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Yeah Georgia!!!!

So, I have had a bit of a tummy ache since Saturday. Nothing horrid, but just not 100% - slight headache, a bit of diarrea and what is really concerning that I don't want to go anywhere. i am usually the queen of "go" and I am feeling lower energy. I correlated with a bit too much tequila on Friday but since it is now Wednesday I am thinking that i should be over THAT issue. I am also bloated and fat feeling from the trip, but even that doesn't normally slow me down. I am worried that I picked up a "bug" in Mexico. Drank bottled and purified Water but because my friends live like locals we did eat at taco places frequented by locals. I got a good look into one of those kitchens... not the cleanest thing i have seen that is for sure.

Monday and yesterday I was unbelievably hungry and ate all day.... munched on veggies if nothing else. Today my appetite is decreased, which is good, but may also be a symptom of something not being quite right.

Dang it, how long should i wait before contacting my doc? I am supposed to see Steven this evening and you know I am feeling crappy when I don't want to do THAT....lol. Right now, I just want to take a nap.

I had a super stressful meeting today at work... I am taking over a VERY technical project that I don't understand all that well so it is a real challenge. That normally invigorates me but not today... I am just not myself.

I still love Mexico and my trip... just feeling icky.post-122684-0-76705400-1395263285_thumb.jpg post-122684-0-13552600-1395263313_thumb.jpg

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Yeah Georgia!!!! So, I have had a bit of a tummy ache since Saturday. Nothing horrid, but just not 100% - slight headache, a bit of diarrea and what is really concerning that I don't want to go anywhere. i am usually the queen of "go" and I am feeling lower energy. I correlated with a bit too much tequila on Friday but since it is now Wednesday I am thinking that i should be over THAT issue. I am also bloated and fat feeling from the trip, but even that doesn't normally slow me down. I am worried that I picked up a "bug" in Mexico. Drank bottled and purified Water but because my friends live like locals we did eat at taco places frequented by locals. I got a good look into one of those kitchens... not the cleanest thing i have seen that is for sure. Monday and yesterday I was unbelievably hungry and ate all day.... munched on veggies if nothing else. Today my appetite is decreased, which is good, but may also be a symptom of something not being quite right. Dang it, how long should i wait before contacting my doc? I am supposed to see Steven this evening and you know I am feeling crappy when I don't want to do THAT....lol. Right now, I just want to take a nap. I had a super stressful meeting today at work... I am taking over a VERY technical project that I don't understand all that well so it is a real challenge. That normally invigorates me but not today... I am just not myself. I still love Mexico and my trip... just feeling icky.

Yep,sounds like you might have a touch of a bug. Maybe try some "defizzed" Sprite or 7up and a few crackers.


You look very cute in the pic and that Water!!!!!!

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Thank you - I have so many wonderful photos but I cannot figure out how to post directly from my phone to here so I happened to have a couple i had hassled onto my ole laptop.

A follow up- a real compliment. One of the techie guys called me this afternoon and asked me to expand the scope of my project management. He told me that he liked my humble style and that i ask all the right questions. He is so frustrated with how this big very complex initative is moving forward - or not - (I only own a portion of it currently) that he is looking for an overall Project manager. I don't think I can take it on due to my workload - but it was quite a compliment coming from that very strong technical team lead.

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Well, just had to share this NSV with my pals. Somebody gave me a beautiful Brighton belt about four years ago. Of course, you know I couldn't remotely wear it!


Today, almost four years later I have it on! I couldn't even wear it when I reached goal the first time! Thanks, 5:2 and an additional 10 pounds down! I seriously couldn't believe it when I just reached for it today and buckled it right up!!!!



Cute skirt too!


Those pics of your boat time look great! I have a friend that is talking about renting a house in Mexico (maybe Porto Viallarta or something like that) or a month March of next year... and inviting friends to come by... she is choosing a great bird watching area so we can go and do that... I have not been to Mexico for year... starting to save up now!

Edited by feedyoureye

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Hi ladies!

Sheila, the phentermine is an appetite suppressant and it was part of the original phen-fen combo - its that part that does not make your heart valve go wonky. In a nutshell it completely removes the desire to eat for me - which is the help with de-carbing that I seem to have needed.

I always leave my ticker at my lowest weight (which feels deceitful) - but I had popped up by about 13 lbs and have been quite ashamed about it. I am feeling in control for the moment and I am 9 lbs down from last week. The lowest weight I have been at since November. I should reach my ticker number soon - oh you can be sure I will trumpet that to you guys lol.

My surgeons office highly recommends Phentermine to both pre-and post op patients - I know that many folks cycle the use of it to keep it effective (say 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off etc.) It is a class IV Drug so insurance often will not pay for it (this last time it did - Obamacare maybe?) and it cannot be called in for refills - a new scrip must be handed to you in person each time. Its pretty much like an amphetamine - and it works, but I dont take it all the time - and I dont think it is meant to be taken for long streches.

