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Steady losers ;-)

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hey girls im only popping in to say hi and the reason ive not been around is i have the flu,full blown oh my god is this for real flu,i hurt everywhere :sick i am doing great now with my fill i feel like there good restriction and i have just joined fab new gym although its opening is first of march so i have to wait ,im very excited ,,,ok well not that excited today as im as weak as Water and my nose wont stop dripping,but it will be great .also i dont know how my weight doing as im dropping it off quickly now but i think it mainly sickly weight loss so im taking no notice until next week .

although i think total proper loss about 25lbs since op( i was hoping it would be quicker loss ,but im really happy)

bman....you are a star well done !!!!!!

nat i didnt read all posts but i was thinking have you ever watched the thornbirds ...sometimes the good guy sexy......lol

kirsten,bk,steph,claudia ,jillrn,patty.kay:clap2: your all doing so great

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Steph Sorry About Your Dh

I Wish I Could Ski Like You

You Are Awesome

Happy Superbowl I Will Not Watch It But Plan To Tivo It For The Funny Commericals Love It

Well Got To Bath My Little Men See Yall Later

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Hey ladies -

Party's over. It was fun. I had entirely too much food and will be taking it to work tomorrow to feed my staff. They came - got here @ 4:30 or so. Left @ 8:30. No sparks at all. I think I liked the attention and the idea of someone crushing me. It was a good day.

I need a fill, the last one didn't work, my weight loss has stalled and I'm not happy. I suppose I've got to do more on the "my part" side, but seriously. I can ean more than I thoin k I should - the food is falling into the mother stomach too quickly.

Steph - sorry to hear about hubby's finger. OMG I would have flipped the frig out. I don't do blood. I get woozy and everything. Seriously.

VaB - this much snow is not fun. I saw several accidents today, as well as several people stuck in snow drifts. It's horrid. Especially since they expect us to be at work, and to be up and about. I may take the easy way out and work from home. We'll see.

jillrn - was it you who said you were very close to the MI line? Did I tell you I grew up in Kalamazoo? We're nearly neighbors. Or maybe that wasn't you and I'm just confused.

Nikki - sorry you're sick. That's awful. I hate being sick with a terrible flu like that. :confused: Poor thing. I hope you feel better soon.

I'm pissed that my team is losing. Friggin Bears. Dumbass Grossman. I'm going to bed.

Hope everyone else is doing well!


P.S. My hair has taken a turn for the worse. I've got to go and get it fixed on Tuesday. AARGH!

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Steph, sorry to hear about DH's finger - ick! My ex burned himself on the lawnmower once and I had to take him to the ER - just not a fun way to spend the evening!

Hope he's better soon...

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Thanks for all the well wishes - hubby's finger is throbbing and he's enjoying the pain pills. :) He's taking a couple days off so my treadmill sits in the bedroom unused. I want to go ski but its like zero here and school is delayed because of it. Burrrr I like the snow but the cold sucks.

I hear all of you going in for the 2nd fill and I'm beginning to wonder if I should. I ate like a pig yesterday. Ok so not like a pig but I made these bars and can't stay away from them. I sent food home with everyone - including the bars - but I kept just a few because dd & dh like 'em too - so I ate one before bed - which totaled about 3 for the day! This moring there are 2 left sitting on my table and I already broke a peice off - someone better eat them fast! I guess that was my worst part off the eating but that was probably 600 calories right there! oh no wait - I forgot about all the dip and chips I ate! ugh! :) I need to measure my food today and watch how I'm drinking before and after I eat because I think alot of the problem is washing it down the band and allowing for more food to be consumed. (ie:eating around the band) So today I'm going to really try to watch what I'm doing and then if I think its not working I'll call Wed for a fill.

Nat - sorry sparks weren't flying - but maybe he'll end up being a good friend. And it is sooooo nice to have someone find you attractive! Whats up with the hair?

Sorry to all you bear fans but I was rooting for the colts - I'm not a big football fan but my house is and I was the only one who thought the colts would win. It was fun.

Jillrn - your house kinda sounds like my house - hunting, fishing, atv's, avid sportsmen in my house - and a couple women too, my dd, and dil both shot deer the past 2 years. But they all love tv sports too. My son is getting into the ultimate fighting - ufc? - and hopes to have his first fight this summer. He was a huge athlete in hs and placed at states in track and wrestling and I know its been killing him not being able to compete so this is something good for him.

Nikki hope you feel better soon!

Va - you're so lucky to have a friend who's a bandster too! YOU all are my only real bandster buddies.

Have a good day ladies - hubbster and I are going shopping for laminate flooring today - yipee - he started tearing out the bar yesterday.

