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Oh and I am still floating in the 140-141 range. I expect to break into the 130s in the next few weeks as I am losing about .5 a week lately. So, I was thinking yesterday "boy I am eating so much again, why am I still losing?" I added up what I had eaten and it was only about 600 calories. I ate a couple of Protein Bars as they are high carb and lots of calories and I had em in the house so I got over 1000 calories by the end of the day. Anyway, my weight loss is explainable - I am eating less. What is still not explainable is the why. I feel really restricted. I have very low appetite. When I eat, I get full fast. It's awesome, but I wish i knew why and I would feel less weirded out by it.

I need to do some updated photos because I am getting the freak out feedback from people around me... that I am too thin. I don't think I am but having photos and feedback from my online friends might be good. Steven says "just right" but he is a skinny guy himself who has mostly dated skinny women - so for him to mention to me 3 different times to not lose more weight (advice, not a mandate) is saying something and i listened.

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I got fitted for a special vest - not a brace but rather a posture enhancer to try to resolve some of my back pain which is aggravated by my desk job... anyhoo...I was on the fence between the women's small and medium. Shocks me as they don't come in XSmall.... the very idea that I would fit the smallest size they carry is sorta wild.

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Wanda, good luck on the play! Making a profile on OK cupid for your daughter makes good sense. My daughter went on a lot of online dates when she was about 30, but she ended up meeting her husband through friends. If she is shy, this will be good practice for her, even if she does not like the guy, dating and feeling comfortable around guys  is kind of something you need to learn


Sheryl, Where did you meet your new guy? I'm so glad you like him! Did you find him at a meet up? I'm dying to know.


My doctor wants to do surgery on my  back. I see him again in early June. My ins. rejected his request for an mri and it pissed me off!


I am gaining weight and it's driving me crazy. Bill makes it so hard. For one thing, he likes to eat dinner really late. Last night we went out with his friends, and the entire meal was carbs. :(

Edited by Oregondaisy

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Oh and I am still floating in the 140-141 range. I expect to break into the 130s in the next few weeks as I am losing about .5 a week lately. So, I was thinking yesterday "boy I am eating so much again, why am I still losing?" I added up what I had eaten and it was only about 600 calories. I ate a couple of Protein bars as they are high carb and lots of calories and I had em in the house so I got over 1000 calories by the end of the day. Anyway, my weight loss is explainable - I am eating less. What is still not explainable is the why. I feel really restricted. I have very low appetite. When I eat, I get full fast. It's awesome, but I wish i knew why and I would feel less weirded out by it. I need to do some updated photos because I am getting the freak out feedback from people around me... that I am too thin. I don't think I am but having photos and feedback from my online friends might be good. Steven says "just right" but he is a skinny guy himself who has mostly dated skinny women - so for him to mention to me 3 different times to not lose more weight (advice, not a mandate) is saying something and i listened.

Sheryl, when I was really watching what I ate to start with on 5:2 I for to where I really didn't care or think about eating and on most days did good to average 600-800 cals with REAL restriction. I think our sleeve restriction joins with somewhat shrunken stomach from eating very lightly and I did just easily lose.


Now, I need to do it again! Lol gained back to above my bounce but still below 150. I hit 139 at one point last Fall. And yes, everybody said I looked sick, I was too thin, blah blah blah and I'm 5'8"!


Also, about your lack of appetite, if you are still taking small dose of anti anxiety they can reduce appetite also. I also got very weak for a whole during the losing period.


Glad to hear about your dates.

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I got fitted for a special vest - not a brace but rather a posture enhancer to try to resolve some of my back pain which is aggravated by my desk job... anyhoo...I was on the fence between the women's small and medium. Shocks me as they don't come in XSmall.... the very idea that I would fit the smallest size they carry is sorta wild.

I'm very interested in the vest. Who provided etc. I am seriously worried about my back and neck shoulder with bone loss thrown in and I find myself slumping over so much!!

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OD, sure you are not gaining much but enjoy your nights out and just try to watch carbs in day.


I'm having same issues about gaining right now. Don't have the "want to" right now to so any exercise or otherwise!

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Brown, how exciting about your play!!!! Can't wait to see and hear about it all in the next weeks.

