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Kelly, You are so cute! Thanks for sharing those pictures.


Everyone seems to be doing very well, getting back into 5:2 or some form of it. I managed a fast yesterday myself. Now I am down 2 lbs and don't feel like going to the gym. I know I need to, cause that's probably why I lost 2. I am getting so lazy now that I'll be 62 soon.


I started my ballroom dance classes last night. I've taken these classes before, but I need to brush up since it's been a long time since I've gone ballroom dancing. I can shake my butt to rock and roll any time, but these steps on some of these dances have to come back to me, before I can go to one of their dances. It was really fun though, and I hope I can get good again. I am not sure I'll have enough time to practice.

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First fast day in the books. 498 if I manage to ignore the nuts til I'm asleep! ????

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Im in the danger zone, mom in law is in town. We went to San Fran to pic her up yesterday, lunch out in Berkely, but not to bad there. Snacks for dinner, nuts, cake, crackers and cheese.... did not gain, in face lost a pound and a half... after what I ate this last weekend, I guess this was a diet day! Anyway.... I am going to weight in every morning come what may, and try not to let this visit turn out like the one a couple of years ago where I gained 15!. Going out this weekend, will be hiking, kayaking and some physical stuff so hope to keep up with the foodie atmosphere. I cam cooking 2-3 of the meals for the group, so can control those anyway.... Went by a farm stand on the way home from SF, and bought local melons, a winter squash which I will cook in a pineapple salsa and serve with Ferro or something like that. Will also make a low gluten ancient grains spice cake of some kind with raisins and other dried fruit to have with coffee. Portion Control is where its at this weekend.


...is it just me or is spellcheck just getting worse and worse!

Edited by feedyoureye

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I weighed yesterday morning and I lost 2lb for the week. I'm really pleased with that because the second half of the week was heavy eating and drinking.


I had a lovely weekend with my mum and aunt, I'm tired now because I worked a full on 9 hr shift on Thursday then drove straight to her house (200 miles), stayed overnight the brought them back here Friday. Sat, Sun and Mon were busy then I drove them home again and stayed over last night. I got up early this morning so I could get home and relax for the rest of the day as I have work tomorrow.


We have a funny relationship I love her to bits but it isn't always reciprocated and I'm always trying to please. I'm 1 of 6 with 4 brothers and she has always favoured her sons. My mum has had a hard life my father died just before the youngest was born and to be a single parent in the 60s in the UK was really difficult. I was just nearly 7 and had to grow up really quick and had to take on a 'caring' role even at that young age. The household was typically northern in that it was masculine and the males were everything. I had to give up my chair if one of my brothers came in and wanted the seat! My mum in many ways has given me little but in another way she gave me everything. I was the first child (I'm number 4) to be able to stay on school past 16 and so I got educated and went of to university. The place I come from is not too nice and so I used that education to get away. I'm the one who takes care of her though even though I live far away, I sort out the bills and any administration. I wish we were closer, she has mellowed with age but I don't think we will ever have that close mother/daughter relationship. I feel sad about that.


I think I will try and fast tomorrow. Is there any missives out there about fasting on 2 days together ie Wed and Thurs? I'm sure your not supposed to are you?

Busy busy Cathy! It is hard to beat culture.... My dad has always favored his son/grandson a bit... will not really admit it, but it shows. My mom always tried to make it up to the girls, but all and all, I know they both loved me.


The only problem with back to back days, is you get sick of doing it so its harder to maintain. a back to back now and then is probably better than not at all!

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Back to back is actually easier for me, perhaps because I am a "grit your teeth, get it over with, tough it out" sort of person. If I spaced out my fast days, between the days it would feel like waiting for a shoe to drop, but there is certainly no wrong way to 5:2, which I love!

I was cleaning the toilet the other day, with one of those wands with a disposable scrubber on the end, and the scrubber came off and lodged itself in the toilet! I have tried using a toilet auger with no success and think it is time to call in the pros... D:

I've been experimenting with coconut flour baking, making "paleo" muffins and biscuits, perhaps it is tastebuds or these particular recipes, but they just end up tasting like scrambled eggs with coconut mixed in ... :/

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I used to try to bake weird/faked out stuff and came to the conclusion that they never really satisfy me anyway. Back during the low fat craze it was substitute applesauce for the fat/oil... great idea, but if I eat 3 of them I have still consumed enormous carbs and calories... sigh. My strategy now is if I want bread or potato - I just eat it. I just don't make it part of my daily routine.