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Steph....actually, its been difficult having a friend who is a bandster too!!! B/c his Doctors rules are WAAAY More strict than mine, so I often feel like he is lecturing me! Last night he made some comment about not being able to eat sugar or it would come back up and I was just like "huh"?? He said thats what his Dr told him so he can't eat sugar...and I was just like "that is a Gastric Bypass rule, not a LB Rule".....and he was like "have you tried it?" and I said, "actually...Yes!"....and that was pretty much the end of the conversation. I guess we were just agreeing to disagree. So in that respect, it makes it a bit more difficult on our friendship sometimes.....but oh well!

My son is really into the UFC stuff too....he wrestles in HS now and is also into Brazillian Jiu Jitsu in the summers....so I think he has visions of someday competing as well! ;-) Good luck to your son!

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Nikki....Hope you feel better soon Gal!!!!

NAT.....glad people at least showed up to the party!! Sorry to hear there weren't any sparks...but at least it was fun to dream, right?? ;-) And sorry about the Bears too......I'm with you on the need for a 2nd fill!!! Only 14 more days for me til I get mine!! I can't wait!

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Nat- Kalamazoo is just right up the road! =) I am glad your party went well!

Now for all of us overeating-- MYSELF included-- Let's stop! We dont want to gain weight! How do we stop?? Hmm I will have to think about it. I have been so hungry lately and I thought I would "test" my band as I didnt know if I had restriction or not. So I went to a buffet with dh and I ate like a pig, now mind you I was only 1/2 the pig I was preband but a pig none the less. I have determined I have little to no restriction with my first fill and will be getting another Thursday. But that little test was probably not the smartest thing to do b/c now I feel like I am constantly eating too much and of the wrong stuff, like bread I miss bread and

GOSH DARN IT I MISS DIET COKE!!!!!!!! ok Im done thanks

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I too am eating way more than I thik I should be. Again, this is all in the "banded" perspective, because girls, I could eat a lot more before. Yesterday I purposely ate little to nothing all day to be able to indulge a bit during the game.

I had a shake for Breakfast, Tomato Soup for lunch, then football time, forget it. I think I ate 3 meatballs, 3 stuffed mushrooms and way too many chips and dip. I had no problems fitting it all in and never really felt full. I miss that feeling of not wanting to eat that I had until about 2 weeks ago. I still have no fill am not scheduled for one until 2/15. I am freaking because the scale this morning read that I was up 3 pounds...how is that possible? I don't get it. I am hoping it just means that I am hanging on to some Fluid because of all the salt on the chips. There is no way I ate enough to gain 3 pounds of fat in the past 2 days. When I look at my week I am still burning more than I am eating.

As penance, I went to the gym this morning for almost 2 hrs. I burned 500 cals on the elliptical beast for 50 minutes, then did the entire weight circuit. I also did 100 crunches for the first time since surgery. I have totally avoided them for fear of splitting a stitch but I am thinking I am definitely far enough out of surgery to do them. I was shaky!!! Those tummy muscles have been somewhat ignored since December.

So enough of this crap. I need to get on target. I was hoping to be down to 220 by March first but at this rate, it ain't happening! I will be lucky to see 228...UGH. focus focus focus.

Nat-what is up withthe hair? Glad you are bringing the food into work. Good for you.

Steph-sorry to hear about hubby. A trip to the ER is never fun! Hang in there.

i have to run....

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Hey Girlfriends -

I'm at work fooling around, and thought I'd check in with you.

I weighed myself this morning and am 2 pounds lighter. I can't figure out how that happened... I'm happy though. Only 7.5 more pounds to my 2/14 goal. I'll have to bust my tail to make it, that's for sure.

I just called the surgeon's office to schedule another fill. I am going on 2/12 - next week Monday. I hope he does it - it will just be a little over 2 weeks since the last one, and he said "1 month." But the girl on the phone scheduled me, so I'm going.

It's been a dark day. Between the blizzard and the bear loss, not to mention this painful cold sore blooming on my lip, I am just bummed. Plus my hair. Oh my hair. Whatever process they put on it made it really hard and it's getting tangled really easily. I'm going in TODAY for a conditioning treatment and maybe a cut.

My UC (undercover Crush) called me last night to gloat when the Colts won. He was very non-chalant during the game, but I guess wanted to reach out to say HI once he got away from me? Men are so weird. We talked for about 3 minutes, primarily about how wrong I was about the Bears and what a far superior team the Colts are. (laugh) I spoke with him just for a moment today about a business matter - called him on his cell, as he has the day off. He said, "You can always call me with news like that. And you can call me without news like that, too." heh... So my curiosity is again peaked.

