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Carol-you reminded me of that line in "The Devil wears Prada" where the girl was proud because she was 'one stomach flue away from her goal weight'. Hope you are feeling better!

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Did the cross country skiing this morning - love love loved it! I did 45 minutes and it just flew by. I was sweating like a hog by the time I was done.

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StephC - WTG on the X-country skiing! You work it girl! And if you were sweating, you were burning calories and losing weight. i'm about to haul my hank up on the elliptical for an hour. Thanks for the offer, but I ordered some of those bands from Ebay last night. I got a green one, a red one, a yellow one, a blue one, a purple one... okay I'm lying. I don't know what colors they are. ahahahah No video though - I found a "woman's workout" dvd and thought about getting that, but I'll wait. I'm also thinking about a resistance ball

Carol - hope you're feeling better, honey. And yes, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! I am looking forward to an additional loss.

I'm a bit irregular and it is concerning. I think that has been the worst part about this band for me. The 1 scoop of metameucil isn't working, I think I'll up it to 2 scoops. I'm pooping, but it's hard and painful. (TMI, sorry) Either that or I'll just take a nightly swig of the MOM. I have a pain in my side, and I'm sure it's colo-rectal pain. Not enough motion in the ocean.

bk - how's your hair? I need something new done to mine. I'm deciding whether to keep it natural or to process it. I'm also debating a cut. I may just leave it as is for now, and if/when it falls out do something drastic. And congrats on the 5 inches! Doesn't it feel great to visibly see a difference in inches, even when the scale is betraying you? I need to check and see when I measure again. As long as my thighs aren't any bigger, I'm happy.

We need to go to Target today, but I really don't want to go outside. It's about 10 degrees out there.

I am having that superbowl party after all. Who was it who mentioned the SB party? Whoever it was, I blame you. Claudia, I think? :) Including me and ds, there will be 6 adults and 2 kids so it should be quick and easy. I'm putting together a menu now - any suggestions? I'm going to count calories all week so that next week Sunday can be my splurge day.

How's everyone else?

StephC - I can eat this evening. I hope I've got restriction. Has your amount of restriction changed? I'm totally hoping that my belly cuts me off after 1/2 cup. Of course, I've never really had that much, typically at 2/3c. I'm done. Comparatively speaking, that's still not bad. I think I'm going to try a bbq chicken whip tonight. With cheese.

Do we have a collective weight loss goal for Valentine's Day? It's 20 days away or something, right? I'm trying to lose 10 pounds by then. Is that insane? Probably, but I'm going for it. More Water, more exercise, fewer excuses. I want to hit 250 by then. A solid 250. (which means 249.5) ahahaha

I hear DS tearing up my living room - gotta fly!


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took my first break from exercise last night... ive been so exhausted lately. I decided to just go to bed early and see if I started feeling a bit perkier.

no such luck today.

Now I feel like a lazy sack.

Steph - wish we had snow here to go skiing... it has been the warmest summer ever here in the Ohio River Valley... we had about 2 inches of snow so far this year and that is it for the whole winter season.

Nat - Go colts!! haha... that outta get ya (hehe) (I saw your post about Chicago a couple of days ago. So, I had to say it) I lived in Indianapolis for almost 8 years... I'll be behind them all the way, but I have to say that I am completely pleased with both teams that made it this year. They both are very deserving. This outta be a kick ass game! Can't wait till next week.


I disovered the beauty of turkey burger and turkey sausage!! That is some good sh*T!! You can use the low carb wraps and the turkey burger to make little burritos (with taco seasoning/FF sour cream/FF cheddar/FF refried beans).

It is a really good meal for only aobut 200 calories... and it fills ya up and makes you feel like you cheated when you didnt.

The turkey sausage kicks ass... tastes like the real thing, but is sooo healthy for ya. Is great for breakfast... very moist and (so far) goes down easily.


:notagree so tired.... need energy....

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b'man - I agree, I wouldn't be mad if Indy won. I would be mad that the Bears lost, but I wouldn't gripe over an Indy victory. However, Chicago better not lose. (laugh) I've been Superbowl Shuffling for a week now.

A co-worker is visiting from the UK, and so I'm having the SB party to introduce her to some ppl from the office. I'm thinking about a taco bar, among other things. Again, I blame Claudia.

I love the Jenny-O turkey products. Turkey sausage is great. Boca Burgers? FABOO! Especially with cheese on 'em. chicken sausage is to die for: http://www.aidells.com/ Apple sausages and the sundried Tomato ones? Oooh and the habanero ones? That is some goooooooooooood eating! 15g Protein. 10g fat. YUMMERS!