Florinda, meaning to ask you where you do your tango and how you got started on that? Me and the boys did our first swing dance class last night. It was fun, but hard. Like I have been going dancing alot and a few of the guys know a little bit so I am out there dancing and it looks okay to people who don't know dance... but you add the foot work in...it gets hard! :)

Gee I have been hungry lately. I am doing good, but pretty busy, not sure if that is creating hunger... or more likely the cooler weather and shorter days... Sunny and nice right now though!

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I have to fake-n-bake because of my food restrictions of the anti-inflammatory diet I need to follow. So, coconut flour is pretty much the only flour I can use, and chia seed, and avocados or coconut oil for the fat since eggs are considered a dairy (did you know that?)

I started dancing a few years ago in CA, and now take classes at Century ballroom downtown, tonight is a Kizomba class - like a sexier tango, if my toilet gets fixed in time (!!!!) I will go.

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Sheryl, you can google USAA dance and see if they have a chapter in Seattle. They  must. It's nationwide and we have one here in our small town. I'd look up dance studios in the yellow pages or google it and  you'll probably find a bunch of places to take lessons.  I do salsa, swing both west coast and east coast, cha cha, waltz, foxtrox,night club 2 step,  and the hustle. I can't think but there's probably more. I don't do tango because it stresses me out and I don't dance to get stressed out. It's way too complicated for me.


Swing is my favorite. I am very excited that I'm going with Jim tomorrow to a ballroom dance. When I danced before, I didn't have a regular partner and it was rather a pain.


I'm having fun not being committed to anyone. I have to be really careful though, because men want to feed me.

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I take bellydance classes twice a week. It is so fun, i just love it! I have tried to take Tango twice, once with my hubby, we almost got divorced! and once at the gym I go to where I take the Bellydance classes. I was pretty stressed out too... but did get a little better over the 7 weeks. I think I felt confronted having to do "touch" dancing.... which was also fun of course. I took that class after I had lost 50 pounds and felt much better about myself because of that Im sure. I would like to branch out and try some different styles, I remember learning some cha cha in high school gym and really liking it....

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There are a bunch of dance places and century ballroom is the place in Seattle...too far for me. I started swing dance classes already and intend to try others.

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Well I have kind of big news. I am seeing Steven again.... what's changed? Well, we are starting over. He is considerably older and didn't want to hold me back from finding someone....Well, I have hated dating men in my age range and don't like meeting people online - and told him I was gonna go cougar next. I have decided too many men my age have emotional and physical issues that prevent them from being what I seek in a boyfriend. He has a group of pals in the 50-60 age range and told me only one of them (besides Steven) is still interested in sex. That fits my personal experience granted a small sample size. My counselor told me that I need a latin lover...this isn't just about sex, it is about passion and emotion. Well, a man from Ecuador got me started swing dancing and asked me out (met him through the meetup) and wouldn't you know...he is Mormon...and of course younger than me. I meet younger men in real life because I act younger...online, only the 55plus crowd is interested. To each his own, but I don't want a morman boyfriend. I am going through a "going out" phase right now after decades of being a homebody so that would not be a good fit. Do you ever feel like the universe is sending you a message? I was actually reaching the point of just giving up on anything resembling a relationship.

So I told Steven that he better mean it because this time real feelings are involved but so far I am happy. He can be very flakey and we spent weeks discussing sort of the chain of events that leads to that. I hope that the time we spent really talking about our emotional triggers etc pays off. Also, we discussed the reality that passionate relationships come with some negative passion too...and we both decided we are on board for the whole package....since it beats the alternative of being with an emotionally detached person.

I am probably crazy for doing this but I feel so alive, beautiful and like a sexy woman with him. I also enjoy our talks and stuff. This could all blow up too, but at least I am enjoying it in the meantime. He is not the least bit jealous so is great with me continuing stuff with my meetup friends and actually wants to join a few events.

