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Oh my, Denise and Sheryl... I hope you are both ok after your 'adventures'... talk about stress. I hate it when things don't go to plan... hope you are both ok.

I messaged Sheila, she's ok - back to school and has been busy with studies and family life... she said to say Hi and that she'll try to pop on as soon as she can.

Things are ok here... Hywel is doing well, and we talk about Gary when he wants to. He went training Friday, and Gary's eldest son was there... I think this was good for Hywel to see... that life goes on and that is what Gary would of wanted. Boxing was his life and he would be proud to see the boys train hard. The funeral is the 21st Feb, Hywel wants to go to say goodbye and I am hoping that work will be kind enough to allow me to take him (they are really strict with time off and not very compassionate) - the funeral is in Abergavenny, where hubby polices, so as he is on days he is hoping to attend and meet us there - I think Hywel and I will need him with us to be honest. I am finding the loss difficult to get my head around, so God only knows how Hywel is processing it!

On a better note, my daughter Betty is away this weekend with police cadets, she'll be home later... I am so proud of her doing this.

Oh and our boiler went bang... no heating or hot Water for two days does nothing but promote a bad mood - luckily it is fixed now but we do need to replace it... We really do need to spend some money on our house as we have neglected it for years... things are getting old and need replacing.

On a 5:2 note, scales are still bouncing around all over the place... I actually think I need to either replace the batteries or get a new one... the other night I weighed in at 154 (yes, surgeon's goal) and stepped on and off again to check - the number stayed... so I was a little excited cos I normally weight 2-4 lbs heavier in the evening... anyway, I got on the next morning and weight 3lbs heavier.... arghhhh!! I was gutted 'cos I thought I had broken my new set point. I will give it another week or so and have a little think about replacing them.

I've done two good fasts this week and no loss so I am wondering if I need to get back to the gym and Curves? I will go back to Curves this week. But in saying that, something is different because I have had a few comments about how 'small' I look and whether I have lost weight... when I tell folk I am over 11 stone they don't believe me!

What is everyone's' opinions on water? I read such conflicting opinions... I have really struggled drinking water from day one and have gone through spits and spats of getting the recommended amounts in... do you think it does actually help shift weight?

I am going back to see my doc tues, I rang for my blood results... Iron is normal so that was a bonus, 'lady hormones' not so good, so I will have a proper chat about that with my doc... Thanks for the book Kim, a very interesting read... I will defo be asking about natural progesterone... I don't want any man made crap going in my body - I don't eat processed food so I don't want processed medicines either! My hot flashes are back with such venom... they are so intense that they actually make me feel weak! It is soooo embarrassing when I am stood in front of 30 teenagers and in seconds I am bright read and covered in sweat! I need them to bugger off!

Kim, do you get your progesterone cream from the doc or buy it?

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Just remembered... finding it hard keeping up...lol...

Dee, you pronounce Hywel like Howel... there is a slight deviation to the way it is said in welsh, but I can't explain it...lol - a lot more vowel sounding if that makes sense... anyway, we call him H if that helps...lol

Oh and I forgot to post in my last update how constipated I am... over the last two weeks I have only gone to number 2 twice and this is with the help of laxatives, which I don't like taking... is it any wonder that I feel bloated and uncomfortable all the time.

Does anyone think this is hindering weight loss too?

So this week, now I am feeling physically better, I am going to try and drink more plain Water, go to Curves and get rid of bread completely - been having a little bit once or twice a week due to Betty's cooking prep! Lets see if this helps! Gotta get past it...

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Holy Crap!

I am confident driving in snow I live in Munich Germany for 2 years!

tonight, I was scared. On a crazy ass whim i went into Seattle tonight and ignored the weather forecasts that are usually wrong anyway.

