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Steady losers ;-)

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holy cow Bman!!! Brandi you look wonderful!!! What a difference. Come on now and be honest, you've never caught a glimpse of yourself and went whoa is that me? Big difference in your appearance. I really don't think I even come close to that.

Kaydoll!!! I've missed you!!! I'm so happy to hear from you! I understand how hard it is with work, kids, school... but we love you and miss you when you're gone. I hope your fill works. I was in the same place and believe me its so much better to have a good fill! Let us know how it goes.

I went to Bunco tonight - always a fun time with my ladies. I finally spilled the Beans and told them I had the surgery. There were only 3 of the 8 of us who didn't know... but the one girl who was the most interested is at least 100 lbs over weight - she drilled me. So it was an interesting night. But before all that ... I GOT A NEW CAR!!! Well its a 2004 - but thats new for me! For the past 7 years, since the kids started driving, we've been passing cars around until finally I didn't have one and was driving my dh's truck. And we were free from car payments so it was kinda hard pushing me into the whole loan crap again. But I love it and its mine. Oh its an Impala. My son said why would mom want a big car like that? Its not like you have kids, she should've gotten something sporty (hey its got a spoiler) and I said well when I see him I'm going to tell him its so I can fit 2 car seats in the back just in case they have twins. (they just got married and are waiting 3 yrs for my grandbabies)

Claudia - what are you thinking about getting the bf? I agree with bman, dinner is always special.

Va Kirsten - bummer to hear of all that bs with the drs - that sucks! I can't believe they would charge you that extra $500! Hey since we are only 2 hours away want me to check with my dr? He's cute. I know he takes new patients bc I met one the last time I was there.

Jill, Bk remember we all lose differently. I've lost about 37 lbs, and that was from my highest last summer 231- but since the surgery its alot less. I was at 226 before the pre-op diet, lost 8 so at surgery I was at 218 and so since surgery I've only lost about 24 lbs. Don't worry about it, I know its hard but even if its only a pound or two a month, thats a pound or two you didn't gain. And it will come off!

Good night - I love ya bunches - you are my support and like everyone else has said you're really the only ones who really understand. And you're all so nice... I just love ya!

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Brandi - you gotta give out those killer smiles like in your headshot - the full body pics you're looking soooo serious!

WTG girlie! You're rockin'!

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Brandi I can't believe how little your legs are! You'll be wearing those short shorts (hot pants in my day) this summer!

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VABand - there was a BIG difference in your pics!! You are just like me and cant see it for yourself. See you tell me there is a huge difference. I say, "yeah, right" to myself. I tell YOU... and you probably have the same voice in your head saying, "YEAH, RIGHT."

ha. somedays. i think I SHOULD be able to see the difference. I notice it in my face sometimes. But my upper body (which has ALWAYS been the problem)... There I have trouble seeing any difference at all.

Ms. Jen -- Good luck tomorrow. I am so happy for you girl!! Just make sure to walk walk walk.... as soon as possible after the surgery. You will not feel like it, but get up and move. You will be feeling fine FAST. The movement gets rid of the gas that is left over in your peritenial cavity (leftover from the surgery). GasX wont help that. only moving. And drink water! as much as you can get down. walk, walk, walk, walk, walk you'll thank yourself a few days later! :-)

Steph -- First of all HA ("Holy cow, B-man" Does that make you think of the old Batman series on TV?? ..... haha.)

But, nope, seriously... haven't had that moment yet. I think it is because I am so fixated on this image in my mind... of what i want to look like. I dont think I will be happy till i get there. It stinks. My mind really doesnt have a grasp on how I look right now.

I think my brain is just trying to catch up. Have you ever had a friend that youve known so well... that one day you look at them and think "wow, i didnt know they looked like that" and you just see them differently for a few seconds?? I dont know how to explain it, but i am so used to seeing the old me that I still see her. I'm working on it though.

Skinny legs? ha, yeah, they were never really a big problem. My top half suffered from what i've dubbed "Line Backer Syndrome," THAT was my problem. I looked like I could run defense for the NFL. I was shaped like an upside down triangle. Still am. My upper half has always been like 2 sizes bigger than my bottom half. ggggrrrr... I've wished a million times that I just had a ghetto booty... instead, I have NO butt.

Bannanie - ha. Yeah, my smile. That was how i always looked before life took a downward turn on me last year. Everyone always commented on my smile. (you know BIG girl but a beautiful smile routine.. ha) Until about 3 weeks ago, I hadnt smiled in almost a year. It comes out every once in awhile now. I hate that someone could take that away from me for so long. That was the hardest thing. Even though i was big... I was so happy. It's hurt that i havent been able to be that way.

Claud -- thank you honey!! I cant imagine what you look like Ms. Size 10!!! You are gonna knock em dead in Chicago girl!

You guys make sure to share your pictures too! I figure if I can get brave enough... maybe I will inspire you all to be brave enough too. We will all help talk some sense into each other... since we cant talk sense into ourselves!

