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everyone thanks for thinking of my dad I will give yall a update as soon as I know more

kay- no thank goodness I am not his only caregiver my sis and brother and mom help but still overwhelming

nat sounds like your sis and mine have a lot in commen because she has already acted mad at my weight loss

she says things like I hope that band works for you since you had surgery for it

she is a skinny lady already but had always stayed skinny by taking diet pills I know she is scared I will get smaller than her

why can't they be happy when we lose weight

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I know why I'm weighing heavy. Aunt Flo reared her ugly head tonight. A WEEK EARLY! No wonder I've been irritable the past few days. Well, more irritable than usualy.

bk, I can't speak for yours, but I think my sister's self worth and self image is tied into being "the skinny sister." She thinks I'm the pretty one, I'm the smart one, I'm the organized one... And she is the skinny one. One thing she "wins" on. not for long!

Tomorrow I take my 1 month picture! I'm excited and nervous. I wonder how much of a difference I'll see in the pic?


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Nat-glad you are back. mmm McFish sounds to die for. I had a great eating day and ended the night with 2 oreos. Not even the good oreos, but the crappy store brand. ugh. Old me would have eatne the sleeve. Babysteps girl. Get on the elliptical beast and work it off. Whatever. You are human. Share the details about your sister if you don't mind. I am curious to see how you handle this. I am glad you didn't tell her though I am sad she would not be more supportive. My sister has always been the thinner one. She is not skinny but I think fluctuates between a 10 and 12 (skinny by my standards, but not society nor my mother's standards-as we are both "big" girls in her size 2/4 eyes). Anywho, I was honest with her and she tells me that she has never seen me as fat. She was actually shocked when I told her my weight. She said she just sees me as her sister...that brings tears to my eyes. I just assumed everyone sees me as the fat slug I have felt like in the past. She is pregnant with her 3rd baby, has thus far gained 5 pounds in her 6 months of being pregnant (I am so jealous-haha) and looks fantastic. She did say the other day, "you better not get smaller than me" but I think that she is only kidding. It would be weird to think I could be smaller than her. I think she is up to about 170 or so right now (after 2 kids and half way through another pregnancy!) She is someone who I think will be supportive no matter what. She does not have the self esteem damage that I had growing up in our crazy home as she is 6 years younger than I am and I think was too little to know what was going on during the worst of it. I hope we always remain as close and supportive of each other. That being said, she is the only person I have that I can be that forthcoming with since I so few know about my surgery and I wouldn't dream of telling my 120lb mom how much I weigh!!! ;;gasp;;;. I do however had a few friends that I think like having me as the big friend and this will test our friendship as I turn into the hot mama I know I am destined to be!

Sorry, I did not mean to ramble.

BKwalling-I am glad you have support in caring for your dad though I know it is in no way easy. I am thinking of you.

Did I mention that I met some LBT boston bandsters yesterday? We went out for a nice lunch, about 11 of us. What a nice time to talk to people in different stages of the game. It was great. These were some beautiful women who will only be more gorgeous when they reach their goals! Watch out!!! Shoutout to Carol/Levi who was there :::waving::: It was great to meet you.

Anyway, I am going to take the kids out for a bit and then it is PATRIOTS FOOTBALL time!! woohoo (never mine you Nat and the Chargers crap-blech. j/k)

It will be a tough game though.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

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2 small glasses White Merlot

3 bites of salad with ranch dressing (chewed to a pulp)

8 bites of Manicotti (chewed to a pulp)

4 bites of marinara with about 6-8 spaghetti noodles (chewed....)

4 bites of risotto topped with 2 thin slices steamed squash (chewed....)

lots of unsweetened tea w/splenda

1/2 of a 2" square double chocolate brownie and 1 cup of coffee....

All of this was eaten and (drank, drunk???) over a 2 hour period.

The evening spent enjoying this at the local "Murder Mystery" dinner theatre with 5 dear friends celebrating one of their birthdays was wonderful.

The food was so very satisfying.

Maybe one of the most enjoyable meals I've ever had.

The fact that I realized that I don't think I had ever really "chewed" Pasta before was amazing.

