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[quote name="Chimera"

On another note - I think I might be getting a job offer today if all goes well. I had a fantastic interview with a lovely manager this week and I am excited for this one, its at a bookshop....I will still get to help people, can talk about books all day and it is close to home so I wont spend so much on gas and parking - not that my little saucy Mini drinks much in the way of gas :) Wish me luck!


Chimera, Best of luck! And yes, once i get back on track, I immediately feel better mentally! ????

Edited by Georgia

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Good luck on the job Kelly!!!

I am thinking of all of you and particularly worried about Swizz....hope you are ok. and a, haven't heard from you in ages..how goes it?

I am exhausted. Had an incredible week at work. Combination of way too long hours with exhilaration of finally being part of a meaningful project again...like I used to be. Anyway, I feel a shift inside that is good... a restoring of a passion toward my career that I used to have. I want to retire at 55, 5 more years. I am energized by the idea of going out in a blaze of glory. :)

Flip side is I don't feel well...I am not sure what all the problem is but under the weather. Going to bed early tonight. I am supposed to go hiking with Theo tomorrow so hope a good nights sleep will cure what ails me.

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Okay ladies, I'm going to try and commit to checking in here at LEAST once a week! With our crazy schedules and being gone 10+ hours a day for work, then lump another 3 hours for sports on top of that at least 3 nights a week...gah! No wonder I don't have time to sit here and visit, but I NEED this so I plan to carve out time for it at least once a week!

I definitely NEED a reboot. SO I'm down with what Georgia posted. I'll repaste it here for anyone who missed:

1. Commit to 5:2 week. REAL fast days
2. Set a Reasonable goal you want to reach/achieve. Even if just to get back on track.
3. Weigh in each week. Other group does Friday. So whatever y'all decide.
4. Be connected and help motivate each other in the next month toward healthy eating and lifestyle.

And I think Sept 22 is a great day to start so COUNT ME IN! I have GOT to get some of this regain weight off. It just keeps slowly creeping the wrong way and even after all the years of nutritional counseling, and dieting, and then having surgery, and on and on and on, you would *think* that taking it back off would be intuitive, but why is it so fricking fracking hard??? But I know 5:2 worked for me in the past, and I liked how I felt when I was actively doing the 5:2. So that is a good place for me to start.

Coops I missed you too! Thanks for saying that. Your daughter is just beautiful...you continue to inspire me my friend!

Kelly, I wish you the best of luck with the job search. It's SO easy to get down on yourself ...trust me I looked for a job for the whole 18 months that I went back to school and NOTHING, ZERO, NADA, until I found this job. It's HARD work looking for work. I hope the bookshop is IT for ya!

Kim, I'm so so so sorry about your mom. I can't begin to imagine the huge hole that leaves in your life. It's never easy stuff and I'm sorry I missed it and wasn't here for you but I'm glad there were others here to lean on.

Sheryl, I have totally missed out on the dating deal for you...who is Theo (just a recap please!) With all the dating, I wonder if you like dating so much or you really would like to settle down with that one special person? Not to be nosy, but I'm just curious if it's the thrill of dating or if you want that end result of something permanent? You don't have to answer, I'm just thinking out loud.

Florinda, speaking of dating, AWESOME way to see the new city, you are clever! I think I missed the boyfriend deal? He was no good? Glad you are getting out there, and hoping you eventually find that special person too! And no acid at all for me...ever. Just lucky but I think it is a big problem that you should not ignore.

Sarah, missed you girl...have you been able to get back to working out since plastics? YOU ARE SO SKINNY!!! Congrats on the plastics, you look fab!!!

Denise, sorry I missed the whole Bill thing too...is that on or off? Sorry to make everyone recap!

Dee...please come back and talk to us. Sometimes just talking it out helps. I'm sorry you are going through a miserable time. We are here for you (at least once a week. ;) ) I'm having a miserable time with my weight, but my life is in a good spot. So I can see how having trouble in life, + trouble with weight can = misery. Hang in there please!!!

Wanda? Are you around?

Georgia, thanks for the reboot challenge. I NEED IT SO BADLY!!!!

