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Steady losers ;-)

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Thanks for all the nice words on my pics. Isn't it funny how critical we are on ourselves? I wasn't going to post my pics because I've only lost about 30 lbs total but my mom encouraged me so much this past weekend that I thought well maybe you can tell. She was so funny, she kept saying Steph I don't think you need to lose anymore, when you are walking from behind you look like a normal size. I said mom, I'm still need to lose at least 50 lbs and besides I'm just built narrow and if you turn me sideways I'm as wide that way as I am the other, (I'm round) and she'd say well yes but from behind you look really good. LOL But here I was worried that they wouldn't even be able to tell I had lost weight and compare me to the sil who had bypass but instead they were so supportive and encouraging. Even tho I didn't eat the way I know I should have, I did too much grazing and bad food choices, I still used my band and felt in control. I haven't exercised since Friday so I need to get my jelly on the treadmill today! All in all it was a very nice visit and I won't see them again until july so I hope I'll knock 'em over the next time I see them!

Is anyone still going to the local support group? We have a meeting tonight. I really get alot more support from you ladies then I do at those meetings but its still good to go.

Nat - can't wait to hear how things turned out last night.

BBK - I have the same problem with clothes, tops especially. Because I have the fat belly I have to buy bigger sizes to fit around my waist and then they bag in the shoulders and boobs, and pants will fit in the legs and butt but I won't be able to button them at my waist. So I get them to fit at my waist and they're baggy everywhere else. It sucks.

Bman I'm glad I inspired you bc you always inspire me! Your pics really encouraged me too and your strength! I always wish I had your will of steel.

VA- WTG on the weight loss! Good job! How do you feel with the new fill?

Banannie - so glad you changed your name! Positive thinking my love only positive words.

Nikki - I try not to eat more then a cup of food at a time - and if I'm in doubt I measure it. Ideally 3/4 cup fills me without being FULL - and I try to make good food choices, Proteins first and then fruits and vegies, I take the bun off the burger, that kind of stuff. I also watch calories and try to make my meals between 200-300 cals. and eat every 3-4 hours, as long as I can go until I feel the growling hunger, so I eat about 800 to 1200 calories, which is more then alot of you eat so that is probably why my weight loss has been slower.

Bk - have you adjusted to your fill now? No more throwing up?

Wheres Sweethot?

Kay - you out there girl? Hows the new job going? Clinicals? I'm glad you decided on a fill. Has it been working for you?

Well I'm off to Turbo tax to get my taxes done - I've procastinated as long as dh will let me. I promised as soon as my visitors were gone I'd get to it so .... it sucks to be me. If I wasn't a bookeeper I could push it off on someone else but I have a reputation to live up to - stupid stupid stupid - should have been a nurse.

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bkwalling -- girl! you are just perfect size for yoga.

I've been doing it since I was 267lbs and am still doing it down at 217! The beauty is that you only have to do what you need to "feel" it. You dont have to fully extend or push yourself all the way in any of the poses until YOU are ready. You just go at your own pace. It is sooooo nice. i think you would love it.

Bandiva -- what did i get a WOW for? ive been a lazy bum lately... ha but thanks for it none the less.

VAbandster -- its emotional crap. i just would rather be in bed, but i am determined this week to go to the gym whether I want to or not. So, no i dont feel more motivated, but i DO feel better since I got up and moved.

Nikki -- I eat close to a cup of food when i eat. I am just not supposed to eat any more than that. If I eat any less, I just dont feel nourished.

I was told by my doctors that eating a 1.4 of a cup was almost on the unhealthy side. It would be very hard to get the nutrients and live a "normal" lifestyle. BUT anything from 1/2 cup to <1 cup should be ok. Over a cup means you need to get a fill.

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hi girls hope you had a great weekend .

:mad: I feel sad today dont know why or what but I just feel down and like crying . I know I have come a long way in 2 1/2 months but I guess I am scared in confronting my little vacation and the critizisim I will resive . Dont know if It will be good dont know if It will be bad. But I know I need to learn not to care of what people think and just love my self day by day .

