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Cathy, are you enjoying your new house yet? Are you done unpacking?

Sheila, good to hear from you! Yard work is a good work out. I am sure you burned a ton of calories.

Sue, do you break for the summer for school or does it go year round with various breaks throughout the year?

My boys are done with school the second week of June. I'm looking forward to having them home for the summer! Next year my oldest son starts high school and the youngest starts middle school. Crazy how fast time goes.

Brown, how is your play going?

We haven't heard from Dorrie in quite a while. If you're reading, Dorrie, take a minute and let us know how you're doing.

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Desk job I think 1-2 weeks. Main issue is to avoid tension on incision so reaching, lifting etc is limited.

I was so hesitant about doing the arms because of fear of the scars but I am so glad I did. Changed my whole profile!

Sheryl, I've been meaning to ask about the arm lift... if it was a stand alone procedure, how long do you think recovery would be? Time off work etc?

If and when I could afford it... I would love to get it done! It would make such a difference to my overall silhouette! Even with the extra weight I've still got.

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Hi ladies. Quick note I received the Fast Beach diet book. Nothing at all new. If u read the first book you've read this one. Only push is 4:3, HI exercise , and more control during non fast days.

I will be done by tonight. If u want me to send the book to u let me know. We can pass it around. There are some tips. But to me nothing we don't already know

I Am with u Coops. Fasting today! Focused for the next 6 weeks

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Florinda! I love your love story! Hope it all works out for you both. It's working out right now so that's really all that matters. I want to see a picture. Sue, good luck on the 4:3 this week, you can do it! I don't know how I feel about the 4:3. I know that when I read about the 5:2 there was talk on some of the 5:2 websites that there wasn't much evidence that there was benefit to fasting more than 2 days a week. This makes me wonder why now is the guy trying to push a 4:3 diet now. Maybe it's more of a boot camp type of a push where you do it for a short time and then go back to 5:2? I don't know maybe I'm not understanding it. I haven't looked into it, I've only read what Georgia and Brown posted here. For me, it seems that if I fast on my 2 days a week and eat regular, along with some treats, on the other 5 days that I maintain. If I'm very strict on my 5 regular days of eating and eat very clean with hardly any treats, that's when I can lose. I also exercise regularly so that may make a difference for me. I've been staying between my bounce of 140-145 while fasting 2 days a week. I do believe that changing things up every once in a while, whether it be eating or exercise, that it really helps with keeping my body where I want it to be. I feel like this keeps my body from getting comfortable or used to the same thing over and over. Things have been going well. It's been busy and I haven't had much time to get on the computer. I've been reading from my phone but I hate trying to type up a long post on that little thing. lol My husband is doing great. He hasn't had any issues at all with eating or drinking so far. We are praying this is going to continue to work in the future. He has been able to sleep all night long and that hasn't happened in months.

SARS, yes it is only for 6 weeks; hence, beach bootcamp and I think just designed to get back on track or push for a goal. Like you not sure how much be fit would come from extra day since most of us know that even with much reduced cals on several days we have pretty much rapped out the FAST losses with our honeymoon periods of WL.

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Hi ladies. Quick note I received the Fast Beach diet book. Nothing at all new. If u read the first book you've read this one. Only push is 4:3, HI exercise , and more control during non fast days. I will be done by tonight. If u want me to send the book to u let me know. We can pass it around. There are some tips. But to me nothing we don't already know I Am with u Coops. Fasting today! Focused for the next 6 weeks

Brown, I'm more interested in the HI exercise. Can you outline what they are describing? I kinda figured it was the same and most of us on 5:2 are very diligent on non fast days anyway unlike other non WLS peeps.

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Hi ladies!


Lordy - just got back from a few days at the coast with friends who were up from San Diego and it is kooky how off track my hubby and I can get when we are out of our home element. Going to an unfamiliar grocery store seemed to completely discombobulate the both of us. We both nibbled our way through more calories than we should have - I certainly had more carbs and processed food than I am used to and whoa what it does on the scale - poof up 7 lbs in one day from puffy bloat, salt and not enough fluids.


M2 I have had my Fitbit flex since last October and I love mine - still need to work on getting all of my daily steps in though. 10k a day every day is a goal.


I have been recovering from the BS from end of semester stuff - I basically walked away from my teaching job two weeks ago ( I turned down the offer to compete for my old job after the new administration brought the hammer down and dismantled the art department at our college - the music dept is next.) Basically half of all of the core faculty contracts were bought out - meaning teachers were threatened to either take a severance package (which was 75% of their salary) or possibly have nothing - they basically worked the collective bargaining agreement to eliminate professors who made the most money - which at our college is not that much.

My ethics told me not to keep subjecting myself to a new corporatized situation that cares nothing for anything but money. I had started taking my anti-anxiety medicine (usually reserved only for long car trips) just to go into work, and crying every day.


Its scary but I no longer feel sick to my stomach every day. Anywho - enough of that.


I have been reading a new book on clean eating after reading about a program of eating called Whole30 - which I had no heard of. Its basically 30 days of hard reset - no wheat, sugar, dairy, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, etc - and is focused not so much on WL but rather elimination of inflammation, breaking the carb addiction, etc...All pretty common stuff in the food literature that we read. The dairy part would be really rough for me - I like a bit of 2% milk, and my favorite sweet is light and fit Greek yogurt - hi dairy and artificial sweet lol. If you slip up you have to start the 30 days over again lol.


I am frankly dreading the fall (my most difficult part of the year for food and activity) and want to whip things into shape this summer to be better prepared. I just need to knuckle down!


I too like our little group the way it is - I trust you guys and that is a big deal to me - I don't trust very many people :)

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Yes I would like to know more about the Hit method of exercise. I think I know what it is, but not quite sure.


