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HI Sarah, sooo jealous of your trip to Cabo! Glad you had a good time.

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Sarah, I am excited for you that you got to go to Cabo. That is one place I really want to go to. I am also looking forward to meeting you next time I come to Chicago. I know it's a long time to wait, but you'll be feeling so much better than last time I was there, and we have more time to plan it.


Lynda, I am so glad you finally spoke up. It's really great that we have this secret place to talk about anything we want. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better, now that you can feel free to be yourself in here!


Kim that's so great that they asked you to model. Are you going to do it?


Bill and I did end up getting back together since he took such good care of me. I really needed someone here 24/7 when I was septic. I guess my brain was really screwed up even though I thought I was fine. I saw my BFF today, and she also told me when she came to visit, she was really scared for me, because she could tell the infection affected my brain.


I had to be at the hospital at 8 am every morning for my IV antibiotics, and Bill lives about 15 miles from here, so it just made sense for him to stay here. It took an hour and a half for the bag to empty so Bill had to be here at 8 am and 8 pm every day. He was so good about keeping the house clean and fixing all my meals and doing dishes afterwards.


I hope that he learned something while we were apart, because i am not going to put up with him being so controlling again.


Hey, do you guys think we should close this thread and start a new one?  I've been trying to think of a new name for a basic

"how are things going?" thread. It seems like 530 pages is getting a little big long. Does that matter?

Edited by Oregondaisy

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Welcome Lynda - so glad you joined us!

Still looking to hear from some silent friends - Wanda, are you still around?

Denise - glad to hear you are on the mend. And I think you should be zero tolerance on the controlling thing. Who needs that. Bill sounds like a good guy, but I guess we "let" people treat us certain ways and we have to set boundaries

Sarah, Cabo area is beautiful. I visited that area in March. I have been dreaming of sunny beaches lately!

I am curious what you say about plastics being an emotional recovery. It was for me too, lots of dimensions, but one of them was that I lost alot of physical strength and fitness. I felt vulnerable.

I do dream of having a long term loving relationship but i don't really believe in it - like it is a fantasy - and so whenever I get a bit panicked feeling I just remind myself that I am having a fear reaction, not a rational one. It helps. He and I talk alot so we are in sync.

I have been having a good time, and it shows up in that I weigh about 10 more pounds than I want to.... but i am just trying to hang on through December and will hit it more seriously in January.

Monday morning and I am tired!

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No I don't think we should close this thread. I like that it just continues on! I think we should just keep doing what we've been doing.

Keep us updated on Bill. I'm so glad he was there for you. You needed someone to take care of you. And, yes, next time you're in Chicago we will meet. It would've been way too much for me so soon after surgery. I thought at that time that I could do more than I really could. Plus we will have more time to plan and you can figure out what to say to your brother!

The hurricane that came through Cabo a couple months ago destroyed so much and affected many ppl. Our resort was one of the few that opened up and it wasn't even running at full capacity. Ppl were working on fixing things non stop while we were there. It's humbling to think about and see what the locals are going through. It's such a poor country to begin with and then to have this happen to them is very sad. Many have been out of work for months. They all are pitching in and doing whatever is necessary to get things cleaned up and going again. The maids are painting, the servers are doing plumbing and whatever else they can do. It was really an amazing sight to see. It's not like here in the U.S. where companies will come and quickly fix things. There you will see groups of people working on things but the are sawing the wood by hand while another person hands them the wood and they hammer it in place. It's a very slow and tedious process but yet every one of the workers were happy and thankful and polite. We could all learn a lot from them.

post-112250-14180509202049_thumb.jpg post-112250-14180509511347_thumb.jpg post-112250-14180509812664_thumb.jpg

These are pics of the sun rising. These were taken on the patio from our room.


Another view from our resort.


I'll add one more. My husband surprised me with a private dinner on the beach under the moon light. Absolutely beautiful! Hearing the waves from the Sea of Cortez was amazing!


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Here is one more of me. My hubs took this pic and it's not my favorite but I decided to show it to you. It doesn't show off my new body since plastics. I'm all covered up in this pic, I should've had him take more. Lol


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Welcome Lynda - so glad you joined us!

Still looking to hear from some silent friends - Wanda, are you still around?

Denise - glad to hear you are on the mend. And I think you should be zero tolerance on the controlling thing. Who needs that. Bill sounds like a good guy, but I guess we "let" people treat us certain ways and we have to set boundaries

Sarah, Cabo area is beautiful. I visited that area in March. I have been dreaming of sunny beaches lately!

