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I feel myself on the verge of needing to take a break from supporting the newbies. I get alot of PMs... basically once failed bandsters realize how much success I had with the sleeve they message me because they are uncomfortable talking about it "publicly". I get it, there is a lot of pressure in the band community because everyone knows that the reason they "fail" is due to poor compliance and they will surely fail again... right. anyway, I do appreciate those that helped me get started on the sleeve journey and I like paying it forward, I am just burned out right now about all the wounded feelings and stuff. Tired of walking on eggshells. Tired of seeing really helpful people like PDXMan for example get just reamed by others who think he is too mean. Screw it.

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I liked that Alex locked the thread. I like the article he wrote about supporting each other rather than tear someone down. I've never been one to jump all over someone when they admitted to eating a twinkie. I'm so non confrontational, I would rather just find another post to read. I can't believe so many people would take the time to argue with someone online.

I so agree. Come on, folks! If you don't want sound knowledgeable advice from people who have DONE IT AND SUCCEEDED then don't ask!

I cannot tell you the number of times I type out something and then just erase it and wander on. Simply because somebody will get in a snit.

Like Kim said, some folks just have to create DRAMA.

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I have to say - I ain't one for drama either! Of any kind - I rather like a calm sea these days...

Sorry I haven't updated for a few days... have been reading though! Gotta say, I agree with you ladies when it comes to men and food- my hubby is defo a foody and loves to eat... I am so thankful that he is doing the 5:2 with me, not only to help his health but also for the support!

I honestly thought I was going to reach goal... saw a new low on Friday and then bounced right back up Sat... gutted! Had a let lose weekend,.. not fasting and no worrying but didn't go over board - had to fight that 'what is the point? balls to it' and eat my weight in choc! At least I am holding at the bottom end of my bounce.

Tried to fast Monday and that ended in an epic fail! Had a tough day in work and wasn't in the right frame of mind. Been better today and got a fairly good fast in - a little over 500 cals but calling it good.

I am really hoping that the new low wasn't a fluke and that I see the number again and it sticks... that would make me happy and determined to have a go at my ultimate goal!

How is everyone else doing?

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Hi everyone. Haven't posted in a while but I've been trying to keep up. I was sick as a dog (what does that mean anyway? I always hear people say that but I don't have a dog so I don't know how sick they get...lol) for a couple weeks. Some kind of body flu thing and it ended up in my chest with bronchitis. My son had it also. I am feeling better but still have a lot of coughing.

Sheryl, it's been exciting to read about Tino. I'm glad his daughter liked you! Do you know if she has a good relationship with her mother? I ask because I wondering if she doesn't, if she may end up getting too attached to you and have a hard time if the relationship doesn't work out.

Florinda, I've been thinking about you. Hope you are enjoying your trip and the time with your mom. When you get done with the trip check in and let us know how you are. Have you had any side effects from the new meds? How did your mom take it when you told her the news?

Sue, I'm sorry about the stupid scale. I can understand your frustration. I think I asked before but don't remember reading a response. Do you have year round school or do you get a few months off in the summer like most schools in the US?

Denise, how is Bill? I'm glad he went into the ER! People die from that if it gets too bad. He's lucky he got there in time. I'm so glad the ex girlfriend is leaving you two alone! I highly doubt she was/is pregnant.

Kim, the belly dancing thing with the girls sounds like fun!

I wasn't really fasting while I was sick. For about a week I was hardly eating anything and just trying to keep myself hydrated. This week I decided to get back to the fasting since I'm on the mend. I usually fast Monday and Thursdays. I couldn't do it yesterday. I just didn't have the will power I guess. We'll see how Thursday goes.

Oh, about the drama. Whatever. This is why I don't venture onto the other topics very often. WLS is almost like a thing that people just do now. They don't put in the time to research and really understand what they need to do for this to work for life. So many people want a quick fix and that's why they do it. Then they come on these boards and whine and cry about things and ask stupid questions.

I do also understand that newbies are at a very emotional time in their lives. Every little thing to them is very concerning. We were all there. We just have surgery and then are forced to eat tiny amounts of food while our bodies are healing and adding mental stress to this is overwhelming. And, there are just some people who like to "voice" every little thing. You know, the ones on fb who are constantly updating their status all day long...I just ate Breakfast, I went grocery shopping, blah, blah, blah.

