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8 pounds!?!? That's awesome!

Which leads me to... What am I doing wrong!?!?!?

Ugh... Ive not strayed about 1000 calories in over a week... I am eating 80+ grams of protien. I am working my ass off for 50 mintues a day.

The damn scale just laughs at me.

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b'man - eat a 2000 calorie day, then drop the next few days to like 800 calories. I bet that moves the scale. It helped with me.

StephC - thanks, I think that my son's father in his life is good if he is consistent. The problem has been that he is present for 2 months, then is uninterested for 6 months. He may pop up at Christmas, maybe not. It's frustrating. I have a couple of college students who help out as needed, but I need someone FT for the next few months. Starting dinner is not necessary - I cook in bulk, so I pull things out of the freezer and heat them up. (individually packaged lasagna, meatballs, vegetable casseroles, etc.) My meals are easy right now.

I'm goin to lunch with a friend now. Don't want to go, but I am sick of this office today.


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Hey Brandi-I second what Nathalie said about eating some more and then scaling back. I swear in the past I would do better if I had an occasional "more food day". It is like throwing your body a bone..letting it know you are not starving. See if it works. I also think if you eat the same amts all the time your body gets used to it. Hang in there. If you are burning more than you are taking in, the weight will drop!

Nat-sounds good about the home daycare. I am crossing my fingers for you. I hope it works out. Sorry to hear about all the drama. That would make me nuts! And the baby daddy thing..Steph is right, it is probably a good thing, but I am sure you are thinking "why now?" I just hope if he steps up, he keeps at it and doesn't think he can just go back and forth. That would be the worst. Just lay down the rules and hopefully he will stick by them. It may be nice that he is not right next door anyway.

Steph-have a blast at the movies. Sounds fun. I have class tonight and I should be reading the 7 pre-assinged chapters I have totally blown off. arrghhhh. I am going to have a busy school work weekend. boohoo.

I went shopping this morning and grabbed a size 18 pair of jeans to try on since my 20's are getting all dumpy in the butt and thigh. I slid them up no problem but when I went to button them..NOT HAPPENING! I was so sad. I really thought I would be wearing them. I only tried one type and there was no stretch in them, but still, I really wanted them to fit. Ho-hum, maybe 10 more pounds or so I can try again. waaah. It actually just charges me up and makes me want to work harder. I know I will get there soon.

What's for lunch? I am not sure what to have as it is food shopping day and there is nothing yummy in the house. I am thinking of some bbq chicken I cooked up the other night. It is all shredded so I hope it is moist in the sauce. That and maybe the rest of my spinach. I am going to run and see if I can squeeze in a quick workout...

Talk to you all later.

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Is it possible that I lost 8 pounds already since Sunday? That's what the scale shows. I'm not complaining, I'm back on track. I think it was the bloat and the p-rot. I also ate very well yesterday - I bet I had 1000c and 80g Protein. (lots of salmon) I also had 5 sugar free popsicles last night after dinner.

Loved AI last night. My friend called those 2 weird guys "Timon and Pumbaa" which made me howl.

BTW- way to go on the 8 lbs! I bet you were retaining a lot due to the p-rot (too funny). That is a nice boost. You must be psyched!

Timon and PUmbaa is some funny stuff. I was definitely thinking he looked like a Lemur. WHat about that crazy red headed dude? "C'mon Simon, bring it" He was CREEPPPPYYY!

These people are wacked.

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StephC: I was banded on 12/13 and I am right there with you! On good days I try to stay 1200 cals or less but on bad days...oh we won't discuss it. I go for aa fill on tuesday and I am going to tell them to cinch it up!! Right now it is really like being on a diet, which I have never been good at.

Kay: Good luck on your clinicals!

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Nat - Congrats on your weight loss, maybe you just needed to shock your system. Don't discount the 15 min of exercise, it's better than nothing. Good luck your son's father, hopefully it will work out for the best.

Steph - My mom says the same thing, shouldn't you be down more by now, aahhh, to be a size 8 like her, she doesn't get it, but I know she cares.

Two hours to my fill, kinda feel like I'm going to throw up, I'm more nervous for this than I was my surgery, because I'm awake during this and I freakin' hate needles...

