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Morning gals - I too am amazed at how you guys can respond line for line to everyone - I hope that my 'blanket' like posts do not offend for my lack of personalization - I write to all of you as always.

scale is up - needs to come back down. Last weeks faculty meeting which I was terrified of, was illuminating. Seems the new retooling of our program - which I have been very enthusiastic about, will be the end of my own teaching position :) Ahh well - it is a good impetus to get me back on track with my own artistic practice - I too need to get my artistic mojo back - which is next to impossible with getting so little 'head space' for artistic concerns with two stressful college teaching gigs - teenagers - trying to keep my new food and fitness life under control....yeesh.

I hope Laura is okay - I understand when folks take a break - I do the hermit crab thing with most folks rather than reach out - hubby is the one who gets the weepy, confused crap to contend with - which he has gotten a lot of lately. What seemed easy last year, with food, work, etc - now feels pretty hard.

I go to 95% of all my hospital's support group meetings - it is usually a good mix of vets and pre-surgery folks - I did not go to this last weekends mtg because of the Seahawks game - it is a frenzy around these parts, heh Jane I am certain you can relate ;) At the last meeting, a few members shared their experience with Overeater's anonymous - I think I am going to check these out - honestly, I feel like a drunk when I get around chips and candy...need to get firm with myself again!

My husband called my body luscious yesterday - luscious...here I am hating the floppy extra skin and beating myself up and he follows me around the house like a hungry wolf lol - I need to start subscribing to his world view methinks.

As far as pleasure goes - I tend to take care of that myself - no matter how in tune a man can be - I can get the job done much better than anyone else can hah!

Hope you guys have a great day - fasting today.

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Can I ask a serious mental health question.... have you noticed that a very high percentage of us 5:2 ers are either on anti depressant type meds or else are struggling with mood issues - or BOTH? I know we haven't done a rolecall, but when I first started talking about this I thought it was just me, but many of you have shared struggles or medications currently taken.

Do you think this is a coincidence? Do you think it has something to do with formerly obese people finding a way to handle these kind of issues now that we no longer abuse food? Being in maintenance, it is now more of a "chronic" thing? Do you think the intermittant fasting contributes in any way? Maybe because most of us are "middle age" and in the hormone hell times?
I don't notice that fasting contributes but I notice that when I feel like emotional hell, i don't have successful fasts - it's like the concentration that it takes - I just can't muster.

I also want to ask those of you doing intense workouts - M2G I think you are working with a personal trainer? - how are you fitting 5:2 into that? i want to get maximum results, and i noticed that I have been starving hungry for 2 days after my initial training sessions. It really triggered hunger and I don't know why! He kept upping the intensity because I made the stuff look too easy - that was Saturday morning and I am still a bit sore so I definately worked hard. My goal with the personal trainer is to reduce body fat %, get stronger, regain the muscle definition and build some booty if possible. I could do it again via Julian michaels DVDs BUT I think this will be a faster route and a more organized approach.

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Denise I am so excited that you have 3 different men that you can choose from. Is this added confidence? I think so.... :P I love it.....

Kelly I so struggle with remembering everyone's post so I'm working diligently as of today to take notes so I can talk with everyone.....

Florinda so if you hug someone for over a certain period of time, our body releases oxytocin?  I love this. I'm going to hug my hubby more to experiment with this...:P  It is so nice to have a friend with added benefits even if he is way younger...who cares, men do it all the time.....haha

I'm really getting concerned about LAURA, she hasn't been on this site since Jan 4. Hope things are going well with her beautiful daughter......Hope she's revamping her energy.


At the support group I went to on Saturday, one of the ladies was saying how she eats little during the day and is not hungry until she gets home from work. But when she gets home from work, she can eat a lot. Well I bring this up because this is what I did yesturday. We drove to the mountain and I had Breakfast but we skipped lunch and I had allowed myself to have a bag of Cheetos.  When I got home, I ate pretty much everything in the house. They were all healthy food like salami, mixed nuts, some chili with cheese and a Quest bar....Today my weight is up almost a lb. I know it's most likely Water retension, but it's driving me crazy. I am trying to figure out how to not go here....to prevent the eating episode. Perhaps I need to not skip meals and portion my foods out so I don't get in that crazied mindset. I don't know, but it really scares me....Today I'm doing Proteins and tomorrow I'm going to fast. maybe that will get me back in control of myself.....