Way home, the highway I was on was at a STOP due to the snow ( remember, forgive us for no snowplows and lots of hillls). I was on the Eastside of Seattle coming down a serious hill on the Interstate 520. ****. Dead stop... rolling at like 1-5 MPH. Anyhoo I was terrified as most cars were spinning out and i was coming down the hilll more or less sideways in a mini cooper with slick type tires. I called Steven (lives near that area), who true to character did not answer, and left him a panic stricken vmail. Then I got my freaking head together, put my mini cooper in manual mode and took that hill in first gear. I kid you not - navigating around the SUVs and other cars spun out or sliding downhilll sideways. At one point, i was considering this car coming toward me as we were both sliding down the hill sideways... wondering if I would make it!

The mini cooper does NOt have snow tires and is rear wheel drive - this is NOt a snow car! The fact I could switch to manual mode and more importantly... dumb cow that I am, was wearing high heels and wasn't walking out... I was MOTIVATED to make this work, I switched to manual transmission mode and came down that hill very slowly, weaving around spun out cars..

Then, I got to my neighborhood... run up the hills and first gear for the downhills.... remember, NO snowplows.

Made it home, although my driveway is a hill and my car was complaining ,,,, but we made it!

What a story! Holy cow! Glad you made it through in one piece! I was visiting friends down from outside of Olympia... they were saying snow snow snow too. We had one of those rains where you cant see a thing, (at night) all rush hour, glare and windshield wipers and trucks throwing up greasy water! That and my back seat driver husband in a cast! How can guys even imagine that hounding your driver in a difficult situation can make the driving better at all!!? Luckily the drive home was better... less traffic. The first big rain of the season always floats all that dropped car oil collecting through the rest of the year, and makes things so slippery...

What is everyone's' opinions on Water? I read such conflicting opinions... I have really struggled drinking water from day one and have gone through spits and spats of getting the recommended amounts in... do you think it does actually help shift weight?

I am going back to see my doc tues, I rang for my blood results... Iron is normal so that was a bonus, 'lady hormones' not so good, so I will have a proper chat about that with my doc... Thanks for the book Kim, a very interesting read... I will defo be asking about natural progesterone... I don't want any man made crap going in my body - I don't eat processed food so I don't want processed medicines either! My hot flashes are back with such venom... they are so intense that they actually make me feel weak! It is soooo embarrassing when I am stood in front of 30 teenagers and in seconds I am bright read and covered in sweat! I need them to bugger off!

Kim, do you get your progesterone cream from the doc or buy it?

Drink drink drink...This is very hard for me too... I try and get in 4 glasses before I leave the house... then its a crap shoot if I get in any more... I do log them in MFP and try to get in 8....

I buy my progesterone over the counter at a health food store... I have not been using it for around a year now... have very low grade hot flashes, and my hair quality is rotten... I probably should get back on the wagon....its supposed to help with weight loss too....

Oh and I forgot to post in my last update how constipated I am... over the last two weeks I have only gone to number 2 twice and this is with the help of laxatives, which I don't like taking... is it any wonder that I feel bloated and uncomfortable all the time.

Does anyone think this is hindering weight loss too?

So this week, now I am feeling physically better, I am going to try and drink more plain water, go to Curves and get rid of bread completely - been having a little bit once or twice a week due to Betty's cooking prep! Lets see if this helps! Gotta get past it...

YEP! Drink that water girl!I should help with the number 2 problem....

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right Kim, I'm on it... the Water that is especially if it will help me poo! fanks! x

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Somebody posted an article about Water loading which really works. About two hours after a meal you start really slugging water. It not only gets you hydrated but it extends the time before you are hungry again. Constipation is a terrible feeling. If i feel a bit of a problem, I drink an herbal tea called smooth moves, doesn't work quite like a laxative, but gently helps.

I suspect more water and more veggies will do alot of good.

Question about friend requests on this site. I have a million of them. I think when we switched from the old to bariatric pal my friends got reset or something. anyway, I have yet to figure out the purpose of being friends on this site, I mean, it is not like Facebook where you are essentially subscribing to their posts. What is the point of friending on this site?

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OK I'm claiming it


Yippee!!! Congratulations Cathy. Happy for you!

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Yey Cathy... good on you my love!!!!!

