beautiful weather outside!

BOO....So sorry to hear about your Man troubles and the weight gain!! But you know we've said this before to others, and we'll say it to you...when you're struggling, That's when you need to come here and vent the most! We're here for you if you need a shoulder to lean on or a kick in the ass! ;-) SOOO glad to hear that the breast isn't as bad as it could have been, and know its still stressful....but we're here for ya girl!!

Ok, so I'm at about 900-1000 calories today b/c I had quiche for dinner (didn't want meat cuz I was too afraid of it getting stuck like Pork did for me last night). Got in some exercise today, and am feeling pretty good! Only a few more pounds til my 50 pound mark!! I hope to be there...maybe by Mothers Day? ;-) LOL We'll see!

Have a great evening everyone!

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Hi Girls -

I'm having a hard night. (Really fed up w/my daycare provider. Have to go out of town 4 days next week.)

I am proud to report that I didn't eat a bunch of junk though. I had 2 pre-op Protein drinks (70 calories, 15g Protein each) and a 42g protein bullet. AND I worked it out on my elliptical for 30 hard minutes. I am really proud of me. My butt is tingling something fierce from that "GLUTEOUS MAXIMUS" setting I was using on the elliptical.

I am wearing a blouse tomorrow - size 1x. Again, a few weeks ago it was too tight in the arms. I'm anxious to weigh and measure this month on the 14th! I'm even thinking of tucking in my blouse.

Oh, I also took DS for a quick walk today - we even ran a little bit. I jogged, he screamed and chased me. I love that kid an amazing lot.

Where are you guys? Hope you're all having great nights!

Love ya,


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Nat and Steph yall are right I need to kick myself in the rear and lose the ten lbs. I was nervous about even calling my doc for a unfill because he has been less than pleasing in giving me fills. I ate good yesterday did eat once like a married woman with kids and that was dinner and I let my little men get to me they wanted their mom to eat with them and the same food

but it wasn't bad I had couple bites of corn, macaroni and hamburger helper carb overload I know but was just a couple bites today I am making a healthy dinner of taco Soup with turkery meat

Nat your whips sound awesome I love the buffalo chicken one it was awesome only prob was I wanted a drink

I need a kick in the butt to excerise I lost my gym membership because of a fight I had with another skinny lady at my gym over kids of all things but oh well I stood my ground.

My husband has a gym in our garage but it is very manly and hard for me to do.

boo I am so happy all is well in boob land I know that is a ton of worry of your back

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Hey all! As of noon tomorrow (thursday), I am off to Milwuakee with Eric (best friend) this weekend. I wont be back till at least next Monday :-) soooo... if I get near a computer I will check in, but I doubt there will be too many around.

I was reading back a few posts... someone was asking why they still felt so bloated and huge after they'd lost so much weight...

I still feel that way too. I dont get it. I still feel big mushy squishy... I know damn well that Im alot smaller than I was... but maybe I felt this size the whole time. I think I must have seen myself smaller in my head than what I was THEN. It makes me cringe to think how much bigger I actually was.

My top is now a Large... I bought a medium the other day that fit. But some shirts I still need an XL... I dont get it. I wish i could make my top shrink. I think if I could get the fat off my top half that i could deal with the size 10 pants... I just wish I could suck all of this fat OUT!


Side note... I didnt exercise monday and tuesday... WHY"!?!? I had a horrible infection. My doctors had me try the Nuvo Ring (birth control) It is a new form of BC... a flexible ring that you insert and leave for three weeks at a time.

OMG!! :) Brandi's body did not like something foreign there! I got a horrible reaction to it. I was miserable for a week. Glad to report after medicine... Im much better now.

But MAN that will keep you from wanting to do pretty much anything. I could have cared less about exercising. ha. SOOO glad i got over it before my big trip this weekend.

so, if your OBGyn suggests the Nuvo Ring... proceed with caution!

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Good Morning!