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I'm ready to re-commit to 5:2 but I really want to start exercising again. The back is feeling OK but I'm frightened to start working out again as it was so painful when it went out. Anyone suggest which exercise might be best. I have access to an elliptical, exercise ball, resistance band, dumbells and kettlebells.

It looks like the house will be mainly finished By Wednesday, then we are just waiting for the glass backsplash in the kitchen. I go to Liverpool on Thursday to pick up my mum and her sister for a weekend visit and we plan day visits to my sons in Oxford and Bristol. My son has just started his 4th and final year at Oxford so mum needs to see his college before he leaves.

So next week I plan to fast on Tuesday and Thursday, I would like to lose at least 2lb in the first week and ditch the carb monster who is part of my life at the moment.

Kelly what happened with the job? Sheila good to see you back and yes weekly weigh ins/accounts of fasts would be good.

Wishing everyone well with their re-start.

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I'm ready to re-commit to 5:2 but I really want to start exercising again. The back is feeling OK but I'm frightened to start working out again as it was so painful when it went out. Anyone suggest which exercise might be best. I have access to an elliptical, exercise ball, resistance band, dumbells and kettlebells.

It looks like the house will be mainly finished By Wednesday, then we are just waiting for the glass backsplash in the kitchen. I go to Liverpool on Thursday to pick up my mum and her sister for a weekend visit and we plan day visits to my sons in Oxford and Bristol. My son has just started his 4th and final year at Oxford so mum needs to see his college before he leaves.

So next week I plan to fast on Tuesday and Thursday, I would like to lose at least 2lb in the first week and ditch the carb monster who is part of my life at the moment.

Kelly what happened with the job? Sheila good to see you back and yes weekly weigh ins/accounts of fasts would be good.

Wishing everyone well with their re-start.

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Anyone know how Brown has been? SarSar we need some pics, I need to live vicariously the dream of plastics! :P

Okay ladies, Monday the 22nd, we REBOOT, collectively! Those of us in earlier time zones can start us off with the first posts of the day, we can do this! Just remember, it is only one day, the food will still be there tomorrow! A trick I used to do in Afghanistan was to make hot chocolate Water, when I needed the psychological and taste bud craving satisfied. I would boil water, then put just enough of the powdered cocoa (sugarless) to give it the taste. That way, I didn't feel deprived, and the volume of hot water filled me up! I could make a single "serving" packet last me a week!

I've got a silver sheath dress that I would like to wear to a wedding in November, and a pair of high waisted black skinny jeans from the Gap that I would like to zip and button!

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Sounds good! I have been trying to stay on the straight and narrow this week... I lost 2 pounds... and am now a little less than 6 pounds from goal. The 22nd is my anniversary, and we may go out to eat, but that doesn't need to stop me from fasting the rest of the day. I have GOT to make this work and not cave to excuses any longer.

Cathy! An Oxford boy! you must be so proud! What are your boys studying?

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Kim, my boy in Oxford (Richard) is studying Chemical Engineering. I am very proud of him as he studied so hard to get there. He told me when he was about 14 that he wanted to try for Oxford and I said why? I was just thinking of the statistics because for every 10 that apply only one gets selected and I was worried about dealing with the rejection. Bless him though he said "why can't that 1 be me" so I agreed and said whatever you want or need in terms of extra curricular in order to compete then I will support you. The rest is history he studied hard, played lots of sport, drama, singing and had time to be head boy of his school. That College got one good all rounder.

My other boy (Peter) is already an engineer, he studied Mechanical Engineering in Cardiff (shout out here for Coops) and he now lives in Bristol where he works on stress in airplane parts. It has taken a couple of years for him to establish himself but his life seems to be good at the moment.

I'm very lucky as it is only one hour for me to get to each of them so we can comfortably meet for lunch or dinner have a catch up and then I can get home.

I'm just going to clear out the fridge and make a shopping list so that I can have a good crack at the week. I know I have visitors but if I plan it well I should be able to cope.

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I'm in for Monday - again, I will smash it! Gotta get to the low end of my bounce and under if this bloody body cooperates...lol... but like I said, I ain't gonna stress over it anymore. Got enough stress here at the mo without that pesky scale adding to it!

Oh and yey for Cardiff!!