I guess all this started yesterday when I saw my so called bestfriend no longer my bestfriend but she told me wow it seems like you lost 100 pounds then if it looks like I lost 100 that means that I need to loose 2000 more :) I guess I am just having not a good day :woot:

Hope you all have a better day then I am . And like always thanks for your support !


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claudia you have done so well I did not realize you weighed under 200 way to go

brandi thanks I will try yoga

steph I only throw up once every couple days i think It is because I am adjusting to what I can eat not real sure

steph you look like you have lost more than 30 you keep up the awesome work

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Just finished my taxes - yea me! :Banane43: and it was a good thing! I don't know why I procastinate on getting money from uncle sam! I just always dread doing them. And it took less then 2 hours from start to finish! woohoo

Claudia you are doing great! Don't be sad :lol: be happy :scared: Truthfully my feeling is that we are in complete control of our emotions, we can choose to have a good day or a bad day. Sometimes we just want to be angry or sad, and theres nothing wrong with that but we can look at our life and pick all the wonderful things out that make us happy and turn the whole day around. We all have days of self doubt - if you read back over my posts I'm no exception but we are all starting a new journey and have to remember its just one day at a time. Thats what I tell myself about changing my eating habits, if I can get through one day then the next day will be a little easier and eventually I hope to have all new habits. My focus right now is to watch my portion sizes and only eat when I'm really hungry. If I can add exercise into my daily or weekly schedule thats another and another for me is trying not to eat at least 2 hours before bed. All of these things I'm trying to change are 40 years in the making so I don't expect to change them in a month, but I do expect to keep trying. Be happy she said you look like you lost 100 lbs. that was a compliment! And be happy that she noticed, its so much worse when you are losing and no one even sees it. I felt like I was at a stand still and no one would be able to see 30 lbs but unless you are all lying to me I was wrong and it is noticable. Cheer up sweetie and enjoy the journey. You're only 15 lbs away from your first goal.

Bk - thanks sweetie - I really needed to hear that you can see the difference bc I sure wasn't seeing it in myself, I guess posting those pics was a good thing. I'm so glad you arent' sick anymore. How's the kids? Is everything going ok? Have you decided what path you're going to take? I think that you should go for the higher education, whatever will take more, which I think would be the school teacher, right? Only because the degree will be there if the daycare doesn't pan out. Its always good to have a back up. At least thats what I told my kids. My dd was thinking about changing her major from pubic ed, to private (or whatever it was) and I told her the same thing, if you get the easier degree and it doesn't work what then? but if you get the higher degree you can always teach in a private school, ya know what I'm saying? But the choice is yours and your heart will lead you.

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Hey claud (hugs) its ok girl. I know what you mean about being down. It just happens. Just remember (and I need to remember this too)... one day at a time.

You are doing an awesome job. it is a good thing that people are noticing how well you are doing. I just (today) had the first person from my work actually say something about the weight i am losing. It was kind of nice and made me feel good. I thought that no one could tell. BUT

Someone actually noticed!! So, dont take her compliment badly. It WAS a compliment. i wish i looked like Id lost a 100 lbs. I feel like I am just as wide as ever. :-)

I think our brains are going through a more drastic change than our bodies.

Becuase we dont see the change taking place in our "thought process" we tend to over look it.

Sometimes it just catches up with us. I've been in a bad mood for over a week... so just know that we are all here and we understand :-)

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Thanks girls for your words . I really am a postive person dont know what happend today . but thanks a million .

I guess its hard to take comments like that when you know that all of the friendship was based on her part of looking better than the other . She had a Tummy Tuck done a year and 1/2 ago and gane all the weight back (my so called ex best friend) so when she told me that I looked like I had lost 100 pounds I didnt trust her nor I took it or take it in consideration.

Little by little I trying my best to keep focus and latley I am not but I will be right on track as of tommarrow I promise .

