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Thanks ladies for the advice I am going to start watching my carbs I will have to hit the supermarket for lower carb Snacks also I did want to metion I do measure everything because I did in the beginning mis judge how much i ate

I hope this helps

oh quick question anyone tried pizza with the band

I stay away because of fat but a lady on here on some other thread said she can eat 3 slices I thought that seemed like a lot

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Here is what i had yesterday.... i had about 47 carbs... little more than I usually do... but I ate part of a piece of pizza. so, that was a bit unusual for me.


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i simply dont keep food of hg calorie or jjunk in the home- that way ots impossible to eat them, i have a daughter and a staff buthe stafffood is theor own problem i get up like ive done for forty years in themiddle o fthenight and openthe fridge like ive fodne at 4am for 35 years and see nithingmuch- a starwberry- a peach- yogurt-= Jello 60 caloire pudding- diet coke wich i cant drink becaius ei fthe carbonation ivebeen told is bead for the band, im so restricted just a t 1.75 taht ill throw up if i have ahskae at nght- gross regurtationtoo i have to sellp woth atowel not very sexy, for these regirtiations, b ut idonthave sepa or sepa obstriuction and the scale just now said 150.8 its 630 am so if i sleep til 10 willit say 152.4 that dammed 152,4 its beed for two eeeks now or have o finally brokjen themold? bat the palteau. i realsie many of you have fam,ilies but and not to be judgemen tal but the only sinful thing inour house is kid Cereal, froot loops and honey crackle things i donte eat woch my daiughte r does like, if you have lots of ids and a husband things i dont have, i can udnerstand some junk food biut why nothave your family help you and wehy contribute to the great american obesituy probelm? why not takeyour family with you onthis journey? im respondong to the person who eats to omuch junk food, why have it in the house> who is it good for> your husband>>? your children? ice cream on a sunday, mayeb a pizza every two eeks, but to wat the way we eat in americanis just ignorant yall,theres these soy ice cream snadwic hes called cuties they are 100 calories each- if i have a vice its naked anti oxident juices from whole foods- andc ifyour nbear a whole foods seriously recomend shopiing there, make a bi g deliciou sfruit plate for snacking peaches tengerines grennand red grapes the bog ones- japanese pear apples, tangelo slices blood orange sloces,and ifyou must dairy whip with no caRBS, dont dcikntrinuet to chldrens sugar early patterns and obseity infuirture, tellthem ther whole family is going to focus onehealth, and mommys health is the mist impirtant thing rightnow and hibby and kids nee dto respectthat

evn those juce boxes are evil, theyre pure sugar, theyre like sittinga kid infront of a tvfor a baysitter- im no saint ivehad carbs in thehouse but i alswya sakse dmy housejkeeper and daughetr to hide them bread and pastas in the secret "cardrawer: we dont have sandwiches inthis house- althoughw e have string chese and cold cuts organic ones, for if someone needs some meet and c hedese with thick butter lettuce and lo fat mayonanise wich i couldnt live without a little i am americanised after all- we dontdo mayonaise in britian so much, and put that one the little lettiuc sandwiches, no bread no bread no bread, thats my motto.

and ive gon e from 182 to 150,8 sinc ecdec 21, my size 4 leathe rpants fit aND ARE LOOSE.

i do light yoga 5 times a week and thats about it some tradmillnad dogwalks but if i wanna really go there iln gonnaneed to add cardio but we are the most obese country in the world, we are force fed pardon my french utter deep friend sh*t fromc onception, i se ethese food ads and its a joke what theyre trying tod o to us- hearta ttacks and early deaths,

theresz a wonderful food called mochi its macrobitoic and also is an japanse ice cream- but get some slabs of mochi and some ricce Syrup and make them just liek pancakes, three or five puevcs delicious carb high bit very good for you and fulof anti oxident, flax sedd oila nd kyo green is inportanttoo and we all of us have s ome sort of wors and parasites try paracleanse fo r ten days- an dthen do it agin to keill the eggs ten days later,

imis sthe eigyties os back yto x files.

