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As soon as you move here... about half our little crew here will be in the Pacific northwest - me you and Chim in Seattle and Denise in Oregon!

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Just popping in to say that my hubby got me a FITBIT FLEX for Mother's Day. Woo hoo! I had mentioned this about 2 years ago when they were brand new and I never did anything about it. Then I would occasionally *think* about purchasing one but never got around to pulling the trigger.

I'm hoping this is the boost I need to get out of my funk in regards to my eating. I was using caloriecount.about.com to log my food but then I haven't logged in about 3-4 months. This uses a different logger and I suppose I will get used to it, but today is my first day using it. I went to my women & weights class and while I know weight lifting is vastly different than cardio, it logged my 1 hour class as "9 minutes" hummmm, need to see how accurate this is. lol

Anyway, sorry I've missed a bunch here...but FWIW, I am happy with our group the way it is, and don't feel like including more. I'm always open for the SUGGESTION of people who want to join but mostly I feel protective of our little corner of the world.

Florinda, so happy you are doing well (romatically!) and I hope you can straighten things out with your dr. I would imagine all it would take is for your dr. to allow you email him or text him (I can do both for my VSG surgeon, I don't often use it but occasionally I do)...there needs be an open line of communication it sounds like. Good luck.

Georgia, that is A LOT to deal with all at once. Getting older sucks...lol. I hope you are on the right track with Vitamins and such.

Cathy so glad you have made the move and forgot to wish my UK mommies a happy mother's day (isn't it like 2 months before us here in the US?) Anyway, Coops, 2 mothers day sounds like the way to go, let's vote, I say yes! HA!

Well so I'm actually logging my food and I haven't eaten lunch yet and I'm over 300 cals..YIKES. Not a fast day for sure. LOL!

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Oh and Coops...googled the Stella comedy...just listened for a few minutes, OMG I need a translation dictionary ...haha! Love the accents! I love all the quirky differences in language. :)

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Sheila, the Stella series is absolutely my fav welsh one ... soooo funny because it is so welsh!  I don't sound as welsh as they do... sometimes I wish I did.  I really do link my identity to being welsh!


Florinda, great to hear from you - the drive sounds amazing, as does the new fella!  I really hope you two have a good future; sounds promising so far... will you go back to your friends house after the drive?


Cathy glad you are in the new house and that you have started to make it a home... I am sure you will be very happy there!


Well, I completely smashed the fast day, as I intended to do... fab me eh!  No rewards on the scale... even the new one hates me...lol.  Fasting again tomo.  I've made a new 'rule' for me and hubs - no eating after 9.30/10pm!  I am not much of a snacker per se, but Steve is... and if he is eating, I will sometimes join him.  And as I want to be extra vigilant, I think this new rule will help us both... it will also mean that I get at least a 12hr fast, sometimes more every day.  I really want to see a new low and make my surgeon's goal... I am really bored of the same ole numbers bouncing around!


On the complications with the sleeve thing after so many years out... it wasn't even on my radar until Susan said anything.  I am not worried or concerned at all... if I get indigestion, then I get indigestion... same as pre sleeve.


Sheryl, don't take this the wrong way, but do you think you are worrying because you heard Susan's story and it concerned you?  Your doc is happy - and that is a positive thing... try not to get too stressed about the what ifs?!


Hope everyone else is good...

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fast day today... wish me luck cos I'm hungry already and I've only been up an hour... off to work I go!

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Boy I have missed so much!


Florinda I am so glad we heard from you. You know I am right on the coast. Are you going to come up the coastas far as OR after you leave Northern Ca? Bill and I just made that trip, going up highway 1 and 101. You know I would love to meet you . I go to Eugene all the time!

did  you meet this guy through an online dating type site? I would love to hear how you two found each other!!


Sheryl, I am as far out as Susan.I don' t have the problems she has. I know people farther out than me who don't have problems either.  We can run into problems if we don't take our calcium citrate. I do the chewables from Bariatric Advantage. I don't care about the calories. I feel my health is more important. They taste like Tootsie rolls. I have them on auto ship so I get 2 bags a month for 20.00. I would like to  meet you too, but you have never answered whether that would be possible. I go to Portland all the time.


