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OMG!! ladies.... I went shopping today. Tried on 15 pairs of pants... found one I liked. Went back to look for more.

When I came back in the fitting room, I hung up the pair of pants I'd wanted to keep. That is when I noticed the tag.... :Banane43: I thought for sure I must have accidently laid my pants that I wanted to keep down and picked up another pair accidently when I saw the SIZE! (I thought, "now THAT CAN'T be right.")

So, I tried them on again.... NO, it WAS the same pair of pants. They fit perfectly.

The first time I tried them on, I thought they were 12's...

NOPE!!! THEY WERE :thumbs_up: 10'S!!! :thumbs_up:

I can wear 10's!!

OK, so I know it is just this particular brand (more than likely) BUT I will still take it. I dont care if it is just this brand of pants. I can still fit into any 10's... and that does it for me!

I havent lost much weight lately, but I must be losing inches!! yeah NSV!:clap2:

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BMAN :thumbs_up: My jaw dropped when I read a size 10!!! You must feel like its your birthday!!!! :happybday2: Yippee! I'm proud of you!:Banane43: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: While I was at it I found this one for you Kirsten - go Kirsten ! Keep up the good work!:cheer2: Get your butt on the elliptcal again tomorrow morning too!!!

I did good today too - I walked the HILLS :faint: TWICE! My dogs were loving me! Plus I cleaned house and shopped, so I burned an extra 600 calories today, and I'm treating myself with alittle ice cream. My calves hurt and I stink like ben gay.

You all sound so good! I'm so proud of us!

Nat - I hope all is well with the baby, keep us updated. I've had the same thing happen to me with Water, I forget I can't slug it down and end up burping it out. Gross.

Sweatheart - I'm glad you're back with us, good luck with the next fill.

Jill dear, maybe you just need to take the kids for a walk, just do a little at a time and before you know it you'll be wanting to. But right now you might need to MAKE yourself do it.

BK did you have the little guys b-day party? And I know what you mean about missing piggin out - theres days where I know I would be if I could ... I'm so glad I can't!

I forgot to tell you all this about the compliment I had yesterday. I don't know if I shared with you all before but when I knew I had to do something about my weight was when I knew that my fat was distorting my face - truely - but yesterday Nancy said, you look like your daughter. That meant more to me then anything, bc it meant she could really see it in my face and truth is... I'm vain. LOL Really I am!

Ok - its been a busy day, I was up again at 5 am - out walking at 6, cleaning house until 9 and out shopping and yard sale-ing until 2, put stuff away, meanwhile doing 4 loads of laundry and walking again, bathing and combing the dogs, a little supper and a shower and now I'm ready to get my book and chill - y'all know I'll be out by 9 - Did I tell you my dd is staying at college, she has a nanny job, but her and 3 friends got an apartment so I was out trying to find dishes and junk to get her set up - she's been in a dorm the past 2 years. Anyway it'll kinda be lonely this summer, just Livy home. My babies are growing up :thumbs_up: .... but dang I'll be one hot gramma! LOL Love ya girls!

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b man I am so proud of you way to go hip hip hooray


steph his party is tommorrow and I am running around like crazy see ya later :thumbs_up:

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I was out walking this morning - it was a bit chilly! I had sweats on and still had to tuck my hands into the sleeves. But coming back I had the sun on my back, it felt so nice!

Bman my oldest dd is a size 10, I think she looks wonderful. I was just in her room the other day and she had some jeans in a drawer, I was thinking one of these day I'm gonna fit into those jeans. Like that commercial where the girl wears her moms jeans. But hey I can't wait to wear a 12! I'll just flip!

Have any of you ever done a colon cleansing? My neice and her dh are doing it and my sister is talking about it too.

Bk have fun with the party. I remember doing a ninja turtle party for my 22 y/o son when he was in kindergarten. I took a poster board and painted a turtle on it, then they had to pin the mask on the turtle. The loved it, and always a big hit is the pinata. Oh and a candy hunt. If you have a summer birthday party outside, we hid the little candy bars and stuff like what you get at halloween. But you have to tell them that they can only find 5... or however many or you have one kid with 20 peices and another with 2. Anyhoo have fun!

