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My friend at the company says that the internal portal shows I am still scheduled for a phone interview, but it hasn't happened yet :(

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Ladies it is Mothers Day here in the UK so I'm having a nice day with my boys. I give permission for all you ladies to have an 'extra' Mothers Day, so grab a child and give them an extra hug.

Picture to prove it

Edited by UK Cathy

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Happy Mothers Day Cathy!! I hope you have a great day.


Not much going on with me. I am at Bills and it's been raining really hard all weeekend so we have been watching videos among other things (Wink)


I deleted every single person who I have not recognized as posting in here. I think Susan deleted herself because I didn't see her name on the list.


Everyone left on the list are active participants other than Cheri and LV. I hope they come back.

Edited by Oregondaisy

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It is really great to read some good posts... makes me feel happy!


Florinda, how cool is it to get to a new low.... looks like you have broken that set point, I hope you continue to go down.


Denise, thank you for maintaining this thread... and chuffed to Beans that you and Bill are cool... you do sound like a well matched couple.


Sarah and Wanda, I hope your parents are ok... I am dreading the day my parents start to 'feel their age'.  My thoughts are with you.


Chim - working in education is a political nightmare, those at the top forget that we ALL have the students best at heart.  I wish they would just let us do our jobs and jog on!  I hope you aren't feeling too stressed.


Sheila, not long before the college stuff is done and you get your life back... keep up the fast days my lovely friend.


Sheryl, skiing... you are a lot braver than I!  I remember doing it in school and I hated it!  I know it is great exercise but I am really clumsy on my feet so skiing and ice skating are things I tend to stay away from... but good for you for overcoming your anxiety and doing it!


Cathy, glad you enjoyed your Mothering Sunday... we don't really bother to be honest but my daughter did get me a pair of Dr Martin long socks that are proper cool!  Oh and the hubby got me some daffodils - the flower of Wales and one of my favs!

Georgia, Kim, Skinny  Oh God, who have I missed?  Why do I feel as if I have missed someone?  I hope you are well and getting those fast days under your belts!

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Things are ok here... I am feeling a little brighter in myself.  Work is my main source of stress at the moment due to exam pressures and getting the pupils ready. My daughter is also going through it too, so I have it at home and at work and I don't feel as if I am able to get away from that side of me... but it won't last forever, so I just have to keep plodding along.  As Georgia would say; 'this too shall pass'.

I have found a job in another school that I am going to apply for - I have completed my covering letter and nearly finished the application form - they have taken me hours but I am hoping that I will get an interview, even if I don't get the job that alone will be good experience and send a message to my current school.  Wish me luck!


I am still using the progesterone cream and my weight remains higher than I would like even with good fast days. The hot flashes are mostly gone so I do feel a little more rested in the morning as I am sleeping better and the incredible mood swings are not so incredible anymore...lol... they are still with me but I feel more in control now.  Just got a nasty cold/sinus infection that won't leave me alone... apart from that I am feeling a bit more like me.


 I am seeing 159- 162 now, so a few pounds have gone but more remain.  I have been seriously thinking about this whole goal weight and as much as I am sick to the back teeth on not losing or losing slowly and then gaining I have to be honest with myself and realise that I am not finished.  I am still too heavy for my small frame (yes I have remember that I do have a small frame.. small hands, small pelvis) I want to be a healthier weight for my height and age... I am going to keep going ... gotta pull myself up and try to be more positive.  Now, I know that isn't going to  be easy... but I have to do this for ME! I am not a quitter!  Surely my body has to respond at some point?


I've had a lovely weekend... I haven't done any serious work, which is the first time in weeks and weeks and that felt good.  I took my daughter and my mother out yesterday.  We went to look for a prom dress for Betty... she had an idea of what she wanted and I honestly thought that we would argue and lock horns and basically spend weeks and weeks hunting for the perfect dress.  But, I was surprised by her... we found a lovely shop in a near by town and the first dress she tried on was 'it'!  She tried others on for comparison but they didn't come near... my oh my, she looked so beautiful and grown up!  I got a little emotional but didn't show it - my mother is old school, hard as nails and I didn't want to cry in front of her over a dress...lol! 


I'm sorry that I haven't replied much lately... I do come on to read.  It is just that I haven't felt that good and didn't want to just moan and complain all the time.  As I say to my kids; if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything...lol!

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Coops, I have been working on my family tree and a whole branch comes from Wales. 