Georgia, I know how you feel. I'll be 62 this fall and I don't feel like it, except when my back really hurts. Getting the sleeve has made me so much healthier!


Cathy, I am so glad you're in your house!!


As far as adding anyone, I am totally against that. I want us to be able to read and post without feeling stressed that I am missing posts because I don't have time to read them all. If gamergirl wants a support group , she should start another group. She can call it anything she wants. Peole close to goal, People close to being a vet, whatever. She can PM the people she likes, and start a group.


Sorry if I have missed anyone. I haven't been able to get online. Bill is really sick. It's 2:30 am now, I need to go to bed. I'm having trouble too, with weight gain. Bill is such a bad influence, as far as fasting goes. It's a lot harder when there is someone eating around me. :(

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I think that something physically has changed for me but I can't put my finger on it and my symptoms aren't strong enough to point in a clear direction. I am working to maintain....to stop losing because I feel less robust, less strong and healthy. I am not exercising. None of it makes sense to me.

Yesterday my emotional state went downhill and I am really thinking about the events of the day to know why. It might be pointing to a personal relationship that I need to change. Today will be good though. I am excited about what I have planned.

Denise now that I live alone I have to arrange a caretaker for my place....much harder for me to get away. I also no longer have a place to stay in Portland. I do have a dear friend in Salem I want to spend time with. Want to take my horse down and ride with her but she just got a new job and can't take time off. I will go to Oregon someday it just isn't easy for me.

We have had a week of summer like weather....love it...though spring seems to be returning.

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I think I will order the Calcium chews... lately every time I take the pills I feel bad in my tummy... the feeling is like I had the first 6 weeks post op. Not like I am going to vomit, but mildly queasy and no appetite. I am having trouble staying hydrated even - not because I can't drink but because I have so little appetite for it. Yesterday I had a whopper of a headache and I realized I hadn't drank anything except coffee. I did eat well yesterday and part of it was I went to dinner at my favorite place and had a shrimp skewer which i always seem to like.

What is Bill sick from?

Did the sleep doctor help him with the CPAP issues? Sounds like things are overall going very well between you two which is great.

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So, I know some of us have been feeling a bit "low" lately. I think I would love us to refocus on "eating and living" right. I don't want to do 5:2 right now but i need support to reduce my coffee (AGAIN!) and improve my Vitamin and quality of eating AND resuming my high intensity of exercise. For me it doesn't matter if it is 5:2 or something else - but just to sort of get back on a healthy track.

I am backing away from my relationship with Steven. I thought i had ended it, but really hadn't and I guess I have mixed feelings because I am "Attached"... but he no longer makes me feel like a million bucks and I think that is a sign...

I might maybe possibly have met someone that is worth getting to know. Cautiously optimistic... he seems normal, fun, responsible, tall, handsome, fit, lives nearby, (bald, but I can live with that). He is yet another conservative republican but as long as he isn't mean spirited or racist about it - I am completey fine with that. Only time will tell. I have learned alot in this dating process and feel much wiser about how to approach it and I think also how to "Read" these guys as alot of em are flakey faking liars...ha.

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I think I will order the Calcium chews... lately every time I take the pills I feel bad in my tummy... the feeling is like I had the first 6 weeks post op. Not like I am going to vomit, but mildly queasy and no appetite.  I am having trouble staying hydrated even - not because I can't drink but because I have so little appetite for it.  Yesterday I had a whopper of a headache and I realized I hadn't drank anything except coffee.  I did eat well yesterday and part of it was I went to dinner at my favorite place and had a shrimp skewer which i always seem to like.


What is Bill sick from?

Did the sleep doctor help him with the CPAP issues?  Sounds like things are overall going very well between you two which is great.

I use the chewable caltrate chocolate that have vit d in them.  I've used the bariatric chews as well.  I need the vit d so badly though that I think these are better for me and you can get them anywhere.  Two a day provides 1200 mg I think

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Had a great fast Tuesday but not yesterday.  I am seeming to be able to only hang on to one fast a week and I can def tell it. 