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BMAN...Yeah, you're probably right...its much easier to see changes in others than in ourselves!! I do notice that my clothes are getting looser and all that, but I still see myself as one big "fat chick"....I hope I can get past that as I get closer to goal! Of course it doesn't help that I can't seem to find a decent Fill Dr. who doesn't want to rob me blind!!

STEPH, can you ask your Dr. if he'd do fills for other patients and if so how much he'd cost and if he has a "Program fee" like some of these other yahoos I'm talking to do?? If he's reasonable....i wouldn't mind driving the 2 hrs. The one I've got a call into now is an hr away, but someone told me she just raised her rates from $200 a fill to $300, so I'm waiting to confirm that....but I may go w/her b/c I know she doesn't have any 'additional' fees.

You guys really are a great group! so glad you're all here!!!

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Hi Girls!

I am stopping in really quick because I have to run to class. Thank you all for the warm wishes and happy welcome back. That makes me feel good and you all have no idea how badly I needed that boost.

I was at the MD today for a 4mth check up. I was feeling down because I only was down 3 lbs since my 2 month visit. I left there elated. The MD was going on and on about how great I am doing, that I have lost 41% of excess weight and 49.8lbs according to their records. He is thrilled with my progress and even more excited about my workout routine. It was a major boost. The nutritionist reminded me that I need to focus on the positives and how great I feel health wise. I truly do feel fantastic. I know I look a whole lot better too! I got a fill, .4cc more so I am now at 1.4cc. We will see how that goes. I am on liquids for 3 days and mushies for another 3-4 days after that. Maybe that will jump start my loss.

Brandi-you are looking wonderful. I love how beautiful that face shot is. I think it is not just the weightloss but you look so happy. Gorgeous! You are an inspiration and I am so proud of you~

Steph-miss you too girl. I am sorry daughter has strep. Bummer! Congrats on the new car. My transmission has been slipping lately and I think it is only a matter of time before I have to take the leap. The impala sounds nice!

VA-sorry about the fill issues. That truly sounds like a rip off to join the center for $500. What a money maker that place is. I was joking today at the MD's office because the cabinet where he keeps his fill equipment was locked and he couldn;t find the key. he said "geez, it is not like it is narcotics or something" and I told him that it is only a matter of time before people are getting their hands on the equipment and running fill centers out of their kitchen..haha. He said he expects to see a kiosk at the mall (like those massage chairs) can you imagine that? haha.

Annie-nice to see you on here too. Hope all is well. Sure sounds it!

Claudia, BK, Jill...how are you all doing??? What's new? I want all the details.

Okay-I have to run..class is calling. UGH.

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:biggrin1: :) bev - yeah I am a 10 but only on my bottom :) but I was happy to know I fit into a 14 jacket lol . I am biger up stairs lol

kay- I doing good telling the girls that I am flying to Chicago next week and very happy hopefully a good story lol .

steph and brandi - I am so happy to go but I am staying in a hotel so Its kind of hard to get a dinner going lol I will have a suite with microwave and fridge lol but no stove lol . so pls help with more ideas .

I am so looking forward to this vacation it seems its like a big change in my life will happen or a definition to lots of things in the love section lol .

well girls take care

I hopeing soon really soon I can get my laptop back and post my pic till then you could still imagine me via writing lol .


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Hey girls,

Brandi you just look awsome! :) We are all so proud of you! :)

Sorry guys I have been so MIA, I am just overwhelmed these days. I go to a specialist on the 19th. I just can't get over how long in between things they make me wait. I am pretty depressed over it. I know I will feel btter once I find out that it is all nothing...

Jill--sorry you've got health issues too! Poopy...good to know though that you aren't doing things wrong. :Banane01: Good luck!

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Hi Everyone!

I have been SO overwhelmed that I haven't had time to write for a while! I only have two more weeks left of having three classes at the same time (plus the good old job, too, of course)! I think I can, I think I can!

I'm interviewing for my job next Wednesday, too, like I needed more stress (I'm in an "acting" supervisor position and have been since last September, but I have to interview to be considered for the permanent position). I know, it's stupid. Once I finish this degree, I'll be "qualified" to do the job I've been doing. Go figure! At least I'm close enough to finishing my degree program to rate an interview...

I've been pretty bummed out lately (SO overtired it's ridiculous!), so it made me very happy to read everyone's recent posts! Everyone seems to be doing well! Hooray!

Brandi--You look mahvelous, darling!

Loved the funny Easter pictures--gotta watch out for those killer rabbits!

I had another fill today. It went very smoothly. I somehow managed to lose 7 pounds in the past 6 weeks which cheered me up a little bit. I'm just eternally grateful that I didn't go up! Usually when I get stressed out like this, it's all over. Thank goodness for the band!

Brandi made me think that I haven't been taking any pictures of myself. I hate having my picture taken! Oh well, I'll probably regret that later! I did get rid of a bunch of clothes last weekend though--they looked like clown clothes!