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Glad to hear Sheila is ok.

Sue, what a pain about the boiler. We need to do some work on our house, too. My husband is not a fixer upper type guy and doesn't know how to fix much of anything and neither do I. When things need fixing we have to call friends or a repair man. It's a pain. I hate spending the money on those things.

Is it normal for you to wait so long to have a funeral? Usually in the states, when someone dies, the funeral is within a few days.

I agree with Kim, drink your water! That is just about all I drink. I have a 32 ounce water bottle that goes with me everywhere. I drink 4 of them a day which is 128 ounces. I also have green tea once or twice a day. I just make myself drink it all day long. It's a habit now.

Sheryl, glad you made it home. It's scary to drive in bad weather! Are you wearing your cocktail dress in the picture with the jewelery? If so, I really like the top of it. Do you mind posting a picture of the dress?

Denise, I hope you found your purse! What do your kids think of Bill?

Florinda, when are you leaving? I love what the guys said to you! You had asked about my workout routine. This is what it has been lately. Monday is a double workout. Trainer in the morning and step class at night. Tuesday is boot camp. Wednesday I usually take off and rest. Sometimes I will do abs and floor work at home but usually it's a rest day. Thursday is boot camp. Friday is a class at the Y or trainer in the morning. Saturday and Sunday, I don't have anything planned but I usually workout one of those days. Either boot camp or the Y. It just depends what's going on and what I feel like doing. Spring will hopefully be coming here soon. When it's nice out I do running or biking a lot. That can be done with the husband and kids.

I don't know how I can do all the baking I do and not eat a lot of it. When I have PMS I do eat it. Usually, it can be in the house and I will have a little here and there. I have had times where the carb monster has taken over for periods of time just like we all do.

I weigh in tomorrow for the month long competition. I think some people weigh in on Tuesday so I should know by Wednesday who won. About 15 people started the competition but a lot dropped out through the month and it's really now between just a handful of us.

Oh, the friends thing. I don't understand it either. Maybe someone else has an answer.

Georgia, what was the talk of the secret group? Were people upset about it or was it just being talked about in general? There are other secret groups on here. We aren't the only one! I like our secret group!:)

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The host group is a secret group. I really like ours. Some of the anti-group talk I have heard is " someone might leave the group and blab all the secrets to others on the regular forum". Well thank you mother! I want to have the ability to take that chance, I don't need anyone banning secret groups because of what might be!

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Blah...that's how I feel this Monday. I'm assuming a lot of you are feeling the same way since it's so quiet in our group today.

I have a question. At the top of the page there you can click to pin, Facebook, tweet, email. Does that mean that at any time any of us can click on those things and whatever we posted can be sent to everyone?

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Florinda, I forgot about that awesome comment from the guys you train with - I would feel proper proud if that was said to me!

Sarah, I am not sure about the 'pin'' thing to be honest... but I did notice it... never tried it!!

I've done well today, just had home made Soup and a small bag of pork scratchings... I'll be under 500 as long as I don't eat anything else... not really hungry either so it is looking good. Been drinking lots of Water too... lets hope it helps with number 2 and help the scales move. Managed to go to Curves, did the circuit but I didn't have the energy to go 100% but at least it is a start.

I am in a funk today, been feeling really low and I don't really know why.... just feel overwhelmed by everything to be honest; work, home and me! I am just going to curl up on the sofa and feel sorry for myself for an hour!

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Coops, sometimes planning on just curling up in a ball and feeling sorry for yourself is just the thing to do! I hope you really enjoy that curl-up, and it gives you the strength and rest you need to get on with the day with more happiness. 

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Thanks Kim , I think you're right... a bit of self pity tonight is for dessert!! And possibly a lil cry might help!! I just feel like a hot hormonal mess at the moment.

I ordered two dresses online - some bargains - but when they got here and I tried them on, they looked sh*te on me - completely the wrong shape (even though the one was a UK size 12!). This hasn't lifted the mood - lesson learnt, don't try on dresses when you are feeling blue!!

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