Sheryl, if you go to groups, there is button for start a new group. I think you have to message Alex if you want it completely secret. I hope you aren't going to leave our group! If you still want gamer girl in here, we could take a vote. I was under the impression that I was not the only one who is on the computer less, and was having trouble keeping up with the posts because of that.


If I am the only one who feels that way, please let me know.


i am trying to do a fast at least once a week, but since Bill is in my life, 500 calories is difficult. I should do it on tuesdays since that's the night we both sleep in our own houses.

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No, I am not leaving this group! I decided that i want to talk more about life as a single girl post WLS, dating etc and would rather do it privately. There is a lot of "stuff" in this topic that has to do with self worth, how we see ourselves etc. Any of you are welcome to join in, but I just started it and haven't done anything yet.

However, I had the most amazing date yesterday... boat ride on lake Washington. He was great too - maybe I have found a good one finally. We shall see.

Steven has finally just pushed me too far with his disappearing act. Well actually, it isn't that simple. It is his uptick in telling me how he loves me and wants to be with me more and then disappearing that pissed me off. Done. I know he isn't intentionally manipulating me because i don't think he really has that in him, but it is how it feels - manipulative. Done.

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HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training.

So, it is short duration aerobic exercise. You can google it and get the whole skinny, but for example... after a warm up you might do sprints on an exercise bike or running sprints or something. You might do "normal" intensity for 60 seconds and then go "all out" for 30 seconds... repeat 5 times, for example.

The overall workout session is much shorter, generally 20-30 minutes.

It really really works!

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Sheryl, I already belong to a group like that. It's a special OH group, It's the only place I go on OH. It's called Single friends living life. They have all had WLS.

You might like that group. It's completely private and hidden like this one.I could see about getting you in, but you probably have  friends here on Bariatric Pal that you want to be in a group with you.


The regular singles board on OH doesn't seem to have people who consistantly post.


Had a great day today. I did well with my eating untiil just now. I came  home at

9:30 and had several Snacks. I hate when I do that!

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Florinda, when I want to post pics, I have to go to the bottom... click on more reply options and at the bottom of the screen there is a place saying attach files; choose files and a paper clip...


any help? x


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Coops - are you thinking about doing arms still? If you need it, I highly recommend a breast lift too. Wow, makes your appearance alot more youthful!

I had the small thigh lift and it worked for me because my worst problem was fat pockets on the upper inner thigh. My thighs are still an ugly area but given that huge noticable scar with the long lift, I am pleased with my decision. Lots of middle age women have ugly thighs so I am in good company but no longer have those globs of cellulite and extra skin rubbing between my legs.

The arms have been amazing though. People see my arms and don't even notice the scars unless i point them out or am doing something that makes the underside super obvious.

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Coops - are you thinking about doing arms still?  If you need it, I highly recommend a breast lift too.  Wow, makes your appearance alot more youthful!


Yea, arms are next on my list if I can save enough... I had a BL the same time as my TT so those boxes are well and truly ticked!  Defo makes a huge difference; physically and psychologically... I feel my middle now looks the same as my face!  If not younger!  But my arms... yuk!

I am not bothered in the slightest about my thighs... what I 'show' (apart from swim wear) look fine as there is plenty of muscle... I am too old in the tooth to bother with short skirts or short shorts!  

Let the saving commence!!!!

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Jack loves me how I am, skin and all, but acknowledges my right to feel the best possible about myself, he suggests waiting on a Tummy Tuck and breast reconstruction till after pregnancy and breast feeding, what do you guys think? Those arms though, WANT WANT WANT ^_^.

Okay, I'm gonna talk about a subject that would get me FLAMED if I brought it up with non-sleevers or people who aren't focused on weight loss and fitness, the lying of our pants! I am 5'3" and 159 pounds, with an hourglass/apple shape, there is no WAY I should be wearing a size 8 - 17 years ago when I weighed 150 lbs and was an inch shorter I wore a 12. Anyway, I went to Old Navy the other day and tried on skinny jeans for the first time in my life (NSV btw, lol) Now, because of my shape and my excess skin I need to wear shirts that both show off my cleavage, skate loosely over my rolls, and hide my crotch so I go with empire-waist tunics. The pants that fit my squashy waist area smoothly just swim in the legs and the legs that hug nicely sausage my middle but at any rate, a size 8short skinny jeans in the Sweetheart cut FIT and with a loose summery tunic you can't see the squashy rolls and it looks good!

Here's the thing; the friend that I am staying with has become very fat - 5'5" and (she says) 210 but I am going to put her closer to 250. She was bragging that the pants she bought were too big and all I could think was "that's no victory, these pants are sized for the fat and delusional American masses". We did our shopping at a major shopping mall and this Old Navy was massive and I got to do a lot of people watching and DAMN, people are FAT! At 5'3" and 159 lbs I have no right to be considered in shape or small!! Not only are people really fat, but everyone is dressed so shabbily, it makes me wonder if we have a national epidemic of depression, masses of people just eating their feelings and dressing in soft stretchy jammies...

So, I had my Drs appt on Monday, the neurologist; this was the appointment to end all appointments so to speak, because I have now had the MRIs, the LP, the bloodwork, and the neurologist now collected everything together to form his opinion. His opinion, which he gave immediately upon entering the room without beating around the bush, is that yes, I have MS. I don't know what I was expecting, I have lived with this knowledge for almost 8 months but there must have been a subconscious part of me that felt there was a glimmer of hope so long as I didn't have the LP. I cried all the way home, but not just boo-hoo tears, deep guttural sobs of loss. And my tears weren't for me, they were for Jack, all I could think of was his love and involving him in this and it just hurt.

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