Yet still, I beat myself up over the fact that, even though everything I ate could have been eaten by someone who had no teeth, I'm not (according to my nurse) supposed to eat solid food for another 5 days.

I would love to see some of your thoughts on this.

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Kathy-congrats on a wonderful evening with friends. Did you find that you enjoyed the company more since you were not busy scoffing down food? I have found that to be the case with me. Just wondering.

Okay, so were are talking about 19 bites that you chewed to mush. Think about it...what does 19 bites actually add up to? Probably not 1/4 of what you may have eaten in the past. I am glad you savored and enjoyed it all. I doubt any damage is done. Especially where you are talking 5 days..not 15 until solids. I would just jump back on the wagon today and chalk it up to a nice indulgent evening. Sounds like you had fun!!!!

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Hi all!

I just wanted to let everyone know that you probably won't hear from me too often over the next two months or so! I think I'll try to catch up with everyone once a week or so.

I went back to college at the end of August to earn my Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree in administration and classes start up again on Tuesday! I'm taking two classes for the next 8 weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The classes last for four hours from either 5 or 5:30 until 9 or 9:30 PM. It's so tiring after working all day, too! Those of you who are in school know exactly what I mean! After these two classes are done, I'll be halfway through my degree. I'm hoping to finish by the end of the summer.

I'm hoping I can keep sticking to my eating plan like glue despite taking on all of the extra work again! It's a rigorous schedule, especially since I'm doing my job and my boss' job right now at work and I'm a single mom! I gotta have the degree if I want to keep my boss' job (and the higher paycheck)! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, I guess...

Since I've made a pact with myself to avoid the scale until my first fill appointment on January 31st, I thought I'd share a small NSV in the meantime! Last week, I was able to wear three outfits that did not fit me before Christmas! :clap2:

I'm sending positive vibes your way--hang in there everyone and keep your focus on eating healthy and moving around! :)

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Hi gals! I've been busy for a few days and just catching up!

Brandi- I am so sorry to hear about your husband. That must be so hard! I cant imagine your pain.

Kaydotrn- You are doing so great with your weight loss! Your dr may be strict but it is working for you! I know what you mean about your mother though. My mom is 5'5" and 110 lbs maybe! She is 58 years old and runs a few miles everyday. She really doesnt get this overweight thing and I know she thinks badly of me because of it, I would never tell her my weight. She wasnt happy with me lap banding but I told her you may as well be supportive b/c I am doing it anyway! =)

I did lose 2 more lbs. for a total of 17! I have a new scale I got for christmas so it is not the one I started with, so today for fun I weighed myself on the orginal scale I started with and it says I lost 19lbs!!!!!!!!!!! I have never ever lost that much weight before! Well I will check back in a few days! Good luck to all having fills this week! Jill

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(((Jill)))) Congrats on the loss and especially since it is a first for you. That must feel so fantastic! Keep it up. Thanks for the kind words. It is really nice to hear. As far as my loss, I am currently at the weight I always manage to get down to before my diet loses steam and I start to gain it all back. This is a really big deal for me because I am still so motivated right now and having the band will certainly help. I cannot remember the last time I saw the 220's. I think I dipped to 229 once since my first pregnancy and quickly piled the lbs back on! I am only weeks away from that!

Nat-GO PATRIOTS!!!! Did you watch that game? My 4 yo got the hot sauce out of the kitchen and told my DH to put some in his mouth because there were som bad words flying around. He actually did too which was kind of funny. It was a stressful few hours here.

Transformer-good luck with school. I start back on Wednesday and I am STRESSED! I know this is going to be a really hard year for me and I only have 2 weeks off between the start next week and December when I am done!!!! UGH. No summer break this year. Good luck to you and kudos for going back for another degree.

My stomach is making the loudest gurgling sounds tonight. I swear it is actually forming words. I made a fattening dip that we had with wheat thins for dinner tonight (football food) and stuffed mushrooms. I had a mushroom around 4:30 as well as 6 crackers with dip. Then another mushroom around 7pm and 4 more crackers. It was not the healthies choice but I still stayed around 800-900 cals and got my Protein as well as all my Water so I am not too annoyed about it. I will work it all out at the gym in the morning. I did a crap load of squats, lunges, and weights last night in my living room and I am still so sore. It is a good feeling though.

