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So when I log into the website, I always check "content I follow" and that is how I know there are updates here. I hate the emails so for me that works better.

Okay, let's talk about 5:2 shall we? I can't say that I have had a real 5:2 week but wow my eating is going pretty good.

I went back to some basics.. things that worked in the past.

In the morning i make a delicious omelette:

-saute a mix of bell peppers and onions (frozen from trader joes - score!)

-slice up some low carb/low cal sausages from costco and saute with the veggies- 100 calories and a good dose of Protein - score!

-put 1/2 cup egg beaters in my mini blender to whip it good and pour it over the well sauteed ingredients, turn down heat

-sprinkle with yummy cheese. today it was sharp cheddar and a bit of goat cheese

-turn the oven on BROIL

Let the eggs cook a bit more on the stovetop then put it on the low rack under the broiler - it puffs up a bit like a souffle

I eat about half early (like 6-7am) and then the other half as a mid morning snack.< /p>

I figure the whole deal is about 200-250 calories

lunch - I wasn't too hungry so had a few pieces of shrimp.

I haven't had dinner yet, thinking of having a bit of salad with protein added

I was at Trader Joes and they had samples of a bruschetta sauce mixed with cukes and lentils and feta cheese. It was amazing and I never thought of using bruschetta that way... so I have some finely chopped veggies from their produce section and have been mixing a bit of bruschetta with chopped up salami... yum

I don't track, so I really don't know how many calories that is but it feels about right. I will have a protein hot chocolate before bed. Oh yeah, and I will probably have a glass of red wine because I worked my ass off today and figure I deserve it.

Other news - I LIKE that the EX is gone, it is like a burden is released... but I can't help but worry about him. I keep wanting to call. I have been cleaning and really just trying to start afresh. That will be put on hold as I am heading out of town soon, but, it feels kinda good. I only get wound up when I dwell on it so I try to not think about it much.

Friday night - going out with Mary at "our bar". I am guessing I will see my pilot friend.... we shall see if he invites me to go on a plane ride... like with SPECIFICS...haha.

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Coops, hugs to your dear son, how can a young man understand such a thing? I have had friends do this... including a teacher I felt very close too... so sad.

Sheryl, that omelet sounds delish!

I don't remember If I mentioned... Craig (my hubby) twisted his foot on the motorcycle while he was in Mexico... it took him 4 days to get out of the dirt road area and back to Sacramento. He limped around for two weeks, thinking the foot would get better (macho!) then finally went and got an Xray....BROKEN LEG! Crazy mofo! I married a Viking! So yesterday, I took him in to have it rebroken and set, with a metal plate screwing it together, and a cast. I have taken off 2 days from work to play nurse... he is on some heavy drugs... but seems like he is doing pretty well. I have been feeding him all kinds of crap with a few healthy things snuck in for good measure. I have managed to eat many of the same things, only less. Heaven help me!

Its supposed to rain tonight... fingers crossed, we really need it and a bunch more or the Water and food supply is in danger. Some towns may even run out of water this summer. I have been saving my bath water to flush the toilet and water the trees.

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fye - I LOVE your husband...hahaha.. can't help myself I was raised with exactly THAT kind of guy. Hope he heals up well.

In all seriousness I am concerned with the California situation... it's dry dry dry... and the wet season should be wrapping up! I love Cali....not sure why I don't live there... but hearing the situation it is concerning.

even the Seattle area, known for precipitation, has had a mild winter. Ski resorts opened late.... No snow so far at Seattle sea level ( I am at 300' above sea level .... No real snow here either). Right now... sunny and COLD... dropped.to the 20s.

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Ladies you want rain? Please take some of ours, I'm sure Coops will agree. There is an area called the Somerset Levels that have been cut off since Christmas, boats have been taking in supplies and last week the Red Cross was called in. Weather has just been on TV and we have more rain and gales for the next few days.

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I saw an arial shot of California taken by NASA and the results are truly grim ladies, the same shot taken on the same day one year ago showed snow pack everywhere there should be, so it's like if you took a ruler and split the state lengthwise, the right side would be white. The photo taken this year? No white, none. All brown. This is terrifying news.

I know I am overly sensitive, I take everything personally, as I think many people who have been psychologically abused and blamed for everything for years do. That said, we share what we can share here, but are not obligated to do so, and we must remember the fragility we all share regarding our weight loss, the secret dark thoughts that we will say something do one thing wrong and wakeup morbidly obese again.

Did cardio last night and achieved something I could only dream of just a few short years ago - I ran, fast, on the treadmill for 5 straight minutes. Didn't slow down, didn't stop, I felt so free. <3

As for notification on this thread, I have never had it since the big changeover. I always chalked it up to our sheer volume, thought that maybe once a thread has X number of replies the notification system can't handle it? dunno.