I am curious what you say about plastics being an emotional recovery. It was for me too, lots of dimensions, but one of them was that I lost alot of physical strength and fitness. I felt vulnerable.

I do dream of having a long term loving relationship but i don't really believe in it - like it is a fantasy - and so whenever I get a bit panicked feeling I just remind myself that I am having a fear reaction, not a rational one. It helps. He and I talk alot so we are in sync.

I have been having a good time, and it shows up in that I weigh about 10 more pounds than I want to.... but i am just trying to hang on through December and will hit it more seriously in January.

Monday morning and I am tired!

It can happen with the right person! It's not a fantasy. Although, it's not always easy and there will be ups and downs but it is possible! I hope you will find it one day.

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Still thinking about this so I'll add more...

When I see movies of ppl being in that fairytale kind of love, that to me is a fantasy. To have someone truly love you through everything isn't a fantasy. It can happen with the right person. The love where someone respects you through all things is possible. Where the person wants to take care of you and you in turn want to do the same. That kind of love is so much more than just a feeling.

You have done so much growing and figuring out yourself over the last few years. Try to keep yourself open to love. It's real and it can happen for you!

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Well, to say the least, I've been "absent." So much going on in my life, good and bad, that I haven't had time to really get on and enjoy my 5:2 friends.

First, welcome Lynda! I've long been a fan of yours from your level headed approach and kindness. With that said, I'm also just a "wee bit" glad that you are here with us because now maybe I'll get my mojo back on and kick the pounds to the curb!

Sarah, you look soooo thin! (which you obviously are at 128!!!) And I'd kill to go to Cabo about right now! ;)

Denise, so glad to hear that you are doing better after the horrors of your surgery aftermath.

FYE, MODELING! Wowzers! You go, Girl!

Cathy, so sorry to hear about your house which you just got finished with!! And thanks for checking in on me.

My other buds, CGJ, Coops, Swizzly, Wanda, M2G, Florinda (if I missed any I apologize) I've tried to read all your entries and keep up with everything.

Yep, I'm about 12 pounds over goal - all in the last 4-5 months or so. And lately, it's just gone from bad to worse! Junk, junk, junk! I'm surprised it's not more so THANK GOD for my sleeve because as I analyze my eating not eating too much food just piling on the "comfort" foods (as usual when I hit a low or get stressed!)

On the good side, I am going to have not one but TWO new "grands" in the next few months. Both my daughter ( :o ) and my Daughter in love ( :D ) are preggers! Within about 4 weeks of each other. The daughter and hubby were kinda surprised even though happy (after initial shock) and I found out the very next day that my DIL was also expecting (been trying unbeknownst to me) and it really made my day!! So Mid-May to Mid-June should be a very hopping time around the Smith/Crochet homes!

Another good note - my son, who will soon hit 3 years sobriety from drugs and alcohol (as well as a severe chain smoker), was chosen Employee of the Year at his Company this past Saturday. Made this Mom very proud! God is so good!

The not so good and very stressful part right now has been, as you know my daughter has been endeavoring to finish nursing school for the past three plus years. Got LPN, worked a year, went back last Jan into the accelerated program to finish RN. It has been a real struggle for ALL of us! At 37 (now 38) with two girls and a single Mom at the time, we were ALL in the throws of it! Then she met Jeremy, quickly wed and wound up finding out she was prego in October (IUD fell out!) and has been experiencing SEVERE all day "morning" sickness. Even with all that, still managed to struggle through to the last two finals. Well, last Tuesday she failed (by one point!) the first final and is now out of RN program. At consultation, she was told that because they are "short staffed" she also could not go right back into program in January and will have to wait til July to "redo" last semester (with a one month old baby!)

I would like to say I'm "rolling with it" all, but I'd be lying. Very heartbreaking for her and us. I tell myself to, in the words of the infamous song, "Let it go..." but somehow I eat myself up and worry, worry, worry which then leads to bad eating which I know I should stop but am so physically and mentally tired, I don't even care.

Yep, I know this is a big 'ole pity party. It is what it is right now. LOL Oh, and I forgot! On the way home from Branson, MO Thanksgiving trip with hubbie we hit a deer that came out of nowhere - front end of brand new Prius a mess plus the deer :(

With all that said, I intend to have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and want to wish all of you the same! My stuff seems small when I stop and look around. As my friend says, "Blessed and Highly favored!"

