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Yup, sounds like you need a fill *and* an "eating adjustment" - you shouldn't get a cheeseburger girl! That bread would get anyone with even modest restriction plugged up. And no ice cream! The fill will totally help with the physical hunger, for sure. Put a couple of South Beach bars in your glovebox (140 cal with 10g protein) or a baggie with nuts or something. If you don't have options like that, choose the fruit & Yogurt Parfait or stop by a convenience store and get beef Jerky or fruit or nuts, no cheeseburgers! :)

Since I was a touch too tight, I've hardly been hungry for the past few days (even with my slight unfill) and since yesterday morning until lunch today, I had maybe 400-500 calories, total. I should have been starving! So the fills TOTALLY HELP! I *did* eat my lunch today comfortably - yippee! I specifically tried the same thing as yesterday so I could see the difference - 0.2cc's was night & day! So even a small fill should help a bit!

You've got the knowledge, and with us behind you, you've got the strength. Now go get that fill!

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Steph...just wondering....are you more 'loose' at night you think?? I've heard some people can't eat much during the day but get loosened up at night (get your head out of the gutter girls!) ;-) and then they tend to overeat at night? Not sure if that applies to you or not? Just something to think about....

I just ate way too much cheesburger mac for dinner....its sitting like a golf ball..UGH....when will I learn to listen to my BODY and not my Eyes!????

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OK so I actually started walking yesterday yay! bk - on my way how about you ? .. girl you can do it :)

So I will average about 520-750 calories per day is that ok ?

I will be walking 5 -6 days a week 3 miles a day .

pls help me .

Bev-loved your story :) glad you had fun .

clau :clap2:

scale has not moved since feb 20 :)

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Claudia - most doctors don't want you to go much below 1000 calories, some insist on closer to 1200, some more! 520 is too low... your body could go into starvation mode and "hold on" to the fat - I don't know how much truth there is in the starvation theory but I know you can't get all the nutrients your body needs in 520 - it's hard to do at 1000-1200!

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I'm going to try and follow the lead of someone on this forum that lost over 100lbs. I ordered the bodybugg and I'm going to aim for a 1000 calorie deficit each day. I'm hoping this will help me get going. My ticker hasn't moved at all!

As for the loose at night, count me in. I'm great all day, then I get home and eat like a pig (or want to). Today's the first day I've made myself stick to my planned 3 meals only. However, I still feel like I can eat too much. So, I scheduled a fill in two weeks.

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Copying from another post I wrote on another thread...


“Best of What’s New” in Personal Health

Category by Popular Science Magazine

The bodybugg™ from Apex is an intelligent calorie management system designed to provide consumers with the tools they need to reach and maintain their ideal weight. The two simple components of the bodybugg™ system – the bodybugg™ armband, a small, sleek device worn on the upper arm, and the bodybugg™ web interface – work in tandem to track exactly how many calories an individual has burned and consumed every day.

The sleek, comfortable bodybugg™ armband, developed by BodyMedia, Inc., (bodymedia.com) monitors four different data points to track calories burned with 92% accuracy. It tracks the smallest activities such as washing the dishes and playing with kids as well as every step wearers take as they walk toward the experts’ recommendation of 10,000 steps a day for optimum health.

The online bodybugg™ interface, is the heart of the weight management system. Users simply upload the data from the armband device via a wireless communicator to their PCs. The bodybugg™ program then calculates exactly how many calories have been used and displays the number of calories available for consumption to maintain weight and reach fitness goals. Customized menus are available to aid in planning nutritional meals within the parameters of each individual’s fitness plan, and an easy-to-use food-logging program with thousands of

known foods in an auto-search database makes keeping track of food intake simple.

Users have the choice of logging their meals or using the automated program that calculates the actual average calorie consumption per day on a weekly basis using the information downloaded from the bodybugg™, calorie burn, and weight. Together, the bodybugg™ armband and the web interface provide real-time status any time of the day.

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I am not losing too fast, either. And I know that I don't eat anywhere near as much as I used to.

I did taste some pizza, but all that chewy, chewing, I got tired of it fast!

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hi girls sounds like everyone is doing well- I am still standing still = ( dont know what to do this doesnt seem to work for me.

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Well, the pain ive been having is NOT band related. But my Dr. said he might have detected a small growth on my left hand side. Said most probably is a fatty cyst that can form during weight loss process...

CUTE... he gave me pain meds though and they are great. I have no pain at all right now :-) They are anti-inflamatory and should zap my sore spot and make it go away.

yeah!! Dr C


Claud be careful eating too little... 500-600 calories is probably too little. To hard to get all the good stuff you need. You dont want to miss your protein!! Congrats on the walking. One step at a time. Your doing great girl!

Maurdan that little gadget sounds awesome. Let me know how it works. Someday when I get a little spare cash I would love to get one.

Steph OUCH! That had to be awful to happen while you were out and about. I got "stuck" while dining out at a restraunt... at least I could go hide in the bathroom. But it is just the worse feeling. Just get that next fill girl... DONT wait. It is awesome when you get to that "sweet" spot. I think I might have found mine.

VAband -- I am definitely looser in the evenings. In the morning I have to REALLY take my time now. Things do not go down very well when I first get up.

Nikki -- Congratulations on moving that scale again. You will get that 16 stone before you know it. I bet is is nice to say. Heck a few more months it gonna be 14 stone... end of this year you could be at GOAL! Keep looking forward.