You should ask your doc about it - my GP doesn't feel comfortable prescribing it - so the WL providers do - and those guys don't like to do refills for my Klonopin (benzo). I have quite the custom mixture precisely tailored to amp my dopamine...because I am an addict and it helps with my food addiction.

Here's Wikipedia:


Mechanism of Action

Phentermine has some similarity in its pharmacodynamics with its parent compound, amphetamine, as they both are TAAR1 agonists.[8] Phentermine works on the hypothalamus portion of the brain to stimulate the adrenal glands to release norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter or chemical messenger that signals a fight-or-flight response, reducing hunger. Phentermine works outside the brain, as well, to release epinephrine or adrenaline, causing fat cells to break down stored fat, but the principal basis of efficacy is hunger-reduction. At clinically relevant doses, phentermine also releases serotonin anddopamine, but to a much lesser extent than that of norepinephrine.[9]

I am getting a Shingles vaccine as soon as I possibly can! That does not sound like something to mess with.

Georgia - lovely pictures, wishing your family the best for their future happiness and security. Your outfit is stunning - so smart and stylish, I love it!

Globe and everyone - I can absolutely relate to the food addiction issues. I have been reading a lot of 12 step, OA stuff and it is like reading my own story, the drive for booze, drugs, food, sex, gambling, what have you all comes from poor brains starved of the proper chemicals due mainly to genetics (dopamine receptor).

I know the war with food and weight and loving ourselves and taking good care will always be with me - I guess remembering to take pleasure in the little things like ordering skinny jeans from a favorite catalog (when you could only dream about those clothes before surgery) and even having your shoes become too small to wear are pretty cool signposts of triumph on this bumpy old road.

I stopped in at my old job to say hi to a few folks I haven't seen in about 9 months and one women who knows me well literally did not recognize me at all - there was a completely blank look on her face when I walked past her and greeted her by name. I have colored my hair, but I wasn't aware that I look that different - I guess I do lol.

Sheryl - you may not feel hot right now but by jove you are smokin hot in your vacation pic ;)

We are going on a cruise to Mexico sometime next year and I think I am already planning out outfits.

Edited by Chimera

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I meant to say having your shoes become to BIG to wear :)

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Wow, Phentermine sounds like the drug for me :/

I did NOT start my day off right,and it is the fault of ye olde scale-beast and this was a particularly cruel trick; I haven't been on it in a long time because I had fallen off a carb cliff and was resetting with 5 day pouch, I went to the bathroom, then stepped on the scale. It said 160 and a thrill went through me! But I always double check, so I put the scale in a different position on the pretty even laminate floor, and it said 165. !@$^&^#*@@!~#&*!!@!@$#%$!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got on and off several more times and every time, 165. Stupid fu**er piece of $h!t machine. Yes the batteries are fresh. >.<

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I didn't read the whole article, but the summary. I think it is very intriguing and interesting. What I would say about myself is I sometimes have some elements of the addictive behavior with food but not all or even most of the time. Example, I do NOT get anxious if planned eating (or overeating) is interupted. In fact, a phone call to a friend can get my mind totally off food. Food I think for me fills a gap at times... but if i can find something better to fill it, I readily do that. What troubles me about myself is that I am often looking for SOMETHING to fill a gap. Slowly, overtime, it is getting better though. The last few days, due to my tummy troubles I have had quiet evenings at home with no need to fill my time, my heart or my feelings with anything other than petting my dogs, watching a documentary or two and just relaxing and getting a decent night's sleep.

Then, last night i had to run errands and I did them efficiently without looking for distractions (like clothes shopping, or stopping at starbucks). These seem like small things, but I think it is healthier behavior to not always be looking for something to fill a gap. This is one reason I have quit all the online dating crap as it just seemed like a distraction, and an annoying one at that. I have actually quit or reduced a couple of online things.. as they are time wasters not really rejuvenating activities.

My friend in Mexico told me that I seem stressed out compared to how I used to be. I thought alot about that - and compared myself to say 5-10 years ago. My conclusion is that I was the master at hiding how I really felt (stay calm while the Titanic is lurching) whereas stripping away food as a way to manage emotions mean they reach the surface. You know it is interesting, there may be people that liked the obese, calm, cool and collected alot more than the "thin" and more "real" me, but most of the feedback I have received from people is that I am so approachable and real. Even at work, to have someone call me and tell me that he wants me to lead this huge technical project - mostly because I am humble, ask the right questions and create the environment where a team works together. I feel like that is the real me - curious, people oriented and all those things are allowed to bubble up now.