Kim (and Brown and Coops)  mentioned about the 5:2 bootcamp "Fast Beach Diet" = I think that would be an excellent idea.  I wish it was out on Kindle so I could jump on it now.  I don't want to order the paperback. 


If anybody gets it - give us the synposis and how to proceed if anything different from original.  Iam game for a 6 week run if others are up for it.  Most of us have been "hit or miss" for a while now so might do all of us good to get serious about it again. 


I think Sheryl mentioned getting serious about healthy eating.  I agree.

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SherylJane - you mentioned that you are sort of continuously losing atm, and feeling less robust, and not exercising. I think your answer is there, in the not exercising. As I educated myself on lifting (y'all know how much I love my lifting!) I learned many things, one of which is that you can either eat less and not lift, or eat more and lift. The point being, that 90% of weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym. So, if you aren't working out, and you are eating skimpy, and are now of a normal body composition, it is not surprising that you are getting weaker.

I know that you, like myself, are battling bursitis brought on by improper training, how is yours healing? it has been over 2 months and I'm still in pain.

To Everyone, it sounds like we could all use a dose of fairytale, so I will tell you all about Jack and how we met...

I have used the dating website OK Cupid for a few years now, in fact with one exception, every single date I have been on in the last 2.5 years has been a result of OKC. In mid-February I changed locations in AFG and at first things went really really well and I was experiencing some wonderful revelations about my Self, in every way, plus my eating and fitness were really good and I had taken off all of the regain and hitting new lows so, I was in a very good head space. So, I went to OKC and rewrote my profile, I was finally ready to "come out of the closet" regarding my intelligence, my worldliness, my income. I rewrote the profile in the most genuine voice I had ever used, and I think the very next day, Jack approached me. Via the mechanisms of OKC I think I had seen him and read his profile and given him 5 stars so I received a notice saying that we liked each other, meaning that he had read my profile and given me a high rating as well. It was after that that he wrote to me. I wish I could remember what he said, or that I had saved the message, but I can't. What I can say is that even though I saw his profile pic, I read his entire profile before looking at the rest of the photos and loved everything he had to say for himself and didn't bother looking at the pics for a long time because it didn't matter!

He is so caring, so loving, so sweet ... he giggles and blushes and is so expressive, opinionated like I am, vulnerable with me, considerate... he also has sweet sweet warm brown eyes, unruly dark chocolate curls, long legs and a cute little butt ^_^

We started out by exchanging emails within the OKC messaging service, then it went to immediate OKC messages, then live chatting, then Skyping with video, we were both so nervous about that first session, to actually see each other, live, in real time! It was wonderful though and we quickly got over our nerves. At that point I was in Germany and preparing to be sent to the States, my plan was to come here to San Diego and stay with my friend for about 6 weeks, during which time I would have all the testing etc that I needed to get done that would be much more difficult up in the rural north. By now, we were so into each other that the idea of going 2 months without actually being with each other was unbearable, and he bought a ticket. He came down to SD on the 28th of April and stayed for a week and it was wonderful. It was, just right, even when we disagreed or had a miscommunication, we worked it out. Our photos we posted to Facebook no doubt made some people gag, they are so lovebirdy ;P but we don't care ^_^.

He went to all of my Drs appts with me and loves me regardless. A life together just feels so natural, we talk about children, about life and the future, we have both experienced trauma and have learned coping skills and communication skills as a result. He has also undergone massive weight loss though not via surgery, he has lost over 50lbs. He is a part of my life now and a day without seeing each other's faces literally makes us ill ^_^.

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Awww Florinda! I love that story! Thanks for sharing!!!

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Florinda, I was in need of a fairytale today, thank you! x

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I was on okay cupid as well. I think it's a good site. I like all the questions they have and it's fun reading people's answes.


Bill and I actually met on POF though. We met a couple of months before seeing each other as a couple. I had just broken up with Allen in October, and immeditaely went online looking at all the sites for people to date. I went on a lot of dates between October and January.


Bill has some sort of intestinal stomach bug. I just hope I don't get it.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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