I wouldn't go so far as to call people bullies but I do see sometimes where someone further out from surgery or a more popular person on this site will respond with something snippy and then another one or more of their friends pipes up and soon it can get kind of sarcastic and rude. I don't at all believe the intent for these people is to be rude but it does happen and can come across this way. I believe it's usually from those that get tired of constantly being on here and trying to help.

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Sheryl, you should definitely give up on newbies. You have paid your dues.


If you really feel the need, write a post that adequately explains the difference between how a band is supposed to work and how the sleeve does what the band was "supposed" to do. Then every time you feel the need to answer one of those posts, just post a link!


Sar, I am so sorry I can't remember your real name! You explained it exactly right though. There are so many people who don't even research WLS and just expect that it will fix all their problems. It's been over 8 years since I had WLS and I have more interesting places to surf the net these days than to try to tolerate anyone who rubs me the wrong way online. I guess I am just getting old!



Bill is still very sick. I am in a motel room. I had to take him to a giant hospital that looks like a resort from the outside. Tomorrow he will have the procedure done to remove the gall stone that is lodged in his common bile duct.


The good thing is I have hardly had anything to eat all day and it's past midnight. It's so great that with the sleeve, I am still rarely hungry. If I can get past the head hunger, I can fast.


I feel like I can get 5:2 going again once I make  it past the first few days.

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Had a wonderful birthday celebration but am tired!

I shared my concerns about his daughter with Tino and he seemed oblivious. She is a self confident girl who lives with her mom and her mom's boyfriend...but I will proceed with caution.

Crazy busy day...more later

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Well, Girls, Today is my FOUR YEAR surgiversary! All in all, I'm pleased that I am at goal and was able to have this life changing surgery!

I have found in the last few weeks, that I still have some work to do on making sure I make good choices. I tend to really work to ACHIEVE a goal, and then when I get there, somewhat relax and old habits/eating patterns creep back.

I'm right at 148-150 - my goal from original and where my body really likes to be overall. I did get down to about 140 last year with 5:2 and I'm REALLY REALLY THIN at that weight (being 5'8") I like it for ME but my face looks OLD and others seem to think I look "sick".

With that said, I need to "shape up" a bit - just with life itself, my energy level is low, my stress level - high and I'm tired, tired, tired! I've also been experiencing reactive hypoglycemia (I think due to increased carbs and sugar) where my blood sugar gets extremely low (to the point of faintness).

I guess what I'm trying to say is - I'm very happy with what I have achieved, I'm thankful and grateful, and I realize AGAIN that it's a LIFELONG JOURNEY!!!

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Happy Birthday Sheryl!

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wow Georgia... 4 years out ... and at goal * goes slightly green* - so proud of you ... let us hope the next four years are just as amazeballs...

You are a month in front of me! x

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Happy birthday Sheryl! I didn't know it was your birthday.


Happy Surgerversary Georgia! I agree, the sleeve is the best thing I could have ever done for myself. I forgot to even mention my 5 year mark last month. It's such a way of life now. It's a work in progress and it never gets easy, but it's worth it to not wear clothes in the plus size dept!


I love being 61 and a size 8. Menopause has not been good to most of my friends and they have all put on tons of weight, other than my sleeved friend.

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Happy birthday Sheryl!! What did you do for your birthday? Anything exciting? Is your body healing from the fall?

Georgia, 4 years. WTG!

I didn't even realize my 3 year was last month.

You'll get there, Sue. Good thing about the sleeve is that it's not going anywhere. ????

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Oh Denise, my real name is Sarah. Is Bill feeling better? Did he have his other surgery yet?

Ladies I have some exciting news to share. I have plastic surgery scheduled for July 1st!!!! It came about suddenly. My husband and boys take a week in July to go camping. I take care of a 2 year kid during the day and in the summer I also care for an 8 year old that I have cared for since she was a baby. Anyway, when the boys go camping I always take the week off and have a week to myself. I thought maybe I should have surgery the week before they leave and then the 2nd week of recovery I will have a quiet house and I can recover without having to worry about the family. So I scheduled for July 1st. I have another appointment with my surgeon on June 16th and my husband is coming to ask any questions or share any concerns he may have. If something major comes up I hold off on the surgery but I don't see that happening. So, July 1st I'm scheduled for a Tummy Tuck and lower body lift. I'll have a full 2 weeks of taking it easy and then my boys will be around to help with whatever lifting needs to be done for the following few weeks. I'm really excited about this and wanted to share. I don't feel nervous at all, I'm sure that'll hit me eventually.