Is everyone off tomorrow to observe the holiday? Have a good one.

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KAYDOT...Lets here it for the PATRIOTS!!! Whooo hooo!!! What a come from behind!! I'm soo excited! And I'll also give a shout out to my supportive Sis as well...she is younger, but has always been the 'skinny' one too (size 12-14, but able to run a marathon!). She has been sooo supportive of me and since my Dr. is in her state and near her, she took care of me after my surgery and let me borrow her car on Friday so I could go to my fill while she was at work! I know she'll be happy for me no matter how skinny I get b/c she knows how much my weight has always bothered me....


NAT...don't worry about the fish sandwich!! Remember...I had a Cheesburger the other day! I think its all about perspective...what we would have had in our "old days".....vs. what we're doing now!! As for your sister....if she can't be supportive then find other "sisters" like us that can be!! :confused:

Speaking of Auntie Flo....I met a fellow LBT bandster this weekend in CO that had been banded by the same Dr. I used...and she mentioned that after she had her period, she got a lot more restricted!! Has anyone heard about your period affecting your restriction?? I figure we've talked poops here, we can talk Auntie Flo right?? ;-) LOL

KATHY.....Don't worry about what you had!!! I was on solids way before you are going to be....and I haven't done any damage, so I'm sure you didn't! You're fine!!

TRANSFORMER...good luck in school and check back w/us when you can!! Congrats on your NSV!!! That is awesome!!!

I'm starting a new job (after having been laid off in November) tomorrow, so I'm excited that I finally will have real benefits again and will be getting a paycheck!! woo hoo!! So if I'm not on as much, its b/c I"m busy getting settled!!

Have a great MLK Day guys!!

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Kay- you are doing awesome with your weight loss congrats

va- congrats on the new job I too am starting a job tommorrow for the past almost yr I have just been a college student full time and a mom enough right

but I have decided to serve tables while in college I did it before right out of highschool for two yrs and made some great cash so I decided I need the workout of serving and the cash for all the student loans

transformer - good luck with school

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Morning all!

BK - glad to hear your dad is doing better - I had my church pray for him. My daughter said whos that? I said a girl from lbt and she rolled her eyes at me (dang 16 y/o's) I said hey they believe so every bit of prayer helps, right? Anyway - I'm praying for a speedy recovery.

VA -good luck with the new job, bk you too and anyone else. I always liked getting a new job, I love a challange. Now I know I probably won't work anywhere else again. I'm finally happy with where I'm at. Although money is always tight while I'm on unemployment - that part sucks, especially after Christmas - every year in January my dh (and thats not dear this time) starts up with "if you're going to be spending money like this you're going to have to get another job and forget about the unemployment" yeah yeah yeah - whatever. Needless to say I continue to collect unemployment.

Transformer and all of you - good luck with school, I admire all of you raising kids, school work, you are steel magnolias.

smith, kay, nat - me - and everyone else who thinks they have eaten "bad" - just know this we are doing soooo sooo sooo much better then we would have done pre-band! I'm still struggling with after supper snacking, thats when I do - did - my most eating. I had a salad for supper, with turkey and Beans, cheese all the Protein I needed on it, then at about 9 I started feeling the hunger - not sure if it was head or belly so I ate a ff pudding - then I ate an apple with a tbls of p.butter - which was good but then I ate a little thing of pringles (the lunch size) so I think I had over 300 cal. my total for the day was around 1200 calories - which isn't really horrible. I know I'm doing alot better in my food choices then I did before.

Nat - hey girl we get our fill the same day - the 25th - thats a Wednesday right? cool - we'll have to share horror stories. Jk! I'm not too worried about it - I'm counting on dr dreamy to stick it in the port the FIRST time!

Gotta go braid dd hair - have a good day!

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Happy MLK Day.

Just a quick note because I want to get to the gym and watch Ellen while I am there. She cracks me up and it keeps me on those dang cardio machines longer if I am entertained.

BK-glad your dad is doing better. Praying he will be out of bed ASAP!