Your all right its ONE DAY AT A TIME and we are all in this together :lol:

so thanks a millon from the bottom of my heart I really mean it :Banane43:

:clap2: clau

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claudia _ I totally get what your are saying one of those friends where you are not sure whether they are complimenting you or not

steph - your welcome

The kids situation is put on hold the court wanted to wait a couple months not sure why thanks for asking

also I have decided to take this semester off school and start taking less classes this fall as well as opening a daycare this summer

My town has a need for a awesome daycare my children really had no where to go when I had to work

alot of the daycare here have bad reps for being mean

I want a place where kids love to go and I can teach them in the process

I do agree about education to fall back on I hope it all works out

I also understand what you mean about not being able to tell on yourself about the weight loss

I am totally like that

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bk -exactly what I mean .

bev-I think I will try yoga next week when I come back from my vacation :Banane43: you inspire me to do it :scared:

I have a question anyone traveled by plane after surgery ?

I was told by another person in a chat that if you travel by plane you band get really tight ? any advice on this matter and that I will have to do liquids the first day on my vacation dont sound good but just asking ? :)

Thanks guys my day almost over and I appreciate your support feeling a little better will not lie cried and cried but I will sirvive lol :)


have a great evening :):lol: :clap2:

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Claud.....so sorry to hear about your (now ex) best friend!! But you know that if she can't be supportive of your success she's not a true friend. Hang in there!! You've got good friends here that are rooting for you!!!

As for flying....I flew 2 days after my surgery and have flown a day after my first two fills (actually a matter of hours after this 2nd one!)....and I can tell you that I had NO PROBLEMS whatsoever!! I don't think the plane made me any tighter than I was on the ground :lol: So don't worry about it!!

Steph...congrats on finishing your taxes! :Banane43: Woo hoo! hope you're getting a big refund!!

BK...glad to hear you're going to take some more "ME" time for yourself to figure things out!

BMan...that is awesome that someone at work finally noticed your weightloss! I've had a lot of people tell me I look "happier" or more "peaceful"...not sure if that means they can see a difference in my weight or if I really am just coming across as more happy now that I AM actually losing!?? Oh well....guess it doesn't matter, right?

So Ladies...At this Very Moment, I think I have hit my Sweet Spot!!! :whoo: I now know what it feels like!! Today I had a fruit smoothie for Breakfast, and after 4 hrs felt my tummy rumble, so I heated up some oatmeal....could only eat 1/2 of it and was too full to finish! 5 hours later I arrived home from work and cooked up some Tilapia Filets and ate 1/2 of one with about 2 bites of ice cream (I know, I know....but I still have a sore throat!!), but I think I'm done for the night and i feel completely satisfied!! Its amazing!! I am a little bit concerned that if it continues exactly like this I may not get ENOUGH calories (I think I'm MAYBE at 500 for the day!)....that's another reason for the ice cream ;-) LOL But.....for right now, it's BLISS!!!

Seriously...I wish you all Your Sweet Spot!!! now....I just need to see the scale moving and you won't be able to get me off my cloud!! :bounce:

Anyways, just had to share!! You all know how frustrated I was getting and now I just can't believe I may actually have gotten to my sweet spot on the 2nd try! Hope you all have a GREAT night!

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Nikki are you drinking with your meal? If I drink 1/2 hour before or even up to an hour after I don't stay full as long. I try not to drink until 2 hours after I eat to keep the full feeling. I questioned the effectiveness of my fill when I went to eat and ate the whole thing but then after talking to the pa found out that the cup of coffee I had before I ate had helped to wash the food down faster. Thats what they call eating around your band. I kinda did that when my family was in, I was drinking alot sooner then I normally would have and then I did the grazing with them. Big no-no, started back to my better eating yesterday and feel so much better about it.


BK - sounds like you got it all thought out with the schooling and its good that you will be helping the community out too.


Bman - great nsv! I could really tell it in your pics so I'm sure others at work can see it, but weight is a touchy subject so people don't want to offend or say the wrong thing. Unless they know and then they feel like they can - like at my church - anyway you go girl!


