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Steady losers ;-)

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NSV today:

Co-worker: Are you getting skinny?

Me: Trying!

And now to TV...

Amazing race - ok so the only ones I can not stand are the beauty queen girls. I hated them the first time they were on and I still can't stand them. They are typical shallow pretty girls. I still love Rob and Amber - I'm also the BIGGEST survivor fan so Robs been my fav for a long time. I can forgive him for his rudeness for some reason. I'm horrible with names but the lady who shaved her head the season she was on - did they win that season? I really like them too. Did any of these all stars win the first time around?

I love Rob and Amber, too, but sometimes feel like I'm in the minority!

Yes, Joyce shaved her head in her season. She also went on to win with her husband, Uchenna. I think they are the only ones who have won on AS.

I also hate that dating couple. What a crock. So many other deserving teams should be there over them!

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Yippee for me - I go tomorrow for a 2nd fill! I'm so happy - I told him I'm eating like a horse LOL - and then within a couple hours I'm snacking - he said sounds like you need a fill. I was so happy when he called back to say they can get me in tomorrow afternoon!

Claudia - wish I'd been in Mexico last week, or FLORIDA (Nat) - lucky duckys.

Bman- sorry to hear of the troubles today. Brakes aren't too expensive tho so thats a good thing. Too bad your dad or someone couldn't have fixed them for you. My son does it for me and its like $18. Didn't you just buy the ellipitcal? you should take it back.

Bk - I need a tivo. I love watching stuff when I walk the treadmill. I tape shows so I can watch. I'm sure you'll hit your goal, just stop the throwing up! I never throw up - can't even remember when I did last - I get the poops instead. Everyone will be puking and I'll be pooping.

I keep looking out at the snow I had wished for and think man I dont' feel like skiing. I know once I get out there I'll love it but I went too long without going.. now I need a push... shove.. kick in the arse!

Yes - Joyce shaved her head - geesh I loved them that season. I'm still rooting for them. And I like the coalminer couple. Just not the blondes.

Went shopping today for Bunco - when we host we buy the gifts, $3, $5, $7, $10 and $15 - total of $40 so then everyone pays the host $5 and you are reimbursed. I bypassed the candles and bath oils this time and went for Easter decorations - I found the cutest stuff at Ross. I love hosting. Still struggling with dinner tho.

I have to admit I feel so much better since I got news of my fill and went shopping. Better then drugs!

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Va - I think I forgot to tell you WTG!! Good job sweetie and I'm sure you'll hit your next goal. I'm setting my goal for March at 10lbs. I get weighed tomorrow so I'll tell you my official weight loss for Feb then.

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Thanks Steph!!! And Congrats to you too on getting an appt. for your 2nd fill tomorrow!!! Let us know how it goes! hopefully you'll get to your sweet spot like I did!!

I don't know if BMan bought an elliptical, that may be me that you're thinking about. I bought one 2 weeks ago and have been sick w/a cold ever since!! But it HAS to go away soon so that's why I'm adding in exercise to my March Goal.

Maurdan...glad to hear about your coworkers compliment!!! That must have felt nice! I am down 35 pounds and have yet to have anyone but my sister and best friend tell me that they notice anything :-( Kinda frustrating but oh well!! I notice, and am going to have my friend take some in progress pics next week.

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Hello ladies

I went this morning for a unfill. When I got there it was found out that I had lost OVER 7 pounds since Friday afternoon. Obviously in this case it was not a good thing! I got .25ccs back out and I am feeling much better.

I was to the point this morning I had a hard time driving my car because it is stick and my brain could not function! The Dr told me she could tell I was severely dehydrated and my body was starting to shut down! Then I pulled my shirt up to expose the tummy and she shrieked! lol.. She was sure that I had lost all of those 7 pounds in my subqueten (??) fat! I have never felt so good to be able to actually drink water...

And I know I should have gone in sooner. I knew I was bad, I just thought it would get better. I really had no idea how bad!

