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Ladies, its good to be back! I have been able to read posts but every time I wanted to post a reply I lost the connection. It was so frustrating. I know I have missed lots but here goes:

Happy belated Birthday Sheryl, hope it was a good one. I know you are a bit down at the moment and my thoughts are with you.

Wanda, Has your play been performed yet? if so how did it go.

Georgina, love the new pic.

Sarah Im a bit jealous of the PS. I need to make an appointment so they can guide me into how much more I need to lose.

Co-ops. Hope you had a good time in London.

Florinda hope you are having a wonderful time with your mum. The picture of you and the boyfriend was amazing.

Sheila I know you are busy looking for a new job and taking care of the family but we have not heard from you in a short while

FYE as always you speak words of wisdom with any message you post.

I know I have missed others..Sorry.

As for me the house is wonderful and we really enjoy living here. two bedrooms are decorated with the paint/paper purchased for the 3rd and that should happen next week. I have had 2 people in about the kitchen and they have both submitted their designs we think we have chosen one and they can start July 29. Bathrooms still to be decided. Paper/paint also purchased for the lounge.

Do any of you ladies have experience of a light pipe? Our main bathroom is an interior one and that means no window and hence no natural light. I have looked up these light pipes and they look good, they are like a periscope and a series of mirrors (in a tube) link the room with the outside. The pipe goes from the ceiling of the room through the attic to the roof. On paper they look good but I wondered if you have come across them, have one yourself or have a relative/friend have one. The room needs something as it feels very claustrophobic

Weight wise I am at a standstill and I cannot remember the last day I had a proper fast. I know it s all down to me and I need to get back on track. The carb monster has a hold of me and I need to shake him off.

Lovely to be back in touch again. Love to ALL

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Ladies, its good to be back! I have been able to read posts but every time I wanted to post a reply I lost the connection. It was so frustrating. I know I have missed lots but here goes: Happy belated Birthday Sheryl, hope it was a good one. I know you are a bit down at the moment and my thoughts are with you. Wanda, Has your play been performed yet? if so how did it go. Georgina, love the new pic. Sarah Im a bit jealous of the PS. I need to make an appointment so they can guide me into how much more I need to lose. Co-ops. Hope you had a good time in London. Florinda hope you are having a wonderful time with your mum. The picture of you and the boyfriend was amazing. Sheila I know you are busy looking for a new job and taking care of the family but we have not heard from you in a short while FYE as always you speak words of wisdom with any message you post. I know I have missed others..Sorry. As for me the house is wonderful and we really enjoy living here. two bedrooms are decorated with the paint/paper purchased for the 3rd and that should happen next week. I have had 2 people in about the kitchen and they have both submitted their designs we think we have chosen one and they can start July 29. Bathrooms still to be decided. Paper/paint also purchased for the lounge. Do any of you ladies have experience of a light pipe? Our main bathroom is an interior one and that means no window and hence no natural light. I have looked up these light pipes and they look good, they are like a periscope and a series of mirrors (in a tube) link the room with the outside. The pipe goes from the ceiling of the room through the attic to the roof. On paper they look good but I wondered if you have come across them, have one yourself or have a relative/friend have one. The room needs something as it feels very claustrophobic Weight wise I am at a standstill and I cannot remember the last day I had a proper fast. I know it s all down to me and I need to get back on track. The carb monster has a hold of me and I need to shake him off. Lovely to be back in touch again. Love to ALL

So glad you are back, Cathy! Light pipe. Interesting!!!!

I just got back on track (mostly :) this week too. Summer here and I don't like the way I feel right now.

Isn't it amazing how your mindset shifts when you know you aren't eating right? I immediately FEEL fat! Ha!

Good luck on finishing all your house decorating. Send some pics when you are finished b

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Cathy good to hear from you. I had a very happy birthday the little relapse happened after. I have heard of those light pipes but by a different name. They do work!

Kelly I wish I could run...knee issues. I don't think endless running on the treadmill works though. High intensity interval training...ie sprints...that is much more effective. I did it on a spin bike.