Robert Ap Hugh (Pugh)   Your 8th great grandfather Birth 1670 in Llanycil, Merionethshire, , Wales Death 3 Dec 1718 in Lower Gwynedd, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States

Here is the first one to come to America... my 8th great grandfather!

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Wow, Kim, I am so jealous that you are able to get that kind of information, that your people were documented! My great grandmother on my patrilineal side was Native American but she erased her history so well that I know absolutely nothing else, I don't even know the name her own Mother gave her, as her parents were killed in a cavalry massacre. I don't know where anybody on either side came from.

Feeling a strange sort of exhaustion the last two days, like I am coming out of heavy sedation, sorta floaty, wobbly, and like I could fall asleep any second. You know that feeling you get sometimes, when you wake up on the weekend from a great deel slumber, and you are briefly conscious before your body is? That is how I have felt all day, for two days. I don't know what it is, beyond the manifestations of stress. The recent change ups of the team, the leadership role I am now in, have all brought new stress levels, and I know that stress can lead to an MS exacerbation but... I just don't know.

Edited by Globetrotter

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Coops, I have been working on my family tree and a whole branch comes from Wales. 


Robert Ap Hugh (Pugh)   Your 8th great grandfather Birth 1670 in Llanycil, Merionethshire, , Wales Death 3 Dec 1718 in Lower Gwynedd, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States

Here is the first one to come to America... my 8th great grandfather!

 Whoa, that is awesome - Llanycil is North Wales I think!  Did you know that the Ap in Ap Hugh translates to 'son of' ... there are still a lot of Ap in the surnames although a lot drop it.

I'm well impressed that you managed to go back so far!  And you're a little bit welsh...lol!

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I have bits of a family tree too. My great grandmother was named pearl and she was full blooded Chickasaw Indian. That is all I really know on my dad's side although they are speculated to be German/Irish/English blend on top of that. My mother's lineage is fairly well known back a few centuries.... they haven't been in America that long... migrated from England in the late 1800s down one branch and from Ireland down another branch. My mom had the fairest skin, the bluest eyes and nearly black hair - a look I associate as being "celtic" looking.

I have had a series of bad news shared by friends over the last few days.

M's mother has advanced stage 4 cancer

T's mother died on Wed after a long illness (alzehiemers)

J's mothers cancer is back - now stage 4

My friend K has decided to leave her husband of 30 years. They are raising a granddaughter who is 5 which i think has triggered alot of old hurts at what a selfish guy he is who expects K to do everything while he reclines on the chair every evening. At least he is employed, although she has a more lucrative career.

Another couple of friends are my age and very unhappily married, though no kids. If their husbands turn up dead I will be suspicious, if you know what i mean.

You know what is sort of depressing to me? I have a really good life and i keep thinking that as I sort of recover from it all - the new body, the separting from my ex etc that I will really FEEL it. Really feel how wonderful it is. As best I can tell, most people (at least women near my age) have some sort of angst / major unhappiness / unsatisfactory element of their lives. I am coming to the conclusion that maybe "this is as good as it gets" which is sorta a bummer.

I have always been a grateful person, meaning low expectations and happy when things at least don't suck. I need to "refind" that mindset. I think it is good that my standards are higher now.... but maybe too high.

I had a super busy weekend and my knees and leg injury (from trainer at gym) are freaking killing me. I may have overdone it starting with the skiing all day thursday and then riding horses all day sat and sunday. The pain didn't start until Sunday night so I think I jumped off my horse wrong on Sunday and then it cascaded... grrr.


Edited by CowgirlJane

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New low! 160.2!!!! Please don't let this be a fluke!! The strange thing is, this is the new lowest low I've had since surgery, haven't weighed this in about 16 years, but seeing the number on the scale didn't give me the rush I thought it would. When I broke 200, when I hit 164 (the first time) I felt like a warrior goddess, I felt skinny and strong!! Now I saw it and was just like, "meh". What's that about? I was made acting team leader because my tl was removed due to his temper!!!! Does anyone know how to reopen a worker's comp claim?

Way to go! On both WL and team leader! Hoping the Seattle job comes through for you!,

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New low! 160.2!!!! Please don't let this be a fluke!! The strange thing is, this is the new lowest low I've had since surgery, haven't weighed this in about 16 years, but seeing the number on the scale didn't give me the rush I thought it would. When I broke 200, when I hit 164 (the first time) I felt like a warrior goddess, I felt skinny and strong!! Now I saw it and was just like, "meh". What's that about?