I am proud to say I returned to the gym this morning after two weeks of absence. I went with my tail tucked between my legs and feeling guilty, but once there, it was like I never left. I didn't jog today but figured I would take it easy and did 35min on the elliptical and 20 min on the bike. I feel so good now and glad my head is out of my butt. That was the longest I went without the gym since October! I did not like it but kept making excuses. I was sooo busy. The thing is, I am always so busy but working out needs to remain a top priority no matter what. I am tired of eating okay and not losing weight. I lose a couple pounds, then stay the same for a month. I know it is because I have not been as consistent as I was in the beginning.

I am back on the horse and it feels right.

B-man, I hope you have a great time away. Yikes about the Nuvo-Ring. I know what it is but don't know anyone who has tried it (except you) thanks for the heads up. I am nervous about BC because I used to rely on my clockwork cycle, but it has not been as regular since I am losing weight. We haven't used formal birth control in 10 years and the only time I got pregnant was the one time we tried. SO now that my cycle is not as reliable I am nervous and thinking about a back up method...looks like I may check that one off my list!

Nat-girl, sounds like you are doing awesome! How is the fill? I did really like those whips I tried. The buffalo chicken was delish. Maybe I need to put one of those on the menu this week. I need some food ideas because I have been extremely unmotivated in the kitchen and relying on a lot of the same old same old!

Okay, I am off. Starting a new rotation today (pediatrics) wish me luck!

BTW, thanks Kirsten for the "fergalicious" compliment. I wish I had an ass like hers!! hahahaha

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i used the nouva ring about 3 years ago. I couldn't keep track of it, i left it to long a few times, my cycle was all screwed up. so now i have an IUD, I think it hinders weightloss, all that hormone being released in me. When DH goes to Iraq in a few months i'm going to get it removed and see if that helps speed things up.

i went to lunch with my girlfriends today, i haven't seen everyone in a while since i was in FL for a few weeks and everyone noticed that i've lost weight! yeahh. first time. i'm sporting my size 16 jeans that are getting too loose. i have 1 pair of 14's in my closet, i can button, but then i have a muffin top. yuck.

have a great day ladies! i'm now off to dinner with my spouses group

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Just a quick note. I am in the hospital with DS. He swallowed some medicine I left on the counter (and then forgot about). I went to get Water, and ended up handling his feeding needs, cleaning needs, and started out bedtime routine. Poison control sent us here. I've slept about 2 hours last night. I feel like horrible mom.

DS is fine. He didn't have a seizure, as they thought he might. His heart rate is elevated though, so they are keeping him until this evening and possibly tomorrow.

I'm so nervous I can't eat, which is good. I had 2 pieces of bacon this morning, and that's it. I felt skinny (my size 20 jeans are baggy on me) - but TOny the Tiger was here and I posed for a picture with DS. Naw baby, I'm still wide as all outside.

I'm with you, Brandi - no telling how big I really was before, cuz I didn't feel all that big. Sheesh, I don't feel all this big now, but I guess I am. WTF?

Going to try and rest - will update you when I have another free minute.

Love you guys! Travel safely B'man!


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omg NAT! i hope he is ok :-) dont beat yourself up about it. They are so fast. They get ahold of that stuff in the blink of an eye.

I know that wont help and you will still kick yourself, but at least he is ok. (hugs) Get him well... then get home and get some sleep!

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Nat I hope your son is okay keep us updated

Brandi I hope you have a blast with Eric I will miss you here hurry back

Ladies I have some exciting news no the damn scale did not budge but I have found a fun quick workout dvd

It is not like most workout dvds because this one is with dance and it is awesome I feel like Britney Spears shaking my groove thing okay Britney before the breakdown

the dvd is called 10 min solution fat blasting dance mix it has 5 ten min dance routines which gradually get harder

today I did the easy one and it was easy but I have not worked out in like 2 wks so I wanted to start back slow

it was 10 bucks at Walmart gurls it is worth your money plus it is a quick workout and some days that is what us women need

I should also metion u can do a custom workout and pick the ones that are you fav and do those any ways had to share that with my ladies

ck in later bye bye

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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