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Hey Gals!

Wow-this makes 3 days in a row of checking in...I am scoring a hat trick! woohoo.

Steph-I am so excited for you and glad you took measurements! A size 14 and fitting nicely. That is amazing and so foreign to me. The last time I wore a 14 was briefly in 1995, then I was right back in a 16 and then pregnant...end of the story for the next 11 years!

Boo-I was laughing about the Lane Bryant thing. I had a moment like that too. I went in to a LB outlet store, didn't see anything I liked, then decided to try the Gap. I found pants and bought them without trying them on. Got home and they fit AWESOME. I was so excited. I know it sounds weird, but I haven't worn regular store clothes in like 10 years. To know that I don't have to shop in plus size departments makes me ecstatic. I keep thinking that certain things won't fit and then I am shocked when I try them on. Love that feeling!

Claudia-have a great time on your trip. I have never been to Chicago though I would love to go. Good luck with the hotel food. Buy yogurt, Soups, salad stuff..anything that really doesn't need a full kitchen but is healthy. Good luck!

Transformer-good to hear from you. WTG on the loss. I know how you feel about being so overwhelmed with school and work. I am right there with you. It is truly exhausting but you know it will be worth it in the end. What a major accomplishment. Nice yo hear from you.

Okay, my fill is nice right now. Not hungry and doing fine on liquids. We'll see how the weekend goes with no mushies until Sunday. It is tolerable right now but I know how quickly I can get tired of strained Soup and potein shakes. It is worth it though.

I will talk to you all later.

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KAY - THANK YOU !! I dont do the hotel food thing :)

ok girls again I need your help . In the 4 month I have not gone out to Party lol so can you advice what can I drink ? Lol my brother said your well of with Water in the rocks lol .

Have a wonderful weeknd !!!

boo- I love that shirt you have I would wear it lol . But I be honest my boobs have also shrunk lol .

take care girls be safe and have fun !!


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Steph--Hubby is doing a bit better, they took him off some of his meds. That has been helping him some. Thanks for asking. I am looking forward to knowing what is going with him.

VA--You will get to 14 too and you will be as shocked as me! :) It feels better everday as your clothes start to swim on you! :)

Claud--Mine shrank too, from a J to an H! lol...but no one else notices trust me! :) Enjoy your party girl!

As for drinking.....I am a Martini girl. My fave is Apple or Cosmopolitian. :)

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Kay- good job on checking in way to go

boo- I can not wait until plus size stores are not in my future. I don't think I will need a reminder because I will prob post it on my car to show off :heh:

Transformer good to hear from you glad all is well

claudia u be good drinking and stay safe okay

well have a great weekend ladies

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Hi ladies - its been a busy weekend for me. First of all I caught a horrible cold on Thurs. - which btw, theraflu makes the dissolvable strips like gasx, so the cold was nice way to start but then on top of that TOM comes... ugh! I was feeling like crap yesterday morning, remember dd had strep, it hasn't been a healthy house. Last night was my dd's pagent. It went really well, I'll post pics on yahoo. She took first runner up (2nd place) but it was good bc the girl who won, her dad is dying of Lou Gerigs and he was there in his wheel chair, crying... everyone was happy he got to see her win. My dd was thrilled and we just had a really good night.

Ok so listen to this - I'm loving this fill!!! - today is Sunday, my official weigh day (of course I weigh myself every single day but this is the only day I track) - I get on the scale thinking I won't have lost anything (yesterday afternoon I was 194) with TOM here and this head cold, I got on and had lost 3 lbs! I was like omgoodness! I got on and off and on and off - yep 3 lbs. I actually feel like somehow I will hit my goal! And now that I see the change I have so much more incentive to keep going. I really think the fact that I'm back at work has helped alot, I'm busy and haven't been snacking. Yesterday when I was looking for something to wear I thought I'd wear this suit that I wore last year, it was a 14W - I put it on and said hows this look, the top felt loose. My dd said mom its too big look at the crotch is down to your knees. Packed away!!! yea!! So I ended up wearing a pair of my regular 14's. I just feel happy. Happy happy happy - and I love my lapband!!! Maybe this time next month I'll hit a 12! I want to remind all of you that a 14 on me is not the same as a 14 on someone who's 5 inches taller then me. My body frame I should be a 5/6 to look REAL good because I'm narrow, I don't have wide hips but I have a round belly. So when I put on those 14's the waist is tight and the butt is loose, my life story - an apple shape, I always longed to be a pear.

Kaydoll - I was just thinking that you are down past the mark you had always had trouble with - I'm excited for your new fill. Mushies today, yipee! Keep in touch with us!

Claudia - sweetie I'm excited for you, have a blast in Chicago! I drink wine, I just sip and I tolerate it very well. But I've really given up my evening glass just bc I don't like to waste calories on liquids. Have fun sweetie I know you've been looking forward to the trip.

B-man I see you've change the pic under your name. Girl you look wonderful!!! Unbelievable at what a change in you. You're gorgeous!