Good luck on your job. Keep us posted.

VABand-hugs to you and your sis. That is great that she is supportive. It is not easy to have jealousy and insecurity in families so it is nice when there is none of that.

Steph-love ya girl. I love your perspective. I too have always battled with the after dinner munchies. In the past I could undo a whole day of healthy eating in the time between 7-9pm. I seem to have a hndle on it for now. I hope that lasts.

(((Nat))) (((Brandi))) just quick hugs to you.

Transformer-are you ready for school? I want to crawl under my covers. I am so afraid for it to start and so scared of my clinicals that I forgot all of the info I learned last year. aaaaahhhh. Good luck.

I have to run, literally and burn some calories! Weigh in is tomorrow morning.

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hey my ladies... i dont know if you've all checked it out or not, but


is awesome for keeping track of your calories/carbs/fat/protein

I never thought I would really like web site like that, but you can find ANY food and create your own custom ones (by entering the nutrition labels in and naming them yourself).

You get and exact count of what your eating. Then you can go in and get charts of what you eat Vs. what you burn. You can see what your eating in what proportions.

So much easier than writing it down on paper.

Just thought I'd pass it along since I was a skeptic about it too. :-)

bkwalling -- so glad your dad is doing a bit better

Kaydot -- i am going to join a gym today, well the YMCA anyway. (no joining fee for the month of January) and "hugs" back to you. That must have been really neat to meet all of those other bandsters as well. I wish I had something like that around here

Steph -- "I'm counting on dr dreamy to stick it in the port the FIRST time!" DAMN girl... Freud would have "fun" with that one... hehe ;-) I bet he could hit it the first time too... ha ha ha ha

VAbandster -- yep the Water retention and "natural" bloating with make the band tighten up for many people. Ive read about it on a bunch of other threads

jill -- conrats on the weight loss!! GO! GO! GO! Just imagine us in 6 months... a bunch of hot mamas

transformer -- good luck with your classes. It might be a blessing in disguise... something else to focus on and take your mind off of the "scales"

smith -- congrats on keeping your wits about ya on your big night out. I wish I had your will power when I comes to that. I try to stay away now, becuase I like to have just a bit too much fun :-)

Nat -- hey baby girl... i know what you mean about your sister. my family is kind of the same way. my mother especially. She always seems like she wants to just stay smaller than me. Even if it isnt "skinny" at least I am bigger than she is.

She annoys me becuase she was totally unsupportive and now she tries to jump in and say "you shouldnt be eating that!"

Well, if she would have found the time to particiapte and educate herself about my procedure, she would have learned that I can eat many things... just not much of them.

I feel like she is just watching and waiting for me to screw up.

She does it to my younger brother too (he is only 15) she is always talking about how she tries to slip on a pair of his shorts or borrow a shirt to go outside... and his clothes are SO BIG on her. Its sick. I think she likes keeping us big on propose becuase she cant lose the weight.

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B-man - you got me there! Dr.Dreamy can stick it any where his heart desires! :P But I really do hope he gets it right the first time!

Kay - how was Ellen? I went in to work today - fool that I am. I was going in to do payroll and pay bills and ended up the board member who signs checks came before I had the bills ready so all I got done was the payroll. Then I had people in and out and for 2 hours I got nothing accomplished! Before I had a chance to go the pres. calls with a letter he wants me to send to the members - dang them anyway! I don't know why they expect me to work!

Do you know that a pickle only has 5 calories? I'm talking the big pickles. I came home hungry - I had eaten bk and took a cheese stick for snack just incase I wasn't home by lunch time - and I wasn't it was 2 by the time I got home. So I made myself a turkey, swiss, lettuce, pickle, ff italian dressing sandwich on 1 peice of bread - so in other words a half a sandwich. All that for about 170 cals. I was proud of myself - and it filled me full. The turkey, swiss and bread provided close to 30 Protein. I'm still trying to change my eating habits and so far the only one I have a problem with is the night Snacks. I'll eventually get there.

How's everyone doing on the Protein? Still counting or guessing? B-man I love fitday - I think Kay told us about it on the other thread. Its too cool!

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