I was on the elliptical for 25 minutes today. My friend called and I got off. I'll do more later. I also had a bbq chicken whip, as planned. I ate the whole thing no problem. I wonder if I have enough restriction? How do you know? I think it sucks I have to wait a month for another adjustment. I will call next week if I'm not feeling any different, and if I'm not losing any more weight.

My ticker sucks, by the way. I can't get to it by clicking it, and I can't get it to reflect the change if I change the "master ticker." I hate that thing. *hate* it.

The boy is insane today. And my nerves can't take it.


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I will have to try me some of that turkey stuff I like the burgers

nat- oh well my hair is okay I love the way it looks but I have had this style for 6 months which is too long for me it is dark under neath and high lights and low lights

sounds alot like your hair steph

I have not been working out but I am a waitress on weekends so I don't need the gym then

I think I am getting the stomach virus too I have used the potty all day

maybe I will lose 8 lbs

steph congrats on skiing

I could never ski

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BK - you could ski - its so much fun - I'm on my way out now. Hubster is a sleeper and so I don't like waking him just to do the treadmill so this is working for me. BUT the backs of my knees hurt this morning. I supose I'm using a muscle I didn't know was there before.

Went to a wrestling tourny yesterday - all day. I did pretty good - other then 2 glasses of wine. They had pizza or subway, so I picked subway and took half the bun off. I was pretty scared but I took my time and chewed and it was fine. For supper we went for wings, I ate 5 and 2-3 orings and a glass of wine. Afterward I had another glass of wine and when we got home I ate 3 crackers. There's a few of us who's boys have graduated so when we go to a tourney its more a social thing. But I know I can do it.

Nat the restriction for me is about 2/3 cup. That will last me 4 hours easily. I think once you go to solids you'll feel sated longer. My doc goes on the fill by how long you are sated. If you are eating liquids or mushies you aren't going to feel sated as long.

SB party? We are having the kids over. Hubby is getting crabs and shrimp. Yummy! I make the buffalo chicken dip, its good. I don't know about lowfat tho, its made with cream cheese. You could use FF I guess. Oh I have this great taco ring. You use the poppin fresh croisants arrange them in a circle and fill with seasoned burger and cheese, fold 'em up and bake 'em. Serve with all the toppings. YUMMY!

I'm out to ski again. LOVE IT!

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StephC - THANK YOU! You totally made me feel better about everything. I went to bed crying last night because I made my little one pizza for dinner and I ate some. I was pissed because I didn't think I should be able to eat bread at all. We got those 6" individual Red Baron pizzas, and I ate 1/2 of one. Looking at this RATIONALLY it's not a big deal, is it? ((laughing)) I'm fucking psychotic, I swear it. I was totally pissed that I can eat bread, I didn't think I'd be able to, etc. etc. And was going to call for another fill. I guess the fact that I was full after 5oz pizza instead of heating up the other one and having chips, soda and a dozen Cookies afterwards is my victory. Isn't it funny how our brains work?

Not to mention I was on that elliptical for nearly an hour yesterday. I was frickin STARVING!

Steph - way to go on the skiing, girl! I hope you stick with it! I've had those pains in the back of my knees - after rollerblading. It gets easier the more you use those muscles.

I'm getting my stuff on to get back on the elliptical. I am going to put in a movie and watch it while I ride. I think I have Pirates of the Carribbean 2 out there that I've yet to watch. Or maybe Home Alone.

I'm not ready to post before/after pictures though. WHEW. I looked at them today and ... naw. You guys (much as I love you) don't need to see all my stuffins just yet. ahahahah Cuz I know you'd be all "Oh Nat you look great!" but inside I'd think you were thinking "Gotdamn she got a big ole ass!" ahahahahah

Going to work it off some. And I'll try to eat solid chicken instead of whipping it today. *fingers crossed*


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NAT...sounds like you've been feeling the same way I have lately about food!! Although you probably still have more restriction than I do!!

I am going to go buy an elliptical this week and start exercising....I've been a lazy slug about it and need to get that ball rolling!!! Walking the dog every day doesn't cut it anymore!

I am a bit irregular too!!! I guess I need to try Stephs idea of shredded wheat....maybe that'll help get these few pounds I've gained back off again! I try to keep blaming it on being 'stopped up', but I'm sure most of it is the salt and alcohol I've consumed this weekend with my best friend in town visiting!!

STEPH...way to go on the xcountry skiiing! Glad you like it! IT is a great workout!! I wish we had enough snow to even try to consider doing something like that! lol

well, hope you guys are hanging in there.....I'm sure you're all more restricted than I am at this point! UGH......I can't wait for the next fill already!!!