Has anyone heard from Nat? I miss her. I hope she checks in soon.

Have a nice Sunday - talk to ya tomorrow!

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steph hope you get to feeling better congrats on the nsv way to go

claudia and other ladies this is my plan no snacking for the rest of this month. I am bad about snacking just a couple of bites of popcorn or candy and yesterday I decided to track my snacking calories where before I felt I could not be eating that much.

before I was tracking the snacking I got in about 1000 calories so I tracked the snacking yesterday and up to 1400 with snacking. I about fainted.

I have heard it takes two wks to change a habit so I will be scrapbooking when I get the urge to eat or snack I should say.

If I can do this the rest of the month maybe I can make a new habit. I don't wanna say no snacking forever because then I will make myself feel sorry for me and eat a snack. I swear the mindgames we play.

So claudia and all other bandsters let me be a lesson count those 5 wheathins in calories they add up.

on to other news we have just gotten a support group for weight loss here in town not just for surgery weightloss but all kinds.

It is a place that offers healthy shakes and Snacks and support

the ad says AA type meeting weekly but for weight loss thought that sounded neat may try it ...

My scale is stalled but that is okay I Have four lbs so far this month

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Hi Sisters!

I miss you all sooo very much. I have been swamped with work - the company, as I said, is being sold, and I've been traveling. I stepped on the scale yesterday morning and was down 6 pounds, so I'm really happy about that. I could tell my clothes were baggy, but I didn't know how much I'd lost.

I've had an interesting life lately. I realized I was depressed, so I went back on anti-depressants for a while. They have brightened up my disposition quite a bit. As a result, I'm spring cleaning - throwing TONS of junk away, and getting myself in a better place. I'm exercising daily again, really trying to eat healthy foods (instead of chocolate eggs and sweet potatoes), and go back to basics. I'm journaling again, taking measurements and really focusing on me and my success. With everything that is going on around me, it was easy to fall out of touch with my goals.

DS is doing well. He's busy as can be, and his room is next for "spring cleaning." He is the reason my post was cut off. His quick little fingers hit a key on the keyboard, and the screen changed. I thought he hit "backspace" and it took me to the previous screen - had no idea he'd posted. Thank goodness for mid-afternoon naps.

The bar in my closet fell, and I got a California Closet put in. I am sorting through clothes that are too big or out of style, and they are getting donated. I'm also putting my smaller sized clothes in those under bed storage units to keep track of as I shrink out of these clothes. I'm still an 18 bottom, 14/16 top. But that should change soon. I look forward to the day when I'm a 16. And then a 14. And then a 12. HAHAH It'll happen. I know it'll happen. And I believe it'll happen before my 1 year anniversary. All things considered, we're only 4 months into this thing. And to have lost 30, 40, 50 pounds (or more) is absolutely astounding. I mean, over the past few weeks I was EATING like I had a hole in my neck, and never gained a pound. That's a NSV in and of itself. In the past I would have put on 10 or more pounds in that same time.

I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I read most of the posts since the last time I was here (before easter!) - and I'm so proud of you all and of your successes.

B'man - way to go, girlfriend! You look fabulous! You look happy from the inside. You're 5'7" - what is your goal weight? I'm 5'8" and am still not sure where I ought to end up. At 39, I'm just trying to make it one day at a time. LOL (P.S. I wanna see your friend, too. Being a groupie sounds like a blast!)

Steph - you're killin it, girl! I love hearing that you love your body. shake that size 14 booty, chile! You'll be a 12 in no time. I miss those post-surgery days when I wasn't thinking about food, too.

KayDoll - thanks for the pm. Keep up the good work. I know how hard it is to balance everything that you have going on. I'm totally impressed that you're running! Oh man, that is phenomenal. I know I'd blow out my knees and burst a lung if I tried running right now.

BooBoo - I'm praying for you and your DH. I wish you both health and speedy recovery. How's the book coming along?

BK - happy belated anniversary. How are things going with you? How's your fill?

Clau - have you been to Chicago yet? How was your party? What did you end up drinking? And yes, your cousin is a bitch. I would have wanted to punch her in the p*ssy for making such a rude comment. UGH. Reminds me of my mother.

Jill - how is DD? OMG, I read your post, and honey, my heart ached for you. I hope you're not experiencing feelings of guilt over that. And I hope my mentioning it isn't making you feel bad. You're both in my prayers.

VaB - $500 joining fee? My fat butt. I'm glad you found someone to help you who isn't smoking crack. $500? That made me mad. I hope you have success w/that doc, and I hope they treat you right. If not, ditch 'em.

I'm still seeing my friend. It's going well for what it is. We've argued, we've fussed and still we're hanging in there. He's a sweet man, just has some personal issues to deal with, and I'm trying not to get too involved in that. Once I get to a point where I feel better about me, I'm looking to date a bit more, whether it's through match.com or someplace else.