I also decided my friend is on retired mexican time which means a big day is going to the grocery store AND roasting coffee Beans all in one day..haha.. her point of reference has changed. She had one of the most stressful daily lives when she lived up here of anyone I know.

I am continuing to emotionally evolve though and am shocked at how much my mindset has changed over the last year even.

anyway, Florinda I am curious if you feel that the addiction description fits you pretty well or ? I am also curious how people really solve addiction issues since I definately have elements of it too. I am not all that certain that counseling does although some of you may have evidence to the contrary.

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Oh, and I am wondering how everyone is doing... been very quiet on here lately!

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Attempting to fast today, yesterday I ate nothing but Cookies, in one giant midday binge. My emotions are all over the place; my Mom found a house in town which is wonderful but it also means she will be leaving the neighborhood that our house was in - when she had to sell after my Dad died she was able to move into a camper just one street over. We lived out in the country about 15 min outside of town, now she will be moving into town. Staying just a street over from our house made it easier somehow, the same drive "home" every day, being in physical proximity seemed to make the loss less terrible. She said that when she found this new place in town that she new it was right, it was what she had been looking for, waiting for, and that night she said out loud to my Father, "I'm ready David, I'm ready for you to come to me in a dream". For 14 months she had actively been telling him no, she wasn't ready, he better not try to reach her in dreams, and he didn't. Now she was ready, she told him, and he did. Her recounting this to me, and telling me of what she dreamed, just broke my heart and I just lost it, total sobbing, snot pouring sort of crying. Totally freaked my team out. Since then I have been just empty, forlorn, and listless.

I feel hugely fat, am petrified to step on the scale, haven't fasted in ages, haven't worked out because of that iliac crest injury, work is overwhelming, feeling incapable and irritable. Just tired of all of this bullshit, just want to get a job that will allow me to go home.

Change is very hard. I'm happy to hear your mom is in a better place emotionally and will or has moved to town. At least you will have people around her to help if she needs assistance. I hear that you are mourning the loss of your father. It is very a very complex emotional turmoil. Sometimes I have found myself eating just to eat those high carb foods. I really beat myself up for it too...... So sad when this happens. :(

Weekend wedding is a done deal! Went beautifully. I'm trying to get some rest this afternoon and de stress. Shingles are "manageable" today and I'm praying that I've turned the corner so to speak. Since meds are over. :)

Here are a couple pics of my beautiful girl and her family!

That's my boy, Corey, and my Grand, Drew, also!

God is good!

What a beautiful family! I can't believe that with all you've been through with your shingles that you were able to host a wedding.....you did a great job too I must say.....CONGRATS! I pray that your shingles go away permanently and I am so encouraged to go back to my PCP and insist on getting a shingles vaccine. :P

I am back but scared to step on scale...retaining Water and carb cravings. It's ok had a great great trip. I wore a freaking swimsuit in PUBLIC and nobody fainted.

I came home to a mountain of problems that I don't even want to talk about yet. Sorry to read of all your woes too...

I wish to share an epiphany. I could retire in central America or Mexico soon. Very soon. And maintain a very acceptable lifestyle. You know what I would have to give up? My ability to support and bail out other people (kids, men, other family etc) like I have done my whole life. The idea frightens me...which I find an interesting self awareness observation. I am not taking any actions on any of this....just sayin.

You look absolutely amazing! What a wonderful trip you had. :P

Heres a good one, my General Doc asked me to lose 5 more pounds (not because I'm fat, but to try and get my cholesterol numbers down a little) and I am starting to feel like a failure. I know its silly, but I am just not ready to make any more changes than I have already to lose 5 more pounds. I have been savoring maintenance... I have NEVER been in maintenance before.... I was kind of liking it and feeling normal and proud for a change. Its only 5 pounds, and really, the funny feeling is just in my head... but I do feel like I am closer to rebelling and sabotaging myself a little bit more from it... I really want to avoid taking statins if I can do it in another way, but the timing is just wrong.

Your doc thinks losing 5 lbs will help lower your cholesterol. Hummm, my #'s are a coupe digits over the goal and my PCP wants me taking statins. So I'm taking the Red Wheat Rice which is a natural source. I need to go have blood work up done. However, when I log everything into MFP my fat ratio is way up there. SO I think I need to cut the fats out.....we will see.....

Heres a good one, my General Doc asked me to lose 5 more pounds (not because I'm fat, but to try and get my cholesterol numbers down a little) and I am starting to feel like a failure. I know its silly, but I am just not ready to make any more changes than I have already to lose 5 more pounds. I have been savoring maintenance... I have NEVER been in maintenance before.... I was kind of liking it and feeling normal and proud for a change. Its only 5 pounds, and really, the funny feeling is just in my head... but I do feel like I am closer to rebelling and sabotaging myself a little bit more from it... I really want to avoid taking statins if I can do it in another way, but the timing is just wrong.

