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OD that does sound messy. Ugh! I'm glad you told him how you feel so that is at least out on the table.

CCJ yes yes, he will try to take you down with him, you need to physically separate from this man. You have been more than kind and generous with him (from the sounds of it!) and you need to cut this tie and move on with your life.

BDA whoop whoop...so glad you joined Curves. I would love to hear about what you think of it. Please be sure to update!

Snowing today here, enough for them to do a "delayed" start for school. I guess I will get a triple workout out in today, weights for an hour, spin for an hour and probably at least half an hour of snow shoveling! (We live on a corner and the sidewalk is also our responsibility...sigh.)

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Yeah, it's kind of like Sheryls husband living in his car. She told him if she could not stay with him, she would just go stay in her car in the parking lot in the hospital where she works 3 days a week rather than drive 3 hours home.

Hopefully Bill doesn't let the dual attentions go to his head.

Oh for heavens sake! I'm sure the hospital will love that! Why is she working 3 hours from home 3 nights a week... (to be closer to him of course!)

OD that does sound messy. Ugh! I'm glad you told him how you feel so that is at least out on the table.

CCJ yes yes, he will try to take you down with him, you need to physically separate from this man. You have been more than kind and generous with him (from the sounds of it!) and you need to cut this tie and move on with your life.

BDA whoop whoop...so glad you joined Curves. I would love to hear about what you think of it. Please be sure to update!

Snowing today here, enough for them to do a "delayed" start for school. I guess I will get a triple workout out in today, weights for an hour, spin for an hour and probably at least half an hour of snow shoveling! (We live on a corner and the sidewalk is also our responsibility...sigh.)

I live on a corner too... I get all the leaves from the neighborhood collecting on my corner, then it rains (well not now, its a drought, wish it would!) and I get to rake them before the neighborhood floods! I have the only drain for two streets! It is a good workout though....

Good for you Brown! Go get'em girl!

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Oh for heavens sake! I'm sure the hospital will love that! Why is she working 3 hours from home 3 nights a week... (to be closer to him of course!)

Yeah, it's kind of like Sheryls husband living in his car. She told him if she could not stay with him, she would just go stay in her car in the parking lot in the hospital where she worsks 3 days a week rather than drive 3 hours home.

Hopefully Bill doesn't let the dual attentions go to his head.



She is a nurse and she got fired at the hospital in the town where she was living. So she applied to all the hospitals on the coast.  There aren't very many hospitals on the coast. I want her gone !!

Edited by Oregondaisy

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I don't know why it's saying Feed said what I said.

Anyway, I am going crazy knowing she was at his house all evening. I really want to talk to him soon.


food and weight is good. I haven't had much of an appetite, really. I love my sleeve so much for making it possible for me to weight 135! And I love 5:2 for curing me of night time snacking.

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Sounds like her life is upside down too! Break-ups are a B1tch! He needs to handle this... and I think you should give him some time to do that... If he can't get through this, then you need to know (see him in action). He is not "yours" yet... He needs to agree to that first, and that might take some time. (NOT two years or anything crazy, but really, he just found out you like him "that way"...)

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Okay, in my seminar class they provided so much junkie food - Cookies, brownies, morning pastries, CARROT cake - good lord. Resisted all that, but did eat a package of almonds or cashews each day which was two servings. Yikes, that was like 700-800 calories in just nuts on top of my normal food. Salty too.

Guess what, my 2# regain since joining the gym disappeared. I sometimes wonder if that whole startvation mode thing does have some credence (not that i was starving mind you) and this extra shot of fat, carbs that nuts provide shook things up. Today should be a fasting day, but it won't be - I am too emotionally wracked. If I can just keep things going for now... well, that is the best I can do.

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Here is a mayo clinic study on carbs and dementia.... not as crazy extreem as the former article... http://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/eating-lots-of-carbs-sugar-may-raise-risk-of-cognitive-impairment-mayo-clinic-study-finds

High-carb diet is linked to early Alzheimer's
Janice Lloyd, USA TODAY1:55 p.m. EDT October 17, 2012

(Photo: Katye Martens, USA TODAY)

  • Balanced diet of Protein, fat and carbs is best
  • Carbs might be linked to buidup of toxic Proteins in brain
  • Diet might be a way to prevent Alzheimer's from starting

Older people who load up their plates with carbohydrates have nearly four times the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment, a study out Tuesday finds.