Has anyone measured lately? I did mine yesterday... you know that "stall/plateau" I was on in April? Well I lost 1 1/2 inches off my waist, 1 off my upper arm and 1 3/4 off my thigh, and 1 off my butt! So I guess even tho the scale wasn't moving something else was happening. From 1/8/07 I've lost a whopping 10 inches off my blubber belly! and 3 inches off each of my thighs! 5 inches off my butt!

You all know you are my inspiration, if it weren't for you I'd never have come this far, I'm so glad I have you all to keep me going.

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:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :rofl: :first: :wow2: :wow2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :banana :banana :banana :woot: :success1: :):( :Banane52: :Banane41: :Banane30: :Banane31: :Banane08: :bananalama: :) :Banane51: :bananajump: :not_ripe:

Bev-- WTG!!!!!!

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Brandi!!!! Ooh my goodness. that is absolutely amazing! I have never been a 10. wow. wow. wow.!

Steph! wow, on the inches, good for you. we're getting there ladies! It will amazing to see us at the end of the year. Can't wait.

I hope that by this time next year i will be scheduling a TT. the next summer will be beach body, maybe i won't insist on wearing shorts and a tshirt over my suit.

have a great sunday guys.

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:rockon: :wow2: :( BMAN!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! I think the last time I was a size 10 I was in Middle School!!! My GOAL is just to get to a size 12! I Can't imagine getting into a 10! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

STEPH....I haven't gotten on my elliptical (yet), BUT....I've done a bunch of yardwork this AM so I did work up a Sweat! I haven't measured lately, but know that I should!

BK...good luck w/your party!

CLAUD...Sounds like your cousins were all Jealous!! ;-)

NAT....any word on your friends baby?? Hope mom and baby are doing OK!

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Hey Mommaz!

B'man - YOU GO GIRL! I am so happy for you! I'd have completely flipped if I was a size 10. You've always had the prettiest legs. Keep up the good work! How are your tops fitting you?

VaB - Mom and baby are fine. I was SO scared to call her today. The baby is 4 lbs and 10oz. He was 6-ish weeks early. 32 weeks out of 38-40 of a normal gestation. My friend sounded happy and not stressed out like I thought she would. Gitcher tail on the elliptical! (tee hee) Double the work, double the effects!

Steph - I've had a series of colonics. They are relaxing and it's so interesting to see the gunk flush out of your body. I'd do it again. I remember falling asleep before while I was getting flushed.

Claudia - how are you doing, girlfriend? you're in size 8's? OH MAN! You and B'man are disappearing before my very eyes!

sweethot - this time next year we definitely will be scheduling surgery! I know I will. I'm getting a great set of tits if it kills me. And this gelatinous tummy tucked. And my thunder thighs lifted if I need it. I don't want to walk around looking like Frankenstein, but I plan to have some nipping and tucking done.

bk - have a great time at the party! Or was it today? What theme did you choose? I'm definitely trying to figure out something for DS's 2nd b'day. You guys - he's in a size 4T already. Did I telll you that? He'll be 2 in June. I think that by winter he'll be in 5T's. My huge toddler boy. I love him soooooooooo much.

Sassy - did you get into the Yahoo group? If not let me know and I can help.

I went out to the park today - it's a garden, actually. Frederick Meijer Gardens and Sculture Park. It's a gorgeous day! We were out there walking for 3 hours. Not fast, but steady. I took pictures and will upload them to my kodak site if anyone is interested. I went rolling down a hill with DS. HA! I ran up it 3x and rolled down 1x. It was fun, and I didn't feel like a grazing moose.

I went to a Tastefully Simple party yesterday. Have you guys heard of that? They had SO MANY samples yesterday! dips, bread, crackers, cheeses, Desserts, drinks... I made a pig of myself. LOL So I'm on liquids today, self imposed, of course. I'm thinking about hosting a party... LOL The food was SO GOOD! And if you use low fat or fat free mayo/sour cream, the dips aren't as artery clogging! Maybe my spin on the party can be healthy recipes. BTW, the beer bread was to die for!

