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Steady losers ;-)

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Morning, everyone!

I'm up and supposed to be on the elliptical right now. Not gonna make it. :confused: I'll have to pump it out when I get home.

KayDoll - my exercise physiologist gave me some print outs on the types of exercises I can do on the ball and with the resistance tubes. I can send them to you if you like.

Patty - I'm thinking about bangs. The only problem is, I don't like hair in my face, so it may get on my nerves after a while. I'm definitely going for the cut though. FRIDAY! I'm on board for the V'Day fitness goal.

Kirsten - I hope that in time we will adopt a new approach to eating. One where we allow any foods in moderation without feeling guilty or ashamed. It's a long ways off for me. :confused: A long ways. I'm glad your BF brightened your day. I can't wait for my boobs to look bigger. They are definitely eclipsed by my massive gut.

bk - you should start your own contest. Just because you can't win the money doesn't mean you can not join in the fun! Set up a goal, set up a reward that you'll give yourself if you win. And go for it! Change the rules of the game, baby girl! Do it for you, not for the money. In the end, your health is all that matters.

I don't know what happened between last night and this morning, but I stink. Hopping in the shower and heading to the office. Did I tell you I emailed my ex-boyfriend and told him it would make me happy to see him again? That fugger didn't even reply. He deserves a swift kick to the balls.

Later Guys!


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fugger always cracks me up!

so yesterday I decide to push my self on the skis. I live in a valley - a big old dip n the earth and no matter which direction I go I have a hill to climb. So I get my butt moving and I decide rather then take the big hill first , I'll go the small hill, flat, small hill, flat ... so I get to where the 1/2 mile mark is and I look at the time, it only took me 10 min. so I think ok I'll push it up that hill and then it should be easy. I went up the hill and coming down the slight little hill I started losing control. I fell. So I dust myself off and decided to go through the trail in the woods so no one can see me if I fall. I got through that obstacle course and out to my road again and theres this HUGE hill - the kind a downhill skiier would love. I start down and I'm thinking omg I'll break my other knee. I stopped took my skis off and walked down the hill, when I got to the bottom I put them back on and skied on into the driveway. LOL I was sweating like a pig! It's 2 miles the whole way around the loop - I've decided not to do it again. I think its best to go the small hills to my half mile mark turn around and come back. I might take the skis with me to the golf course and try it there. But its so much fun and when its fun its alot easier to sweat then when its not.

Everyone sounds like they are doing good. Nat I'd like a copy of some of those exercises too. Maybe I'll dig my bands out and try it.

Nat - why would it make you happy to see the ex? Just cuz you're friends? Sweetie there must be a reason he's an EX! My oldest daughter, the one in college, dated a guy for 3 yrs in hs and when she decided to go to college she broke up with him. He was a great kid, but she knew he wasn't the one. It was really hard because my son sided with him and it was just a mess but through it all I've kept telling my son and her that we all deserve the best and we shouldn't settle. She deserves someone who will love her completely for who she is and adore the ground she walks on, and you do too Nat. He's out there you just have to be patient and don't settle for someone who isn't good enough for you. My daughter took it to the point where she decided she wouldn't even date someone unless she knew him well enough in advance to know if he would even be husband material. Well she just went out with a guy and the funny thing about it is - they were friends for about 4 months before they went out and she just thought the world of him and would tell me all about him and I said oh he sounds like husband material and she said oh he would make such a good husband but not for me. I said why not you? she said he's too good looking? LOL I said so is he conceited and she said NO its just that he's better looking then me. I said this is not the girl I raised who has strong self worth. But then I thought this is good because its humbling to her - its good to be humbled. So she thought he was out of her league and here he was crazy about her. So I'm just the mom but I think he's the one.

thought for today

You are all beautiful intelligent fun women and you deserve the best.

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Steph - Just your story made me sweat, does that count for my workout today? Congrats on really pushing yourself, I'm sure you can feel it today!

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Nat -- Good morning smelly! ha!

You crack me up. Only because you say shit the same way that I think it.

Send me those exercises that your doc sent you for the ball!! I would love to see them.