Breakfast today 1.5 scoops of Protein Powder, coffee. lunch - 4 oz baked pollock, 1 oz hot wing flavored chicken meat, .25 cup veggie medley. dinner will be whatever Protein and greens I can scrounge.

Coops - your poor son. There will be fallout from this, anger, depression, etc. All you can do is be there for him and watch the signs as he processes the loss, my love to you and yours.

It sounds like many if not all of us are currently experiencing some trials and tribulations, let us perevere, "keep calm and carry on" <3

Oh and PS - I went and mailed my scale yesterday so I won't be able to weigh myself for no less than 3 weeks, talk about nerve wracking!!!!!!

Edited by Globetrotter

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Coops I am so sorry to hear of such a loss to your family ,.Suicide is so painful because you have to wonder what they were thinking in order to make such a horrible descision.

I haven't been eating much. Still don't have an appetite. I'm not really doing 5:2 but I bet I haven't been eating 1000 per day.

I don't know what to do about Bill. He wants to stay over and I want him to, but that CPap machine causes so many problems. tonight he fell asleep wiht his head on my shoulder and that thing blowing loudly on my face. The I getnly tried to tell him and he threw it off and left the bedroom to sleep on the couch.,

I am so upset I want to be able to learn to sleep with that thing but to me it sounds as lound as a vacuum cleaner., :(

Feed so sorry to hear about your husband. That sounds like a bad break. I was such a baby when I broke my wrist

Sheryl, I am glad your ex is gone. I wish my bf's ex would stop texting him. He has an I phone and i can always tell when a text comes in from her. He's right. She is so needy but I wish the hell she would find someone else to tell her problems ot. He's told her on no very directly that they were over.

Edited by Oregondaisy

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Denise - I wonder if this might be a test of Bill's, you know, "love me, love my cpap"... I think someone here mentioned that his machine might be getting old and need to be replaced.

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OD talk to him about it. Ask if he can take it in for a tune up. My hubby had to get a new one. Thankfully our insurance covers it. They are rather expensive. But worth a good night sleep. Sounds like his face mask needs adjusting also shouldn't have air blowing in your face. Hubby has worn one for years. Does nothing for the sex life. But so much better than the snoring. They don't have to sound like a vacuum cleaner. I swear his is so quiet I don't know its on. That problem can be fixed. Talk to him

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Denise I used to sleep with a cpap and it was quiet. Sounds like your relationship is still young and maybe he is sensitive about it? Seems like he overreacted to your concerns. Maybe it's the female in me but I would be all apologetic not mad. Anyway have you considered earplugs? I didn't have a mask but what they call nasal pillows but they didn't shoot out a bunch of air unless dislodged. I think a new machine will reduce this problem but I wonder if he is open to that?

Florinda I am certainly just happy for you and glad you are posting!

I set out to get massive housework done last night and am shocked how little I accomplished.

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Denise, I agree with the above... a tune up or replacement would make for a better night sleep... perhaps if you asked him "sexy" , and remind him you really don't want him to sleep in the other room, he might not get huffy about it... I am guessing you are not the first person to mention it to him...he probably hates the thing too.

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Fast day! (so releaved its here, after the last few days... I can't even list the junk... shame faced. I did not gain beyond my bounce... but its only luck and the 5:2 that kept that from happening!)

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Kim, sorry about your husband and his leg. Ouch. Poor guy walking around like that before he knew it was broken. I am happy for fast days, too. I love 5:2!

Florinda, 5 min running fast??? Wonderful news! I so hate running. I will do it but I don't like it. My husband enjoys running so I'll do races with him but I'm not doing them to get a fast time. I'm a slow runner. When you say you have to find food what do you mean by that? Do you have your own fridge? Do you stay in a big tent? Do you go to the kitchen and look for food? The only thing I picture in my head is M.A.S.H.

Denise, that machine would drive me crazy, too. I don't have any suggestions but to talk to him like others have said and have get an upgraded machine or something.

Sue, how is your son doing today? I hate it when the kids hurt, so painful for a parent.

Sheryl, I would assume keeping busy is helping keep you calm with the ex gone. I can understand caring about someone so much and being worried about them. He was a part of your life for so long. I hope he finds his way and can grown from all of this like you have. Are there a lot of reminders of him around the house?

Ladies, this is an exciting day for me. I'm getting a new stove today! I can hardly wait. After months and months of mine not working correctly, I finally won't have to worry about that anymore when I am baking. I know a new stove may sound trivial but for me it's a big deal. It has a double oven, too! I'm already planning on baking as soon as it gets here.

Today is a fast day for me and I have boot camp tonight.

Happy Thursday, Ladies!

