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Vegemite, No! That's the Australians who use that one.

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Okay, Monday and held on to pound and half lost last week. Weekends hard!!! ???? at least had two really good fast days and stayed in calorie range non fast. New week!!!

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Morning Gang!

Just returned from So Cal yesterday - we had a great time. I think I might have mentioned last week that we were attending a close friends wedding, and sneaking off to Disneyland for a day without telling the kids we were going (these kids are adults lol).

I made fairly decent food choices - and have been really watching the baked goods/rice/pasta/candy types of carbs recently and it feels like it has made a huuuuge difference in how I feel mentally, emotionally. physically. Feels like my sleeve has gotten a serious reset as there were meals that I could only eat about 3 bites and I was done. Yay for renewed restriction!

Starting the new job this week so I am going to see what days will be good for fasting after my first experience with that - maybe Wednesday - just working on awareness and keeping my energy up - on Thursday at Disney it was 90 degrees - and I was exhausted most of the afternoon - I was hydrating like crazy, but I also have to take Klonopin to ride in the car because of PTSD (from a horrific accident I was involved in in the late 80's that put me in the hospital and out of work for a year) - I am thinking this might have had an impact on my energy - and I have been slacking on Vitamins, coming off of my period, etc. Got a good nights sleep and feel good today.

I have yet to weigh in today - feeling a bit nervous because when I ride on airplanes I puff up like a puffer fish lol. Think I will drink oceans today and weigh in tomorrow morning.

Florinda - I have read many books on disordered eating, Geneen Roth is one of the big authors, but honestly I don't feel as if I have ever gotten much from her stuff (my therapists were big on her work) - I actually like the work of Judith S. Beck Ph.D. - she wrote The Beck Diet Solution, has workbooks etc - don't worry about the word diet - its more about cognitive retraining of your brain. I also like the literature from Overeaters Anonymous - because I am addicted to certain foods and tend to abuse them - just like a bad alcoholic, I can go on a bender and not know when to stop. I have gone to a few meetings, but have yet to find my tribe with that group so to speak. I like the message they have - one day at a time - which is what this is for me for sure.

Here are some pics from our trip - I have been feeling huge, I guess the photos seem to say otherwise - I have pretty bad dysmorphia - was the only woman at the wedding not wearing a dress - wore white capri pants because after trying on my Shapewear I thought I was going to pass out - it was like being full body squeezed by a boa constrictor - and I wanted to be comfortable. I will just get looser flowy things until I can have the skin issues addressed - its like wearing a backpack of pizza dough backwards on my front lol.

I actually saw a pic from someone else of my backside at the wedding and it wasn't too bad - which is crazy to me!

Check out the pic of the woman in front of us on the Space Mountain ride - mind you this was at 8:30 a.m. so it must have been a bit shocking to her lol. The gentleman I am with is my hubby who also had sleeve surgery two weeks before myself - we've lost a similar amount of weight.




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It sounds like so many of us struggle with anxiety - I wanted to share something I have found helpful in my own life. This is a fantastic documentary about how significantly a meditation practice can help us. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but Insight meditation has helped me tremendously. I also take medication ;)


The film is one Netflix btw.

And two great books:



And website:


Edited by Chimera

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Morning Gang!

Just returned from So Cal yesterday - we had a great time. I think I might have mentioned last week that we were attending a close friends wedding, and sneaking off to Disneyland for a day without telling the kids we were going (these kids are adults lol).

I made fairly decent food choices - and have been really watching the baked goods/rice/pasta/candy types of carbs recently and it feels like it has made a huuuuge difference in how I feel mentally, emotionally. physically. Feels like my sleeve has gotten a serious reset as there were meals that I could only eat about 3 bites and I was done. Yay for renewed restriction!

Starting the new job this week so I am going to see what days will be good for fasting after my first experience with that - maybe Wednesday - just working on awareness and keeping my energy up - on Thursday at Disney it was 90 degrees - and I was exhausted most of the afternoon - I was hydrating like crazy, but I also have to take Klonopin to ride in the car because of PTSD (from a horrific accident I was involved in in the late 80's that put me in the hospital and out of work for a year) - I am thinking this might have had an impact on my energy - and I have been slacking on Vitamins, coming off of my period, etc. Got a good nights sleep and feel good today.

I have yet to weigh in today - feeling a bit nervous because when I ride on airplanes I puff up like a puffer fish lol. Think I will drink oceans today and weigh in tomorrow morning.