I was made acting team leader because my tl was removed due to his temper!!!!

Does anyone know how to reopen a worker's comp claim?

Congrats on the new low! Love it.... Glad you are team leader now.....who needs to deal with an ill tempered team leader. :P

The problem was Bill had not put the Cpap mask on and fell asleep. I tried to wake him up when he started snoring and told him to put it on. I don't think he was really awake but he got really angry so I just got dressed and left.

He was a mess the next day. He thought for sure I was going to break up with him.

H agreed that he needs to put it on as soon as he kisses me good night. We had several long talks after this about other stuff too that was very helpful so things are going great again.

Denise, I'm glad that you and Bill have worked things out. When people use the CPAP device, it actually helps them with their cognitive abilities and moods the next day. Oxygen deprivation creates havoc on our internal organs too causing exhaustion and depression. Life is so much better with a good nights sleep for both you and Bill....

My friend at the company says that the internal portal shows I am still scheduled for a phone interview, but it hasn't happened yet :(

Let us know when the interview is scheduled so that we can send positive energy your way.... :P It is frustrating waiting though.

Feeling a strange sort of exhaustion the last two days, like I am coming out of heavy sedation, sorta floaty, wobbly, and like I could fall asleep any second. You know that feeling you get sometimes, when you wake up on the weekend from a great deel slumber, and you are briefly conscious before your body is? That is how I have felt all day, for two days. I don't know what it is, beyond the manifestations of stress. The recent change ups of the team, the leadership role I am now in, have all brought new stress levels, and I know that stress can lead to an MS exacerbation but... I just don't know.

I've been feeling this way for the past couple of days. It's like I have no energy, my head in floating in space and I could fall a sleep too.I have a high stress level that today actually brought me to tears......:( So I'm being more vigilant at taking my Vitamins and walking more.....

Kathy and Coops I'm glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day...... Yayyyyyyyyy!

Kim I love your welsh heritage. My heritage is german and I someday want to go to germany and see where I've come from.

Georgia I hope your free from the shingles outbreak.

Too top it off, I realize that the past couple of weeks I have slipped. I am at 151.5 lbs today and it just makes me feel sick. I need a fast day tomorrow. Today I'm doing basically Protein and cutting way back on the sugar. I know that I am addicted to sugar and when things go down hill, I hit the sugar.....

Sheryl I too am looking at my life and wondering why I can't just be happy go lucky as I used to be. Now I'm also looking at my relationships with others and how my past has influenced how I think about others. I know it's about me and I'm working on changing some things.

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Wow, Kim, I am so jealous that you are able to get that kind of information, that your people were documented! My great grandmother on my patrilineal side was Native American but she erased her history so well that I know absolutely nothing else, I don't even know the name her own Mother gave her, as her parents were killed in a cavalry massacre. I don't know where anybody on either side came from.

Feeling a strange sort of exhaustion the last two days, like I am coming out of heavy sedation, sorta floaty, wobbly, and like I could fall asleep any second. You know that feeling you get sometimes, when you wake up on the weekend from a great deel slumber, and you are briefly conscious before your body is? That is how I have felt all day, for two days. I don't know what it is, beyond the manifestations of stress. The recent change ups of the team, the leadership role I am now in, have all brought new stress levels, and I know that stress can lead to an MS exacerbation but... I just don't know.

I hooked into Ansestery.com 14 day free trial, to see if I could find anything.. of course, the free is over and I am lost in ancestor land! My goal is to print a book for the family. My mom and dad are pretty much the last generation left from the old school... Im going through the photos with them before its too late... I sure don't know who anyone is in the photos. If you have even your mom and dads birthday and place of birth, any grandparents names... the application does a lot of the work looking stuff up for you... census info, death and birth certificates... and with some work other clues... I though my family came over later as well, some of them did, but it is pretty amazing how long many families were here... before the Revolution.... I have found 2 slave owners :( , a couple of Quakers, some transport ship names.... but hardly any personality.... a few stories.... that is the interesting part, and that is the part that is lost... almost lost... I haven't the time to interview my folks about everything, but trying to get a word now and then... and the best surprise? All the animals. I have pics of people on horseback, with wagons, with dogs, with cats and even a goat pulled cart full of kids. I dont know who many of these people are, but I think I will put a collage together with the animal pics... love them. I know animals are a big part of my life, and I relate to them.