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Okay - so back from the fill. No pain at all from it. My doctor numbed me with a tiny needle, waited about 30 seconds, and then put in the big one, didn't feel a thing while I was in there. I'm on liquids for about 24 hours, and then back to normal food. Now that it has been about an hour I feel the restriction, more like the way that I felt a few days after surgery. I like the way it feels, knowing that the band is still there, sometimes when I eat a lot, I don't even feel like I have it anymore. Strange that I want to feel the restriction, but it reminds me why I did this, and how far I have to go.

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Patty so good to hear all went well with the fill! I also loved the feeling of restriction when I was just banded. I'm really excited to get that feeling again.

I saw Dream Girls and EVERYONE should go and see it! I loved it and I cried! It was so good - I just don't know why Jennifer Hudson was a "supporting" actress rather then the lead. In my opinion she carried the entire movie.

Oprah's on and its good today - about those 2 boys that were kidnapped so I gotta run. Talk to yen's later. (Yen's is the PA way to say you all) :rose:

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Stephanie - I TOLD YOU! When Jennifer Hudson sang her song, did people in the theatre applaud? OMG! I was weeping when she sang, I felt her pain and I felt that emotion. She was phenomenal. And yes, she carried the movie. THAT is why Beyonce is so mad - because Beyonce (aka Bouncy) thought she was going to be the star of Dreamgirls. My my my how mad she is that she was overshadowed by a NOBODY! And wasn't Eddie Murphy good? He was so good and so tragic at the same time. I loved it. I want to see it again, and I will definitely buy it when it comes out on DVD. I saw it on Broadway when I was in HS, but I don't remember it being that good. The movie was just bigger than life for me. I'm so proud of JHud - I have loved her since she sang The Circle of Life on AI. (Cease gushing) But seriously, I'm so glad you went to see it. I loved it until they started singing the dialogue. That part I could have done without. Phenomenal.

I TiVo'd Oprah today, and will watch it when I get home. I'm at my Dad's house tonight, my little one has his 18m check up tomorrow morning. It's snowing out, so I didn't want to chance driving on the slick roads tomorrow morning. My Dad is renting his house while he winters in South Florida, so I feel like an interloper in Daddy's house. Oh well. I called to let them know I was coming, so I think it's okay that I'm here. *shrug*

Patty - I am SO glad to hear that your fill is painless. Seriously, I effing HATE needles, so I have been flipping out, seeing it's a week until my fill. But seeing how I ate a tunafish SANDWICH today (including 85% of the bread) followed by some fruit and 3 squares of chocolate, I need a fill POST HASTE!

Oh Steph - I have a friend from Pittsburgh, Cheryl. We used to party together. I remember the first time she said "Yins" to us. I believe I fell in the floor laughing. Of course I was pretty zooted, but man she cracks me up! I lived in Pompano Beach, FL for a few years (which is where my son's father still lives (Miami Beach)) and Cheryl would call and say "Would you like to come to the beach with my friend Harry for cocktails?" or mention having cocktails or smoke a doob with Harry. ahahahahahah HE WAS HER IMAGINARY FRIEND. She wouldn't talk about Harry when we were sitting together laughing, but that was our code for "let's go to the beach and act like we're insane." Man I love Cheryl. She's FUN!

KayDoll - how was the workout? Once again I have failed to work out. I am going to hit the stairmaster downstairs in the morning. I totally have a love/hate relationship with that devilmeister. It hurts and makes me feel gorgeous and accomplished at the same time.

I have a great lead on an in-home child care provider. I hope she is reliable. I am giving her 3 unscheduled absences - meaning she has 3 times to call in the morning and say "I can't be there." And then she is out. She is willing to come to my house for $3.50 per day - 7:30am - 4:30pm. Not bad, right? Keep your fingers crossed. We have an interview on Saturday afternoon.

Mattress update: I talked to the sales manager and he said he can't take it back because it's been out of the store for over 90 days. He suggested that I sell it on Craig's List. Uh huh. So I am looking to find out who HIS boss is. SOMEBODY is going to let me return this mattress. I am about to do some research on the company, find out who the owner is, as well as if they have a board of directors, and write them a letter. I'm also going down there tomorrow to speak with the sales manager one last time before I send this letter. It's ridiculous that I ache so badly when I wake up and they are unwilling to stand by what the sales person told me. I told my friend I felt like shitting in that man's coffee when I hung up the phone. But I digress.

I think that's all. I haven't been hungry since 12:00pm, so I didn't eat dinner tonight. I had 3 clementine segments while I was feeding my little one, and some Water. I have a packet of unjury, but I am not hungry at all. I'll have it for Breakfast or something.

