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Just as a side note, I'd thought I would share this... I have thrown out all my 'fat pants'! My underwear draw is now fully of pretty knickers, some even with lace on! I even have two, yes you read that right, two sets of bra and knickers!

There you go ladies, I've said it...lol! x

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Go Coops!!!

That's one of the things I like about being thinner, all my underwear matches, be it everyday sets or something much nicer, top and bottom always match these days.

Staying with friends is OK but I can't wait to be in my own house. We move in on Tuesday and should get the key at 12 noon. Work have been very good in that they have given me a moving day (paid) which is great as I was scheduled for a 1-9 shift that day. I also don't work Wednesdays so I will have 2 free days to unpack boxes.

Happy Mothers Day to all you lovely ladies. Hey Coops we should have got in on the act and told our children that as we have so many international friends that we were going to Celebrate Mothers Day again today - well if the Queen can have 2 birthdays a year we can have 2 Mother's Days.

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Loving that idea Cathy - two Mother's Days! lol... I can just see there faces! My son would probably say something like 'How about NO!?!' lol!

Busy week for you next week but all good - hoping the move is swift and relatively pain free! Keep us posted! x

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Yes , good luck with the move Cathy. Finally, after 2 years, I have my boxes (other than some books to go through) I finally have all my boxes in out of the garage.


Sheila and Dee, I hope your funk is lifting!!

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Denise I think I read you have always needed a ppi. I stopped after the early weeks and have not needed until this very recent episode. I wonder how we really know the long term and how many need to revise to bypass over this issue?

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I just wanted to say how glad I am that we have this group. We can say anything we want here, and feel supported.


I had a pretty good day. There are some tall ships here from Washington, and we went on an evening cruise and then out to dinner. I don' t know why I seem to have more restriction lately. I ate about 3 bites of steak and very few veggies.


Does anyone else have a gas problem? It seems like no matter what i eat, I have the toots. It's so embarrassing.


Being a vegetarian... I would have to say yes.  some days not.... not sure what does it!

Just as a side note, I'd thought I would share this... I have thrown out all my 'fat pants'!  My underwear draw is now fully of pretty knickers, some even with lace on!  I even have two, yes you read that right, two sets of bra and knickers!


There you go ladies, I've said it...lol! x

I need to go through the underware again for sure!


Denise I think I read you have always needed a ppi. I stopped after the early weeks and have not needed until this very recent episode.  I wonder how we really know the long term and how many need to revise to bypass over this issue?

I remember seeing a study that showed a chart where gurd and weight gain went hand in hand after three years...not for everyone.

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Just had an interesting convo with the hubby... he too is having 'problems' with the scale... it is saying that he has put on 6lbs in a few days! Even though is jeans are looser... hmmm! He also had to weigh my son.. for his boxing... and H has put on weight too! Even though he clearly hasn't! - H needs to keep a check on his weight cos of his boxing matches.

Looks like it might not be 'me' after all!

So, on his instructions I am ordering a new set of scales - these are 4 years old and they have had a lot of hammer!

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Coops .... take this in a positive way... I am dying to go to Wales just to hear English spoken! :)

I had a wonderful weekend...Mother's Day with my 2 favorite people (my 22 and 25 YO baby boys)...horse back riding on my lovely lovely mare Mia with my best friend Mary...Steven telling me he loves me...(damn him anyway)

Besides all that I just feel so happy again. It's like the world is back in Technicolor....I love my life though I do have some new struggles. I will share those later.

Do want to say how important our little crew is to me. I think about all of you! Missing hearing from a few of you!

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Hahaha - Sheryl, Wales might not be the best place to hear 'spoken English' it is more Wenglish! But still, we'd love to see you here!

If you can watch 'Stella' (a welsh comedy) that will give you a, albeit very stereotypical, idea of Wales... and it is hysterical too!

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Fast day! So far so good. 

Coops, a new scale sound great! Hope it whispers sweet nothings in your ear next time you weigh in!

