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Well, had a great Fathers Day lunch with the daughter and her family. The new hubs, Jeremy, has quickly become FAMILY. Truly a good soul who loves my daughter and girl. His son is here for three weeks. 15 yr old. Weston. Very sweet and good kid. The girls love him!

I made a friend of mine's marinated salad. It is fabulous. Thought is post for y'all. I used Truvia blend instead of sugar. You can also cut some out if you want yours to be tarter. It is very good. And a hit!!! Great for munching on later. I actually take mine and "wash" it :) to remove a lot of the extra oil/sugar. Best if you make it and let it sit for several hours or overnight first.

Marinated salad

1 cup Water

2 cups vinegar

4 tsp dry mustard

2 tsp celery seed

2 cups sugar

2 tsp salt

1 cup oil

3 cucumbers

4 tomatoes

3 colored bell peppers

3 green bell peppers

2 onions. White n red (1 ea)

Cut veggies in bite size chunks sprinkle 1/4 sugar over . Mix marinate bring to boil pour over veggies I put a heavy plate to push veggies into mix.


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Aw! Cute Kitty!

I had a great Dads day, visited with my family. I'm lucky my dad is still here to visit with. It was also my 61st b-day. I actually had someone call me an "old lady" yesterday, in a good way... she said "I have always admired your point of view (I have known her from when she was about the age of 15---she is at least 10 years younger than I) but I have to say I like you as an old lady even better.

I haven't seen her for maybe 20 years...it was kind of funny to hear, but not really bad or anything. I said thank you. I had lots of fun this weekend, kayaking, bird watching, eating out (the good the bad and the ugly) Cake, ice cream, and lots of other stuff.

Good news, my labs came in today and my cholesterol went down to just below 200... so no meds for now. What a relief. I really did not want to go there.... I never did lose the 5 pounds the doc wanted me to lose... Really the only thing I did different was take plant sterols before eating high cholesterol foods...this has had some good research test results so far... and no side effects....so I thought I would give it a go. It fills the receptors that take in cholesterol from food with a form of cholesterol that doesn't effect your arteries, and blocks the bad cholesterol that is contained in dairy, eggs and meat from entering into your blood... it just passes out of the body and is not absorbed... this is my understanding anyway. I don't eat meat, but would use the tablets when I knew I would be eating something with high cholesterol content...cheese, milk, and eggs.

Well, that recipe looks good! I love marinated veggies... I like to add garbanzo Beans and some olives and mozzarella too...I may have to make some tomorrow.... G'night all...

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Hi kim.Happy Birthday. Good to hear you enjoyed yourself. My cholesterol is high. I am a protien meat eater. Not as much vwggies as I should. Can u give me more details about sterols please

M2. Congrats on 22 years. Love the before and after pic. You both lOok marvelous.

The play "finding my Boaz" is going really well. Hard to get all the cast to rehearsals all at the same time. Everyone has so many family commitments hard to juggle all the schedules. But I have been making it work. We have final 2 full dress rehearsals june 21st and 28th then performance on the 29th. It's been fun. Very different experience for me. The manager in me is enjoying pulling it all together. Lights , sound, music, scenery, props event night coordination with ushers, stage hands, cast. I am pretty pumped and will be so glad when it's over!

OD I was thinking about u as I put my earplus in to tune out the sounds of hubby's Cpap. Its getting a bit loud and time for a tune up. How's Bill's Cpap working out?

Sar count down to plastics. Wish I was ready for at least the arms. With summer wearing sleeves is a pain. I was doing something the other day and startled myself when I actually felt them flapping. When I lose another 50lbs I will get the arms done. But now I have too much weight to lose to consider plastics. I will keep lifting the weights

Chow for now!

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Cholesterol is so much genetics...mine was great even when I was obeses. Now I am like at numbers considered excellent. My sis warned me it can even go too low...who knew.

Sounds like everyone had a nice fathers day.