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Sheryl as a mental health professional I know that I have a chemical imbalance going on with my neurotransmitters. My body in the last two years has gone through a lot of chaos due to this extreme weight loss and then the daily fluctuations in my weight plays havoc on me also. But to be honest, we probable had a bit of a chemical imbalance going on before we had surgery and the food we ate was a form of self medicating. Now we can't do that and we have to work on the chemical imbalance in a more healthier way. By dealing with our negative thought processes instead of self medicating.. I know that for me I need to exercise. Today I'm going to the park and taking a walk with nature.... this helps with producing more of the neurotransmitters we need to feel good.. I have recognized that I have had a bit of a depression going on and resorting to extreme periods of where I feel anxious. I have to remind myself that I have choices and if the anxiety is about something I can't control, then I have to learn to let it go. It's not easy especially when I'm dealing with a son who just got out of jail, he's a manipulator, he lies, he told us that his wife who also is a dry methamphetimine addict is pregnant. This terrifies me, but I can't control any of this so I am choosing to stand back and let the drama unravel. He is making impulsive decisions still and his wife is even worse at making impulsive decisions. OMG I just gave way too much info. Sorry for TMI> But this is my struggle and contributes to me over eating... Have a wonderful day everyone.

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Sheryl as a mental health professional I know that I have a chemical imbalance going on with my neurotransmitters. My body in the last two years has gone through a lot of chaos due to this extreme weight loss and then the daily fluctuations in my weight plays havoc on me also. But to be honest, we probable had a bit of a chemical imbalance going on before we had surgery and the food we ate was a form of self medicating. Now we can't do that and we have to work on the chemical imbalance in a more healthier way. By dealing with our negative thought processes instead of self medicating.. I know that for me I need to exercise. Today I'm going to the park and taking a walk with nature.... this helps with producing more of the neurotransmitters we need to feel good.. I have recognized that I have had a bit of a depression going on and resorting to extreme periods of where I feel anxious. I have to remind myself that I have choices and if the anxiety is about something I can't control, then I have to learn to let it go. It's not easy especially when I'm dealing with a son who just got out of jail, he's a manipulator, he lies, he told us that his wife who also is a dry methamphetimine addict is pregnant. This terrifies me, but I can't control any of this so I am choosing to stand back and let the drama unravel. He is making impulsive decisions still and his wife is even worse at making impulsive decisions. OMG I just gave way too much info. Sorry for TMI> But this is my struggle and contributes to me over eating... Have a wonderful day everyone.

That is alot of stress. I am so sorry.

for me, the daily fluctuations in the scale hold no emotional power over me. In fact, my emotional wreckage seems to have little to do with ACTUAL events. I think I am out of wack and exercise and horses DOES help. I just want to be normal, and I no longer know what that means even. Seeing the person today - I still don't want to be put on an anti-whatever but we shall see.

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Sheryl, I hate to tell you this but nobody is normal. It's how we deal with dysfunctional behaviors whether it's ours or someone else's that is the key.

Florinda, I am bummed that he has a gf and is too young. :( But at least you have a work out buddy you enjoy and are getting hugs. I keep asking if you need another care package. PM me and tell me what you need.

I really don't have 3 to choose from. I do for sure have Nex but he's in Portland 4 hours away . Keith is a drunk but is fun to dance with. Bill I adore, but I have no idea if we will ever be more than friends.

I forgot it was a fast day today. I'm headed to the gym . I have to make it a priority because it helps with my mental health more than anything. I was able to give up anti depressants with exercise.

And one more thing. Almost every single person I know is on an SSRI, so it's not just us overeaters. My 2 best friends are marriage and family therapists, they are on them, my other good friend is a nurse, she is on them too.

Dorrie I am so sorry to hear about your son. Meth is a big problem in Oregon too. I hate it . It's so destructive.

Edited by Oregondaisy

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scale is up - needs to come back down. Last weeks faculty meeting which I was terrified of, was illuminating. Seems the new retooling of our program - which I have been very enthusiastic about, will be the end of my own teaching position :) Ahh well - it is a good impetus to get me back on track with my own artistic practice - I too need to get my artistic mojo back - which is next to impossible with getting so little 'head space' for artistic concerns with two stressful college teaching gigs - teenagers - trying to keep my new food and fitness life under control....yeesh.