I am not sure, but I think I'm rambling, guys, so I'll catch ya later. LOL


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The fill was so easy!!

I didnt feel a thing. The doctor had this spray numbing stuff ... and he told me to close my eyes becuase it sometimes splatters.

The little fibber!! He tricked me. I closed my eyes while he sprayed the numbing solution and he did my fill in about 3 seconds...

I didnt even know he did it!!! He said open your eyes, and I asked how long it took to numb and he said... "It is already numb and you're fill is already done"

Piece of cake!


Side note: I got hit on in the waiting room!! by this guy who had brought his dad in for a consultation for the Lap Band. I came in and sat down. There was a room FULL of people. He kept looking at me and I kept trying to look at the floor and prevent the inevitable. Dont get me wrong he was a good looking guy and all.... in fact, he was very good looking, but it just is NOT the right time for me. and THERE of all places @ my surgeons office... how strange.

Apparently, he didnt notice me trying to avoid eye contact (or he didnt care, HA) He just gets up and comes sits down next to me :( and starts talking away! Asking me all kind of questions... Where im from... and then making small talk -- the nurses were all smiling and giggling in the back -- and would peek around the corner (and wink at me when he couldnt see them)... they made me blush 50 shades of red. Which he totally noticed... becuase I saw him smiling about it.

He was very nice. I finally got over the blushing and talked to him for about 30 mintues while I was waiting to get in... He did start asking me all about my having the surgery and he wanted to know ALL about it. I kept making it in reference to how good it would be for his father... if it was something that his dad truly wanted to do (trying to revert the subject from me) thank god he didnt ask for my number or something. It was flattering, but I definitely still feel very much married when it comes to that kind of thing. I am not comfortable with strange men showing interest.

Oh well, i figured you guys would get a kick out of it anyway.

Night everyone

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B-man you little hottie! You go girl! Thats a NSV if I ever heard one! Just when we hate men they totally redeem themselves! What I mean is it HAD to make you feel sexy! Oh yeah the b-man is back!

So how much of a fill did you get? Did he tell you? I'm hoping its in and out before I know it but doubt that'll happen for me. Dr Dreamy will do it under fluro so it'll be this long drug out pain induced affair (hey take the 'under fluro" out and it sounds like a fantasy :( )

Nat - omg I wish we could go see Dream girls again - together! I loved it so much! And I agree about the dialogue being sung - could've skipped that but it didn't take from the movie and there wasn't that much of it. Eddie Murphy deserves an Oscar and so does Jhud - I can see Eddie getting a best supporting but J definitely should be the lead. No one clapped but then there was only me and about 8 old ladies in the theater.. LOL gotta love small towns! I heard on E that Bouncy was pissed bc she didn't get nominated for a golden globe and she made a comment that she could have gained weight and taken that role but she felt she was Dina - yeah right - if Jhud had been Dina she would have blown us away in that role too!

Miss Mattress situation - let me give you a suggestion. I realize you want them to take the thing back but until then for your own bodies sake - why don't you run to Walmart and get an egg crate foam pad - OR - better yet go to www.overstock.com and buy a feather mattress pad for about $60.

Ok I'm going to share with yens and don't take it as gospel because you know my scale lies - but I think I'm down 5 lbs! No kidding - that darn scale said 205 today - actually yesterday he said 206 and I thought nah aint no way - and then this morning I got on and off and on and off - I really hate getting my hopes up and try to tell myself to only go by the dr scales but then I go and weigh my self anyway!

I almost forgot to tell you I had a HUGE victory yesterday at the movies - I bought a small popcorn (even charted 4 cups on fitday before I left) but when I left I threw a half bag away! YEA me! I used to eat a bucket by myself!

Nat I hope the sitter works out! You meant $3.25/hour not day didn't you? You're not hiring some illegal immigrant or something for $3.25 a day are you? And I think thats a very good price.

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Nat- great on finding a baby sitter! $3.50 a day???!!! or an hour??!! I want a baby sitter for 3.50 a day!!!!!!! I thought I was getting a deal at 30.00 a day for both my kids 13 hour shifts it works out to about 2.90 an hour for both kids!

Bman-- getting hit on-- You know I met my dh at the hospital 10 years ago when I was taking care of his mother! At first I tried to blow him off when he asked me out for coffee but I was put on the spot when he asked for my number so I gave it to him, I was embarrassed. 2 kids and 10 years later I am very thankful-- loves me fat we will see but I am thinking he will like me skinny too!!!! =)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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