I'm so glad you all held it together through Easter! My son turned 15 the day after Easter, too...makes me feel REALLY old!

I'm hoping I can write more often after April 30th--I'll only have one class at a time then which should be more bearable.

Hang in there everyone!!!

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Hi guys - I kinda forgot about my measurements and just now thought about it so I measured - my first measurements were on 1/8 and since then I've lost 8 1/2 inches off my waist!!!! 4 inches off my butt, and an inch off my thigh, only 1/4 inch off my arms - must not have been as much fat to lose there. Thats pretty good for 3 months!! I had bought a size 14 slacks a month or 2 ago, they were on the sale rack and I had bought jeans at the same time that were a 14 so I didn't bother trying them on, well when I got them home I couldn't even get them buttoned - probably 2" gap - so about 2 weeks ago I tried them on and I got them buttoned but no way I could've worn them - so then yesterday I tried again, PRESTO! they fit and easily - in fact they were almost baggy in the butt. So last night I had to take dd for a couple things and while at the store I thought I'm gonna try a 14 slack again. I ended up buying 3 pairs! They all fit so nice - I started getting all fluttery thinking omgoodness a 12 is next!!!!!!!!! I can't even remember a 12, I don't think I've kept any 12's so I'll have to buy all new! Thinking back I think it was 11 years ago, 1996 when I worked at the newspaper and I was a 12 - I think I weighed 163 then - thats about 30 more pounds.

I gotta go get on the treadmill I think I can do it!!! Change that I think we ALL can do it!!! WE ARE LOSERS!!! STEADY LOSERS!!!!

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WOOO HOOOO Steph! Good for you girl. Isn't it great when you are sure something is too small and you try it on and you fit?? I think that is the best part of all! Getting to shock yourself! :rolleyes:

I went shopping yesterday with DH. It was scary for me. I am now just an XL so there is no need to keep shopping at Lane Bryant. I went in there and he pulled me back...lol....It's funny someone else has to remind me of that. I got to shop at a "normal" store which scared me... All I got was some 14 shorts and a tank, but it felt so good to not to have to rummage through for a 3 or 4x! :eek:

Transformer, I hope with more stress comes more pay! Sounds like you deserve it! :)

Cluad, girl you sound like me stacked on top! :) IT DOES HAVE ITS ADVANTAGES! LOL... No one hardly recognizes me anymore, until they see my boobs. I have a shirt that has an arrow pointing up that says "My eyes are up there" I have never worn it, my BF got it as a gag gift,lol...I am sure you understand!

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Steph great job I need to measure too

brandi you are hot I am very proud of you

well ladies my weight loss has stalled again so today I am eating light get a fill on the 30th can not wait I need it again

I love the first couple of wks after a fill they are awesome anywho talk with yall later

I think I may call and ask them to bump my fill up

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Bk - I know what you mean about the first couple of weeks after a fill, its so easy. Go for a fill if you need it - thats my motto. Good luck.

Boo - I had to laugh about your dh dragging you out of Lanes, my hubbster would never go clothes shopping with me. 27 years and I dont' remember him ever going into a ladies store with me. He goes once a year to Christmas shop - thats it. You're a lucky lady - and btw how is the dh? You two have alot going on right now - just remember this too shall pass.

Transformer - good to hear from you again! I hope you take some 'me' time in the midst of your hectic life. I think I'll go through my closets this weekend too - good idea! Just remember 40 ain't old.....if you're a TREE!!!! So sorry - when I saw you were 40 I had to say it. I got my sister a bumper sticker that said that for her 40th b-day, at the time I was 28 - well 40 has come and gone for me so I know how it feels.

Kaydoll - do you realize the average lapband weight loss for the first year is 40% - so you are over that already - good job!! I'm so glad you are checking in agian.

Va - I'm sending you a pm, I emailed my dr.

Ok - I've been screwing around for the past 2 hours - I better get some work done. Have a nice weekend!

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Hey Gang!!! Good to see everyone posting even though they're busy in their lives!!

Boo...hope you're hanging in there!! Congrats on the size 14s!!! I haven't seen that size since HS.....so i can't WAIT To get back there!! I think I could squeeze into an 18 right now, but haven't tried yet. Still want to get under 250 before i attempt looking at clothes again, but my size 22s are feeling pretty loose!

Transformer...good to see you!!

Steph...I wish I'd taken measurements before I started...I think I might have them from one of the other times i was at my all time high...so i could probably use those and measure now to see what the difference is. I need some motivation b/c my scale hasn't moved in WEEKS!!

BUT...some good news!! I found a fill Dr. about an hr from my house that does fills for $200 flat fee, no program or joining fee! I made an appt. for May 2nd, so I think that's who I'm going to use from now on! I'm also going to call my New insurance and see if they'll cover fills....and maybe I can get reimbursed for them! Anywhoo...That feels like a big weight off my shoulders! And hopefully some weight off the rest of me as soon as I get the fill! ;-) LOL

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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