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Happy Monday!

My scale continues to point out the errors of my ways this summer - too many parties, wine walks and other excuses to consume carbs! I am at 146; want to get back to 140. I know how to do it and I think fall is a great time to do it. The weather will soon really change to miserable and I will hit the exercise bike and 5:2 plan. It is interesting, last summer I also gained 5 pounds and I used 5:2 to get back on track and decided to lose even more! I was dating last summer - I was "seeing" steven casually but dating to try to find a real boyfriend. Dating is fattening. I have been going out once a week with Theo for the last almost 2 months and I reckon that is probably enough to start to see my weight inch upward.

I am setting 140 as my return to goal, but I would really like that to be my upper end of the bounce, so landing in the upper 130s would be fantastic. It may not be realistic given that I have a pretty good appetitie these days. Even if I stay right where I am, it's good.

I do notice dismorphia like sometimes I feel "fat" at this weight. Fatter than I felt when I weighed 10-15# heavier... interesting....

How is everyone doing?

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You know Sheryl, that is one of the things I love about Bill is that he loves me so much. If I am going to be with someone, I want them to be totally into me, and Bill is.


You are right though, having a bf is totally fattening. It's really hard to date when men want to feed you and serve drinks to you. One wanted me  to share his ice cream all the time.


As far as sex goes, my last bf is 63 and wanted sex every day. He had no ED problems what so ever. It seems if they are on any type of medication, that's what goes first for men. Theo may have a low testosterone level, and that's why he's not totally horny.


You and I are in the exact same boat. I want to be 135. I am 142 this morning. I swear I am just going to give up eating. None of my pants fit right. 7 stinking pounds.


Sept. 29th I start ballroom dance classes again. I am excited!

Edited by Oregondaisy

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144this morning...woo hop...now if I can just make this a trend! My tummy feels bloated weird. Maybe I need to take those Probiotics.< /p>

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i am doing stress eating - eating when not hungry. I HATE when I do that. I am super stressed out about work right now, but it will get better, getting ready to turn a corner I think. It is weird that when I was feeling horrible before, I stopped eating... i didn't mean to, it was this kind of stress reaction thing. I guess that just tells me i still have major "food issues". i am not binging and not eating junk, but even too much salad and shrimp is too much food, right?

I am feeling weird this week. Kiddo is gone so I am alone. I am not really upset about Theo, but he wants to see me and I have lost all desire to see him. I feel that I am being unfair to both of us and stupid to me because he really is still a good prospect (maybe?), that it isn't my real self but rather my messed up self that just turned the "off switch" there.

I have been sleeping alot, which while it sounds healthy doesn't seem to be. I have been trying to watch Netflix stuff in the evenings, but i fall asleep. I think I am really stressed and my mind and body just want to shut down for awhile.

I am making deals with myself and that is helping... like if I get "X" done at work then I allow myself some energetic behavior. I am not working out and have been so active all summer it hasn't been a problem. I am now just feeling fat, which is stupid. I weigh about 145 this week and i am not fat.

Issue is that my meds are completely mucked up and I am managing the best I can. I have tried all sorts of things... seems like taking 1/4 of the smallest dose pill everyday with food is tolerable so far - done it 3 days in a row now. I think now that i am back taking them I expect to calm down and refocus. I am not as bad as I was say a year ago with the anxiety but I got so used to feeling GOOD that I can barely stand feeling any of that weirdly unsettled anxiety feeling.

I was feeling so good taking half a pill 4X a week but now when I do that I feel sick. I get an upset stomach, I get a headache and flu-like symptoms for about 3 hours after I take it. Very upsetting because feeling gross everyday messes me up and of course I started missing doses which is what got me to having a weird week.

Anyway, I am doing better than i sound, just had a rough couple of days. I don't want to do anything, not even ride my horses since Monday. Well, actually I started feeling bad on Sunday. Kiddo comes home tomorrow after being gone nearly a week. Having him here sort of forces my life to have more structure so that is a good thing.

How is everyone?

Remind me how I felt so thin for awhile there... i honestly feel absolutely huge. I measured my waist, it is still the same. Why do i feel like I weigh about 300#? I think I am a little bloated and that contributes to it but it makes no sense. I am not like paranoid to be seen in public, nothing like that, more like i just feel stuffed into my clothes - I guess 5# makes a difference ...

Good news - before Monday i was just "killing it" getting stuff done around my place.... woo hoo! I know I can get back on that track again.

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Sheryl, I totally get what you say about feeling lethargic and feeling 'fat' even though we clearly aren't!! I think it might just be a mind set that we haven't overcome yet ?