What have any of you heard about low carb and depression? I am starting to notice a possible link between low carb (and perhaps fasting and low calorie)with mood down turns.This weekend was a perfect setup for the blues but I did NOT experience it. I ate alot and I ate very carb heavy. Just curious to notice.

My kid graduated from college on Saturday, very proud of him. I spent the day with my exhusband his Russian girlfriend, his mother and other ex family PLUS my ex live in boyfriend (the kids stepdad), plus my brother and his family. It was surprisingly pleasant and no anxiety. I carpooled with my ex boyfriend of 15 years and that wasn't even stressful. Sunday's can be bad days...and as the day after I wondered if it would happen but it didn't. It rained Sunday so I didnt ride all weekend. I spent Sunday alone and was fine. That is unusual as I try to have plans for Sunday as it is more prone to being lonely.

I bought a swimsuit. The boyshorts looked awful on me so I wound up with something else. I figure I will wear a cover-up unless I am in the Water or on the boat with Tino so i am not gonna worry about my thigh jiggles. Now I need someone to take decent photos so I can do my long awaited before and after photos collage.

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Ok we are among friends. Wearing this on the boat ie not exactly public or no? Am I too old and jiggly for this even if it is just my boyfriend seeing it? I got this suit out of the juniors section because in the ladies it was either postage stamp string bikinis, or didnt fit or cost a stinking fortune. The boyshorts made my thighs worse. Even this suit I could use a bigger cupsize but the halter style gives me side boobs as I still have extra skin there.

Edited by CowgirlJane

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Happy birthday, Kim!!!!!!   Whoo Hoo!   I'm right there with you!  60 1/2 right now.  I'm like you, a YOUNG friend told me the other day (lives in another state now) 

"Georgia, you look good!  Even though you are old, you don't look it or act it or dress like it!"  Well, I took that as a backhanded compliment!   You gotta take them all at this stage in life!   LOL


Brown, I sure hope somebody videos the play!  I would LOVE to see at least a part of it!   All that hard work , you need more than one performance!!! 


Sheryl, Girl, I say you look good.  Dont see anything wrong with the suit and have a cover up for when you need it. 


To all my "pals", love you BIG!

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Georgia, more than once I was told that I was very "active and capable for someone so heavy". I chose to take it as a compliment.

Okay, I am having a bit of a hard time getting over Steven. I don't mean like crying or anything... more like that little twinge of wishing he could be what I want him to be. And then, he told me he is taking the big trip to Germany (leaving tomorrow) that we had sorta planned on doing together about 6 months ago - a big midevil fair thing some people he know host at this old castle. Anyway, I am quite sure if we were still together he still would not have invited me. I am also pretty sure he didn't decide to go until like a maybe last week (that is how he runs his life). I wondered for a moment why he decided to tell me - at first I thought he was getting a dig in, but that isn't like him. Then I realized he was trying to be honest and not leave me hanging cuz we are supposed to go out to dinner and sometime soon and discuss I guess "being friends" or at least reminisincing over good times. I don't need advice, I know what needs to happen here - that relationship served an AMAZING purpose for me but it is just DONE now. I am still sad a little. I hate this about myself - I get so sentimental over things that "could have been". Oh well, I am a passion filled person and i guess that is what comes with the territory.

I am eating super well, work is busy but good, I am getting ready for a girls weekend away coming up. Life is good.

Tino and I have broached the subject of planning a trip. Well, I brought it up actually. It is my nature to hold way off on this sort of thing but I have decided to push things a little because I WANT certain things out of this relationship and if they don't seem likely... well... I will need to re-evaluate. Things are going great with him except for one small thing. This is actually a good trait that he spends as much time as he can with his daughter but they completely run the show. Like, there is no set pattern or agreement and they change their minds at the last minute. so, he basically is booked practically every weekend with them unless they have other plans. Then they will bail if they get a better offer. He and I are going to go to Cannon Beach and his big stressor is how his daughter is going to handle him not being at her beck and call that particular weekend. (Seriously, they call and he does whatever they ask). I value highly that he is so focused on his daughters as a human being, but again, this is a little bit about what's in it for Sheryl. (I know that sounds really bad, but I am being honest this is the first time in my life I have thought this way). I met his 13 YO daughter and really like her alot but we are still in the limited contact mode....