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Sarah, Congratulations! It must feel so good to have that scheduled!!  I am really happy for you.


Yes, Bill had his procedure today and he has been totally knocked out all day. I don't think they will let him go home tomorrow . His nurse said if he doesn't wake up and eat, he can't go home. I don't see that happening. He's out like a light.


I love it here though. Eugene is so much warmer than where I live. the coast always has a really cold wind. It feels like summer here. I went shopping and bought my grand baby some new clothes. My daughter got mostly newborn at her shower, and she's 5 months old now and needs new clothes.


I wonder if Florinda is here somewhere!!

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Happy birthday Sheryl! Hope it had been a good day for you. The newbies? I like the idea of a link you can post.... better a little than none...which will happen if you are totally burned out. I know i don't post as often as I used to for the newbies... I do have a couple of posts that seem to still get some use. I still like the Vets forum, but mostly , I like our little thread.

Sarah... I think that is the thing that has been going around here for months too... a lingering respiratory thing... really take care or it will come right back! So happy you have surgery to look forward too, you are so darling, you will be bathing suit ready by the end of the summer!

Coops, It looks to me like that low number is teasing you, but you know all the pounds before this one were teasing you too, and they are (with continued work) a thing of the past now! A new low number is as sign of good things to come!

Denise, wow, poor Bill. Glad you are having a nice time there and it is warm for you. Sacramento is going to hit 100 this weekend....

Georgia, love the pic with the black hat! Cute darlin'! I think the 148-50 sounds like a great weight. and congrats on the 4 years. That is so awesome. I really attribute part ofmy success to you all... one piece in the puzzle of "getting it off, and keeping it off". I have been fighting the top of my bounce range for a while... ate donuts at work today. (bad BAD habit!). Im afraid that losing those 5 pounds for my doc is just a dream at this stage of things. I still feel like a success though... being at the top of my bounce range at 3 1/2 years is amazing really. After all those years of dieting constantly and never getting anywhere with it.

I finally ordered and got my bariatric Calcium chewables... they are not too bad. GIANT, but sort of desert like. Just don't breath in while you chew them or you get a dust storm of cherry dust down the hatch....

I have been going in to the gym to practice dancing before regular class twice a week... mostly dancing with a veil. I am having so much fun. Sometimes one the of girls or the teacher joins me. Today a girl practicing hoops for a performance at burning man was sharing the studio with us... it was so fun! I actually think I am getting better. (funny how practice can do that!) on June 15th I will have been taking the dance class for 6 years. I started out 90 pounds ago. I would have thought I would be better by now, but really, it has been so much fun, and for an old broad, I think really, I am doing pretty good all in all.

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Thanks ladies!

I was trying to hide from my big 5-0; I did not want one of those over the hill type parties, just depressing to me. A couple of girlfriends were gonna invite me out for a drink and then I invited a few more friends and my oldest son... and then at the last minute I invited Tino. I had a real .. resistance... I guess because I feel so protective of my "worlds" and I seldom let horse friends cross over to family to work and heaven forbid to DATING. I realized that was my old ways of being secretive and protective and I am not like that anymore. I could not believe what a good sport TIno was! He was my designated driver, bought be a huge bouquet of roses AND a tiny model MiniCooper car. Considering he had less than 24 hours notice, I was very impressed. He took me out just the two of us after the little gathering too - he really treats me well it is kinda weird. I have never been woo'ed before I guess.

We had a wonderful time and my friends really liked Tino even though he needs education on a few sensitive topics (for the love of heaven, do not breed your pitcross dog - get her spayed!) among the animal lover crowd. Flip side, he is a bit appalled that my critters have run of the place...haha. My lil dog Suzy is winning him over though, the other night she was all curled up on him and even he had to admit that is alot of cute with that pretty poofy tail that never stops wagging and those huge ears and adoring eyes....and pretty hard to resist even if you are the type that think dogs should live in kennels outside and not in the house...

Congrats on all the surgiversaries! I was thinking... we should have a pinned thread on the vets forum that people post their status on their 2+ year anniversaries and their current status. I would think that thread would be great reading for newbies!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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