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Jack loves me how I am, skin and all, but acknowledges my right to feel the best possible about myself, he suggests waiting on a Tummy Tuck and breast reconstruction till after pregnancy and breast feeding, what do you guys think? Those arms though, WANT WANT WANT ^_^. Okay, I'm gonna talk about a subject that would get me FLAMED if I brought it up with non-sleevers or people who aren't focused on weight loss and fitness, the lying of our pants! I am 5'3" and 159 pounds, with an hourglass/apple shape, there is no WAY I should be wearing a size 8 - 17 years ago when I weighed 150 lbs and was an inch shorter I wore a 12. Anyway, I went to Old Navy the other day and tried on skinny jeans for the first time in my life (NSV btw, lol) Now, because of my shape and my excess skin I need to wear shirts that both show off my cleavage, skate loosely over my rolls, and hide my crotch so I go with empire-waist tunics. The pants that fit my squashy waist area smoothly just swim in the legs and the legs that hug nicely sausage my middle but at any rate, a size 8short skinny jeans in the Sweetheart cut FIT and with a loose summery tunic you can't see the squashy rolls and it looks good! Here's the thing; the friend that I am staying with has become very fat - 5'5" and (she says) 210 but I am going to put her closer to 250. She was bragging that the pants she bought were too big and all I could think was "that's no victory, these pants are sized for the fat and delusional American masses". We did our shopping at a major shopping mall and this Old Navy was massive and I got to do a lot of people watching and DAMN, people are FAT! At 5'3" and 159 lbs I have no right to be considered in shape or small!! Not only are people really fat, but everyone is dressed so shabbily, it makes me wonder if we have a national epidemic of depression, masses of people just eating their feelings and dressing in soft stretchy jammies... So, I had my Drs appt on Monday, the neurologist; this was the appointment to end all appointments so to speak, because I have now had the MRIs, the LP, the bloodwork, and the neurologist now collected everything together to form his opinion. His opinion, which he gave immediately upon entering the room without beating around the bush, is that yes, I have MS. I don't know what I was expecting, I have lived with this knowledge for almost 8 months but there must have been a subconscious part of me that felt there was a glimmer of hope so long as I didn't have the LP. I cried all the way home, but not just boo-hoo tears, deep guttural sobs of loss. And my tears weren't for me, they were for Jack, all I could think of was his love and involving him in this and it just hurt.

So, so sorry, Florinda! Grieve if you need to. I'm sure I would be too. Love and hugs to you. Strength also!!!

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Good for you, M2G, about getting on track! I've got to get with it too.


Sarsar, how is the hubs?


Coops, I can imagine you in the HS skirt dancing around. :)


Swizzly, how are you?


Cathy, how is the house coming along?


Kim, where art thou?


Sheila, good to hear from you. Sorry about the job. Better one ahead!!!

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Loving the house! We have nearly emptied all the boxes - not bad for less than 3 weeks. We are having terrible trouble with the internet though and no service for 2 days but it has just come on but so slow. They are coming to fix it 29/5.

My 'baby' boy is 21 tomorrow and we are off to meet him for lunch. I would of liked to organise him a party but exams are looming and they are important plus his school friends are scattered over the country at the moment. I was going to do something for him in the summer break but he has only gone and got himself an internship in China. Through his university he has joined a program called Live, learn and intern in China, he will spend 2 weeks in HK on a business course then 7 weeks in Shanghai working for a company. He is so excited, especially as he was born in HK he feels that he is going home.

food wise I cannot seem to get on track but I have exercised this week. I have the coming week off work so I am hoping to wean myself off the carbs/sugar, perhaps I will have to go cold turkey.

Wanda, good luck with the play, it sounds exciting, who is your audience? Your church, town state?

It nice to able to get on the site and catch up on how people are doing. It's good to see people managing to fast again and I hope to join you soon.

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I've got to do better that's all there is to it! I don't want to gain anymore and I am so afraid that's going to happen. I am exercising, but bad foods seem to come

along every day, mostly through Bill. I just have to dig deep for willpower and "just say NO"! easier said than done.


Today he came home from the store and said he bought me some healthy treats because I have been complaining about too much snacking. HIs idea of a healthy treat was tortilla chips and pico di gio. A far cry from a string cheese!


I know what I need to do and I just have to insist that no between meal Snacks enter the house.I'll have to tell him he can eat it in his car, the way I had to tell the last guy.


Other than that, tomorrow  is a friend's birthday so I am sure there is going to be some dessert around during lunch tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be one dessert split between 4 people.


Hope everyone  is having a good weekend.


Florinda, if you're in Oregon, I definitely think we should meet up. I can come to Eugene,you know, if that's where you'll end up.