I am an emotional schitzophrenic. Now I'm thinking about him at my place watching movies with me on the sofa, drinking lemonade out of wine glasses. HA! As he was leaving I started to say "Come back sometime," but I didn't.

I'm sitting here at my desk eating queso dip and antipasto salad - leftovers from the party last night. Oh man it is so good. Can you freeze queso dip? Because seriously, it is delish. Andit's totally easy. Why did I make so much food? WHY!?!?

Anyhow, over the next week I have to fluff up my gangster about getting a needle shoved in my belly. I guess step 1 is to stop thinking of it as having a needle shoved in my belly...

Hey, does anyone else have scars that are not completely healed? I do. One of mine was oozing and bleeding last night. And the other one still has a scab on it. *sigh* I hate that.

Anyhow, that's all from me for now...


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Nat - my port scar isnt healing as "cute" as the rest... the rest are visible, but not very dark at all... my port one still is kind of red and sometime gets a little irritated... so, if I were you... I'd swab it with alcohol in the evenings and use just a small amount of neosporin on it during the day... I think I was keeping mine too moisturized... I think it needed to dry out a little bit to heal up the rest of the way.

KatDot - Way to go on the Elliptical!!! That is what I try to run every night... I get at least 500 calories off on that thing each night if I can... Good Bye Calories and Good Riddance!

I have also heard that we should do our weights and resistance (crunches too) BEFORE the ellipitcal or CARDIO workout. If you jump on the treadmill or elliptical first, it takes about 15 minutes to get to that FAT burning stage... BUT if we start out working the muscles with weights and resistance first... then by the time we go hop on the elliptical, we will burn FAT the whole time becuase our body has already moved into "fat burning" mode.

Well, ladies -- Now, I'm confused about my restriction again... it seems to me that i have less restriction now with my second fill than I did after my first one... :) Now, HOW does that make sense?

My only thought is that I am getting used to eating so little that i am no longer having to work at cutting back, and it just seems like I am eating more. I am only averaging 800 calories/day -- so I can't make any sense of it!!!

But to me... it seems like I really do need another fill. Nothing seems to be going down slowly... I get that full feeling, and I guess I am not starving or anything -- Maybe I just dont know HOW I am supposed to feel with this band working properly.

I think I'm "second guessing" because I am just starting to forget that the band is in there, and this new life is just becoming normal... if that makes sense...

Is it possible that the fat ive been losing was around my stomach?? and things are actually loosening up?

Or is it just my brain trying to adjust.... that's what im trying to figure out today.

Again, I think this goes back to my impatience.... :)

Oh yeah, GO COLTS!! (sorry nat) but we kicked some big "bear" ass last night... not as good as the New England game, but still pretty damn good. Glad my Colts finally got their super bowl win!

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lol @ "sorry nat" - No you aren't! I'm glad the Colts won. I'm just pissed that they did it at the Bears' expense.

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Hey B-man- this girl is still bitter about the NE/Colts game...thanks for pouring salt in the wounds! (j/k-sorta)

Thanks for the info on the workout. I will take it under advisement!

I know what you mean about not knowing if this is what we are supposed to feel like. It is the strangest thing. I too think I have lost weight around my stomach, inside because I have so little restriction. I forget sometimes that I even have the band except that I don't eat any bread or Pasta and not much for fresh fruit.< /p>

All I know is right now I am HUNGRY!!!! I am trying to hold out for a little. I will eat some small dinner and call it a night. I have weigh in tomorrow and despite burning more cals than I am eating everyday, I appear to have gained weight. Go f'ing figure!

I went over some old info and found 4 of my old weight watcher log in books that showed my weight loss efforts over the past 7 or so years. I would always get down to 231, dip to 220 for a week, then immediately start to head back up to 235. That would last a couple months and eventually I would gain it all back. SO here I am at 231 or so and not having any luck. I know I am repeating myself but I am really wondering if my body has some sort of "memory" at this weight and just does not know how to let go? What do you all think?

I know I will not be stuck here forever...I know it will eventually budge.I am just getting impatient!

Nat-what is in the queso dip? I like anything that is melty and cheesy. yummmmyyyy. Guys are so weird, huh? I have been caught up in that game before that you mentioned. Keep me updated on the saga! haha

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OK fist day I feel no restriction what so ever ;) I called my doctor made an appt for my first fill . I am so scared lol really what to expect ? what to do pls need advice it at 9 am .


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dont worry Claud the ive had two fills so far and they didnt hurt a bit --- if your worried just close your eyes and dont watch the needle. It will be over before you know it.

Ok -- girls... now i just ate dinner... and I am telling you I could eat a cup of food...

im worried... i just had that fill last thursday -- shouldnt i feel MORE restriction if anything???

i want to call my doc but i know they are already gone.... gggrrrr

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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