This week I have been following a detox programme and the bloating I had has almost gone... feeling better for no caffiene and sugar ... also my hot flashes are not so intense. Not sure if it will help shift any weight but having the flashes reduced feels soooo good!

I too haven't done any exercise for too long - my plan of getting my butt in the gym hasn't started yet - even though I am organised so far!

Keep your chin up m'love!

How is everyone else... we've been a bit quiet here... looks like we are living life!

Hugs from across the pond my lovely friends x

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So silent here...going through withdrawal..Haha.

Coop, would love to hear about your detox program.

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Hello lovely ladies! I have been GONE so LONG that I won't even pretend that I can try to catch up! But hello to you all and sorry for all I have missed!

I started working a temp job this summer, it was a crappy data entry part-time gig. Then BOOM, I finally found a great job in my career field of Graphic Design, working for Time Warner Cable! Woo hoo! Love love love the job, hate hate hate the commute (2 hours, 1 to the job and 1 home) annnnd it's a full-time job so I'm basically gone 10+ hours a day. Waaaah!

Right now I'm trying to find balance. Trying to find balance with my working, my exercising, my eating, my family and not to mention juggling everyone's schedule which includes two very active daughters who play sports.

So that is basically my update in a nutshell, my weight is up (highest that it has been post-surg) and I feel awful. I just can't throw in the towel but that is kind of what it feels like I am doing (in regards to eating, exercising and my weight.) I refuse to throw in the towel so I gotta figure this all out.

Anyway, sorry it's been so long that I have been here...will try to catch up but know that it's my own fault for not following along. Hope you guys are well, and know that I missed you all! Hugs!

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It is Autumn now, and I don't know if it is a Pavlovian or sense-memory response from 18 years of new school years, but September and Autumn always feel like new beginnings and fresh starts. I propose that the admins of 5:2 reach out to all members with a quick note about new year/fresh start and why we all loved 5:2... calling all 5:2bies!!

As for me, my apartment is starting to take shape, looking less like a hoarder's explosion and more like a dwelling, albeit a messy dwelling :P At this moment I am sitting on my couch, listening to Act II of Madame Butterfly by Puccini. I am drinking a flavored back tea (currant, caramel, rose), eating some greek yogurt with raw seed "cereal" and raspberries, and contemplating getting a cat :) I am about to go browsing through our Protein Powder forum, to see if anyone has any opinions on coffee flavored Proteins ... ?

I have been going on dates like it is my job (um, that doesn't sound right...) sometimes going on 3 or 4 in one day!! I have to say, this is an excellent way to get to know a new city, I make each of these dates event/location based, so that I can do some exploring with someone who knows their way around, and as an excuse to try new restaurants and cafes!! I had some seriously good raw oysters and carpaccio (protein!!) at a place called Walrus & the Carpenter, and I've discovered Stumptown coffee :P One of my dates it turns out is an artist professionally and has shown interest in joining me for some plein air ^_^.

I am thoroughly overwhelmed by my medical bills and the newest audit (!!!!!!) from the state of CA...... but I don't want to talk about that because it just plunges me into a dark place where I can't find the door or the light.

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Sheryl, I totally understand your sensitivity to these anti depressants. I've tried them all. They make me feel like I stuck my finger in a light socket. The doctor said "this one is very well tolerated by most people. " I had every single one of the side effects listed that were possible. Nausea, insomnia, headache, nervousness, and profuse sweating.

I think you should meet Theo for a drink of something and let him be a friend to you. Tell him that's all you want right now.

I think I am going to go to a Crosby Stills and Nash concert with Bill. He's been seeing a counselor and saying things he's never said before. I think we can date. I just don't think we can be as close as he wants to be. He smothers me and I can't take it. Same with this Jim guy I met dancing. I want him in my life as a friend, even though he wants more. He's willing to settle for friendship.

I feel totally fat too. I have started a new habit. Drinking. I never drink much, but it's extra calories. It happens when you go out. I shouldn't drink because of liver issues. I've discovered if I eat total crap, and don't eat any good food, I don't gain. One day I had chips and ice cream and other total crap and the healthiest thing I had that day was Greek Yogurt. I lost 2 lbs that day. weird. Bad, Bad eating habits creeping back in.

I wish all of us lived close together so we could get together and just shoot the breeze

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Hello lovely ladies! I have been GONE so LONG that I won't even pretend that I can try to catch up! But hello to you all and sorry for all I have missed!

I started working a temp job this summer, it was a crappy data entry part-time gig. Then BOOM, I finally found a great job in my career field of Graphic Design, working for Time Warner Cable! Woo hoo! Love love love the job, hate hate hate the commute (2 hours, 1 to the job and 1 home) annnnd it's a full-time job so I'm basically gone 10+ hours a day. Waaaah!

