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thank you again and again all for your good thoughts and advice.!!

I cried and cried and that it its over and done no more crying will keep my chin up and keep moving . :) have lots of goals for my self and need to acomplish them before the labor day weekend and that final.

Bev- we need to move on we hurt but that has to end we are two strong and beautiful woman that anyone would kill for . God for some reason has not put that special someone in our lives and the same token I think we are to nice and that needs to stop. we always tend to give out heart out and our soul and we get kick to the curve lol for being so nice . well no more miss nice girl and we will be strong continue our weight loss look for beautiful on the outside because we are awsome on the inside and keep going . Good things will happen for you and me I know . You will be in my prayers and anything you need I am her for you and I had gave you my number long time ago . love ya !!!

Ok so over all I have piged out gained 2 pounds and I need to start and go back to what I was doing we need to keep focus and keep going . No more slacking off so you all have to keep me in check lol

love you gals

clau :clap2:

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Claud - you put that perfectly - sounds like you're mentally in a good place!

So I determined a half hour ago that I *do* need a fill. I brought chicken and fruit for lunch - 2-3 oz chicken breast cut up, goes down fine even with bigger than I should have bites, then I start eating my container of berries & sliced kiwi that I buy at whole foods. Normally this amount of fruit lasts me a good 2 days, if not 3. I ate it all, AFTER all my chicken. I just looked at the lid, and it was 0.78 lbs for the measured weight of the package. Not saying eating a lot of fruit is bad, but I'm just full, not uncomfortable at all... normally I wouldn't even dream of eating that much! So, I moved my fill appointment from May 7 to May 2 (next Wednesday). I hope I can behave between now & then!

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Annie....you and me will get our fills on the same day!! woo hoo!! :)

Claud...glad to hear you've got that chin up and You're movin on girl!!! We're here for ya!! Men just plain suck! I still haven't heard from the guy that emailed me on Monday so I'm just gonna get him out of my head!

Steph...let us know how the fills go!

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Kirsten - yay on the "twin" fills! We'll have to check in after and see how we're doing.

And don't worry much about the guy not e-mailing back yet. One thing I've learned is boys don't think like we do. He probably doesn't even know his delay is meaning you're about to write him off! I'd give him until the end of the weekend...

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Va- Dont Worry He Will Email You And It May Be To Late Lol His Loss Not Yours . More Will Come.

I Need To Think About Me And No One Else I Talked To Him Today And It Seemed He Wanted To Go Back To The Same Old Thing Making Wrong Messages Little Things He Says And I Cut Him Short And Said You Know From Know On The Only Person That Intrests Me Its Me My Self And I. And Thats All.

Dont Understand Sometimes Why Men Like Woman To Treat Them Like Crap Lol And They Are There All Over . And If Your Nice To Them And All They Are The Once That Treat You Like Crap .

That It .. Its Me Me Me And Me Lol

Take Care Va


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Clau - good for you - it should be all about you right now.

Basically, we all have to make this weight-loss process our #1 priority to make it work. We deserve to lose weight. We deserve to be healthy, not only for ourselves, but for our loved ones. This is important. I'm proud of you!

Question for y'all - how long after eating do you start drinking your Water? I normally am watching the clock and start drinking one hour after eating, but I've gotten busy a couple of times and it's been more like 2. I get noticably hungrier faster when it's one... just curious as to what you guys are noticing! Let me know.

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TO MY LADIES - Guess what girls?! I called my doctor today. I told on the losers at that facility he sent me to! HA! Guess what? I WILL get my fill Monday and he is sending me to a class to make sure I'm on track and help me with anything that I don't understand or need! I'm sooooooooo happy! YEAH for me! I taddled and it got me where I need to be!


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good sassy! i knew that didnt sound right! you go girl.. tell 'em what you need. Doctors are like men too.... they only do it right when you tell them how it needs to be done... HA

Claud -- you are much stronger than me :-) glad to see you have such a good outlook.