i knbow alopt oabout food ive done raw ive done macro Atkins south beach etc

theres a low low no carb desert on pahse one on south beach its risotto cheese with orange and lime andlemon in it i cants ay its haagen daaz bit iuts oretty dammed good at 4am, and is a desert liek thing.


take it where youc an get it!


gonnabe almost am.!


in Iowa id be fine and om not dysmprphic om a realist- youwanna work at my age and genre you gotta bve the skiniiest in drama, i dont need jessica albas bod becaus eim a dramatic actress but we must be thin thin thin and its so sick. but its time i got of myass and got into it, if i was inrock n roll id be skinny- but film adds 10? no try 25.

thats my 6 am advice, youshouldt have ireos inyour house no thta im finger awgging bit to whom does that benefit> if your goiubgto ask the kid sto make a secret carb draWRER they like it cos iut s a game fo rthem, and you cant fnd the carbs.

hoe that helps some


I am not trying to be rude but I really cant follow your post honey- if you were asking a question I am not sure what it was, but if you are a size 4 ?? Are you at goal in less than 3 months!? What did you start out at and exactly what are you eating? Is english a second language for you? Good luck and congrats on your weight loss! Jill

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hi . hope everyone is doing fine .

As I read I need to go back to carb dieting I have been so bad and need to get going and lose weigh asap .

so I need you to push me lol and help me get started I was doing so good latley I just eat what I want thank god I have not gained weight or I would loose it really .

about my transfer to Il is in proses so pls pray for me go to get it something I been wanting for a long time .

well .. hope you have a great week .

bev- you go girl your doing so awsome .

bk we will get back on track and look great for the summer


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Hey all,

Just a quick note to tell you all that I am still alive! I have been at the hospital with my mom. I think I told all of you she had the RenY. She is having MAJOR problems! She now not only has an infection, but a stricture as well! She is miserable.

Of course all of the stress is getting to me, and I haven't lost a damn pound since I got the unfill....ugh....be back soon to catch up! Miss you all!


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claudia you are right we will get back on track together

I am using the no excuses method this morning I am leaving for the gym and it is two hours before my work day begins

so I am not using the excuse that i will be too tired to workout and work all day like I normally do on a workday

Brandy I hope your mom gets better good luck and you are right stress will keep the lbs on

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BBK - so sorry to hear of your mom - yes we missed you. We'll pray for her.

BK - www.fitday.com its free and it even calculates your exercise. I love it - and shamefully haven't used it to its fullest for a few weeks now. I really need to get back to tracking.

gonnabeskinny - I'm sorry hon but I gotta agree with Jill - its very hard to decipher your posts - it looks as if you are typing too fast and not correcting your mistakes -

Claudia - are you married? You had said about an ex boyfriend but I don't remember a hubby. Just wondering about the transfer to Il., do you have family there or just a better paying job?

School was closed today - more SNOW! DD is going to get her braces off - finally! Shes' in heaven right now. good thing my truck has 4 wheel drive! Or she'd be a unhappy girl. I have bunco tonight - so I hope this soon stops so we don't have to cancel. I finally decided what to make - the taco ring - with croissants (the poppin fresh kind) - I made homemade salsa - to die for - and guilt free - talk to yens later!

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BK -- I track my calories on www.fitday.com. and yes, it is free :-)

You can use the approximate calories that they already have on file or you can enter your own customer foods (by entering the nutrition label off of everything you eat). It saves them so you dont have to enter them ever again. You just select them and enter the amount that you consumed.


OMG ladies... Ive been so sick. :sick i almost went to the hospital yesterday. i got a horrible stomache virus that acutally made my abdominal muscles hurt it was so bad. It felt like someone had kicked me in my stomach... right on top of my port. I mean like it felt like someone had beaten me. It hurt to sit up straight. It hurt to breath deeply. It was a million times worse than my surgery. :girl_hug:

So, it really scared me. I thought that something was wrong with my band. It felt like I was gonna die. I couldnt even keep Water down. Honestly, I think having the band made it worse... because when i got sick it irritated my stomache where the band was making it even more uncomfortable than it would have been for the average person.