Whoa, that is awesome - Llanycil is North Wales I think! Did you know that the Ap in Ap Hugh translates to 'son of' ... there are still a lot of Ap in the surnames although a lot drop it.

Coops, I have been working on my family tree and a whole branch comes from Wales.

Robert Ap Hugh (Pugh) Your 8th great grandfather Birth 1670 in Llanycil, Merionethshire, , Wales Death 3 Dec 1718 in Lower Gwynedd, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States

Here is the first one to come to America... my 8th great grandfather!

I'm well impressed that you managed to go back so far! And you're a little bit welsh...lol!

I see the ap in the name, and verch must be daughter of?

I have bits of a family tree too. My great grandmother was named pearl and she was full blooded Chickasaw Indian. That is all I really know on my dad's side although they are speculated to be German/Irish/English blend on top of that. My mother's lineage is fairly well known back a few centuries.... they haven't been in America that long... migrated from England in the late 1800s down one branch and from Ireland down another branch. My mom had the fairest skin, the bluest eyes and nearly black hair - a look I associate as being "celtic" looking.

I have had a series of bad news shared by friends over the last few days.

M's mother has advanced stage 4 cancer

T's mother died on Wed after a long illness (alzehiemers)

J's mothers cancer is back - now stage 4

My friend K has decided to leave her husband of 30 years. They are raising a granddaughter who is 5 which i think has triggered alot of old hurts at what a selfish guy he is who expects K to do everything while he reclines on the chair every evening. At least he is employed, although she has a more lucrative career.

Another couple of friends are my age and very unhappily married, though no kids. If their husbands turn up dead I will be suspicious, if you know what i mean.

You know what is sort of depressing to me? I have a really good life and i keep thinking that as I sort of recover from it all - the new body, the separting from my ex etc that I will really FEEL it. Really feel how wonderful it is. As best I can tell, most people (at least women near my age) have some sort of angst / major unhappiness / unsatisfactory element of their lives. I am coming to the conclusion that maybe "this is as good as it gets" which is sorta a bummer.

I have always been a grateful person, meaning low expectations and happy when things at least don't suck. I need to "refind" that mindset. I think it is good that my standards are higher now.... but maybe too high.

I had a super busy weekend and my knees and leg injury (from trainer at gym) are freaking killing me. I may have overdone it starting with the skiing all day thursday and then riding horses all day sat and sunday. The pain didn't start until Sunday night so I think I jumped off my horse wrong on Sunday and then it cascaded... grrr.


As my friend Jack says "We're in the Zone" meaning old enough to start seeing the end stages of life all around us... I just saw this on Facebook, and thought you might like....

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty Mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles roll

ed into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full.. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes.’

The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.The students laughed..

‘Now,’ said the professor as the laughter subsided, ‘I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things—-your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions—-and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.. The sand is everything else—-the small stuff.

‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’ he continued, ‘there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.

Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn.

Take care of the golf balls first—-the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented. The professor smiled and said, ‘I’m glad you asked.’ The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.