BKwalling -- I sure hope I didnt trasmit a REAL virus via internet.. haha... seems like since I caught that stupid stomach virus... Youve all been sick, and I know it isnt fun. I am still recovering over a week later.

Bannanie -- glad the DR was so quick with the unfill. that had to be a terrible feelings when you know that Water is starting to go down slowly. At least it happened when you were in a place that it could be fixed!!

Who would have thought a few months ago that we'd all have come this far!! We are well on our way ladies! I am so proud of all of you :-)

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Bman--I am glad it is not band related. Since you don't need those pain meds start -passing them out and we can have a parfty! :D lol...just kidding.

Maud--thanks for the info. It is a bit expensive but if it works I am sure well worth it! Let me know if you get one.

I am miserable here. I am up for school this morning, and work. 5 am...ugh... I have to teach tonight until 10 pm for work and then get up to work again at 3 am for a 5 am meeting. Ugh.... this is so not the time to be sick. I have no time for this! :)

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BBk - you'll wear yourself out - you need to get rest when you are sick or you'll just get sicker. I'm totally one for bedrest at least one day when someone is sick, it gives the body time to heal. But I know that sometimes its impossible.

Nat - whats up girl?

Va - yes I am definitly looser in the evenings. WAY too loose (in every sense of the word just ask dh - jking!)

Annie -I really have to agree with you about the eating adjustment too - I should not be eating ice cream - and the crazy thing is I've never been much of an ice cream eater! I've been really good about staying away from that kind of crap and then suddenly I'm stuffing myself with it! As for the parfait instead of a burger - I'd still opt for the burger, that parfait wouldn't stay with me and meat does, plus the higher Protein in meat makes me tend to side with it. BUT the bun is another story, I don't normally eat breads like that. Anyway I'm going in today at 2 for another fill - hopefully this will bring me a little closer to the sweetspot. Like you said even a small fill should help.

Claudia - I would think the weight would be dropping off at 500-700 calories. I agree I think you should up your intake to 900-1200. Good job on the walking. I think I'll walk outside today instead of on the treadmill.

Jill - I think you and I are about the same - you probably need another fill too. Even just a small one. I got my fill 2/28 and I think I lost about 3 lbs the first week - and now nothing. Are you exercising? I think thats the only reason I lost anything. Try to get you 10000 steps in everyday.

Bman - I hope your cyst gets skinny - lol - seriously will it shrink then? I remember my dh had a fatty cyst on his back, it was pretty big like the size of a deck of cards and it went away on its own. I don't remember how long he had it tho. Pain meds are good - when dh cut his finger - he was like mr macho .. oh I dont' need them... she said I bet you will when what we gave you wears off... needless to say he took them till they were gone. I have to say sweetie that last weekend seemed to do you the world of good - you sound happy. I'm glad. And yes it was a bit embarrassing puking in the parking lot - thank goodness there wasn't many people around and that it didn't look like throw up - it was just a couple chunks of burger, like someone had chewed up and spit out. sorry tmi LOL I think the reason it came up was the Water I drank trying to get it down. Lesson learned. BTW - my nails look great.

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Thanks, Steph! Truth is... I feel a bit better.

Maybe it was best Eric decided to make a move. Of course, his actions confused me, but at least now I know that I still have feelings inside of me to get confused. I've been numb for so long that I wondered if they were still there.

I didn't take him up on the offer, but it did allow me to see that I could be comfortable with another man... which although scary was really nice. (not to mention, i was the one turning some hot guy down... my how the tables have turned!)

I have a bit my of feminine "power" back.

I felt almost human for a few days and that is huge for me :-)

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(((Bman))) - WE LOVE YOU! I'm happy that you're happy! Its so nice to feel attractive! When I saw doc today he told me I looked good :( Still crushing on my doc. I know it was a general hey how ya doing, ya look good statement but still makes a girl feel pretty.

SOOOOOOO I just got back from the fill. I had lost almost a whole cc - he thought it may have been air being pushed in last time and getting all the knooks and cranies filled - so I'm back up to 5 cc's. My first swallow at 4 cc's the barium flowed right through the band, he tried alittle more then 5 but it was a little too much but he said if by Monday I'm not staying full long enough to come in early for the support group on Tues. and he'll just add a little in the office. Did I tell you guys that the last time I had to get stuck laying down and then walk over to the xray machine? Well we did again this time - I've found out it doesn't hurt as much getting stuck laying down as it does standing up. Anyway I said its really hard to know if I have enough or too much or not enough and he said thats normal and thats why the tweaking is so important - a little here and there until we have it just right. He gave me a card - it explains how to feel. I'll post it tomorrow - tonight I have to fold some laundry and get supper for the man.

Before I left I threw all the junk out - and then stopped at the store on the way home and nothing looked good. I'm on liquids tonight so I got some Soup at the deli - its good - and some frozen dinners - the 200 cal ones. I wanna lose 10 lbs this month!!!! If I count the first 3 that I lost to get me to 199 that means I only need to lose 7 more - thats do-able right?

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steph go for the whole 10 not counting the otherones you can do it :(

well I am going for my second fill on saturday I notice that I can eat bread I only had like 1/2 inch or less of a breath stick but that not good no bread at all so I made me appointment asap. I actually looking forward to it because my first fill I only had restriction for about 10 days then it got easier and easier . so wish me luck I know my doctor put me on liquids for 10 days so that something I am not looking forward to but there are sacrafies to do when we want to look more beautiful right lol .

take care girls ..


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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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