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Morning everyone...I am in countdown mode to my exam (thursday) when I think I will be a normal person again at least for a couple weeks. I am studying 24/7, my house is a wreck and I couldn't tell you what my kids look like. It is tough...Why did I not take school more seriously when I was younger???!!!???

Okay, enough of my whine. Aside from that, I am good. I feel good. I have a decent amount of restriction. Last night I made a little burger with grilled onions and a side of broccoli. I ate 2 bites of burger and it felt terrible. I think I cooked it too long and it had no juciness to it at all. So I stopped eating. That was a lesson learned. I never really felt that before. I find I am eating pretty much whatever, but small portions. I am hooked on this Cream of Mushroom Soup from an area market..it is incredible. I imagine it has more calories than I need, but I only eat a cup and I justify it that it is a small portion (I have it once a week). I really should just start making my own and then I can control what is in it. I am weighing in today. I hope to be down a couple pounds. We'll see. I really wanted to hit my 50lbs by March 1st but I think that may not happen. Close though...

Nat-I am definitely unpopular here, but I would not tell the man about the scars. I would say Gallbladder or that you had a cycst removed. That is just me. I am so secretive about this surgery and I would fear that if things didn't work out, he would tell others. If you are comfortable with other people knowing, than I would tell him. I just fear that you can never undo it once he knows. Besides you can always tell him the truth later, your medical history is really your business and he cannot hold that "lie" against you. I know it seems irrational to keep this whole surgery a secret, but I do it. I don't want to be judged. The reality is, I am working harder now than I ever have to lose this weight. I am at the gym a lot so anyone who thinks this is the easy way out can stuff it. But I just don't have the activist in me anymore that wants to have to plead my case...But I digress....

Do what you feel in your gut girl. I think it is will steer you in the right direction.

Okay..little one is home sick (again) and wants pancakes so I have to run. I will check back later.

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geesh Boo when did you get the fill? Friday? What were you going thro, throwing up or pain? Please tell.

Kaydot - hey doll, how's your fill going? Still happy with it? I remember how you debated over it, I was doing that with this fill that I'm going for today until I finally realized that if I keep snacking I'll gain everything I lost back.

BK- are you feeling better? I assume you've adjusted to your fill also.

Nat - enjoying the sun? Wish I were with you.

Va - please tell me what you took for your cold? I caught my sweet daughters cold - I was 100% sold on airborne until they said I couldn't take it after the surgery so I went and bought zinc - I've taken them the past 2 days bc I felt it coming on but as of last night I've got the full blown cold. I dont' think zinc or C will do any good at this point. I have to admit this is the first cold I've had in a year or more. And it sucks! I was planning on going to get my nails done this morning before my fill and now I don't know if I can - blowing my nose every 2 minutes during a manicure just isn't good. But I'm thinking if I can take something for it I will go. Any suggestions?

While you are all thinking on that I think I'll go dig thro my medicine chest to see whats available. I know my dd just got some new stuff but they were HUGE horse pills and I don't think even without the fill I could take one.

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Kay - hope the little one gets better fast - is she in kindergarten?

Nat - I wonder if Kay doesn't have a point about telling Mr.Hunky but still think if you know him well enough to sleep with him don't you think you should trust him enough to not tell? I just can't imagine him thinking enough about it to bother telling anyone. Guys don't talk about stuff like this, I think he'd spill your performance in bed before he'd spill the surgery.

I found myself telling my friends at the wrestling tourny last weekend. I don't think I would have told them if I hadn't found out the one sil had been banded too. I still have kept it secret at work tho - thats the only place its secret - and my bunco girls - but they haven't noticed my weight loss so until they say something I don't think I'll say anything either. I guess my biggest concern is failure.

Nate just called and said they want me to come earlier for my fill - 1:15 - yes! I just ate a half of an english muffin so I hope its digested by then. I also found some actifed and they are little pills so I took one of them - it says 4 to 6 hours so now I'm wondering if I should take another at 12:30 so it'll be in me before the fill. LOL I'm a nut case I know.