Anyway, I think we will work it out and I really do admire his dedication to them. I am wise enough to keep my mouth shut about how obviously they manipulate him and play him against their mom etc, but as he tells me the stories of incidents I think he realizes it....haha

I am really wanting to hear from the rest of you... it's been quiet and I miss hearing about the days of your lives...

Sarsar, when is the plastics scheduled for? Do you have help lined up at home? I forgot, are you getting arms and breasts? If so, here is a tip, have dishes for you on the counter, so you don't have to reach up on higher cabinets the first weeks.

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Sheryl I think you need to talk to him about this. You can tell him how much you admire him as a father, but at the same time, if this relationship is going to work, he has to carve out alone time with you. that means not constantly on the phone with the daughter either.


I'm glad mostly everything else about him is good, and the relationship seems to be progressing the way you want.


I think the swim suit looks great on you! You can get cute cover ups to wear when you feel like you need to.


I am so glad to hear from every one but I don't have time to comment on everyone's post. When I get  home from Bill's later, I will bring up 2 windows so I can see everyone's posts and comment.


Kim, I didn't realize you were so close to my age. I thought I was the only one over 60 here!

I'm trying hard to get back on track.


Bill is concerned that he is not getting his energy back. He has a complete phobia about needles so I know he wont consent to a blood test. I know in the hospital they told me he was low on potastium. Anyone know anything about what that does?

Edited by Oregondaisy

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SarSar - Those work out pants are too big in the calf, you need snug ankle length capris that are fitted to the ankle!

SherylJane - Have you considered a retro style bathing suit? Go on pinupgirlclothing.com, I think one of those 1940's styles with the halter top and full bottoms would be super flattering.

Hello everyone! My Mom and I were on the road for a week, then puttering around the coastline for another week, then my boyfriend came down and we have been love birding it for another week, hence the radio silence! I'm pretty sure that I have gained back at least 10-15 lbs, even though my clothes still fit they are suspiciously snug and in photographs I don't like the shape of my jawline - the first thing to go when I put on weight. SO, it is back to the tough love of greens greens greens, luckily Jack is super supportive and even though his is a meat on top of his meat with meat for dessert kinda guy, he is open to my style of eating.

On the medical front, I have chosen to NOT tell my Mother my Dx. For me, this is my version of self care, I need to do what supports me. Also, when I arrived at my Mom's there were about TWO DOZEN BILLS, no exaggeration! Also, my worker's comp claim was denied. I am simply freaking out, any suggestions? I head for WA at the end of the month. Anybody know of any good moving companies that won't charge me an arm and a leg?

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Florinda, so good to hear from you! Glad the silence has been for good reasons. Totally understand about not telling your mom. You will do it when the time is right. Try hard not to stress about those bills right now. As you know the stress will make you feel bad/worse health wise. Hang in there. At least Jack likes protein! lol Are the bills all medical bills? If so, you can call and tell them what you can pay each month. Even if it's $10/month. If they try to get more simply tell them that's all you can afford. They won't report you as long as you are paying something.

On a side note about the ankle pants, are you sure? Those were in style when I was a teenager and now they're back in style but I always felt like I would be trying to look too young while being in my 40's if I wear something like that. I know it may sound silly but it's true.

Sheryl, sounds like Tino and his daughter will have to figure this out as time goes on. I'm just wondering if he has allowed this kind of relationship with her (is there only one daughter or does he have more children, I forget) because he needed to fill a void in his life. Now that he is dating and realizing he needs time for him he will figure this out in time? I hope that made sense. I'm not always good at trying to type what I'm trying to say.