Yeah, I can understand that. And BTW, why is it when I get to where I want to be I tend to sabotage myself and ease off? Ha! Me and the PB crackers are living large right now. Fighting to stay in my bounce zone but I really want to just "enjoy" a little too much.

This is so true. I am my own worst enemy and am finding myself sabotaging myself with eating junk due to my emotional state....or environment. I really just want to eat the foods that I enjoy and don't want to stop. But thank goodness for my small stomach...LOL

Wow, Phentermine sounds like the drug for me :/

I did NOT start my day off right,and it is the fault of ye olde scale-beast and this was a particularly cruel trick; I haven't been on it in a long time because I had fallen off a carb cliff and was resetting with 5 day pouch, I went to the bathroom, then stepped on the scale. It said 160 and a thrill went through me! But I always double check, so I put the scale in a different position on the pretty even laminate floor, and it said 165. !@$^&^#*@@!~#&*!!@!@$#%$!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got on and off several more times and every time, 165. Stupid fu**er piece of $h!t machine. Yes the batteries are fresh. >.<

This was happening to me a lot. I really wanted to throw the scale out the window.....I am still at my high bounce so now I'm thinking it's just my norm now. :o

I have been really busy trying to get myself organized. Having emotional fears come up with family and it's not easy to deal with.... :wacko: No matter how much I tell myself it's not my issue, it still scares me. I have no control over other people...... :angry: If I did, it woul be so much easier...

I can't seem to stay on my fast days.....I work for my friend and I get so angry because her meth head friend is so obsessed with food that it pushes all my buttons.....it's really crazy making to the point where I told my friend I can't work with her friend and the obsessiveness of junk cr** and still take care of myself.....

sorry for the rant but it's so frustrating...........

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I, too, am having somewhat hard time sticking to fast day cals. I've been coming in around 600 so I'm okay with that but my Non fast days are out of the roof !!!!!! Seriously, yesterday ( day after fast) started well. oatmeal for Breakfast and then lean cuisine lunch with small snack THEN went to small group meeting and had small amt spaghetti, 4 green bean bundles (small), piece garlic toast and A BIG PIECE of homemade strawberry cake! Came home and the GB bundles BLEW OUT OF me! Lol. Seriously, grrrr osssss! So then once settled down, I proceeded to eat four packages of PB crackers! Ha!!! I think I wound up at 2500 calories!!! GOOD LORD!!!!!! That's not a norm but again, Good Lord, Georgia!!!

Edited by Georgia

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I hear ya Georgia.... I am fasting today... trying REALLY hard to stay on track.... I have a desert planned in the PM to help me pull through at the end of the day.... Good luck, to me! I am up 2 pounds over my bounce.... I have been eating salty stuff, I hope my fast day will get me back into the range. I feel fat!

Edited by feedyoureye

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I hear ya Georgia.... I am fasting today... trying REALLY hard to stay on track.... I have a desert planned in the PM to help me pull through at the end of the day.... Good luck, to me! I am up 2 pounds over my bounce.... I have been eating salty stuff, I hope my fast day will get me back into the range. I feel fat!

Yep! And my BP was a little bit high normal. My PCP said probably caused by pain and to cut salt etc. Umm, well....

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Do you have a Fred Meyer or Krogers around? We have Freddies around here and they sell a yogurt called "CarbMaster" - it is low carb and very creamy. I try to use that as dessert and add a few berries too.

I give all this advice - but I am struggling this week myself. I feel better today but just feel like I am not eating quite right yet. Hungry, not hungry, eat too much, eating till full which violates my sleevie rules...all that stuff. This morning I hit 156... yes under my official goal but damn, still 8 pounds up from where i was not long ago... not sure how THAT happened! What I remind myself is that most everybody struggles a little with weight maintenance so we just have to keep up the good fight!

I noticed when I was on vacation that all the gringo women (retirees or partially retired mostly) were STICK THIN. I mean really skinny. I felt kinda chubby compared to them and wondered what the heck.... i started thinking about a certain crossroads at middle age many people hit. Spare tire or stay trim. The obese probably just don't live that long. Anyway, it was an interesting observation. I honestly like how I look just fine since a few curves are sexy and womanly in my eyes anyway. Conversely, in the small town my friends live in they estimate that 80% of the local people have type II diabetes. I was shocked to hear that, but they have a real problem with recent influences of colas and other horrible foods becoming central to people's diets and there were alot of overweight local people around.

I got a high blood pressure reading at my doc last time. I asked them to retake it 5 minutes later and sure enough... it was normal. I sometimes think that they have you moving around and talking and stuff and who knows what causes variable readings. I used to have borderline BP and have a home monitor (don't use it anymore). One thing I learned is to never trust a single reading... too many reasons it can be off.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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