Last night I had dinner with Tino and I ate a huge amount. What was interesting is I felt pretty done after a few bites but of course I felt obligated to eat more. I weigh 140, my lifetime low and eating thst huge meal made me feel fat too. Makes me wonder about the headtrip..

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Hi all! Sarah! Love the before and after on the bikes... you (all of us really) are worthy of a story in a magazine! You look fab.

Sheryl, sorry about the blues, but Tino sounds like a champ. Sometimes a little test with some truth really lets us see the others ability to be there for us. Sounds like he came through with flying colors. Hope you and Kelly can get together.

Craig and I may be taking a trip to Portland this summer with some friends from New Zealand. Road Trip! Might even head up to the Olympic P if there is time.

Lots to do here right now... stuck at .9 pounds above my top bounce... after two fast days as well! :(  Oh well, that is not really bad in the big picture!  

I will be 61 on sunday... letting my hair color grow out a bit to see what it looks like now.... almost white! The purple dye job has faded to a light pink ending in a henna red at the ends... so the white at the roots  kind of look like an intentional fade. At least thats what Im saying!

 I am going kayaking today, belly dancing tonight...then maybe some bird watching tomorrow... Not bad for an old broad! Nice to hear from you all. Have a great weekend. Wish I was in London too! I have been thinking next big trip to Scotland, England, Wales... from doing all the genealogy, I have so many places I would like to visit! 

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I have been feeling good...hoping I have bounced back! Tino makes me feel so cared for, he is physically and verbally affectionate and seems to like me. ..I am apparently not used to all this because it makes me feel like pretty great. I have revealed many of my flaws and it hasn't scared him off yet. I was so relaxed after dinner the other night i fell asleep on his sofa after dinner...just at peace in his presence. his 13 YO girl is dying to go riding with me...you have no idea how much I covet a sweet horse crazy girl. Deep breath. :)

Good but super busy week at work. Been eating. Kiddo graduates college tomorrow....lots of good things in life.

Going to see counselor on Monday to discuss what derailed me. I know the trigger but what I want to learn is a more generalized solution. I do feel good that I recognised what was happening and tackled it quickly. I also recognize that it didn't get THAT bad but I now feel good and can't tolerate any anxiety....Like I need to be okay with it when it does happen.

My best friend's old horse died last night. I took her out and we had a really nice night. I am sad for her but that horse had a good long life and a peaceful passing. If we should all be so lucky.

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Ok, sorry, I thought everyone knew this. SMO stands for Super Morbidly obese.

It's after a certain BMI that you're no longer considered just obese.

I am so glad things are working out with you and Tino, Sheryl. He sounds so sweet and just what you need.

Cathy I am so glad you checked in and told us how you're enjoying your house. I am so worried my house is not going to sell.

I am in Portland now. I am going to my grand daughter's 5th birhday party. If you can belieive this, I am staying at my ex hustand's house. We were married when I was 19 until I was 21 and we are good friends. We moved from Chicago to Oregonwhen I was 21. He's not home. He had to go away and I have a key to his house and he said he didn't care if I stayed here. Bill would have a fit if he knew!

I've done nothing but eat junk today. I hate the 4 hour drive here and I just stopped at a convenience store and bought a bunch of crap. then I went to the mall and ate some more.

I have to eat healthy and stick to Protein tomorrow. I don't know why I do this to myself. I guess I am just an admitted food addict.

We have not heard from Florinda in a long time! Did I miss a post?

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Denise I am asking because I don't know what's normal but it seems strange that Bill would have a fit over you staying in an empty house owned by a friend you were married to 40years ago. I would be uncomfortable withholding that info for worries I would accidentally let it slip and then it really is an issue. I go to my sons graduation today and my Ex (kids step dad) is riding with me and my older son. My Ex husband (kids dad) will be there but not riding with me. I didn't owe that info to Tino but I told him and he responded that it was good we got along that we'll.

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Some crappy photos. I am trying to decide if I am being ridiculous two piece suit shopping. I can buy the cheap target ones as they are not not bra sized...so getting ready to place an online order.

Anyway this is what I look like at 140, 10# less than plastics weight.