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OMG! I am cleaning out my closet - getting rid of anything that is 22/24 and up. You should SEE the pile of clothes on my bed! I have other clothes that I'm moving in. I am kind of nervous about getting rid of these things - what if I gain again? And some of these clothes I just lurrrrrrve. I have been wearing big and baggy clothes for a while now, but they are too big so they look sloppy when I wear them. I'm very much stressing. I'm still in a transitional size. WOW. I really am setting my fat girl free, aren't I?? Just WOW.

I'm cleaning them and sending them to another LBT person in hopes that she gets as much use out of them as I do. I'm still working on organizing my closet according to size/color. It looks tons better already!

Would you believe I have clothes in my closet down to a size 12? WTF? And my friend Elizabeth is sending me some of her old size 12 slacks. It's a ways off, but I'll be there in no time!

I made a Protein shake today with 2oz Peanut Butter, 6oz chocolate silk, and a banana. MAN that was good! I only got 1/2 of it down though, and I was full. I suppose that means I gots restriction! Hoooooooo Daddy!

Spent 30 minutes on the glute-butt Elliptical setting. My ass is humming. I am thinking about doing it again later tonight. I really need to dump about 10 pounds so I can fit comfortably in my clothes. Otherwise I'll be wearing the same 2 pairs of pants for the next little while. HA!

Kirsten - when are we going to stop being so hard on ourselves over what we put in our mouth? I don't know about you, but I'm tired of feeling ashamed and guilty over food. What an eye opener! What kind of elliptical are you getting? You'll love it! When the music is good, you'll find yourself dancing while you pump your legs.

bk - I decided to get my hair cut into a shoulder length bob. I dont know about highlights yet, but this is step 1. It will be easier to handle. I will make an appointment for Friday. Next question: To bang or not to bang?

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I honestly think it was an ordeal because I was so nervous. I really was jumpy and skittish. And when I saw the needle? Land o' Goshen! I was THROUGH! VaB - they put 5 cc in the band when they placed it. My Surgeon said that it was too loose around my belly and so they needed Fluid in there to tighten it up. They only added another 2 cc today. I hope it's enough - I wanted more, but the surgeon said he only wants to put in enough to make me full faster, not enough to make me lose weight. *laugh* I love my surgeon. He's a sweet man.

I had 3/4c of butternut squash bisque for dinner. Home made. (It was in the freezer) and I'll do it again tomorrow.

Heading to bed now. I have to speak at an event tomorrow morning. Have to be there at 7:30am.

Hey, does anyone use those exercise bands? I'm thinking about buying some.


Hey Nat-

Just to quickly post, I bought some of those bands and I like them. I actually use them a lot for when I am watching tv and I do reps during the commercials. I got a medium resistance set for $5.99 at Marshalls. I have not figured out a ton of exercises yet and like an idiot, I threw out my Fitness magazine that had a whole list of them, but I will figure it out. Let me know what you do with them.

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Nat - Bang! I got 4 inches cut off my hair and got bangs this weekend. Just needed a change, something for myself.

SB party - I am taking some veggies that I can eat and a dip, I had a horrible weekend with food. I ate bread for the first time and now I am craving it again. I had a fat free hotdog on a bun for dinner tonight, didn't need the bun but ate the whole f*ing thing, it was good, but I was hoping I wouldn't eat it because bread is not helpful with this lifestyle. I also had a small piece of pizza, it was good, but I really feel better if I eat Protein.

I think I will set a goal of 15 lbs by V-day, that would put me at 230, it's been years since I saw those numbers. Anyone else got a goal?

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NAT...I don't know that we'll ever stop being so hard on ourselves re: food that we eat!!

I'm trying to get back on track tomorrow after a weekend of way too much alcohol and food w/my best friend! We had a blast (except for the groping that occured at the dance club last night by the short dude!) ;-) but it's time to get serious again!! I guess its a good thing we don't live so close to each other! LOL

I am going to set my VDAY goal to be down another 10 pounds, although honestly, I'd be happy to be down just 5!!

The good thing was that my BF (gotta love her!) Told me that my ass was getting smaller and that my boobs are now more noticable b/c my stomach is shrinking!! Leave it to my BF To make me feel good! LOL!

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Hi all

nat- I am not for the bangs but that is only because I have curly hair

you guys are doing awesome with the workouts I am moving sometimes soon hopefully we will sell our house and I can have a excerise room in my home we have one in the garage but I have to wear four layers of clothes out there

i should go 2 the gym more often,but to be honest they started a contest which I can not be in

the contest.... the person that loses the most weight by april wins 2500 bucks and I am out because of the weight loss surgery and it bums me out because everyone talks about the contest all day

nat I hate to hear u cried over what u ate just remember tommorrow is a new day

I confess my son is selling candy bars and I ate one after work today

good luck with restriction all my first fill feb 6th

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