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How to catch up? Read through all the posts and it amazes me how very eclectic this group is. Just shows you CAN get along with different temperaments! Ha! Well, we DO have space. :). Spent the weekend with my YaYa friends and hubs. There are five of us that are lifelong, fast friends. We went back to the duck lodge retreat center that is in the middle of nowhere but a gorgeous setting in a big log cabin lodge with chefs who prepare full blown means and Desserts three times a day. Needless to say, I am ROLLING in the door at my arrival home! Homemade bread pudding, pound cake, biscuits and gravy, quiche, to name a few. :( Oh so good and oh so many calories! Sarah! I DID NOT weigh this morning! ( she said she does the same thing. Thinking we can ignore it if we've been bad. Ha!). And no, FYE, I did not log it in MFP either. Lol. But, I am going to try to defeat the carb monster this week and get back on track. The sad thing is the very first night - 3 hours into weekend- one of the Yayas got a phone call that devastated all of us. Her precious SIL, only 55, was found by her husband dead at their home. Thinking it was a heart attack. She had been sick at stomach at noon and he brought her some Gatorade to help settle her stomach. Called about four no answer. Called back a few mins later still no answer. Left his job and rushed home. Found her in the BR, slumped over dead. Her hands were still warm. Tried to revive. Called Aran across the street and 911 but she was gone. She had suffered from crippling RA for many years but was doing great lately. One daughter just had first baby and the other one has 2 year old and is pregnant with 2nd. So sad but she had a great life and family. Funeral today. So we lost one couple quickly from our trip. It was a good, and food filled weekend. Lol Glad to hear from most all. Florida, excited about possible Seattle gig. Praying for phone interview to come through and New low, Florinda and Coops! Happy birthday, Kathy! And happy Mothers Day (?) to all the "other side of the ocean" folks. I can't wrap my head around the fact that Mothers Day is on different month than ours. Hmm. Haven't read the info you posted yet, OD, but I will. As to the discussion of hormones and um, dryness, I HAVE to have that with my Dr next week when I go. Discomfort is just a mild adjective for me unless it's, um, "non-entry" sex! If you know what I mean! Ha! Suits me. But not the hubs all the time. Plus, I NEED some hormones. Hair loss is tremendous. Interesting facts, FYE. I have knowledge of the Native American side (Eagle is my maiden name!) but haven't researched Moms side. Need to. Swizzly, how are you feeling? Wanda, can't wait to read your play. The story of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz has always been my favorite. "Whither thou goest, I will go..." M2G, Yaay on the Fast Day! Hopefully, I do well this week. Managed a good one day fast last week. Sheryl, girlfriend, you have got to get some moderation in your escapades! Lol. It's all or nothing with you. Jealous of the skiing. One day I am going to conquer my fear and do it! Came away from the weekend with all these trips I want to go on and friends texting me to go on cruises! Not enough Time to do it all and still work! I need to be independently wealthy. (Ain't happening). Happy Monday (or whatever day you happen to be in) to all! Let's do this!


And yes, Ms Skinniness, I am mostly shingle pain free. A little this morning but manageable and none over the weekend.

Edited by Georgia

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I hooked into Ansestery.com 14 day free trial, to see if I could find anything.. of course, the free is over and I am lost in ancestor land! My goal is to print a book for the family. My mom and dad are pretty much the last generation left from the old school... Im going through the photos with them before its too late... I sure don't know who anyone is in the photos. If you have even your mom and dads birthday and place of birth, any grandparents names... the application does a lot of the work looking stuff up for you... census info, death and birth certificates... and with some work other clues... I though my family came over later as well, some of them did, but it is pretty amazing how long many families were here... before the Revolution.... I have found 2 slave owners :( , a couple of Quakers, some transport ship names.... but hardly any personality.... a few stories.... that is the interesting part, and that is the part that is lost... almost lost... I haven't the time to interview my folks about everything, but trying to get a word now and then... and the best surprise? All the animals. I have pics of people on horseback, with wagons, with dogs, with cats and even a goat pulled cart full of kids. I dont know who many of these people are, but I think I will put a collage together with the animal pics... love them. I know animals are a big part of my life, and I relate to them. I see the ap in the name, and verch must be daughter of? As my friend Jack says "We're in the Zone" meaning old enough to start seeing the end stages of life all around us... I just saw this on Facebook, and thought you might like.... A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty Mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles roll ed into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full.. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes.’ The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.The students laughed.. ‘Now,’ said the professor as the laughter subsided, ‘I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things—-your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions—-and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.. The sand is everything else—-the small stuff. ‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’ he continued, ‘there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn. Take care of the golf balls first—-the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand. One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented. The professor smiled and said, ‘I’m glad you asked.’ The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.

Love this, FYE. I'm feeling more and more this way. The "window"is now! I want to end up with memories not "wish I hads!"

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The only time it is "nothing" with me is when I am under medical orders to not do anything. I was even like that as on obese person! haha. I need chill pills if anything.

Riding all day long 2-3 days in a row is no big deal for me, I think I made a mistake in how I jumped down on Sunday - probably combined with the after effect of skiing is what is causing my knee pain. The thigh thing - that is due to the trainer at the gym and I am having a hard time forgiving.

And yes Dorrie, I wonder why I can't be just happy to be alive and have a job and a good family and friends. I AM happy, I think I just keep expecting it to turn into stars and fireworks or something. My own theory is that I don't have the food to "calm me down" anymore and I just haven't found a new balance.

Oh well - I really am doing fine, I just want EXCELLENT and I am tired of settling. I think finding the right balance - I "settled" too much in the past and probably not enough in my present. I'll get there.

Edited by CowgirlJane

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
      · 0 replies
      1. This update has no replies.
    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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