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Hi all, sorry for the radio silence! There are many experiences and activities that have occupied my time, among them a new man friend, a new job, and an interesting nutritional experience! The new man friend is a wonderful person; intelligent, kind, tender, logical. I don't know if I love him, I don't know what that ... tastes like. I like him a lot, however, there is no ... frisson of thrill/desire/lust.

The new job is with a tech company, I'm excited!

The nutritional experience; it is something called Kennsystem and it is basically our post-op diet, but in the form of continuous liquid nutrition. The people I know who have done it have lost significant amounts of weight and haven't put it back on even after years, I have already lost 20 lbs in 2 wks! I want to wear my cute clothes again, when I came back in the spring I bought an incredibly exquisite (and expensive) fitted trench coat, when I bought it it fit beautifully, it got to the point that I could barely get it on, nevermind attempt to close it properly :( :(. So I had to take drastic steps and I am so glad I did! Once the Kenn is over I will be in a position to continue post op style eating to lose beyond the regain, woohoo!

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Florinda - did you wear a nose tube for 10 days? How did THAT work dating etc??? I am still under goal, but 10# over where I want to be - would love to drop 10# but that looks pretty wild. I don't understand why this method has a better maintenance profile... sounds like it is basically a Protein Drink diet, only through a tube?

I had a fun weekend... but very very tired today.... ass is draggin'

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Welcome Lynda.

Florinda I just looked up that diet system as I have never heard of it at all (don't think it is available in the UK). It obviously has dramatic results going by your loss. How well is it fitting in with your own personal dietary needs as I know they can be complex depending on how you are feeling. A new man and a new job too - you must be on a real high. Good luck with it all - you deserve it as you have had a real few rough months. Looks like 2015 might be your year.

The house is cleaned up but it stills smell damp, the hole is waiting to be repaired and my couch disappeared somewhere. The plumber is accepting responsibility.

Like most of us 5:2 has not been on my radar much and I really need to get back to it. I seem to manage 1 day OK but getting the 2nd in doesn't seem to happen. Fasting is not the problem it is carbs on the non fast days that pushes up the calories and leaves me wanting more.

It's nice that there has been more activity here recently, let's try and keep it going.

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Hi all,

So happy to see so many old friends here. I'm on my second week of 5:2 and HUNGRY. Waiting to eat dinner at 5.

And I've got an unexpected trip to SoCal. My sis's son and his girlfriend had a baby that they are giving up for adoption. I'm going for a couple of days to see the baby and provide family support. Couldn't plan trip in advance because didn't know exactly when baby was coming. At least it is an open adoption so we will know how the baby is doing. I know adoption is the best option for all of us, but it's still hard on everyone.

I will miss two events here at home, not to mention time I had counted on to rest up and get ready for Christmas. And it's a 7 hour drive. But I am grateful I can go. Worried about my eating while I'm gone. I will pack some items (splenda, tea bags, sugar free cider mix, pretzels) and buy some when I get there like greek yogurt cups, some fruit, low fat lunch meat.< /p>


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I know a lot of ppl don't drink Protein Drinks far out but I still do most days. I actually enjoy my click coffee Protein drink.

So on days that I am traveling I usually take my little blender with me and I will make a protein drink each day. I also pack Quest Protein Bars and eat one of those a day. Then I eat a couple string cheese. This way I make sure to get in a bunch of protein while I'm traveling. This seems to help keep my eating somewhat controlled while I have to be away.

I am 3.5 years out and this works for me. Even on our trip to Mexico I took my protein bars and had one a day. The rest of the time I didn't worry about what I ate but this was a vacation and I knew I would be eating this way.

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Fasting today...wish me luck! On fast days I usually try to make something I don't like for dinner so I'm less tempted to indulge. It doesn't always work out this way but today I'm making chili and I don't like chili. I never have liked it. My family loves it so I make it for them.

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My weight is 155 - heading back the right direction, but i want to weigh 145. I am a realist though... right now just trying to hold steady! I am fasting so far today, but my best friend is putting down her sick horse today so I feel a very emotional day ahead ... and might require a happy hour meeting later today which will completey kill my fast. sigh

I am having some serious physical issues. I have some how hurt my elbow - repetitive use. I can't seem to get it better. More concerning is my back. I have a history of back pain, but this FEELS DIFFERENT which is kinda freaking me out... I have a docs appointment in a few days. I am discouraged about not being able to exercise and I don't even feel like I can keep up with my farm work.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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