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Jill - I'm not making my March goal either ;) but I think I lost 3-4 lbs this month - nothing like I would have liked to have lost but its a little bit and I didn't gain! I'm just going to try harder. Get another fill and really watch what and how I'm eating. To hit my goal for July 1st I only need to lose about 2 lbs a week. Thats totally do-able. You can do it too! Now I'm off to get my 30 minutes of exercise in.

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Steph...I know you're right, I probably haven't stretched the pouch, but I guess I'm just paranoid about it!! I am usually good about not drinking before, during after meals (unless I'm at a happy hour) ;) but there are other rules I have not been good about, i.e. snacking....I know I just shouldn't, but I've slipped back into old habits that way, especially with the evening snacking thing, so I need to get myself back in control and stop it! I know that is where I'm adding in a lot of extra calories I don't need.

Ironically enough...after all this bitching and moaning about being on a pleateau, my scale actually moved over the past few days down 1.5!! Go Figure!! Maybe all that complaining burned enough calories!?? ;-) LOL But I'll take it.

And although I'm not making my march goal...at least I made some progress....better than none!!

I think I'm going to make my April goal to get back to living the Bandster Rules in preparation for my 3rd fill at the beginnin of May.

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okay everyone I am going for a fill tommorrow if he will give me one I have been working really hard lately but not losing much

I will explain why I think I need a fill when we go out to eat and I eat lets say about a half of a cup I am so full no more for me

so my dh and I get a to go box and in about 30 mins I CAN EAT ALMOST 2 CUPS OUT OF THE BOX BECAUSE MY TUMMY STARTS TO GROWL




bman I have to say I am a little jealous you are a sz 14 because just yesterday

I had a meltdown because I realized the sz 14 capris I had bought on sale in dec will not fit me this summer I am sure

I just knew without a doubt I would be a lap band role model because of my age my doc made me feel this way

he is like oh you will be a star some star I am I have only lost like 8 lbs since surgery I must say doc thinks it is my body adjusting to not haveing those diet pills because I was on them for 3 yrs

well bman I am so happy for you maybe someday soon I will be out of these 20's

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Hi guys -

Just checking in. Things are about the same as they were before. I'm totally struggling with life right now. It seems like everything has piled on me at once.

I went in for my fill today. I have 9cc in my band. I've lost 1 pound since my last visit. I guess the silver lining is that I haven't gained any weight.

I'm not going to meet my march goal. That sucks.

Glad to see everyone is doing so well. Way to go ladies! Keep up the good work!


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Brandi - WOO HOO on the 14's!!! You're a super star!

Boo - my Mom will say stupid things every once in a while, but I have a tough time standing up to her and saying it hurt. I'm glad you told her it upset you - hopefully she'll think more next time!

Nat - glad you're down even if it's only a lb - one's better than none, and it sounds like you have more important things to concentrate on right now than your weight loss - I hope your little boy is keeping your spirits up - little ones can certainly make us smile!!

BK - with my last fill I have good restriction - might need just a tick more, but this is really "good". I'll get the golf ball feeling if I don't chew well (or choose something that's too dry) and I've slimed once or twice, but no PB-ing. I notice I don't get hungry in the evenings on the days I work out after work. I used to be ravenous after working out pre-band. Don't know why it works, but it does!!

Steph - 3-4 lbs is still close to "normal" of 1-2 lbs per week, so you're doing good - and definitely the fill will help!!

Ok, gotta run for now...

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I had major troubles with snacking in the evenings. Then, a friend taught me how to knit baby hats with a loom and I've done that to occupy my time and thoughts. It's really worked. And this coming from the girl who hates crafts. But this is so easy anyone could do it. I'm going to donate the hats to the local woman's hospital. I have quite a few already!

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Maurd--That sounds great! I bet you could really make some happy memories for some parents with those little hats, and just think it would be something that would be kept forever!

Nat--I am sorry life is coming at you full force right now. Have you seen "The Secret"? It is how what is in our life is brought in by us.

BK--you are doing so much better at exercise than most of us! That is something to really be proud of! Good luck on the fill.

I have not even lost a pound this month, but I am ok with it now. I did loose 2 sizes in clothes. I am looking forward to my fill next week though! :lol:

Hugs to all my girls....


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Happy Monday everyone.

I have been trying to diligently catch up on all the posts. You have been busy. Congrats to all the losers!!! Great for you!