Florinda - I have read many books on disordered eating, Geneen Roth is one of the big authors, but honestly I don't feel as if I have ever gotten much from her stuff (my therapists were big on her work) - I actually like the work of Judith S. Beck Ph.D. - she wrote The Beck Diet Solution, has workbooks etc - don't worry about the word diet - its more about cognitive retraining of your brain. I also like the literature from Overeaters Anonymous - because I am addicted to certain foods and tend to abuse them - just like a bad alcoholic, I can go on a bender and not know when to stop. I have gone to a few meetings, but have yet to find my tribe with that group so to speak. I like the message they have - one day at a time - which is what this is for me for sure.

Here are some pics from our trip - I have been feeling huge, I guess the photos seem to say otherwise - I have pretty bad dysmorphia - was the only woman at the wedding not wearing a dress - wore white capri pants because after trying on my Shapewear I thought I was going to pass out - it was like being full body squeezed by a boa constrictor - and I wanted to be comfortable. I will just get looser flowy things until I can have the skin issues addressed - its like wearing a backpack of pizza dough backwards on my front lol.

I actually saw a pic from someone else of my backside at the wedding and it wasn't too bad - which is crazy to me!

Check out the pic of the woman in front of us on the Space Mountain ride - mind you this was at 8:30 a.m. so it must have been a bit shocking to her lol. The gentleman I am with is my hubby who also had sleeve surgery two weeks before myself - we've lost a similar amount of weight.

Y'all look great! What fun. Leaving for Disneyworld Friday!

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What Georgia said - you look great -love the hair and glasses too - and you sound more up beat - good luck with the new job! Sounds bliss, I love books!

Half way through my first fast day - scales are still top end bounce - 160... got to 155 months ago, saw it twice and the it buggered off...lol... still gonna keep at it. I had salad with a a table spoon of tuna Pasta for lunch (school dinner styleeee!) and I am going to have baked toms and egg for tea. that is me done for the day.

One I forgot to mention is that my flushes still haven't come back - When I did the cleanse I cut out caffeine in my coffee and tea and have been drinking Decaf ever since - my tea drinking has been dramatically reduced too... might be connected?

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I had a fantastic weekend, the dog and I drove upstate and we went to 7 different national and state wildlife reserves to birdwatch. Heavenly.....except for the doggie who was completely mental most of the time. She would wine, pant, bark and generality beg on me for food and who knows what most of the time. Usually she runs out of steam and just wants a ride in the dog stroller or dog pappoose (sp?) but not this time, she wanted to walk all of the time... that goes for when she was in the car as well. When we got home, she crashed for 12 hours in her bed.... little ragbag almost became cougar food!

It was beautiful though, lots of nature, and the fields and fields of walnut trees, alfalfa and other crops were beautiful too. BUT I ate at restaurants the whole time, with Starbucks in-between for coffee/pastery and wifi... I gained 2 pounds :( Fasting today.... Mom in law coming tomorrow.... wish me luck!

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Morning Gang!

Just returned from So Cal yesterday - we had a great time. I think I might have mentioned last week that we were attending a close friends wedding, and sneaking off to Disneyland for a day without telling the kids we were going (these kids are adults lol). 


I made fairly decent food choices - and have been really watching the baked goods/rice/pasta/candy types of carbs recently and it feels like it has made a huuuuge difference in how I feel mentally, emotionally. physically. Feels like my sleeve has gotten a serious reset as there were meals that I could only eat about 3 bites and I was done. Yay for renewed restriction!


Starting the new job this week so I am going to see what days will be good for fasting after my first experience with that - maybe Wednesday - just working on awareness and keeping my energy up - on Thursday at Disney it was 90 degrees - and I was exhausted most of the afternoon - I was hydrating like crazy, but I also have to take Klonopin to ride in the car because of PTSD (from a horrific accident I was involved in in the late 80's that put me in the hospital and out of work for a year) - I am thinking this might have had an impact on my energy - and I have been slacking on Vitamins, coming off of my period, etc. Got a good nights sleep and feel good today.


I have yet to weigh in today - feeling a bit nervous because when I ride on airplanes I puff up like a puffer fish lol. Think I will drink oceans today and weigh in tomorrow morning.