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Cathy The play will be performed in my church. Enjoy your your new digs. The trip for your son sounds very exciting

OD I feel for you. Its like a person waving alchol in the face of an alcholic. Or a smoker living with a non smoker. My adult children that live with me keep their treats in their rooms and don't eat them in front of me. My hubby used to sabatoge me (in the begining) by bringing me chips and chocolate. I finally put my foot down and took him awhile but he finally got it. I have said this before the Snacks at my office are all around and very hard to control so I have to tap into my WillPower. But in your case I can imagine how hard it would be to have will power all day, outside your home and then inside too

Maybe tape a pic of the old you on the fridge or in the cuboard where he keeps the treats. It sounds like he might be coming around since he bought in what he thought was a healthy treat. Why don't you buy some healthy treats that you can control. Then when he's eating his you can eat yours. Or tell him for both our healthy lifestyle please don't bring Cookies, cakes,cany and such in the house and suggest he treat himself on the weekends only. And u allow yourself that treat only on the weekend. Maybe easier to say no if u know you'll have some later

We are all fighting that battle and Sir "Will Power" is really hard to find when faced with the goodies we really like.

Hang in there OD. You can do it!

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Well, Friday's fast didn't happen - did really well through the day and then the kids wanted junk for tea and I had some with them - I can so relate to you Denise; it is hard when you are around people who love to eat!

So, Saturday I was a little more careful and Sunday did well on the food front but went out for drinkies in the evening, so no fast over the weekend.  

Today however, back on track and I've done a good solid fast ... yes!  The scale is now mid bounce for me, so it is coming down a little.  I don't mind a little as long as it moves down.


FLorinda, meant to reply before now... just didn't know how to word it - I don't blame you for having a good sob after you saw your doctor.  Sometimes I feel that the gut wrenching kinda cry is so cleansing.  

And on the topic of skin removal - I would get the arms done as soon as you can and wait until you've decided on a family for the mid section,


Brown that play sounds amazing!  Good luck and let us know how it is going...


Good to see us back on track and getting some fast days done... I think for me, the longer I can go without eating on a fast day the better... my next will be Wednesday!


Hugs to you all

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Hi ladies, I am maintaining about 141-142 range so very happy with that. I am eating quite a bit more recently and I think Georgia was right. I don't have an issue with my sleeve, I just got in the habit of eating really sparingly and so my appetite dropped. It is the other side of the over-eating vicious circle.

I have been busy getting to know a new guy... so far going really well. He is quite a character... strong personality.. which is absolutely what I need in a match but he can be over the top. He is a huge seahawk fan and lets just say that if you watch ESPN, or otherwise are tuned into fan madness - you have seen this guy. oh boy.

We are in the fun days right now... where he is trying to win me over. We are a little smitten with each other and having a good time. I love that he is affectionate - verbally, lots of hugs and sweet touches, arm around the shoulders that kind of thing, makes me feel great. He thinks I am attractive, not just physically - but likes my personality and surprisingly... my somewhat vast knowledge of historical documentaries...haha. Apparently not many women are conversant in "civil war" and the exploits of Patton. I am not really sure how I gained all that knowledge (love to read?) and never occurred to me that a guy would find that so interesting to have someone to discuss military history with. Oh my, I guess i am a character too. :)

He was supposed to spend Memorial day all weekend with his 13 year old daughter but there was a change in plans. I rode horses all day Saturday (was gone 6am till about 10pm!) and then rode Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon I was feeling a little lonely, and we talked but he was busy with a house project and invited me out for Monday. He surprised me Monday by showing up with his boat and we spent about 9 hours out on the lake, touring Seattle and all the houseboats etc. - grilled both lunch and dinner, watched the sunset over the water... It was a lovely lovely day.

He brought up Sunday and how much he wanted to see me and was torn between finishing his house project versus dropping everything to see him. I let it slip about feeling lonely and his reply was "why didn't you SAY something and come over?" i told him because we have only known each other a few weeks I didn't feel comfortable asking for company right then. His response was so encouraging, I mean like he is looking for a companion too and doesn't think I am a needy nut just because I sometimes want to hang out with someone and have a bit of company.

Main reason I want a "real boyfriend" is to have someone to kinda talk to and lean on from time to time.

This situation remains promising - cautious optimism on my part, but he is QUITE a character, I need to decide if i am up for that much intensity.... but I know that the quiet introspective type loves me at first and then eventually hate me because as I mentioned, I am apparently a bit of a character myself..haha. This guy doesn't wilt away from anything which I much prefer over the passive aggressive type (where i have more history btw).

Edited by CowgirlJane

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Sheryl, sounds like you two are having fun - nice to hear... enjoy it!


Well, weighed this morning - a pound from my lowest and 2  from my surgeon's goal... I can almost taste it again!  

Weirdly most of my clothes are now UK12s; even bought myself a denim jacket that size and it looks great!  My surgeon originally wanted me in a 12 regardless of weight... so I suppose that goal is good now!  But I would like to finish at a UK10- 12 and I think another 14- 18lbs would do that.

Fasting today.... happy days!


Anyone else joining me?

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