Sugars also played a role in the development of MCI, often a precursor to Alzheimer's disease, according to the report in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. Eating more proteins and fats offer some protection from MCI.

Mayo Clinic researchers tracked 1,230 people ages 70 to 89 and asked them to provide information on what they ate the previous year. Among that group only the 940 people who showed no signs of cognitive impairment were asked to return for 15-month follow-ups. By the study's fourth year, 200 of the 940 were beginning to show mild cognitive impairment, problems with memory, language, thinking and judgment.

Not everyone with MCI goes on to develop Alzheimer's disease, but many do, says lead author Rosebud Roberts, a professor in the department of epidemiology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Alzheimer's affects 5.2 million adults in the nation, numbers that are expected to triple by 2050 as the Baby Boomers age.

"The research field is trying to find things that can help reduce risk factors for pre- dementia problems,'' says Roberts. "If we can stop people from developing MCI, we hope we can stop people from developing dementia. Once you hit the dementia stage, it's irreversible."

Among the foods regarded as complex carbohydrates: rice, Pasta, bread and cereals. The digestive system turns them into sugars. Fruits, vegetables and milk products are simple carbs.

"A high-carbohydrate intake could be bad for you because carbohydrates impact your glucose and insulin metabolism," says Roberts. "Sugar fuels the brain, so moderate intake is good. However, high levels of sugar may actually prevent the brain from using the sugar — similar to what we see with type 2 diabetes."

Roberts says high glucose levels might affect the brain's blood vessels and also play a role in the development of beta amyloid plaques. Those proteins are toxic to brain health and are found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. Researchers don't know what causes the disease, but they suspect the buildup of beta amyloid is a leading cause.

Also among the study's findings:

Those whose diets were highest in fat (nuts, healthy oils) were 42% less likely to get cognitive impairment, while those who had the highest intake of protein (chicken, meat, fish) had a reduced risk of 21%.

Several popular diets, including the Mediterranean (fish, poultry-based protein, and plenty of plant-based foods and healthy fats) and Atkins (low-carb, meat lovers diet), make pitches for the multiple health benefits derived from lowering carbohydrate intake, including reduced risk for heart disease, diabetes and improved brain health.

"This (study) is consistent with what we've seen in past published research on how a lower carbohydrate diet can help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's,'' says Colette Heimowitz, vice president of Nutrition and Education for Atkins Nutritionals Inc.

The authors write that unsaturated fats and proteins might be important to the brain by maintaining insulin sensitivity, the integrity of the neuron structure and the successful firing of neurotransmitters.

There is no treatment for Alzheimer's disease, only drugs to treat symptoms. Roberts says the study offers hope because "it shows a modifiable way we can reduce risk for the disease. It is important to eat a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat."

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Denise, I agree with what Kim said. Give him space and time to figure it out. He might really like having 2 women fighting over him. If he's interested in you like that then you deserve respect. Keep us posted.

Sheryl, thinking of you. Yes, sometimes it takes everything in you just to get up and get through the day.

Wanda, so glad you joined Curves. Did you work out when you joined or just sign up? I'm anxious to hear what you thought of the work out.

Fasting today. I want to eat but I won't. Having a hard time today. I finally heard from my friend that is on drugs. She's not doing well. I don't know how to deal with this because this is the first person in my life that I am really close to that has had a drug problem.

We actually met in Mexico and had our surgeries on the same day. We instantly clicked and have been close ever since. We think of each other as sisters. Shortly after surgery, she came here and stayed over a month to detox from pot. She's had a rough life and has done other drugs but at that time it was just pot. She had been clean and doing great for over 2 years and then started up again. I found this out because I had not heard from her, we always would txt every day. I knew she had started again, I could just feel it, but I drove to Texas and surprised her after work one day. We talked and it all came out, this time it was pot and speed. This was in November. While we were there she threw away all her drug stuff, said she wanted to stop. I had to come home and we talked every day again until before xmas. When communication stopped I knew she was doing it again.

