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Hey swizz... how are you doing? which airport are you at? I am online all day - I keep a personal laptop next to my work one for checking in. :)

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142 this morning. I am quite sure my tummy troubles are acid since it feels better after starting up a ppi. What a shocker, I hope this doesn't mean serious trouble is heading my way ala Susan and Irene

Steven was wowed - he noticed the weight loss and was the one that told me I am officially a skinny girl and to stop losing weight right now... perfect. I trust his judgment and it feels perfect to me too.

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I love our group too.


Dee we are here for you, please feel free to rant or complain or ask for encouragement, whatever you need!


I am struggling to take off my vacation gain. I really need to fast. I am so glad I was not in a relationship when I was doing 5:2. It was so much easier to fast when I didn't have a man around.


It's amazing that even though I don't work, my day seems so busy that I barely have time to clean my house. Between the gym taking up my morning, and going over to see my baby grand daughter, and Bill around most of the time, it's difficult to get time to myself.  I rarely even have time to check the rest of the board.


I feel really bad for recommending Dr. aceves to Irene. I really would like to know what went wrong.

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Denise, you shouldn't feel bad about Dr Aceves. I still have no reason to really believe he is a "bad" surgeon. I think that WLS has long term risks and we don't hear much about them because people just fade away.

I am a little scared too now. I am starting to suspect that my appetite and weight loss wasn't caused by mood problems but rather physical issues. I came home from Mexico thinking I maybe had picked up a bug... just a little off. It sorta came and went and then I started feeling depressed, not eating, weight loss. I didn't associate it at all with coming home feeling a little "off". I felt better but then worse again - only clearly NOT depressed just not feeling as good physically and then some tummy discomfort actually began. I did drink alot of alcohol during that trip - something everyday and I guess I am fearful i have injured my tummy somehow.

so now, I have no appetite, but if I make myself eat... I can eat normal amounts and feel fine. It is just hard to get started...

I am not wasted away to nothing, that isn't my fear, my fear is that I have a problem brewing. I will continue with the PPI and go from there but it is strange that I haven't needed a PPI in over 2 years and all of a sudden i do.

Okay, and here is the headtrip weirdness - i have been at goal for awhile. I had plastics 6 months ago, and am very comfortable with my body. It is losing this last 8-10# has really changed how I look. Steven was wowed, I get lots of looks from men and lots of "worries" from female friends. It is like that whole post massive weight loss headtrip thing, only it is over a few pounds. I don't really understand it - like I don't even see much difference, I think my waist has gotten smaller which just gives me more of a curve I guess. It has rocked my boat a little bit too.

Having said all that - it is so wonderful to not feel blue and that "drop like a rock" down at times. I do get lonely, but it is more of a normal feeling rather than it being devastating. What a relief.

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Interesting observations Sheryl - thanks for sharing them. If I am ever at goal or drop below it (wow what a concept lol) I think I would be so incredulous that just getting there will take ages to sink in. Still working on it and will be forever.

Speaking of sleeve sizes, my doc tends to use the larger bougie sizes - as the complications are much less in his experience. I know mine is a 40 - which is large compared to lots of folks on the boards. In reality if you have ever looked at the photos that compare the sizes next to one another - it doesn't seem like that much of a difference. My weight has settled right where my provider predicted it would - for me to get to goal I need to kick it in gear. My larger sleeve is not the culprit - creeping carbs, over the top work stress, lack of hydration and exercise are :)

I meet with my provider tomorrow for my two year follow up - looked at my bloodwork online and it looks good - ferritin and Iron look a bit low - so we will see what he says. I was in the hospital a week after surgery with internal bleeding, and ended up with multiple blood transfusions because my red blood cells (HCT - hematocrit) basically dropped to almost nothing.

Maybe I will need to eat more steak haha :)

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Hi Ladies. I am sure u have heard but the authors of 5:2 have put out a new book, the Fast Beach diet. Its a 6 week fasting Boot Camp. I suspect its the south beach diet on your noon fastin days. The book is 4.95 on Amazon.as much as I hate the term diet it is what we do. I'm gonna buy the book and let u know

To All the mother's enjoy your weekend! I hope you all get pampered and appreciated this weekend. Mother's day is one of the greeting card days I like.

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Oh Wanda, please do tell us what you think of the book!