I understand the sadness about Steven and what you wish you could've had. You have such insight into yourself. I hope that one day I can get to that point with myself. Sometimes, though, I think I avoid it because I just don't want to really deal with what's going on inside of me. I'm almost fearful of it, whatever "it" is!

Kim, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I seriously cannot believe you, Georgia and Denise are all 60ish. You are all so down to earth and I would totally hang out with all three of you at any time and know that I would have a blast! By the way, that is a compliment!

Denise, I think of 3 things right away when I hear that people are exhausted. Low Iron, low Vitamin b, and low thyroid. I would think that since Bill has been in the hospital recently that all of these things were tested while he was there. As far as the low potassium, I don't know what the symptoms for that are but I have heard to eat bananas if potassium is low.

Brown, I wish I could be there and watch the play one night! Such fun. I'm sure it's exhausting but rewarding at the same time.

Sheila, so good to hear from you. The kitty is adorable. I am allergic to just about all animals. It's a shame because they are so sweet and I would love to have a dog. We recently had to give away our guinea pig because I just couldn't breathe, we had him for a year and I loved him. I have trouble with hamsters and even a hedgehog!

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As you all know my MIL has alzheimer's . We care for her in our home sometimes although her and my FIL live about 1.5 hours south of us in Illinois. Well, last week she was here. I thought for sure she had a bladder infection bc of some symptoms she was showing. I used to work as an advanced nursing assistant in a hospital on a geriatric unit and cared for many alzheimer's patients. I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be one, but, when you have worked in the medical field you learn a lot very quickly, I feel like I have some insight into some things that others in the family may not. My husband has 5 siblings. Anyway we took her to the ER here in WI and she did have a very bad UTI. They kept her overnight to administer IV antibiotics because the infection was so severe. While in the hospital we told everyone about our concerns about her not being taken care of at home and needing more help and about the fact that the house was not safe because they are hoarders (yes, like the tv show). My MIL is 87, my FIL is 85. They have lived a good healthy life but they are slowing down. They need more care. Well social services and social workers are now involved in this case. She had testing done to deem her incompetent. two of the siblings are very upset with my husband and I, the other 3 understand and think we did the right thing. All of the nurses and doctors told us we did the right thing but it is still hard to go through. To make a long story short this situation has taken up almost every moment of our time. It is by far the most stressful situation my husband and I have ever gone through in our 20 plus years together.

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I love skinny ankle pants. Lots of ladies over 40 wear them - the key is to not have a muffin top or a huge ass.... in my opinion. I am trying to attach a photo.


When is the plastic surgery? I am pretty jazzed for you!

Ya know what I remind myself about Steven - when he is in a calm reflective mood he is by far the most intelligent, intuitive, verbal and amazing man EVER. When he is in his normal mood, he can be squirrely, literally ping ponging around and bitching & ranting about the world. He can't handle serious news, didn't want details of my plastics for example. When I first met him, that spazzy behavior kinda scared me a little actually. When he is in a really bad mood, he is New Jersey awful (only saw that once). Really. I remind myself that my fond feelings are the 20% not about the 80%. He tended to control my access to him so I saw more of the good... so in reality this trip to Germany would have probably been pretty stressful with him since he has to almost be grounded by me (or others) to be that calm reflective man. I think i did that for him, I used techniques i use with animals and wild children which is to bring my calm and relaxed side out until they meet me in the middle. I learned this with horses and apply it to people when needed. (ie, when riding horseback the more nervous the horse is, the more relaxed, quiet and confident the rider must be). That is freaking exhausting with a man especially when I am suffering from anxiety. In the end, that is why i ended it... well, there were specific things that happened which were largely misunderstandings - but the awful truth is he gives me stress. My ending it gave us both stress and I am still trying to break free but I KNOW it was all an illusion. I have always known that my idealized version of him is not the majority of him. What I am trying to take away is the good feeling and the learnings. That 20% of him - that always told me the truth about me, but in ways that were loving and caring. That person who always told me how beautiful, pretty and hot I am - even when i was 20# heavier. That man who helped me find my "womanhood" again. I insist on that in future relationships - if I could get half of those good things with a man who is more reliable and lower stress, I will be in business!