I hope Laura is okay - I understand when folks take a break - I do the hermit crab thing with most folks rather than reach out - hubby is the one who gets the weepy, confused crap to contend with - which he has gotten a lot of lately. What seemed easy last year, with food, work, etc - now feels pretty hard.

Wow! losing a job is a stresser... you say you have two teaching gigs, hope the other is safe... best of luck there... it will be an oppertunity to make your art a carreer too if you want. I find its really hard to do a job, and do art as well... just don't have enough energy I guess. I just found out last minute that I have work installed in a giant great party in SF this weekend (the Edwardian Ball) So taking a little time off to deliver the work, then go down and party at the party... all costume, tons of music, art, plays and circus... been wanting to go for years, and just dropped the guy a line showing interest a few months ago.... you never know when the ship you set sail will come back loaded with gold!

I am worried about Laura too... If you didn't know, there was a blowup on another thread with a crazy she-bitch that flamed Laura for something sassy she directed at a friend who didn't mind at all.... The creeper was kicked off the site.... Laura needs to come back and claim her territory! Girl! If your reading this! Don't let that creep harsh your mellow any longer!

Can I ask a serious mental health question.... have you noticed that a very high percentage of us 5:2 ers are either on anti depressant type meds or else are struggling with mood issues - or BOTH? I know we haven't done a rolecall, but when I first started talking about this I thought it was just me, but many of you have shared struggles or medications currently taken.

Before I got this surgery my doc told me it is common for WLS people to have increased depression after surgery/weight loss, and to keep an eye out for it.

At the support group I went to on Saturday, one of the ladies was saying how she eats little during the day and is not hungry until she gets home from work. But when she gets home from work, she can eat a lot. Well I bring this up because this is what I did yesturday. We drove to the mountain and I had breakfast but we skipped lunch and I had allowed myself to have a bag of Cheetos. When I got home, I ate pretty much everything in the house. They were all healthy food like salami, mixed nuts, some chili with cheese and a Quest bar....Today my weight is up almost a lb. I know it's most likely Water retension, but it's driving me crazy. I am trying to figure out how to not go here....to prevent the eating episode. Perhaps I need to not skip meals and portion my foods out so I don't get in that crazied mindset. I don't know, but it really scares me....Today I'm doing Proteins and tomorrow I'm going to fast. maybe that will get me back in control of myself.....

sounds like lots of salt.... I have been having more snacking urges... I think Im still getting over the holiday treat fests.... I keep doing my fasts (like today) and that has kept the scales in line... at the top end of the range today... but not lower end sense earlier December.... I know what I have to do... but finding the will to do it a little low.....

.... It's not easy especially when I'm dealing with a son who just got out of jail, he's a manipulator, he lies, he told us that his wife who also is a dry methamphetimine addict is pregnant. This terrifies me, but I can't control any of this so I am choosing to stand back and let the drama unravel. He is making impulsive decisions still and his wife is even worse at making impulsive decisions. OMG I just gave way too much info. Sorry for TMI> But this is my struggle and contributes to me over eating... Have a wonderful day everyone.

No such thing as TMI here girl. Sorry you are going through this... Drugs and babies.... oh my. It is hard to let go, and let them live their lives.... especially when a defenseless little one in going to be in the mix. Just do the best you can. Sending best wishes.

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Denise I love that you are not going to just settle....the right man will come but meanwhile have fun and enjoy life! :P

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Kim I so lack the will power right now.....I (we) will get it back, especially on the days where we see a change... :P

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Dorrie, woah!  Now, that is what I call stress and a real worry.  Stay strong my lovely friend... you can get through the next few weeks -months how ever long it takes.  Sending you cyber hugs m'love x

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Feed can you give me a link to the thread that you were talking about where someone got into it with Laura!

I am going to pm her right now.

I don't know what to do about Queen of Crop. We have 4 other people who have asked to join and I have just ignored the requests. It wouldn't be good to invite her and ignore the others, but then again, how would they know?