I went to support group last night, it was good. We talked about what we read or hear about the band and what is credited information (I gave him the idea when I sent him the Rutheridge video). Then we have an open time and it was good. I met someone new, closer to my age, she just had surgery 2 weeks ago so we talked alot. I gave her the website so I hope she joins in with us. I'd love to have a local friend to talk with. Then there was another lady there who had the surgery in Nov, she's lost 80 lbs! Kay you might remember me saying my big mouth at the christmas party I asked her if she had her fill yet and she looked at me funny and said I don't normally eat this much - I felt like an idiot, our dr calls it an adjustment. Anyway she looked wonderful so I gushed over her, and she was beaming. She said bc she had so much to lose people dont notice like they would me - hmmm - so I said well I could really tell and I can tell she wants to look nice she always has her hair and makeup done really well - I'm excited for her. So it was a good night at group.


Nat are you going to say good by before you leave for the sunshine?


VA I'm so happy you found your sweetspot. I don't know if I am there or not. Because I still have to think about changing the habits, like I said about the Water and stuff but as long as I follow the band rules things are good. But I'm happy for you and I hope you feel better sooner.


Who asked about the plane? I was told that its due to the dehydration that you have on a plane. When you are dehydrated your band feels tighter so as long as you have a bottle of water you should be fine.


Busy day today, I have my sons cats that I have to drop at the vet for spaying and then I have to go in to work and redo some reports - yuk. Talk to you all later - have a good day.

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Nikki are you drinking with your meal? If I drink 1/2 hour before or even up to an hour after I don't stay full as long. I try not to drink until 2 hours after I eat to keep the full feeling. I questioned the effectiveness of my fill when I went to eat and ate the whole thing but then after talking to the pa found out that the cup of coffee I had before I ate had helped to wash the food down faster. Thats what they call eating around your band. I kinda did that when my family was in, I was drinking alot sooner then I normally would have and then I did the grazing with them. Big no-no, started back to my better eating yesterday and feel so much better about it.


noooooo drinking with meals (unless im stuck ,which i have to say unless its hot drink it just pushes and makes it worse )actually im guilty of not drinking enough in between i think im permantly dehydrated.

i promise to work on that one ...i booked fill for this sunday so im hoping i can get back on track although according to doc i got 3cc fill at time of op and 1 cc at my fill and i have 8 cc band ?????????

im thinking whats up ?? is it not early days to need to be filled this much :) .

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va- yum your meals makes my mouth Water yummy

steph - I can not believe the lady lost 80lbs since Nov. she had the band not gastric bypass

Okay some of yall may remember my local gym having a get fit in 07 competion. It is where you can win cash for ever 5 lbs you lose until April. Well I am a honest person and told them about my band and they said I could not be in the competion,and some of you will remember it bumming me out. Nat suggested starting my own competion,and I have little by little setting short goals and rewarding myself with a pedicure or facial or clothes anyhow last night at the gym my mom and I go together.anyways she was weighing in for the competion and had lost 2 more lbs go mom anyways she has been on diet pills because she is trying to get approved for the surgery and has to lost a lot of weight in about a month. anyhow I metioned to the owner while mom was weighing in that I did not think it was fair that I could not weigh in. I explained that it would really help me to be accountable to someone,and I was waiting on her to say well life is not fair but she didn't she said "why do you think it would be fair to others if you could weigh in after having surgery and will lose massive amounts of weight and have your name in the drawing a lot more" I responded well people can take diet pills and be in the competion she was like well yeah but weight loss is slower with diet pills I said not always. I said with the band all my calories absorb unlike gastric bypass and I am only expected to lose 1-2 lbs a wk. If I work really hard I could lose more but It is me working hard that would make me lose more than 1-2 lbs not my band

she totally apolgized and said I understand she said I figured weight fell off without effort I was like no way. She thought it was the same as gastric bypass not at all

Anyways I am offically in the competion and ready to kick some ass...

I can not help but wonder in the back of my mind will everyone say if my name is drawn oh well she had surgery that is why she won

I hope they dont but who knows

sorry for the long post w/o correct grammer but in a hurry had to tell my lady friends

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congrats girl .. you go kick some ass!! do it for your self only you will know how hard it is to loose it with the band as well.


Were I work they stated a competion lation wide and I dont care I am one of the team captains . life is not fair . so you go girl do it !!



we are all behind you !!!




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