Steph -- Yes, the evil milk... I crave it like i used to crave soda. I just WANT to have it. On the other subject, your daughter sounds alot like me then... I hate that im not over him, and I hate the way I feel about men. I dont want to be that way. I just cant help it. I dont trust them. I still want the man "I thought I had" back... it is so frustrating. I just want my life back.

Bannannie is right - I need to get back in focus on my eating... my band

(and ive been bad about drinking Water too soon... i just keep it in mind and dont eat even if i get hungry sooner... i take it as my punishment)

I got a promotion at work. My own "big girl" office. ha. I am going to be training to become the manager of the entire investment department for the ENTIRE bank! not to shabby if I go say so myself.

roblem is I wasn't asked if I wanted the position... I was TOLD that I would be taking over... my boss (the manager) left to move to Kentucky. We were gonig to hire someone outside the company with all of the licenses that they needed and training. APPARENTLY the president of bank feels I can just learn all that and take on over the whole darn thing.

GREAT (laced with sarcasm) and yes it IS good. BUT things were really let go by the lady who had the position before (because she was just ready to get the heck out of there). The department has been running "half asses" for months, and I am going to have to overhaul the whole damn thing. Ive already got 30 hours of work this week and still have two big days left. I am scheduled for a minimun of 10 hours friday!

It is throwing everything in my life off balance. I cant get to the gym. I dont get home till late. It stresses me out. I cant get FOCUSED.

Between work and my stupid EX... my brain feels like it running in circles.

I need to push it all out and get back to my Lap Band.

Love ya girls... im gone whining. see ya on the flip side


VAband.... Man = jerk!

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Brandi Congrats on the promotion that is awesome

claudia you are a wise woman

how is that weight loss coming

annie you are losing weight so good girlfriend u go

steph how was that fill

I forgot to tell yall about mine I could not update my signature I will keep trying it says to many words when I add one line of updates crazy lapbandtalk

anyways I got .2 cc on tuesday he was going to do my fill in office because he was on call but said my port was to deep so we had to go over to fluro

my doc said he could really tell I am losing inches

which I would like to believe he can but he has so many people he has done surgery on

okay ladies as yall may know I teach the class called path that makes people a foster parent

I am teaching a class now it is rewarding to see all the people who are willing to help and I love my job but I have been wanting a job more coventional like when I worked at the bank

I had a schedule with this job it is like tuesdays sometimes saturday

never the same

so I applied for a spa office job working at the front desk well I have a interview today wish me luck I will be sure to let yall know how it went

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Annie...yes, we'll definitely have to compare notes on our fills! Have you been stuck in your weight loss too?? I can't seem to get my scale to budge!

BMAN....Congrats on the promo! Sorry to hear you've got a mess on your hands, but think about how great you'll look to your boss when you get it all cleaned up! ;-)

You all crack me up...Thanks for the reminder that we can't live with men, can't live w/out 'em!! Seems like a lot of us are having man problems lately! My guy friend says to not write him off yet, but my heart needs to b/c I don't want to get my hopes up for something that I thought might be possible but now seems not to be. I realized that's why I'm having such a hard time w/this 'blow off'...is that I had finally gotten happy just being on my own and accepted that I may never have Love again, and then the possibility came along and swept me off my Happy Track! UGH....so time to get back on that "happy being just me" track! Anyone else going to join me!?

SASSY....good for you for calling back and standing your ground!! You Go girl!!

CLAUD...Hope you're hanging in there!!

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good morning! The fill went good - I had to wait about an hour and half for the dr but he's so friggin sweet that I always totally forgive him. He did do it in the office - I really didn't want to go down for the fluro - so that was good. He was undecided on whether to give me .5 or 1cc - he said what do you think? I said er..umm..I'm scared. He said ok, we'll do .5 and then if you need to come back next week we'll give you another .5. ;) I'm very fortunate my dr is just 20 minutes away and my insurance pays all but $35 - if I had to pay $200 I was allowed mushies last night and regular food today. I ate rice pudding - yeah I know great choice - and then chili - I didn't have a problem with anything, I think I ate about a cup of the chili, it was thin. The good thing was I didn't even think about snacking last night. Its funny but it never crossed my mind until just now and I was up until 11 (thats late for me).