Sheryl, sounds like a perfect mothers day... you know, our best loves can come in unexpected packages. You never know!

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FYI Gamegirl has asked me if she can join the group. I told her that its really about 95% personal chit chat and support, and 5% fast diet. She said that what she really needs is  support. She is too close to surgery to be in the Vets forum and too far out to feel like she fits into the Newbie groups. Anyway, I said we were closed but I would hoist it up the flagpole and see if it flys... She said she would be interested in joining a new group if we form one.

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I'm fasting today... gonna smash it!

I don't know gamegirl... how far out is she? If no one wants a new member on this thread, perhaps a new one could be started and closed?

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Hi Ladies. The book is not available on the Kindle yet in the US and it takes forever to have it shipped. I am waiting one more week for the kindle version. But here is something I read on the Fast Diet web site


Here is a short summary of what I have gleaned so far…….

Mimi describes the FBD as a “short term, souped up strategy for summer” It’s approach is three pronged, based on way to:

- tighten up on fast days

- toughen up on non fast days

- tune in on any day

One of the ways suggested to tighten up on fast days is to try 4:3 but it is not the only suggestion. There is also suggestion to do 2-2 (based on Brad Pilon’s book Eat Stop Eat) which essentially means after a normal lunch on day 1 eat sparingly (or nothing at all) until a late lunch the following day . Extending the fasting window so rather than have say Breakfast at 7am and supper at 7pm missing breakfast or fasting from supper to supper. And being fastidious about your calorie quota.

On non fast days it is about holding back on indulgences and “superfluous snacks” and treats, cutting alcohol (entirely or reducing), eating less refined foods and cooking at home. Suggestions include following a more Mediterranean diet or even Japanese with more emphasis on healthy cooking (grilling, steaming, raw). Aiming to have meals based more around vegetables and reducing meat intake, being careful about portion sizes etc. There are lots of other great tips – some of which I have already done over the years like eating more mindfully and not having dinner on autopilot.

Then there is emphasis on quality of exercise and the suggestion to introduce 3 High Intensity Training (HIT) to your weekly exercise schedule. They also state it should be 3 max and give lots of suggestions on how to do this. Plus 2 strength training sessions incorporating push ups, lunges etc. on non cardio/HIT days. I suppose if you have Fast Exercise by Michael Moseley you could get the info there.

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Thanks for the summary Wanda!

I like gamergirl and would be okay with adding her but we don't talk that much about 5:2 here so I think it should just be a thread on the vets forum...

I went to the surgeon's yesterday, didn't get to see my surgeon but Dr Harris who is the guy who also does cosmetic surgery there. He is a general surgeon and has a couple of years experience with the sleeve... but not quite like seeing Billings or Landerholm who are the old hands.

Anyway, he thinks my issues are emotional... he suspects ulcers or gallbladder as "maybes" but I don't have real symptoms of either one. It was also good that he confirmed I am not "too thin" a barrage of which I have been dealing with lately that is just more pressure on the situation I don't really need. (My BMI is not low - I think around 23 but people around me think I am fading away) Anyway, we have a plan to try some things and next step is to be scoped if things don't resolve in a couple of weeks.

We also talked very briefly about face work. He suggested more fat injections in my cheeks to give a more youthful look - he thought that was the most bang for the buck so to speak. I hate my chin skin... it doesn't show up unless I am certain angles but then it looks like a wattle. He talked about the laser thing. What they do is zap out some fat cells which burns you under the skin. Then, you wear a binder while you heal and so the skin reattaches which gives you a "firmer" chin but doesn't actually remove extra skin from the chin. Nobody else but me seems to think i could benefit from that... so for now I might look into the cheek injections. I like the idea of maintaining a bit more youthful look... as we go... so you don't get that shocking change. I don't need a facelift yet so this is a good intermediary step.