Edited by sarsar

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It has been a really weird day today. The good news is that my daughter's cooking exam went really well... she had good feedback from her teacher and felt it all went well - she was a happy bunny!

I had a long day in work and didn't feel very well... headache and dizziness returned! Got through it though.

When I got home we had some really sad news; my son's boxing trainer and mentor took his own life; his name was Gary and he was just 54. He was Welsh amateur champion and turned pro. In his day, he was a brilliant athlete and later he helped coach and train many, many youngsters. Obviously Hywel (my son) is completely floored by this news, when Hywel first went to the boxing gym, I think he was a little apprehensive and intimidated by the environment. Gary took him under his wing and looked out for him, he has been at each and every fight that Hywel has participated in and help wipe his tears when he lost and helped wipe his tears when he won. He was a fluent welsh speaker and conversed with Hywel in welsh when they trained together, this I feel helped Hywel feel more at home, more comfortable and encouraged him to engage in the sport.

He has left such a hole in my son's life. Hywel told me today that in school he was asked to write one thing that made him proud and he wrote Gary's name.

My heart breaks to hear this news, my heart breaks to see my son so upset and unable to do anything about it...I can't help but to think of his family... how do you deal with a death in this way.

A very sad day.

This is so sad to hear...Sue please give him a big hug from me. Life can be so cruel to some....Gary will truly be missed......

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Okay, let's talk about 5:2 shall we? I can't say that I have had a real 5:2 week but wow my eating is going pretty good.

I went back to some basics.. things that worked in the past. (Sheryl)

I haven't been so good with 5:2 lately either. Too many carbs and today I was above my "bounce" for the first time in MANY weeks! Not good. Fasting today and gonna get back to basics as you spoke about, Sheryl.

don't remember If I mentioned... Craig (my hubby) twisted his foot on the motorcycle while he was in Mexico... it took him 4 days to get out of the dirt road area and back to Sacramento. He limped around for two weeks, thinking the foot would get better (macho!) then finally went and got an Xray....BROKEN LEG! Crazy mofo! I married a Viking! So yesterday, I took him in to have it rebroken and set, with a metal plate screwing it together, and a cast. I have taken off 2 days from work to play nurse... he is on some heavy drugs... but seems like he is doing pretty well. I have been feeding him all kinds of crap with a few healthy things snuck in for good measure. I have managed to eat many of the same things, only less. Heaven help me!

Its supposed to rain tonight... fingers crossed, we really need it and a bunch more or the Water and food supply is in danger. Some towns may even run out of water this summer. I have been saving my bath water to flush the toilet and water the trees (Kim)

Wow! Broken leg and waited TWO WEEKS! Only a man would do that! Ha! Well, glad he has you to "baby " him somewhat. And yes, I'm with you - I have eaten too many things I had stopped eating and feel it!

The NO RAIN thing - I've been following it and as Florinda said, have seen some of the aerial shots comparing past with present and it is truly, truly scary!!!

I am so upset I want to be able to learn to sleep with that thing but to me it sounds as lound as a vacuum cleaner., :( (Denise)

I agree with the others! CPAP does NOT have to sound loud. If it does, it's usually because the mask is not adjusted or is slipping. My husband uses one now (I did for many years until WLS) and he is THIN! If his mask slips, it DRIVE ME INSANE!!!! HA! Maybe a different mask type?

Coops, I cannot imagine the depth of what your son is feeling right now. To lose a mentor tragically like that is devastating! Suicide is a horrible thing. It always leaves so many questions for those loved ones who remain. And the desperation that drives someone to feel there is no other way is so, so sad.

I was reading something on the Phillip Seymour Hoffman death this morning that really resonated with me. "Hoffman, a kind, decent, magnificent, thunderous actor," did not die from an "overdose of heroin" - he died FROM heroin. We should stop implying that if he'd just taken the proper amount then everything would have been fine." "He didn't die because he was partying too hard or because he was depressed - he died because he was an addict on a day of the week with a y in it... Let's add to that 10 people who were about to die who won't now." Aaron Sorkin on the death of Phillip Seymore Hoffman.

Perhaps, Coops, somebody who was considering suicide now will be saved and get help through your son's mentor's death. I have to believe some good will come out of it all. Life, at best, is sometimes too difficult to understand.

For all who are struggling today - I'm thinking of you! Whether it's food issues, marriage/relationship issues, depression, health, or children. I believe there is hope beyond what we can "see." Blessings to all today.

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Sorry to hear about family and marriage stress - it totally sucks.

In my case it wasn't caused by my weight loss.... but I will say that removing 150# of emotion burying fat made it so I could actually see and feel the issues that were really pretty bad all along.

I hope this is something that can be worked through and a good outcome for you and your family.