Banannie - just noticed you are viewing and gotta tell you again that I'm so happy you changed your name - postive thinking my love. My neice is named Anna and we call her banannie too. Ok so I may have said all of that a few pages back but it bears repeating.

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Boo Glad you got a unfill maybe now you feel better

steph _ I am better today but sick from sinus drainage today oh well

va_ i am proud you hit your goal

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Steph, good luck on the fill! Mine is 4:15 Pacific time, so you'll be done well before me... and thanks for the encouragement on the name change... :( I have the same concern with failure and having people watching me, which is why only a few people know.

Nat - personally, while I agree that if you're getting intimate that you should feel comfortable telling, I wouldn't myself. Just because I wouldn't want even the chance of everyone knowing. But go with what's in your heart - he sounds like a good enough guy that he'd keep it quiet. Good luck and enjoy the sun! :)

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Steph...wish I had some secret strategy to getting over the cold, but I'm still fighting mine 2 weeks into it! i've tried Zinc, Vitamins, sleep, green tea, and NyQuil (that is great for nighttime btw).....but it is just being stubborn and doesn't want to go away quickly....GRRRr...VERY Frustrating!! So I feel your pain and hope yours disappears more quickly than mine!! I hope the friends you told at the wrestling tourney were supportive!! My sons wrestling season is over (thank God!)...and he is getting ready to have flat foot surgery on Friday so he's going to be in a case for the next 6 weeks (fun fun fun!)

kaydot...GOOD LUCK ON your Exam!!!! Can't wait to see you back here as a regular!!

BK...seems like sickness is going around!! Hope you feel better soon too!!!

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I got it on Friday .50cc's, which I NEVER do! I told her it would be too tight, but the new PA must have not trusted me about my own body. I just actually could NOT physically eat or drink. If I did it would not go down, I could feel it in my chest. I was able to take tiny sips. I had absolutely no desire on earth to eat, so I didn't.

Va--so sorry you are still sick. :sick I hope you get over this soon! Now you will be carrying it into March...yuck!

Kay--hope you get to your goal of 50! How close are you? :(

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Hi all - I just got back from my fill. I don't know if I understood him right or not but I had gotten 2cc the first time and it was down to 1.6 when he took it out then he put in 3cc, and Nate said total and he said no, on top of what she had. So I think I should have about 5cc now. He said when I took the swallow it went right thro with what I had. I have only lost one pound so he said don't hesitate, if Monday comes and you don't feel like its working come back and we'll give you more. So thats encouraging. I had stopped at Walmart on my way there and who did I run in to but the lady who had her surgery the same day as me, we had our first fills together too. I told her I was on my way to get another fill and she said she thought she needed one too. :) Amazing how things work.

So I'm on liquids today, mushies tomorrow, Friday I can have whatever I want. I hope this one lasts for a while now.

I had to get stuck 2x - first time he couldn't find the ports center. So after moving the needle around he finally pulled it out and had me lay down and he got it right away - I did the needle in the belly thing while I walked across the room to the xray machine. LOL

While we were talking he said that he had just been to a conference and the makers of @Lapband had developed a new band that doesn't use saline, it has wires in it and its done with a remote control. Wild hu? But totally cool, we wouldnt' be needing to get stuck every time we needed a fill. Well not us but the future banders.

Talk to you tomorrow - hubster will soon be home so I should fix him dinner. I have a feeling he'll say he'll just have the Soup I plan on eating. :scared:

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Ever since my fill (2.5cc) I really can't tell if I'm restricted.

On the one hand, if I eat too fast, don't chew enough, etc. it causes me PB problems that I didn't have before.

On the other hand, I still feel like I can eat too much. I just had a salad and ate more than I thought I could.

I'm so confused!

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Maurden - you probably need a fill because thats how I was feeling. I would time on how long you feel full. I think I waited so long because I knew I wasn't eating the way I should when my family was visiting and blamed it on myself. Now I know I won't wait so long.

Can you believe its March first already? I have to go in to work - my only busy day of the month and I'm sick with this cold. :) I just took actifed so I hope it soon kicks in - I feel like crap.

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