Annie - I try not to drink anything for at least an hour and like you sometimes I forget and it pushes up to 2 hours. At work I like to have tea so I have to be careful in my timing with that. I was eating the same way before I decided to get this fill, but I also don't think fruits stay with you as long, I would almost consider them a Fluid - what do you think? Other then apples. They always question the length between hunger - I told them yesterday that I had a zone Protein Bar (its pretty big) at 9:30 and by 12:00 my stomach was growling. Thats only a couple hours, and when I had first gotten that last fill, a month ago, I was STUFFED when I ate a Protein bar and it would last close to 4 hours.

Kirsten don't give up on him yet, like someone else said guys dont' think like girls. I have to say I admire all of you for focusing on "me" - I'm finally to a point in my life where I'm gettting there, slowly. Raising a family has always pushed me to the back burner, I'm getting there tho. The lapband has been a big step in the "me" direction.

Brandi - wtg with the promotion, I'm sure you'll do great. Life will settle down and it will all become 2nd nature.

Bk - wow a job at a spa - sounds like it could have some great fringe benefits! Good luck!

Sassy I'm glad you stood up for yourself and that you'll be getting a fill soon.

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Hey I tried to edit my signature and I got the same crap about too many lines. I had to take a bunch off to get it to save.

I forgot to ask if any of you watched AI last night? The Elvis thing was TOO cool! I loved it! I thought it was pretty darn crappy of them to do that to Jordan, she was crying and everything, I think if they were going to pull something like that they should have given her a heads up before hand. So now they are dumping 2 of them next week - who do you think it'll be?

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Kirsten - my weight loss has continued but mainly due to sheer willpower and the fact that I'm a gym junkie now (I go 5-6 times a week usually for 1.5 hours, sometimes more, almost too much!). I'm hoping this next fill takes the "edge" off so I can mellow out a bit! And as for the boys/men comments - I've decided NOT to date right now - losing weight is too much of a priority to be distracted by the antics of the opposite sex. I don't need to go out to a fancy dinner, and I don't need to be distracted from my workouts! (well, maybe I don't need to workout quite this much...)

Steph - glad your fill went well, albeit so late! Thanks for the info on the Water - I think I need to wait longer than an hour when I'm jonesing for a fill to hopefully keep the food in my pouch longer. I can down the Water pretty quick, so I still would be able to get it all in right now, I think! And yeah, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and kiwi are pretty mushy fruits - the only reason they've been sticking with me is I eat them after chicken or turkey which "clogs" things up and helps me stay full longer! I need to get more off the fruit and do more veggies. I'm just so not a veggie girl! I was only able to catch the last few minutes of AI - yes that was so harsh for Jordin, she's so young, she won't easily forget last night! Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Chris and LaKisha go home. Both are talented (LaKisha is VERY talented) but neither do anything for me. And I guess Phil, but he's done a lot better the past two weeks.

Brandi - WOO HOO on the promotion! That is AWESOME! I'm sure in a few weeks things will calm down and feel more manageable, both on the work and personal side.

BK - WOO HOO on the interview! Working in a spa would have good "perks"!!!

Sassy - good for you standing up for what's right!!

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Hola ,

My thoughts are the same and I need to focus on my self but I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed lol I been crying all morning every dam song reminds me of him . He called night before last almost at midnight didnt answer he called yesterday he called this morning what he never really does usually we would talk 3 times a week or depended . He keeps asking if I am getting us to being back in California and I said NO!.

I am so doing bad with my band no Water maybe 8 oz .. eating Cookies and chocolate I need serious help lol . So pls tell me off lol so I can restart and keep going . I start walking today so that a start . lol thanks for reading me cant express my self to others like to you my pals.

bev- I am not stronger its just that I am tired of hurting.

bk - weighloss is no weightloss hopefully soon .

I think I need a fill or I need to eat more protain to get full.

read you later


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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