It's still sad though - I have never in my life been with someone that I feel such chemistry with and I want to bottle it up and keep it like a cologne I can apply to future lovers..haha. I wonder if his somewhat volitale personality is part of that chemistry - know what I mean? Anyway, sad, but it is OVER.

Tino has 3 daughters - the 13 year old is the only one I met. Sweetie pie, really like her. She has a 17 year old sis - and they apparently fight like cats and dogs. It's high drama stuff and stupid stuff, mostly over the younger stealing clothes and things from the older. Then, there is a 27 year old daughter who he had very young, never married the mother. She has some kind of illnesses and I think is depressed and likely has drug issues. He keeps trying to pull her back into his life, but truth is it is primarily the 13 year old and somewhat the 17 year old. Those younger two call on him for everything. Last night when I was over for dinner his phone was ringing off the hook, from both of them, but he didn't answer. He was sure they were fighting and were calling to complain about each other but he really doesn't take calls from them when we are together.

The bigger issue is that they dominate his weekends but then are unreliable about it. I have started the gentle conversation which included... hey, now that summer is here, any chance Gabby can stay every OTHER weekend plus midweek visits so we can have every other weekend? Silence. I feel like he is a little scared to miss out on her. Next alternative is.... do we do stuff as the 3 of us. He has plans how I can bring my horses out to his place for the weekends - he has more land and grass than I do so my horses would love it. Frankly, I would love having a 13 year old girl to bake Cookies with, ride horses and do all that but we all know that must be treaded lightly as she does have a full time mother already and I am not looking for a daughter either.

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years and years of caring for and dealing with sick and elderly relatives (both sides of family) was one of the contributors to mine and Riley (my ex live in boyfriend of 15 years) to split. It is like it took me FOREVER to get over the trauma and move on and I am not sure he EVER did.

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As you all know my MIL has alzheimer's . We care for her in our home sometimes although her and my FIL live about 1.5 hours south of us in Illinois. Well, last week she was here. I thought for sure she had a bladder infection bc of some symptoms she was showing. I used to work as an advanced nursing assistant in a hospital on a geriatric unit and cared for many alzheimer's patients. I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be one, but, when you have worked in the medical field you learn a lot very quickly, I feel like I have some insight into some things that others in the family may not. My husband has 5 siblings. Anyway we took her to the ER here in WI and she did have a very bad UTI. They kept her overnight to administer IV antibiotics because the infection was so severe. While in the hospital we told everyone about our concerns about her not being taken care of at home and needing more help and about the fact that the house was not safe because they are hoarders (yes, like the tv show). My MIL is 87, my FIL is 85. They have lived a good healthy life but they are slowing down. They need more care. Well social services and social workers are now involved in this case. She had testing done to deem her incompetent. two of the siblings are very upset with my husband and I, the other 3 understand and think we did the right thing. All of the nurses and doctors told us we did the right thing but it is still hard to go through. To make a long story short this situation has taken up almost every moment of our time. It is by far the most stressful situation my husband and I have ever gone through in our 20 plus years together.

Man, it is tough when your parents get to the age where we have to become their caregivers. Thankfully, you and your husband are concerned enough to get them the necessary help. I've seen it over and over, there are usually the "doers" in a family and the "gripers" who don't really help but want to have their say. My poor Father took care of his Mom for many years while the other two brothers did nothing but try to take what little money she had! Oh well. That's my gripe for today. God bless! And BTW, quit worrying about "age based" clothing. Ha! I think you can pull off so e skinny ankle capris with ease and anything else you want to try_within reason. :)

Edited by Georgia

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Okay, claiming it! 616 calories but it's gonna have to do! I am seriously really struggling here to keep it CLOSE to 500!

Just fasting is a big accomplishment right now! Ha! I cannot figure it out because you guys all know I Just marched right on last year! LOL.

"We shall overcome, we shall overcome.."

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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