I could never do the "get up in the morning and exercise" thing... i am NOT (I repeat) NOT a morning person. If I manage to get up and get dressed on time, it is a good morning. I dread that alarm going off every morning.

Did I mention im not a morning person?

I took two days off of the exercise Friday and Saturday night. I think it helped a bit. I feel a bit more energetic today. I did my whole routine last night, but I definitely had alot more energy. So, I think I needed a couple of days off. I was over doing it.

bk -- i agree... participate and reward yourself.... Don't you love how those arogant SOB's still find ways to exclude "the big girls" even when you've gone to extremes to fit into their size 6 worlds... the bitches.

VAband -- ha. I over indulged in the adult beverages on saturday night too... didnt seem to hurt anything. I figure... some people have a cookie, I have a cocktail... that's my treat. Plus I have to get out at least once a month, or I start going stir crazy.

Steph -- your gonna feel THAT one later... ha. thats awesome though!! heck, I say once ive made it through something once... I'm a glutton for punishment... I just HAVE to do it again. Sounds like you are really getting the hang it it though. Wish we had snow here!

Good news, 4 or 5 people noticed the weightloss this weekend. I didnt know how to take the compliments... I suck at it. But they were nice to hear nonetheless. Made it alot easier to get back to the exercise last night.

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Another quick post from me.

I just can't seem to keep up these past couple weeks. I am reading all the posts, laughing and crying along with you all but have not had the time to post my thoughts. Please know I am thinking of you all.

So, it appears I am not the only one that indulged in a little alcohol this weekend? haha. Bad girls. Man I wanted to dance, but the pub we were in doesn't have dancing and I was not so drunk to dance by myself (I have been in the past hehe).

I think I may have gained a pound this week. Weigh in is tomorrow but I am definitely not down. It is not a bad thing in a way because it reminds me that I need to exercise to be consistent and my butt did not step into the gym for the whole week last week. I was back there today though and killed myself. It was harder after taking the week off. I hope if I did gain, it will come right off with friends next week. That is usually what happens. I am desperate to see the 220's since I have not been there in many many years. I am hovering around 233-231. They are so close! This is usually the lowest I have been in 10 years and where I start to gain weight back so it makes me nervous. I have been getting a lot of compliments and in the past this is where I would feel good and start to cheat a bit. It is a major test for me right now. I will get past this hump! I am not going to get stuck here. Please girls, don't let me!

Steph-great for you and the skiing. It sounds like a blast and a killer workout. Keep on sweating but watch those knees!

B-man-did you say you are a morning person? hahahaha

Nat-I would love to see those exercises. I am thinking I can probably find some online too. Anything helps!

Good luck on the haircut. Let me know how it goes. I am thinking of trying something new. We'll see. Maybe this spring.

I am off to study!

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At work screwing off. I know, shame on me.

StephC - you cracked me UP! Good for you for skiing all that way. YOU ROCK! Did I tell you about the first time I went roller blading? I thought "I'll go 3 miles." Was on a bike path in Atlanta. Skated my ass out there - it was hard as shit. I fell. Hard. Ripped a hole in my leggings, my teeth clicked together when I fell, and people saw. Girl? I took those rollerblades off and walked my fat ass back to the truck. With NO SHAME. ahahahah Keep up the great work! When I get back from lunch I'll tell you about my ex.

All - I'll bring the papers in tomorrow and will scan them, then post them so you all can see 'em. There are diagrams and everything with the instructions.

B'man - the correct response when someone compliments you is "Thank you." You may even smile when you receive a compliment. Now, look at yourself in the mirror and practice. Because you're going to get a lot more compliments as time passes. "Hey... thank you!" See how easy that is?

I saw this cut today and think I like it a lot. What do you ladies think? I think I'd stop where her shortest layer in the front is. The bangs are kinda sexy.


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[looking in mirror]

"Hey there, Mr. mirror... I saw you checking me out. Thank you for noticing my ass is not quite so large. There was this hoe-ass friend of mine that told me I should practice taking compliments... "

Thanks for the instructions smart ass... :clap2:



Kaydot -- [brandi does some introspective reflection... still reflecting..... and....] Nope definitely still not a morning person (hehe)

P.S. Nat i like the hair cut... it looks like sexy mama material to me...