Steph - I feel more sexy lately. I certainly have my days. Last week, for instance, I wore red and black to work and felt like Beyonce. There are other days when I feel like Nell Carter. The mind is a powerful entity, for sure. I think once I really get back in my groove, things will feel better from the inside out. 240 is my next goal, and I better hit it by the end of April. No shit.

So my Back to Basics campaign is tracking my food intake, going for the solid Proteins first, taking my Vitamins (which I haven't been doing) and not drinking any wine. I almost broke the no-wine rule the other night when I did my taxes and came up owing the G'vt $5,500. I ended up going to H&R Block and got a refund. It sucks though, because I have to pay state and city taxes. Piss me off.

I was going to buy a bicycle this spring, but I can't afford it now. I'm just going to have to stick with the elliptical until I hit 225 and feel comfortable joining a gym. Guys at work have been trying to get me to join their gym. I just laugh, but in my mind I'm thinking "I'd rather die than have you see me work out." I'll get there sooner or later.

Other NSV. I stood up to my mother. I feel so fabulous about it. She was coming to spend the night last week and I told her I'd love to have her, provided she was positive and supportive while she was here. I told her that meant not saying anything negative about me, my home, my parenting or my son. Long story short, she ended up crying and not coming. That was her choice. I felt better instantly.

I'm really going to try and check in daily. Know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you all success even though I've been MIA.

Hope you're all having a great Sunday!


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Nat, you crazy woman!! There you are. We've all been worried about you :-) I am so glad to see you prowling around again on LBT

Missed you!

Steph - Congrats on the pants and the 3 lbs!! way to go. I know all about the time of the month. I stepped on teh scale this past tuesday and it said I'd gained 10 lbs. I was at 207!! I freaked out and swore never to touch a Reeces Peanut Butter eggs again!! (ha)

Then Friday... TOM. Thank God! That was the first time I was happy she showed up. THAT was why the scale went crazy. Checked it yesterday 196. (sigh of relief) My body goes crazy about 3 days before. I cant believe it is possible to retain THAT much Water. But we sure do.

I bet your gonna be WAY down once this passes! You're kicking some bandster butt Ms Steph!

booboo - so glad the hubby is doing better. I know you are having a very rough time.

kaydot -- i went through that "not shopping in the plus sizes" to -- it is kind of crazy to know you can walk to that side of the store and look at the same clother everyone else does. I feel strange when I head that way still... like someones gonna stop me and be like, "ma'am are you sure you dont need to shop over THERE?" (ha)

bkwall -- girl, the support group does sound good. It would be nice to have some people to talk face to face with... but ive gotten so used to being able to just talk to all of you! I wish I could just box you all up and ship you down here :-)

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Steph--you poor thing. What is it with us being sick all of the time?? Hmm...Glad you are loving your fill...

I am loving my fill too, but I don't think it is right...lol....I don't eat AT ALL now! I just am not hungry at all, I can't even force myself to eat. I have had some cheese tube things (whatever they are) and a tiny bit of yougurt...I know I am too tight, I am trying to see if it will get better, or get me to 100 pounds gone! :) I am such a brat!

NAT---YEAH we miss you!

Bever--that scale is a freaking liar. Run it over with the car! SERIOUSLY, do it! lol..I did.... :) Feels damn good...

HEY I wish we could do a meet up together....why not do like Vegas or something next year??? That would be cool! We will all be hot by then and we can take Vegas by storm! :)

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Boo...I think that's a great Idea (vegas!) I'd love to do that!!

Steph...Sorry you're sick again. I am on the upside of my latest cold and I tell you, I am about sick of being sick too!! Congrats on the 3lb loss!! I can't wait to get my next fill!

BK...I'm with you...I need to stop 'grazing'...I have realized that that is my big problem lately, so I'm trying not to snack either!

NAT...good to see you! Looks l ike your post got cut off before you finished. Hope you're doing OK!

BMAN...glad your gain was temporary! I know what you mean about TOM...I always seem to drop a few pounds that week that I get it! :)

It is dreary and rainy here today...I'm watching the movie Eragon w/my boys and I have a dinner date tonight. Need to get some spring cleaning done too....talk to you all later!

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Nat so glad to hear from you

I am so jealous of that closet. I have wanted one of those. Please check in daily.

I am with boo why do we get sick alot we are on Vitamins

kirsten good luck on date night

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Wow Nat!! YOU GO GIRL!!!! Sounds like you're really doing well both weight wise and emotionally! So glad to hear you stood up to your mother!!

I"m doing spring cleaning as well...trying to get rid of some old furniture, books, and clothes that will never be worn again!

I need to get back on my elliptical. It seems like ever since I got it I've been off and on sick :-( I'm almost over the latest cold, so I am going to aim for 3x this week.

I too am back to working on the basics. Not snacking, eating Protein first, and stopping before it gets painful! Here's hoping it helps the scales move this week b/c I've been stuck for the past month! I really want to get into the 240s once and for all. So I've got to lose the 10 pounds this month to comfortably get there.

Glad to see you're doing so well!! :)

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