Dee, I'm sorry you are struggling...me too. I just can't seem to get out of this funk I've been in...the funk where I just don't give a flying f*ck about what I'm eating. My weight is up, I can tell in my clothing as well as on the scale and I just don't know how to turn it around. :( So sending you hugs because I totally feel you sister...

Denise, I saw this and thought of your situation:


Coops, SOOOOOOOOO glad you had a good night out and NO hangover...that's awesome. So happy for you! No coffee? Or Tea? OMG I would just probably have a miserable day without my morning cup of coffee...you are amazing my friend!

Sheryl, I'm concerned because YOU are concerned. The lack of any sort of hunger, forcing yourself to eat, and just that general feeling that something is "off"...when is the last time you had labs done? Might be time to pull them (even if you had them done within the last 6 months) they might have a clue into what is going on.

Sarah, glad your hubby has pulled through and hopefully recovery is going well.

As for me, I just am not sure how to shake my funk...I've still been working out and already spent 4 solid hours at the gym this week came home just dripping with sweat (literally my hair looks like I've been swimming when I come out of spin class for an hour) and having a puppy means almost daily walks. So the exercise front is doing well, it's just the eating...I really could care less and I don't feel like tracking my food or fasting. And it's been a while that I've been feeling like this and not sure what to do about it. Any suggestions?

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I think I was probably in the Zurich airport when I posted that. I super HATE the Swiss lounge there cos it's like a small world and I see ex colleagues sometimes that I don't want to see. BUT, being in a 'thin suit' is like a disguise I swear, they never recognise me (or pretend to not see me like I do to them ;-), so I normally just am reminded of unpleasantness rather than having to actually speak to it... haha

I worry about complications too, particularly since I have acquired such bad habits lately. I've become unreasonably paranoid of getting an ulcer and dying of it. WTF? I think my jet-lagged, overworked brain is just looking for things to obsess over. I need some sleep so bad. My funk is probably 90 percent physical and I just need to get my shite together already. Sounds like a theme is going on here... Being in the US traumatizes me a little bit anyhow cos the TV news is so dramatic and scary, I try not to watch it, but there are TVs all over the place. I confess right out loud here, that I do NOT stay abreast of current events apart from the bare minimum. It really brings me down in a bad way. I don't need any assistance finding things to obsess over or existential crisis sources...

I think I have a big sleeve too -- they don't do small ones here either. In my last bloodwork, my B12 is low (can't remember if I already told you this, so bear with me) so I have to do injections. Fine, but they hurt and I hate that. And it's my first complication so I am trying not to think of it as the beginning of the end.

See? I told you I need sleep... Last night I slept like three hours. Been eating badly and not drinking enough (water, that is). Got super sick on the plane for some reason, no clue -- something I ate? I was at one point running up the aisle in biz class with my boss nearby, barfing into my hands cos it came on so suddenly. NICE.

I want to say something nice and helpful to everyone, cos that is by far my preferred way to feel/be in the world. I'm just in a bad headspace and stuck in GD work meetings all day today. I'm working my way through a whole dish of (individually wrapped...wut??) Jelly Bellys...so that's good.

Love to all. Let's get through this, shall we?

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Dee- why does seeing colleagues bring such a negative association, or is it just part of the "funk"? Do you have a good social network there? I lived in Germany for 20 months and in fact had my lapband there. While we had "friends" to socialize with it wasn't really a supportive network to be honest. Just an FYI - I completely avoid the news. I used to listen to NPR in particular and I just simply can't take it anymore. I didn't make a conscious decision to stop, but somewhere during my weight loss journey I simply turned it OFF. I feel like a dolt at times that I don't hear about anything going on, but my best friend knows i completely avoid the news so she informs me about expected natural disasters, sex predators on the loose or other things she thinks I need to know..haha.

I don't know if it is weight loss, age related hormonal changes or what... but my brain flipped a switch and what I do not read books much anymore, dropped the news habit .... it is like something is just different in how I concentrate and think.

In spite of my "worries" about my tummy, I actually feel so.much.better. I am on half a pill of lexapro everyother day - from what I understand not really a therapuetic dose for depression but enough for anxiety prevention. It is like a weight lifted. My true nature, my inner happy and optimistic person is shining through the vast majority of the time. I also wonder how much of my feeling "depressed" was caused by my physical problem and the lack of eating/not staying hydrated? It is really hard to separate the physical from the emotional.

I do think it is decreasing my sexual desire and response which may not be a bad thing.