So, I got private messaged from someone going over the edge... regretting surgery and afraid all she will ever be able to do is sip Water and eat 1 spoon of mush at a time etc. Seriously, she writes like a person on the verge of insanity. I feel like i don't have much to offer - I mean I so far have never regretted it. She weighed under 200# at time of her surgery and honestly, 200# was my success mark - if I made it under that surgery was a win for me. so, it is hard at times to relate to someone who started UNDER my initial goal. I sent her some encouraging words because I try to be a good person, but lord no wonder people like tiffykins and others moved on from here....

I am concerned about long term complications these days due to all the talk, but trying to manage that in a rational way and think about what I can do to prevent it rather than being "worried". I have not been taking my Calcium the last few months because i can't stand the IDEA of those huge pills while my appetite is so bad. I have to "steel" myself just to take tiny pills. Not because of physical restriction but because the thought of those things hitting my stomach just makes me go "blech" right now.

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Hello everyone, long time no comment, I know.

I spent 10 days in Germany, where I did not receive any of the care I needed. I was sent to the States and told that if I didn't get a certain piece of paperwork completed within a certain time frame, that I would be considered AWOL. At the very last possible moment, quite literally the 11th hour, they accepted my paperwork.

Now I must focus on filing for worker's comp and filing my formal complaints against the leadership and the neurologist in Germany. I arrived in San Diego on the 23rd of April and will stay here with my friend and her family till the end of May. She has two boys, 14 and 3, and it is insanity 24/7 - not the best environment for healing.

My Mom will come down at the end of the month and we will take a driving holiday north on the PCH, the Pacific Coast Highway, all the way up the length of CA. I did this drive when I redeployed from Iraq in spring of 2011 and it is stunning and beautiful, I'm excited to share it with her.

Since arriving here at my friends house I have eaten absolute junk and feel enormously fat in my skin. She talked a good game in the weeks before I arrived about wanting to get healthy and eat right, etc. but once it became a reality she wasn't as keen on the idea ;P I gave up on trying to get her and the boys to eat healthfully and instead have settled for just getting them to eat home-cooked meals.

Once I got here I found a neurologist and began having tests. I had a lumbar puncture last week, on wednesday, and by Mother's day I was in the ER with the kind of pain I can't even begin to describe, from the loss of cerebro-spinal Fluid, my brain was touching parts of my skull. I hope I will be able to get in to see the neurologist soon, before I leave, because I need a definitive Dx for my worker's comp file. Does anyone know how I should deal with having my diagnosing Dr so far away, when I am up north and he is here?

While I was in Afghanistan I started talking with an intelligent sweet young man; we started with e-mails, then live chatting, when I got to Germany we started Skyping and during the time I was there we would start and end our days with Skype sessions which worked out perfectly because I was 8 hours ahead of him (he was in OR).

By the time I was heading to CA, we were talking about him coming down to see me in San Diego because the idea of going another 2 months (minimum) before getting to see each other was just not an option. A week after I arrived, he flew down from Eugene OR. He stayed for a week and it was wonderful, exhilarating, revelatory, and comforting. I learned about his family, his pains and his joys, and he learned the same about me. He is such a natural part of me and my life. He knows about my medical issues, knows about my sleeve, knows my REAL AGE :P and hasn't run away ^_^. He is intelligent, thoughtful, romantic, respectful, considerate, tender, logical, expressive and has satiny lips ^_^. He is going to come down to Mendocino to help me move up to Seattle.

He loves my body, is not interested in me losing more weight, but is supportive in my health goals. He thinks I am beautiful, in every way. *sigh*

From today I have 17 days left here in SoCal, I have not stepped on a scale since I left my FOB and judging from my reflection in the mirror after the shower and how my underwear is fitting, I have a horrible certainty that I have gained 12 pounds v_v. So, it is back to Full Time VVLC. 17 days of that should take off this bloat and allow me to do 5:2 during the month I am with my Mom so, hopefully, I will be at a new authentic low by the time I see Jack again ^_^.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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