Right now I'm trying to find balance. Trying to find balance with my working, my exercising, my eating, my family and not to mention juggling everyone's schedule which includes two very active daughters who play sports.

So that is basically my update in a nutshell, my weight is up (highest that it has been post-surg) and I feel awful. I just can't throw in the towel but that is kind of what it feels like I am doing (in regards to eating, exercising and my weight.) I refuse to throw in the towel so I gotta figure this all out.

Anyway, sorry it's been so long that I have been here...will try to catch up but know that it's my own fault for not following along. Hope you guys are well, and know that I missed you all! Hugs!

So glad to hear from you, and get the update. So happy your dream job is in your lap at last! So cool. I am having a hard time getting the 3-4 pounds off above high/bounce, and soooooo easy to cram an extra meal, snack, crap into my day...Lets do a 5:2 challenge here? Like Florinda suggested.... Im down for it... my mom in law is coming to town in three weeks, and happy hour will be on for 2 weeks straight... and the holidays are close behind.

It is Autumn now, and I don't know if it is a Pavlovian or sense-memory response from 18 years of new school years, but September and Autumn always feel like new beginnings and fresh starts. I propose that the admins of 5:2 reach out to all members with a quick note about new year/fresh start and why we all loved 5:2... calling all 5:2bies!!

As for me, my apartment is starting to take shape, looking less like a hoarder's explosion and more like a dwelling, albeit a messy dwelling :P At this moment I am sitting on my couch, listening to Act II of Madame Butterfly by Puccini. I am drinking a flavored back tea (currant, caramel, rose), eating some greek yogurt with raw seed "cereal" and raspberries, and contemplating getting a cat :) I am about to go browsing through our Protein Powder forum, to see if anyone has any opinions on coffee flavored Proteins ... ?

I have been going on dates like it is my job (um, that doesn't sound right...) sometimes going on 3 or 4 in one day!! I have to say, this is an excellent way to get to know a new city, I make each of these dates event/location based, so that I can do some exploring with someone who knows their way around, and as an excuse to try new restaurants and cafes!! I had some seriously good raw oysters and carpaccio (protein!!) at a place called Walrus & the Carpenter, and I've discovered Stumptown coffee :P One of my dates it turns out is an artist professionally and has shown interest in joining me for some plein air ^_^.

I am thoroughly overwhelmed by my medical bills and the newest audit (!!!!!!) from the state of CA...... but I don't want to talk about that because it just plunges me into a dark place where I can't find the door or the light.

Sounds like life is good.

I'm down for a two week belt tightening with regular 5:2 twice a week. Wanna play that tune everyone?

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I'm in Kim...defo back on the 5:2 wagon.

I'm doing something called the clean9 - it is a detox programme that is going wild over here... a lot of people have had great success with it for weight loss and then it has kinda re-booted them and they continued to eat clean healthy food.< /p>

So, after reading a lot and talking to some friends who had done it I thought I would give it a go.

Basically it is some aloe gel - tastes vile - and a range of Vitamins that you take daily; first two days are just liquid days and the following days are low cal with a shake. I'm not saying it will set the world on fire, and I have lost a few pounds (still in my bounce range) but the biggest benefit I have found is that my hot flushes are twice daily instead if twice hourly. I have not had monster flushes through the night and have slept really well over the last week. It is a great feeling to sleep through and not wake every hour or two covered in sweat!

I think it has rebooted my sleeve too - as when I do eat a meal, I can't finish it! My sleeve feels tighter, which is always a good thing.

So I am ready and focused to get the 5:2 back in and under control... and whether I lose weight or not doesn't really matter at the moment as I like the way I feel!

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Sheila! Sooooo good to hear from you - and congrats on the job! So happy that you have found the one. Stay with us now... and together we can get on that healthy train again... I've missed you!

Florinda, glad you are settling in to your new place and making the most of the opportunities via dating - what a good idea to get to know your surroundings!

Who else is up for the 5:2 challenge? x

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I'm up for a 5:2 challenge!


I wish I could figure out an easier way to keep everyone's conversation's open so I can refer back in my posts.


That really is a big step Sheila, going back to full time work. I hope you still have time to check in with us.


Coops I am glad to hear this new program is helping  your hot flashes. I am so afraid to go off my hormones.


Florinda, You're really smart letting your dates show you around. I thought you were from Seattle, and that is why you moved there.

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Hi all -- still reading, not saying much. Still a total mess, this thread is my very thin lifeline. None of my clothes fit. I've not been in such a bad place in a LONG time. So I will just keep hanging on to the thin line and hoping I can get it together again. :-(

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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