Edited by CowgirlJane

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You look great, Sheryl! I like the back and white top the best!

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Oh, I like the Black and white one way above the others... flattering and stylish! With black boy shorts? Cute.

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I think you look great too, Sheryl. I like that you can buy tops and bottoms these days in 2 different sizes. I like these little swim shorts they have come out with these days. I got mine at old navy. I wear them over the bottoms. I also have little shorts that go with the top, instead of a one piece or bikini type bottoms.


I just didn't want to deal with having to talk it over with Bill. He knows that I'm still friends with Don, but I don't think he wants me interacting with him. I know I'd be the same way. He's friends with his ex, but I'd prefer he not spend time with her. I haven't even liked it when they've had a phone covo. He would just worry even if I told him Don was gone, that somehow we would run into each other. He's not out of town. He just went to a party across Portland and didn't want to drive after having alcohol so he stayed the night. For all I know, he could be home any  minute.

Edited by Oregondaisy

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The polka dot panties and bra is just to show how I look. The other 2 were taken at target. I'll try old navy for the boy shorts. Thanks!!!

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Okay, sort of caught up around here. Our desktop died and I am not a fan of the laptop, and I don't like using the phone app, so anyway, finally back on here checking in!

Apparently I like a lot of chaos (not really I'm normally a low-drama person) but we got a call about a kitten who needed a home and we offered to keep her. AAAARGH!

She is little (estimated at 4 weeks when my moms neighbor found her) pretty sure her mom was feral and either walked away, or went out looking for food and was taken by a coyote or hit by a car etc. So we said SURE we'll take a new baby in our house. So our house is a bit chaotic right now with the new baby upsetting our previous baby (the puppy Piper is just shy of 6 months old and was happy being the center of our universe, lol). Anyway, at least the new baby (Nala is what we named her) doesn't need bottle feeding but she is soooooo tiny, and Piper wants to lick her and maybe take a nip at her here and there. Ugh.

I know this is all just excuses but I seem to NEVER run out of excuses as to why my eating is crappy. It's been crappy pretty much this whole year and I'm not sure how to just pull out of this funk that I'm in. To top it off I took a break from my women and weights class for the summer because I didn't want to waste money and I don't think I will be able to be so strict on attending when the kids are out of school for the summer. But on the bright side my 13 year old can go with me to exercise now and we did that together on Wed. this past week!

Sarah, OMG....PS? How exciting and holy crap woman you are totally a different person in that before/after. HOLY COW you look amazing!

Sue, so glad you had fun in London...and Sheryl, I love it, let's all meet up in London....woo hoo! That would be so much fun!

Georgia, congrats on your 4 year!! You look amazing and thanks for paving the way...I know Sue (coops) is coming up on 4 years in July (I think that sounds right) and I know I will be 4 years in Oct. Praying to get my shite together before my 4 year anniversary...sheesh.

Kelly, glad you are still with us...hope your summer is going well. What's going on with the job situation?

Kim, love that you bellydance...that's awesome!

Wanda has the play started yet?

Florinda...?? Where are you girl?

Cathy - I think the new house sounds great. We call those something different here too...the lights...I can't think of what they are called. Ugh. All I can think of is port-hole but that is a window on a ship. Ugh, but if you need light I think that is a great way to get some natural light.

Denise - I hope Bill feels better soon. Glad he got all fixed up and is on the mend.

Sheryl - thanks for the link to your nutritional analysis...please share your results when you get them ...I think we should all do something like this! It sound expensive but it might be worth the $$$ if you can figure out what is going on.

I know I'm forgetting some of you...so sorry. Feels like we are missing some of our crew!

Edited by M2G

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New baby pictures:


And while I'm at it...just celebrated 18 years of marriage to my hubby...on June 1st. Can't believe we've been married 18 years and together 22 years! That's over HALF of my life!!!!


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New baby pictures: And while I'm at it...just celebrated 18 years of marriage to my hubby...on June 1st. Can't believe we've been married 18 years and together 22 years! That's over HALF of my life!!!!

Aww, happy anniv! Y'all look so cute!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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