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I know. I was thinking I had to get a notebook to keep track of what I have told them. I hate repeating myself. I don't know what will happen with Bill now that he broke up with his gf. Today he texted me that he was sick. He told me he was puking etc, and then said "want to make out?" he was being funny . I texted back "Actually, I do. I have always wondered if you were a good kisser. " I am such a flirt. He texted back that if that happened, he would not be sick. Oh Boy!

When my good friend got divorced after 27 years of marriage ( her husband had another whole family!! 14 years). We joked about her "men" an wanted her to keep a scrapbook so we could go back and have a good laugh over all the idgits!


OD, she found a lovely man and married about a year ago!! There ARE still good ones out there for you!

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Can I ask a serious mental health question.... have you noticed that a very high percentage of us 5:2 ers are either on anti depressant type meds or else are struggling with mood issues - or BOTH? I know we haven't done a rolecall, but when I first started talking about this I thought it was just me, but many of you have shared struggles or medications currently taken. Do you think this is a coincidence? Do you think it has something to do with formerly obese people finding a way to handle these kind of issues now that we no longer abuse food? Being in maintenance, it is now more of a "chronic" thing? Do you think the intermittant fasting contributes in any way? Maybe because most of us are "middle age" and in the hormone hell times? I don't notice that fasting contributes but I notice that when I feel like emotional hell, i don't have successful fasts - it's like the concentration that it takes - I just can't muster. I also want to ask those of you doing intense workouts - M2G I think you are working with a personal trainer? - how are you fitting 5:2 into that? i want to get maximum results, and i noticed that I have been starving hungry for 2 days after my initial training sessions. It really triggered hunger and I don't know why! He kept upping the intensity because I made the stuff look too easy - that was Saturday morning and I am still a bit sore so I definately worked hard. My goal with the personal trainer is to reduce body fat %, get stronger, regain the muscle definition and build some booty if possible. I could do it again via Julian michaels DVDs BUT I think this will be a faster route and a more organized approach.

Nope, I don't think 5:2 contributes. Go out and read all the threads from the many, many depressed and anxious peeps on Bariatricpal who aren't doing 5:2.

I know I have battled it for several years. Now that said, I'm sure being overweight can be a byproduct of underlying mental issues and we used food as our "drug of choice!"

I haven't found it harder to fast when feeling down up to this point because I was REALLY focused on losing. Now, I'm having a hard time resisting too much junk on non fast days and hence, feel "fat" even though the scales show I'm still in my bounce and I haven't fasted since last Wed!!! Tomorrow.

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Kim I so lack the will power right now.....I (we) will get it back, especially on the days where we see a change... :P

Boy, I could have helped you write that earlier post about your son. Only difference is there was a CLEAN non abusing DIL with my grandbaby.

Kids can definitely make you crazy! And like you said, you can't do a blasted thing til they reach the REAL bottom! Takes years sometimes. 17 in our case. Thinking of you today!!!

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Dorrie, I am so sorry you are going through all of this. HUGS to you my friend. Nothing is TMI in this group. We are here for you when you need us. Sometimes I just come on here and type away. I get my feelings out that way. There are times people don't even comment and I'm ok with that. I just need to get it out. I'm the type also, that hides under a shell when I am upset or stressed so it's nice to be able to come here and talk to everyone.

Sheryl, I don't think depression has anything to do with 5:2. I agree with what Dorrie said about it. I bet if you put up a poll on the main page of the forum that you would have 90% of the people say they suffer with this. That is if they are honest about it. I think that those of us in this group feel much more comfortable opening up to each other rather than the thousands of people plus on the main forum and that's why you see if more here. How did the appointment go?

Denise, who else wants to join? Not sure what to do about that situation. Did you remove the people from the group that haven't been a part of it?

I'm worried about Laura, too. I completely understand needing a break but it's not like her to even get on the forum in days. Maybe Butter knows what's going on with her, they are close. Butter are you still here reading? If so, can you let us know how Laura is?

I have some exciting stats to share with you. Things have really changed for me since starting 5:2. I will share them tomorrow though because I need to get my measurements tomorrow night. Today my trainer did body fat. Exciting news to come...stay tuned...

Sheryl, I train with a trainer and do hard workouts. What kind of questions do you have?

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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