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Coops, Kath, Swizz, you are our timezone vanguard, so we look to you to start us off Monday morning! I suggest we each check in first thing (or as near as reasonable) in the morning, state our fasting calorie goal for the day, and our goal menu for the day. Then check in as often as necessary throughout the day, sound good?

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I just went to MFP and planned the food for tomorrow. Are we going to post here or a new thread?

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Congrats to everyone getting back on track!

I was hoping to start back in 5:2 a couple weeks ago but that didn't happen. I decided, instead, to focus on my workouts and getting back up to where I was before plastics. I've been doing that the last couple weeks and have been feeling much better. I can do just about everything I could bf plastics. I haven't tried my 2 workouts a day which I normally do on Mondays. I may give that a try tomorrow.

I said all of that to say I'm with you all on getting back on track. Just not sure if I'll start 5:2 this week or next. But, I will be eating clean! Gotta stop the carb monster.

Sheila, so good to hear from you! Glad to have you back checking in with us.

I've been wondering about Wanda, too. Hopefully we will hear from her soon.

I'll be posting pics soon. I promise. I still haven't had my husband take any for me yet. That'll be on my to do list this week. By the time he gets home from work and things get settled its the last thing on my mind!

This phone app is still freezing up on me! I'm still having a hard time getting on here. It keeps freezing up while I'm trying to type this so I'll stop for now.

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Well, the weigh in was worse than I expected, it must have been 'last supper syndrome' though the emphasis at the weekend was more on the wine than the bread. Anyway I'm 18lb from my initial goal and I could weep because I got well down into single figures of reaching it. The gain stops now.

I'm not fasting today but I have planned out my meals, lunch packed and off to work I go. I plan a fast day for tomorrow, that might change next week as I have only just realised that my work days and fast days don't coincide this year. All work in progress and I'm sure a pattern will emerge.

I would like to keep our weigh ins/ progress reports on this thread if that is OK as we are a community and we need the input of everyone.

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Yes, I agree, Cathy. Tues/thurs are my "2" days. My goal is to be down at least 6-8 pounds by Halloween ( end of October). I am handling fast days pretty well for the last 3 weeks but have to get the weekends on a better track. Too high calorie counts.

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Sarah, if I ever gave the impression I like meeting new guys to date...I am a poor communicator. I hate it. I just want to see one man... and see where it takes me. Some one to go out with, travel with, share some aspects of life together. I am astounded to say this but so far...my peter pan, Steven is the most emotionally available man i have encountered. Remember I intentionally sought him out as a temporary playmate - I didn't want to get into anything serious so viewed it as just a temporary thing we met April 2013 and we split about Easter this year although we do still talk sometimes. Since then I have met guys so into their own baggage they aren 't even open to an easy going, see me once a week kinda thing...and I suspect alot of it is low sex drive. Theo and I evolved into just hiking buddies and I come to find i am on a long list of women that he just doesn't feel that "chemistry" with. Here is what I think, alot of guys that age want to feel 18 again and they they think there is a perfect woman who will set tbem on fire...guess what... we don't carry testosterone in our handbags so it ain't gonna happen...grow up. Theo is just an example...but he tells me we have so much fun together, he looks forward to seeing me, I am funny, fun, easy to be with and what he likes the most is we have terrific meaningful conversations...like he doesn't have with any of his friends....but, there is no chemistry. I took it personally until I had a conversation with a tall blonde beauty about 5 years younger than me and she ran into very similar thing. She said she was about ready to give up and go Cougar until she finally.... after 2 years of trying...met her current guy. Saturdayy night, i was out dancing and a 29 year old was hitting on me...for a split second I considered it myself. Actually, I get hit on/ flirted with alot but they are generally not appealing to me and I think I need to examine my internal selection criteria. Or just give up. Or give up and see Steven when I want some affection. Sorry I am venting and annoyed right now, but I am doing fine on other aspects of life. I know why someone wrote a book called "My third husband will be a dog"

I was talking to my oldest son yesterday about life. He has had some big upheavals lately. anyway, I had a great, fun summer, but flip side is it was absolutely terrible dealing with Bettys illness and death. It has been a rollercoaster for all of us... and remnants of the sad remain at times, but grief is normal and it is part of life.

Edited by CowgirlJane

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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