I had NO food yesterday. Finally got Water down... but no food.< /p>

I had a fever of 102 the last i checked (last night)... and it got worse before it broke though. It broke at about 10pm last night.

I was considerably better this morning... called in to work until Noon. Slept a little bit more and now I'm 100% better, but it sure gave me a heck of a scare. I thought I had an infection with my band or something. I got VERY paranoid.

Ive eaten a very very small amount today, but it is all staying down now... no nauesea... so it must have just been a bug. I'm so glad THAT is over.

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:clap2: bk- we will do it . I just need to be not lazy to go to the gym or use my treamill that next to my bed lol

I ate better today I could actually fill the restriction :girl_hug:

steph- No not married so if you have a brother lol an uncle lol send him my way lol I transfering (hopefully ) because I love that city dont have family there only a couple of friends I need a change .I know it will do me good profecionally and emotionally :) so pray for me .

bev- I need to start yoga pls help incorage me :)


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Beversman - OMG!!! I'm so glad you're ok!!! I hadn't really thought about how "normal" illnesses we'll all get in the winter will be increased due to our bands.

Keep your chin up girl! :girl_hug:

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B man Oh man sorry for your scare that is awful

I am glad your better

on fitday how do you enter if you eat like 2 chicken strips or a cup of Soup how do you know what they consider a serving a little confused

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What you do is just look at the Nutrion Label on the back of a package.

It will tell you what a serving is. Soup is usually 1/2 cup to 1 cup. chicken fingers... 3-5 pieces. The nutrion label will always give you the serving size.

Lets say I eat Uncle Ben's Brown Rice.

So, I go to fitday... ADD a "custom food"

You name it and then enter the nutrional info.

In one serving (which on the box tells you is 1/4 precooked, 1/2 cooked)

You have the ability to change the amount of the serving... you can use TBSP, TSP, CUP, LITER

So, in this instance... you enter .5 CUP

Calories 170

Total Fat 1

Cholesterol 0

Sodium 0

Potassium 100

Carbohydrates 36

Fiber 2

Protein 4

Alcohol 0

Then you SAVE it.

Now, when you come back three days later, you could enter that you ate .5 CUP and those stats would pop up. (EX 170 calories)

If the next day, you only eat .25 cup(half as much).... half of those values pop up. (EX 85 calories)

It will calculate the changes for you once you enter it the first time.

So, if you enter the stats for 1 Ounce of meat... then you eat 4 ounces. You enter four ounces and it will automatically X 4 to get the total amount of calories, fat, carb, ect... that you ate.

TIP: If you don't have a nutritional label... they have many foods already listed in their database that you can search for and add. You can also find ALL Fastfood nutrional facts at http://www.howstuffworks.com/framed.htm?parent=question457.htm&url=http://www.calorieking.com/foods/

You can search by restraunt. Then enter the nutrional #'s into fitday to tally them up with everything else you've eaten.

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B.man thanks for the info it has helped a lot It shows I have burned more than I have ate today is this normal

Oh and I can not help but notice you have a bmi of 32 now congrats on almost not being obese

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oh yeah... it is WAY normal for us to be eating way less than we burn just sitting still. Normal people burn from 2000-2500+ depending on weight and age. That is just sitting still (resting)!

Just think about how many calories you USED to eat in a normal day.

I entered an "old" normal day in there one time. I was eating 3500 - 4000 calories a day...:girl_hug: NO PROBLEM!

Now it is 600-800... I feel like ive eaten a ton when I get to 1200.

Just goes to show... even with minimal exercise, we are gonna lose weight.

Just remember that when you feel like your eating alot. Think about how much you USED to be able to eat.


Thanks for noticing the BMI... what is considered Obese? I dont even know.

My goal is to get below 200 by the end of March :-)

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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