It looks like there is a plateau group going on which I too am a part of. I have not lost 1 pound on a month! I am not up either..and my clothes are getting looser so I know somewhere my body is changing. I am frustrated but trying not to go off the deep end about it. My March goal was a fitness goal and not an exercise goal and I think I am going to reach it. I jogged about 26 minutes this morning. A very slow 2 miles, but I think I can hit the 30 minutes by Saturday. If I don't, I will say that I got a lot further than I thought I could and now I have the bug and want to keep doing it. It feels great and a huge accomplishment for me.

It looks like I am also not alone in the eating department. I too feel like I could eat everything in sight in the evening. Mornings I feel more restriction, but forget it after 5pm. I can actually eat quite a bit. Last night I had dinner at Moms and I had 1 slice roast beef (small ) with gravy, about 1/4 cup of mashed, 1/4 cup carrots and asparagus spear. I stopped myself because I felt that was enough but I definitely could have had another scoop of potatoes. But then other times I get full quicker. Strange. I have not figured this whole thing out yet.

My biggest problem now is staying away from chips. I was never a chip eater before but sometimes I crave them. I just have to say no! Especially when I think of all the exercise I do, what a waste of time if I am going to just down a bag of chips later!

B-man-I am so impressed with your size 14! I bought an 18 at Old Navy last week and it is a little loose and I am beside myself excited. Can't even imagine what a 14 feels like.

Banannie-Your loss is great-noticed it on your ticker. WTG!!!:clap2:

Kirsten-wtg on the exercise. Give your body time to adjust. I swear I retain a lot of Water when I have an intense exercise session.

Nat-I hope life settles down a bit. Miss your antics!


Currently I am jogging 3-4 days a week, walking another 1 day, elliptical 1 day and weights at least 2 days. I am up to 175 crunches at least 3 x/week. I have to write this to remind myself that although the weight is not peeling off, it will catch up with me and that my fitness level has increased exponentially. I know I am doing my body good and getting stronger and that just has to be enough for now.

have a good Monday.

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Wow it was so good to hear from all of you today!

I just want to remind you all that the average weight loss is 40% and most of that is the first few months. I know none of us want to be average but we have to remember that we knew this before we got the surgery.

I'm with all of you on the morning restriction, good during the day and its all out the window by evening. I REALLY fight the snacking at night - something I NEVER ate before the band was ice cream - seriously, I would have a small cone about once a month when dh would want to go - and then its just in the summer when the local stand is open. Now I find myself wanting ice cream. Its crazy. I will proudly say I do measure it out and only eat 1/2 cup but still drives me batty thinking that I would even eat the stuff! chips are also a tough one for me. I have them in the house only for hubbys lunch so I try to buy only small bags for him. DD was home last weekend so I bought stuff I shouldn't have. Its going in the garbage today. I also bought fresh fruit to snack on so I really don't have any excuse. Anyway I go in on Wed for another fill.

I took the dogs to the groomer today and then got my nails done. We are ready for spring. LOL I should take a pic - the dogs look so cute with yellow scarfs. It was 76 today - I love it! I didn't get my treadmill time in so I will go after supper for a long walk.

For all of you who are doing good - Brandi - keep up the good work. For the rest of us - time for a fill and we will do it! Remember 4 lbs a month is 50 lbs a year! I think when the weather really breaks and we are all alot busier we'll do better. I know I do better when I'm not sitting around the house.

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Kaydoll - wtg on the jogging! Thats awesome! You inspire me! Love ya girlie!

Natster - sweetie whats up? Hows the D-situation? I miss ya when you're not here.

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hi girls just checkin in .

Not a good day but need to make the best of it .

I am with you bev- even if I fit into smaller clothes I feel huge and its something I need to work on . :)

bk- you be ok we all are going slow but as long as we dont gain and you are the star . you took that big step to do something for your self so you are your own beautiful star be proud of yourself I am proud of all of us !!!:)

nat- you be ok I pray for you ok .

ok hope you all had a great weekend and write to you soon .

clau :clap2:

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hello everyone!!! looks like we are all finally checking in!

Nat and Kay -- we miss you!

Claud -- love you girl. You are always so positive :-) I dont know how you do it. but I love it.

I finally got back into my elliptical grove. I havent been using one since mine broke a few weeks ago...

So, enough was enough.... went and did my 30 min today... and did weight training for another 45min. Tomorrow 30 more elliptical and and hour of Yoga...