I am forcing myself to eat and drink. I am no longer feeling stomach pain, but still no appetite. That is not how acid felt to me previously so even though the PPI is surely helping, I don't feel mentally "relieved" as i still don't think it is normal.

My life is going better overall though. Work has gotten almost too busy but I like the focus. I am feeling more content with my daily world. The days are getting longer, more nice days... summer is coming. I did that pants and jeans shopping trip. I have a business trip coming up and my work slacks all literally fall off me as I bought them 15-20# heavier. i could not believe it - across the board 6's fit or are too big - and that is normal levi's and other name brands not the crazy vanity sized White House Black Market store. Who woulda thunk given that at one time I actually wore 32W pants - shocker to even me.

Finding a real boyfriend... I don't know... not great progress. I met someone I really really really like but I realize that we have so little in common that I just don't think it has a chance of lasting even through the summer ... so I think I am going to not go to the "next step" with him. It is a tough conversation to have with someone that I like and enjoy his company so much.

Steven floats in and out of the picture, I thought we had more or less decided to part company but neither of us seems quite willing to do that just yet. I have mixed feelings - it is all part of my letting go process I think. I am not stressed by it, more find it an interesting observation.

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Reason I asked about your thoughts on the local support groups is that i am thinking about volunteering to lead one here. I would NOT do weekly, but perhaps monthly. I am only interested because i am considering career changes and I am thinking in the direction of "coaching" but don't know. This seemed like a good way to see how I really feel about that. I lead teams/meetings/people all the time so completely fine with getting in front of a group and experienced with facilitating and making stuff like this happen.

What I am not sure about is how annoying i would find it to have to be there and miss out on something fun in the sun..haha. Also, the "program" allows for other sorts of gatherings like something physical but must be so everyone can participate... which means a short slow walk. I probably wouldn't want to do that too often either.

For me, this topic would have been better in the winter, I jealously guard my outdoorsy time during the better weather seasons of about now through November.

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Hi guys, Wanda, cant wait to hear about the book, really , southbeach was one of the best programs going when I was fat. I still use parts of it daily. I might be willing to do a bootcamp if it was not toooo horrible.  I have managed two days of fasting this week... feel the desire and ability to follow through a little more than in the recent past... Did not lose any, but am at the pretty low part of the "bounce". Boy, I can really see clearly how stress brings on hunger... At least I can see it!  I am imagining myself 5 pounds lower... I think Sheryl is helping me to believe I can do it... I really just have to get over my resistance to getting back on track... I have been just doing what I need to barely stay at the top of my bounce range. Some great veggies coming to the markets is a good incentive for me to eat better.... Swiz, love the "thin suit" thing... sometimes I feel like Im wearing one too...


Hope you all have a nice moms day, Im going to a family potluck... they are asking me to bring something they have never eaten before....(I like to make Indian and such) Hope Florinda is doing well... Sent LauraVen a note, but nothing back yet....

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Yes, I am looking forward to hearing about the book too - funny, I just re read the original to see if I was 'doing it wrong' - not lost a pound in 6mths!Dec I reached my all time low and I can't get down there again...top of my bounce again now, even after being super dooper... this is getting old! I hate these long stalls... I don't mind slow loss... but the stall is doing my head in again!

Sheila, good to hear from you... with my eating and your work outs we have it sussed...lol... chin up my lovely. Let's hope the funk, funks off soon for you... it is an awful feeling.

Dee... do vent away! I also get what you mean by the 'thin suit' - I quite like not being recognise by certain peeps! It is a pity you couldn't do a pit stop over Wales... I would buy you a coffee... skinny of course!

Keep us up to date on you!

Hope everyone else is ok... we gotta keep going girls, the only way is forward! x

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I was looking around and I dont think the book has anything to do with southbeach... but getting ready to hit the beach! Its a 6 week boot camp with exercise and I think its 4:3 as well... A little kick in the butt might be just the trick!

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I just wanted to say how glad I am that we have this group. We can say anything we want here, and feel supported.


I had a pretty good day. There are some tall ships here from Washington, and we went on an evening cruise and then out to dinner. I don' t know why I seem to have more restriction lately. I ate about 3 bites of steak and very few veggies.


Does anyone else have a gas problem? It seems like no matter what i eat, I have the toots. It's so embarrassing.

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Kim. I think your right. Nothing to do with South Beach. I am waiting for it to come in the Kindle edition.I am interested and ready for a 6 week focus boot camp.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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