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Hey Ladies!!

Glad to hear I wasn't the only one that indulged in a little bit of :beer: this weekend!! I think most of my scale gain this weekend was just due to lack of H20 in my system. I got on the scale this AM and was only 1 pound up from last week, so hopefully I can get that back off quickly!

NAT...Love the haircut!! In fact, used to have one very similar! when you go for it you'll have to post a pic of yourself so we can all see!

I also agree w/Steph that you do NOT need your Ex in your life...there is someone better out there waiting for you!

KAY....I totally get your struggles!! I'm the same way...and now that my restriction from my first fill is gone, I'm Sooo afraid of gaining!! :D But hang in there....we will get through this! That is what our fills are for!! Just keep on and the scales will keep going!!

BMan..that is awesome that people noticed your weight loss!! :clap2: ;)

Steph.....wow girl!! You and those skiis are kickin butt!! :D

Can you tell I'm loving these smilies??? LOL

Ok ladies...back to work for me...lunch break is over! :ranger:

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I didn't ski today.

I didn't have time this morning cuz I had to go to work. And besides my hips ache.

I like the hair cut too, the bangs that long might drive me crazy but otherwise I like it and I especially like that ring!

There is no way I would get on a pair of roller blades - I'd kill myself falling.

B-man wow you look nice, have you lost weight?

Kay ya know what the difference about those other diets and the band is? YOU CAN GET A FILL AND START FRESH!!! Just when we think this isn't working for me, all we have to do is call dr dreamy and say fill me up buddy! You'll get past this mark and on down and down and down. I've given up on the scale but I took my measurements the other day and since I started measuring which was about 3 weeks postop, I've lost 4 inches around my waist!!! My boobs actually stick out farther then my belly!

Kirsten wasn't it you who said your friend gave you that compliment? My niece said the same thing yesterday to me, and get this I had bought a sweater on clearence last spring but it never fit, I put it on yesterday and had a ton of compliments - B-man - I said thank you its good to hear because I've really been working at it.

Ok who started the V-day challenge? Or goal? I want to lose 10 lbs by then. Really I'd like to lose 40 by then but I guess thats not very realistic so I'll go with 10.

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Nat- thanks for the advice

I believe I will try my own goal oh and I love the haircut

steph you are a machine good going

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Still screwing off at work.

I had lunch with the cute guy and another co-worker. Ummmm, why is he 26? And why is he oh so bold? And why was I just gushing on the inside? I had to go home and change my pannies. (j/k) Seriously though, he is just a sweet sweet sweet young man. I keep reminding myself to keep a professional distance. KNOWING I wanted to put my hand on his leg under the table. Or twist my foot around his. I think I'm smoking crack. We've been emailing this afternoon... Naughty naughty me. He said he can keep a secret, and doesn't kiss and tell. HA!

As for the ex. The only reason he's an ex is because I moved out of town. That's the short version. Long version: He was separated from his wife and was not entirely ready to start dating. He was up front about it. His wife & kids were (and still are) in Australia. So we were friends for over 2 years, hanging out and taking trips together. We had a lot of fun. And an opportunity arose, and I moved to FL. So it's not like he betrayed me or was violent, etc. It was just bad timing. I now live in his home town. And he's divorced. Regardless, he didn't email me back when I told him it would make me happy to see him on my trip to Atlanta. That in and of itself is a sign that he's not interested and I'm mis-reading his cues, so EFF 'em. It's all so confusing as he sent me a b'day card on my b'day. Thanksgiving and Christmas cards... It's just a pile of mixed messages. The one thing that would make me happy is seeing him in a thinner body. I figure I'll be a solid 40 pounds thinner by April. And about 60 - 70 pounds thinner than the last time he saw me. He likes women with a little meat on their bones, and he always appreciated my body before. *sigh* Maybe I'm just hung up on the memory of him. On paper, he's the perfect match for me. But enough about that.