Got to get back in focus.

Is anyone else having a hard time getting enough food in??? I know im not too tight but I think I must not be getting enough Protein. I am geting 70g-80g+ a day... but as of last week I started losing hair... BIG time. Ive always lost quite a bit in the shower, but now it is very noticeable. I think I must not be getting something... but I thought for sure I was getting my protien.

Ive been trying to eat more... maybe it takes awhile to stop falling out once you go heavy on the protein again...

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Brandi - thats enough Protein - infact my sil told me they warned her about too much protein. Anyone else hear that? She said it can damage ... liver? or kidneys? "When people start consuming too much protein (over 2.0 g/kg/d), the extra protein can become a stressful stimulus for the kidney." thats from www.thedoctorwillseeyounow.com

and I definitely don't have a problem getting enough food. I really have a hard time keeping my calories between 1200-1500 - I'd love to keep them around 1000 - 1200 which is why I'm going in for a fill tomorrow.

I just found an article -

Will Eating More Protein Help Your Body Gain Muscle Faster?

Find out how consuming too much protein can harm your body.

By Miriam Nelson

WebMD Feature

Reviewed By Gary Vogin

Seems like everyone at the gym is doing it: filling up on protein to bulk up those biceps. But it's a misconception. Eating extra protein actually doesn't do much toward boosting your muscle mass and strength.

In fact, medical research shows that consuming too much protein -- more than 30% of your total daily caloric intake -- could actually harm your body, says protein expert Gail Butterfield, PhD, RD, director of Nutrition Studies at the Palo Alto Veterans' Administration Medical Center and nutrition lecturer at Stanford University.

She says that a diet containing excess protein can have the following adverse effects:

  • Adding more protein but not more calories or exercise to your diet won't help you build more muscle mass, but it may put your other bodily systems under stress.
  • Eating more protein and increasing total caloric intake while maintaining the same exercise level will build an equal amount of additional fat and muscle mass, according to a study published in 1992 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Too Much Protein

So think twice when you consider sacrificing the carbohydrates for a protein-dominant diet, Butterfield says. Drastically cutting carbohydrates from your diet may force your body to fight back.

She says that's because a diet in which protein makes up more than 30% of your caloric intake causes a buildup of toxic ketones. So-called ketogenic diets can thrust your kidneys into overdrive in order to flush these ketones from your body. As your kidneys rid your body of these toxic ketones, you can lose a significant amount of Water, which puts you at risk of dehydration, particularly if you exercise heavily.

That water loss often shows up on the scale as weight loss. But along with losing water, you lose muscle mass and bone Calcium. The dehydration also strains your kidneys and puts stress on your heart.

And dehydration from a ketogenic diet can make you feel weak and dizzy, give you bad breath, or lead to other problems. How Much Protein Do I Need?

The amount of protein you require depends on your weight and your daily caloric intake. Most Americans consume more than enough protein in their daily diets. A few specific groups of people are at risk for being protein-deficient, including elderly women and people with illnesses or eating disorders. A protein deficiency is defined as eating 50% to 75% of the recommended amount of daily protein, Butterfield explains.

Ideally, you should consume 0.36 grams of protein for every pound of body weight, according to recommended daily allowances (RDA) set by the Food and Nutrition Board. So if you weigh 170 pounds, you need about 61 grams of protein each day. Protein should also make up approximately 15% of your total daily caloric intake, also according to the RDA. In a diet of 1,800 calories a day, for example, about 270 of those calories should come from protein.

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hhmmmm... I've also heard that before.

That is a good point to bring up.

Then. if not Protein, (that's the cause i read most of the time) why is my hair falling out?? :bolt:

I journal everyday... and i can't figure out what it is that I'm missing.

Had anyone heard what else could cause this?

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Hey Brandi - I've got the identical problem. Suddenly the last week I've lost more than my normal "shedding" - I've heard that 3-4 months into a "rapid weight loss" the body does this and it doesn't last long, and there's nothing we can do about it. I've also heard theories it's just a delayed reaction to the surgery. I've been told by "seasoned bandsters" not to get upset, it'll not only stop on it's own but it'll grow back... Not what I want to hear but at least it makes me feel better that it's nothing I'm doing, and it fits in closer with the "I'm getting plenty of protein" argument.

I also struggle with the calories most days - I'm not journaling (probably should, but I don't) but many days I get less than 1000....

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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