Not much else to report today. I am going to take DS for a walk after he's done eating. And tonight I'm going to get on the elliptical for an hour if I can manage it. I have 2 episodes of Entourage to watch, so I should be able to keep myself occupied. I'm totally determined to dump 15 lbs this month.

At 244 right now, think I can be under 200 by 7/14? That's my b'day - and what a great b'day present to myself it would be! That's like 45 pounds in 9 weeks. Gosh, that would be 5 pounds per week... Hmmmm. Okay, what about 215? **laughing** I crack me up. It's like SHUT UP AND EXERCISE!!!!!

I totally had a stream of consciousness brain dump there... Forgot I was talking to other people. That's the kind of junk I do in my journal.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I agree with StephC - if it were not for you ladies, I wouldn't have come this far on my own. You guys rock! I still think we need to find a central location and have a meet and greet. We should meet in VEGAS for a weekend! Oh man that would be SO MUCH FUN!

Talk to you later - probably later tonight!


P.S. Don't try to edit through all those blasted smilie faces. It totally jacks up your post. That's why I hadda delete the last one. GRRRRRRR!

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Hey Nat!YES i did find the group! I requested an add so add me! Ok... gotta go. LOVE YOU GREAT LADIES!


Sassy -

VaB has to add you. Glad you submitted a request though. She'll hook you up, don't worry!

Okay, I could only go 20 minutes on the elliptical tonight. I feel defeated, cuz I said I wanted to do 60 minutes, programmed it for 45 minutes and only managed to do 20. :phanvan I guess my azz is wiped from all the activity I did today.

:help: I'm puzzled. I'm nearly 60 pounds lighter than I was before, but I still feel so big and sluggish. WTF? My belly feels like it weighs 200 pounds alone. My legs feel like they are leaden. It's so hard to get my body up to mooooooove lately. I'm proud of myself for being up and out all afternoon though. I'm not eating all that much, so I don't know why I feel like such a big ole dinosaur. Got any feedback for me? Maybe in 10 pounds I'll feel lighter?

Have a great night sexy mommas! :notagree I'm setting my alarm for 5:30 to try and bust a move before work. (Cross your fingers!)


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SASSY....I added you! :( You're in and can post away! Although we don't post there often....we're there!

NAT...at least you did 20 min! I did so much gardening/yard work today that I was just too beat to get on the torture machine! But, I figure the yardwork counts for something right?? I'll try to get on it tomorrow! You all keep bugging me a about it! :)

I know how you feel like on one hand you're so much lighter, yet still have so far to go! Today I noticed some Saggy skin in my Inner Thigh area!!! I have never had that before when I lost weight...but I guess it means I'm getting older and my skin isn't as elastic as it used to be! :-( Guess I'll definitely have to be looking into the plastic surgery when i get to goal!

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Nat you can do it you can be under 200 by your birthday

my goal is to be under 230 by my birthday

I weigh 251 right now and my birthday is 6/27

I know the goal is conservative but I think it will be easy to achieve

oh the party was power rangers with ninja turtle gifts

it was a blast

I slimed all weekend everyone on everything from a bit of pizza to a piece of toast

I think I am a little tight so I call the doctor he says well I really don;t want to unfill you any will you try and lose about ten lbs this wk and then you will be fine

I said sure no prob since I can't eat that should be easy are u freaking kiddin me

I wanted to explain what happens to me to all yall so you can make sure I am sliming not pbing

I will take a couple bites of food and then spit for about 3 hours and have this pain in my chest that before I would have gotton checked out

I think that is sliming and my doc said well if you are just sliming then your not hurting your band so try and lose the weight for me

I could barely believe my ears it all breaks down to he is a lazy ass

brandi I can hardley get over you being a size 10 my cousin at the party yesterday is a sz 10 and she is so skinny we need updated pics of you in your new clothes

I am so so proud of your success

I have decided that I am going to start eating like a single woman because I have found I break bandster rules because of dh and kids wanting bad food so I am making myself a different shopping list this wk and see how that goes

steph you had some good party Ideas

I did not use them because I haven't been on here since you last posted boo hoo

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