Finally heard from her yesterday and she confirmed what I knew was true. I don't know how to deal with all of this. I know in my mind that the drugs take over, but my heart hurts. I love her and it kills me to see this and not be able to do anything about it. I know I can't change her. I just wish I could help her somehow.

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Sarah, does she have family that might be able to organize an intervention? Speed kills as they say...Sorry you have that to worry about... it is a tragedy.

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I talked to the head of personal training at the gym about my concerns

1. joint - knee/hips and

2. excess sweeling in ab area which is caused by doing too much even though i am 3 months post plastics. my waist measures about 1-2" larger then it did before i started at the gym and I haven't gained weight.

The personal trainer "manager" remembered me...haha.... he remembered my looks, isn't that funny? He was there during my last workout and agreed that I was on a pretty high intensity program. It is because the easy stuff is easy for me - i am fit. Doesn't change the fact that they are about to kill me with the current workout approach.

anyway, he is going to review my file and help create a safer workout. I need to take another week off - still do other workouts but give a chance for everything to settle down and we go from there. Of course my concern is they will give me something that doesn't build me stronger, but I have to keep the faith that I will find a nice middle ground.

Personally, I think they should give me a free session or something as a thank you for being a good client and calmly explaining the situation, including how much I LIKE my trainer but rather that I fear he lacks the experience and maturity to understand that I need to be treated like someone recoverying.

I am not sure, but I think my young trainer sees me as a MILF...LOL... the risk of plastics is you look better then your underlying structure really is. I don't think he sees me as a middle age lady with no cartilidge left and even though i keep telling him that....he just doesn't seem to believe me.

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Sarah, I really feel for you. My best friend in Chiciago just died. She was on a lot of drugs after I moved away from Chicago. I've always felt horrible that she never could seem to stay clean. Her kids are a mess. She supposedly died of pneumonia, but I don't have a lot of information . Your friend needs to go to NA meetings. I've had other friends tell me how that program saved thier lives.


Sheryl, I am glad you're taking care of yourself and not pushing yourself so hard.

I am going to be in Portland around 2-7 through 2-11 if there is any way you can meet up, I know it's really a long drive though.


Kim that was really an interesting article. Carbs are so evil. It's much easier for me to stay on track without them. They cause such bad head hunger, I don't want anything to do with them anymore.


Yeah, this whole situation with Bill is a mess. I've been waiting a long time to find a guy like him. I just hope things work out and I am not the one who gets hurt. That's what I said from the beginning, that I was scared to let him know how I feel. Now that he knows, there's no going back. He tells me she is emotionally unstable and he definitely does not love her.

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How long did it take for the corsets to come for those of you that ordered... still waiting...

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I think it was around 2 weeks...Did you get a tracking number? I forget if I did or not....

Edited by feedyoureye

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Have you guys ever read Wheatbelly? Pretty scary - that dementia could be part of it all is even scarier! On another note - sorry for more football stuff - M2G this is the audio of the 2 local announcers on our Seattle affiliate who called the NFC Championship game - the girly shriek around 12 seconds in is from Warren Moon - a massive, hall of fame football legend - I think I listen to it once an hour it is so funny to me :)http://mynorthwest.com/category/podcast_player/?a=9966644

Love it!!!! Can you imagine those "little boys" in that booth!!!! Ha!

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Kelly OMG, I LOVE the girlish scream...THAT is the kind of stuff legends are made of. Love it. I know this is old (circa 1998) but this was when the Broncos won their first superbowl and my MOM was AT the game in San Diego...oh what I would have given to BE there! She went with her very dear friend who was also a die hard Bronco fan, so I can't begrudge her. Sorry ladies at the risk of turning this into a FOOTBALL thread here are a quick highlights from the radio podcast from that game...favorite line (about 1:10 minutes in) "Oh baby they're going to WIN this thing!" http://www.southstandsdenver.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=603:you-can-stand-up-and-salute-dave-logan

I'm a football fan. I don't watch much except my "favs" (Saints and cowboys. Hard to root for both! Ha!) but when it gets to championships there!!! And I am a PEYTON FAN!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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