On another note, I am working on a Halloween costume. I never went to Halloween parties dressed up..always felt too fat. Now I am so excited to go! My costume isn't working out quite right yet but I need accessories! I am doing the warrior princess thing (think Xena etc) but the twist is...fresh from battle with a few flesh wounds and fresh blood of my slain enemy...creepy!

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That sounds great Sheryl. You really enjoy him and as long  as you don't get hurt, I am all for doing what makes you happy.


The reason I told you about the  ballroom classes, I thought you had asked Florinda where to take lessons.


I'm doing the same thing with Bill, by going out with him. I do enjoy him but not when he's so intense. We are going to go up the coast for both of our birthdays at the end of the month.



I really enjoy Jim too . He's a lot of fun, I just wish he wasn't 69, wasn't broke, and wore nicer clothes. I know I am shallow. He definitely can't have sex and I don't really care. He's one of the best kissers I have ever kissed and we spend a lot of time kissing. He will make sure I am satisfied if I want him to.


I feel sort of bad that I'm dating 2 people, but there are things I like about both of them. Jim knows about Bill and I am glad about that because otherwise I would not go out with him. Bill and I usually only see each other once a week now, since we split. That's enough, other than this weekend at the end of the month.


There is a dance tonight. I am very excited. None of my ballroom dance friends know I am going back to dancing. I'll just show up at their dance with Jim. 


I think I forgot to tell everyone I sold my house. I had to sell it for 30,000 less than I wanted, but that headache is gone at least.

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Sounds like everyone is doing well :) Started my new job and I love it so far - even if it is a bit daunting with all of the new systems to learn - everyone is super friendly and it is wonderful to get to talk about books all day. I am glad that I get to be on my feet for many hours at a stretch again - I think not working during the summer - even though I have been getting more movement in than ever still makes it rough to keep that scale from creeping up if your diet isn't perfect.


I saw a thing on T.V. with Oprah's trainer guy - Bob Greene and he mentioned that it sucks but if you are a woman your diet needs to be almost prefect if you are not going to exercise, and if you do exercise you need to do it most days of the week - whereas men can get by with less working out and eating can be worse because of the muscle mass - bah!


Looking at my calendar I am down a little over 3.5 lbs from the same day last month - I will definitely take that! I would love to drop back down into the 170's by the end of the month - that's about 3.3 lbs - it isn't much by man my body is stubborn at giving up the weight these days.


Hope you guys have fun with all of the dancing - sounds wonderful! And Sheryl I would not want a Mormom BF either - I think I have a bit too much heathen in my past lol.


It's interesting many of our family situations - thinking about Cathy's post - my mom was pretty much a single parent in the 60's - other than the decade she stayed married to the raging alcoholic who tortured us. My own mom is pretty cold and distant - we have never had that warm and fuzzy mom daughter relationship and I know we most likely never will.


I think most of the time I have felt like I was a burden and an annoyance to her - there were those times when I was younger, and a huge pain in the ass that she let me know that she wished I had never been born - I know this has to be incredible frustration venting from one who doesn't know how to handle it any other way. But its not something that ever is erased.The longer I live the easier it is for me to see the connection between the innate sense of unease and panic I have always had (when nowhere and nothing is safe) and using food for comfort - bury me under a blanket of bread and gravy haha.

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Just got back from my first salsa class and dance ... holy sheets Batman, that is a WORKOUT! Total exhaustion and the stereotypical latina A$$ is explained immediately - if this is your dance and you do it frequently, you are going to have an A$$ to make a saint waver :P I have tango tomorrow night though so I only stayed for two hours.

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Only fasted one day this week. Better than none, but not as good as I can be. Still trying to find balance of being away from home 10+ hours a day at work (with commuting time) and kids sports heap on another 2+ hours in the evening, and crawl into bed exhausted only to get up and do it all over again. I will find time to exercise this weekend (like right now instead of sitting drinking coffee and surfing the boards, I *should* be working out!), even though we have a jam packed weekend. UGH!

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        Am feeling this right now. My surgery date is 4/1. Sign the consent tomorrow. I feel like I overloaded myself with too much info, too many opinions. Got to the point where I was wondering if I should do this. Then I thought of my reasons for taking this step and that settled my nerves. Still get moments of doubt but am striving forward. Am just going to follow my book from the surgeon. Joined this because I was told by my dietician that I should do this for support

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