B'man, you cracked me up. Mirror Mirror on the wall, indeed. Learn to accept a compliment gracefully. My Gramma taught me that. You deserve to be complimented, baby girl. Believe it!

Kirsten - I bet that is a pound of Water and nothing more. You'll flush it out in less than a week, watch and see. Plus the extra calories will boost your metabolism. I expect a big drop this week!

StephC - "my hips ache" made me cackle. I bet they do! And sessy mama in the sweater. Don't you love a good semi-clingy sweater to accentuate your curves? I agree that the bangs would wear me out - I'd do them a bit shorter. And right on about calling the doc for a fill! I lost 2 more pounds since Thursday. I was astouned. We can do it, y'all!

A question for you lush-ous bitches: When you drink, do you feel the effects of the alcohol quicker now that you're banded? What do you drink? I miss my beer, but won't do it to myself. I'm having that superbowl party, and think that I'm going to indulge in a glass or two of wine. Or maybe a martini.

Okay, almost 3pm - let me wrap up my day. I'm leaving at 4.


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NAT...I'm screwing off at work w/ya!! :D

Hmmmm.....cute, younger coworker!!! Go For it!! :D He said he can keep a secret!! lmao

As for the Ex.....he's probably just one of those 'nice guys' who is being thoughtful by sending cards, but did any of them say he wanted to see you?? If not, then just cherish the memory and move on....I HATE when guys aren't ready for "committment"! I'm dating a guy (separated for almost 2 yrs now, but not legally divorced) who is just like that too!! Very frustrating...but at this point, I'm waiting til I get to be one hot mama before I put myself "out there" again, so he's my "Meantime" man....

I sure hope you're right about the water!! :)

When I drink....I am now drinking just wine and/or Martinis...both of which I had a lot of this weekend! Oh yeah, and I also had a Mikes Hard Lemonade, but I think there must have been some fizz in it b/c it didn't sit well w/me. I also had a Vodka and Cranberry juice, b/c Cranberry juice is good for you right?? ;-) Those are just my suggestions of course...I would also have as a dessert drink anything with either Baileys or Kahlua! Yum!!

BK...what is your goal going to be??

Steph...yes I got the same compliment!! IS'nt it nice our Boobs are now more noticable than our stomachs! Woo hoo!!;)

BTW....I think you ALL are looking :flame: HOT!!!! :D

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Kirsten: You're probably right. When a man is interested, a woman knows. Patrick is a nice guy. Now that I'm in his home town, he talks about missing it, and coming to visit (his parents moved away). He has never said I want to see YOU. He did tell me he misses me though. Okay... Here's another thing. An important detail I failed to previously mention. I told him I was getting married. ahahahah That was last spring. He kept asking what I was doing with my son's father and how often I see my son's father and what role my son's father was going to play in his life, and I wasn't ready to answer those questions. So I ignored them. In a later email I said, "Guess who's getting married!" Then never mentioned it again.

I'm a psychopath. ahahahah

I agree though - nice guy. I am not necessarily trying to marry him. But it would make me happy to see him again in a thinner body and a healthier state of mind. I'd feel like I won. Won what? Dunno.

Have been flirting with my work-crush all afternoon. I made myself laugh outloud earlier today fooling with him. He told me he doesn't kiss and tell. Yeah, right. Neither did Monica Lewinski. Her FRIENDS spilt the Beans on that one.

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Got filled today!!!! He put in 1cc. Said that is all he ever does on the first fill!. He said come back in 2 weeks if I need more! So far I have only had Water and a SF popsickle so I have no idea if I will feel any different. I hope so of course! I took my 2 year old with me, she asked the dr if he would take her sledding!?!!! LOL It was cute she walked out of the treatment room into his office and asked if the nurse could have the day off to go with! It was too cute! Valentines is 3 weeks away! How are you people gonna lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks!!! Man I wish I could My goal is to lose at least 6 lbs that would be great!!!!!!!!!!( for me)

I did measurements and I have lost 7 inches total!!! Not great BUT great for me! Well I am off to try some soup! Jill

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