Florinda - I have read many books on disordered eating, Geneen Roth is one of the big authors, but honestly I don't feel as if I have ever gotten much from her stuff (my therapists were big on her work) - I actually like the work of Judith S. Beck Ph.D. - she wrote The Beck Diet Solution, has workbooks etc - don't worry about the word diet - its more about cognitive retraining of your brain. I also like the literature from Overeaters Anonymous - because I am addicted to certain foods and tend to abuse them - just like a bad alcoholic, I can go on a bender and not know when to stop. I have gone to a few meetings, but have yet to find my tribe with that group so to speak. I like the message they have - one day at a time - which is what this is for me for sure.


Here are some pics from our trip - I have been feeling huge, I guess the photos seem to say otherwise - I have pretty bad dysmorphia - was the only woman at the wedding not wearing a dress - wore white capri pants because after trying on my Shapewear I thought I was going to pass out - it was like being full body squeezed by a boa constrictor - and I wanted to be comfortable. I will just get looser flowy things until I can have the skin issues addressed - its like wearing a backpack of pizza dough backwards on my front lol.


I actually saw a pic from someone else of my backside at the wedding and it wasn't too bad - which is crazy to me!


Check out the pic of the woman in front of us on the Space Mountain ride - mind you this was at 8:30 a.m. so it must have been a bit shocking to her lol. The gentleman I am with is my hubby who also had sleeve surgery two weeks before myself - we've lost a similar amount of weight.

You look so cute and so does you hubby!

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Gray Lodge Wildlife Preserve Northern CA, deer, Sandhill Cranes and shoveler ducks....


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Gray Lodge Wildlife Preserve Northern CA, deer, Sandhill Cranes and shoveler ducks....


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Kelly - great pix - you are adorbable! Glad you had a great time.

Kim- that sounds like a great weekend.

I had a fun, music filled weekend and then had a horsey day, so all was great.

I am off the lexapro and admit to feeling a little blah. Lots of people feel blah on a cloudy monday so i am not letting it get to me.

I decided to not do 5:2 right now since going off meds, but have been watching my diet a little closer. I am down 1/2 pounds since a week ago, which is pretty meaningless but... at least I am not UP!

I am thinking about halloween costumes... suitable for going to parties/dancing in. I would like to use something out of my closet and do makeup... ideas? I have been thinking about cat woman ( buy the mask/ears I guess) but that seems overdone.

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Kelli, thanks for sharing the pics. You are absolutely adorable!!! Your hubs is a cutie too!

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Kelly, you need to update your profile pic! I would have never guessed they are the same person! :) You are so cute and tiny and quit hiding behind your hubby. LOL! I keep forgetting that you and hubby both had sleeve just like me and my hubby.

Okay, this is short and sweet, but I ACTUALLY COUNTED MY CALORIES TODAY....AND


Clocked in at 649 for my fast day....I'M COUNTING IT!!! ;) (sure do miss those dancing banannas!!! lol!)

Edited by M2G

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Oh... forgot to share. I worked out this morning..ooh.lala. I used to do this quite regularly but now rely on horses, dancing and hiking to keep me fit. Fall has fallen so time to hit organized exercise again. :)

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I weighed yesterday morning and I lost 2lb for the week. I'm really pleased with that because the second half of the week was heavy eating and drinking.

I had a lovely weekend with my mum and aunt, I'm tired now because I worked a full on 9 hr shift on Thursday then drove straight to her house (200 miles), stayed overnight the brought them back here Friday. Sat, Sun and Mon were busy then I drove them home again and stayed over last night. I got up early this morning so I could get home and relax for the rest of the day as I have work tomorrow.

We have a funny relationship I love her to bits but it isn't always reciprocated and I'm always trying to please. I'm 1 of 6 with 4 brothers and she has always favoured her sons. My mum has had a hard life my father died just before the youngest was born and to be a single parent in the 60s in the UK was really difficult. I was just nearly 7 and had to grow up really quick and had to take on a 'caring' role even at that young age. The household was typically northern in that it was masculine and the males were everything. I had to give up my chair if one of my brothers came in and wanted the seat! My mum in many ways has given me little but in another way she gave me everything. I was the first child (I'm number 4) to be able to stay on school past 16 and so I got educated and went of to university. The place I come from is not too nice and so I used that education to get away. I'm the one who takes care of her though even though I live far away, I sort out the bills and any administration. I wish we were closer, she has mellowed with age but I don't think we will ever have that close mother/daughter relationship. I feel sad about that.

I think I will try and fast tomorrow. Is there any missives out there about fasting on 2 days together ie Wed and Thurs? I'm sure your not supposed to are you?

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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