I have had a food feast for the past week and need to do some serious fasting tomorrow. Today I will clean the cupboards and the refrigerator out and do some internal cleaning. I'm struggling with family issues and am not quite sure where my marriage is heading. I have a lot of fear each day and start feeling sorry for myself thinking "at this age, I shouldn't be dealing with this stuff!" So I am taking a bit of time to take care of me and look at what I can control, and what I can't control. The answer is, I only have control over me and my behaviors. SO sad, but it does help let go of things though.

I have found that I have cleared a lot of the emotional baggage from my earlier years and when I see the picture of myself (real life) I was depressed and confused about events that changed my whole life. I know that the hardest emotional baggage i will deal with is with my son and my husband. My husband is the nicest man ever, but does not set boundaries and it scares the pants off me. Ha! I am working on stepping back and let my husband put his big boy pants on and take care of himself. Not gonna be easy...

Coops, hugs to your dear son, how can a young man understand such a thing? I have had friends do this... including a teacher I felt very close too... so sad.

I don't remember If I mentioned... Craig (my hubby) twisted his foot on the motorcycle while he was in Mexico... it took him 4 days to get out of the dirt road area and back to Sacramento. He limped around for two weeks, thinking the foot would get better (macho!) then finally went and got an Xray....BROKEN LEG! Crazy mofo! I married a Viking! So yesterday, I took him in to have it rebroken and set, with a metal plate screwing it together, and a cast. I have taken off 2 days from work to play nurse... he is on some heavy drugs... but seems like he is doing pretty well. I have been feeding him all kinds of crap with a few healthy things snuck in for good measure. I have managed to eat many of the same things, only less. Heaven help me!

Its supposed to rain tonight... fingers crossed, we really need it and a bunch more or the Water and food supply is in danger. Some towns may even run out of water this summer. I have been saving my bath water to flush the toilet and water the trees.

Kim I'm so sorry your husband has to be so macho and wonder around for 4 days before realizing that he needed medical help. All the extra pain he's put himself through and not to mention you. Hand in there and good job sneaking the extra healthy stuff in his diet.... :P

I saw an arial shot of California taken by NASA and the results are truly grim ladies, the same shot taken on the same day one year ago showed snow pack everywhere there should be, so it's like if you took a ruler and split the state lengthwise, the right side would be white. The photo taken this year? No white, none. All brown. This is terrifying news.

I know I am overly sensitive, I take everything personally, as I think many people who have been psychologically abused and blamed for everything for years do. That said, we share what we can share here, but are not obligated to do so, and we must remember the fragility we all share regarding our weight loss, the secret dark thoughts that we will say something do one thing wrong and wakeup morbidly obese again.

Did cardio last night and achieved something I could only dream of just a few short years ago - I ran, fast, on the treadmill for 5 straight minutes. Didn't slow down, didn't stop, I felt so free. <3

It sounds like many if not all of us are currently experiencing some trials and tribulations, let us perevere, "keep calm and carry on" <3

Oh and PS - I went and mailed my scale yesterday so I won't be able to weigh myself for no less than 3 weeks, talk about nerve wracking!!!!!!

Florinda it is scary to live here in California with little rain and so little snow in the Mountains....that's why I want to move out of California to Oregon....

We are all fragile in our own ways. I know I am. But we will perserve and become stronger....

Glad you mailed your scale out.....I haven't gotten on mine for a few days....Ha! that will teach my scale a lesson. :P

I haven't been eating much. Still don't have an appetite. I'm not really doing 5:2 but I bet I haven't been eating 1000 per day.

I don't know what to do about Bill. He wants to stay over and I want him to, but that CPap machine causes so many problems. tonight he fell asleep wiht his head on my shoulder and that thing blowing loudly on my face. The I getnly tried to tell him and he threw it off and left the bedroom to sleep on the couch.,

I am so upset I want to be able to learn to sleep with that thing but to me it sounds as lound as a vacuum cleaner., :(

Denise I don't envy you having to struggle with Bill's Cpap, but it's good to hear your having a good relationship with him. You deserve it! :P

I do envy that you don't have an appetite. I see things and I mindlessly eat them. Working on stopping that.

Hang in there and have a good day today.

Today is my fasting day and I mindlessly drank my Protein shake! LOL Now to keep everything down to a minimum. Salads and Soups for me today.....:P

Kim, sorry about your husband and his leg. Ouch. Poor guy walking around like that before he knew it was broken. I am happy for fast days, too. I love 5:2!

Florinda, 5 min running fast??? Wonderful news! I so hate running. I will do it but I don't like it. My husband enjoys running so I'll do races with him but I'm not doing them to get a fast time. I'm a slow runner. When you say you have to find food what do you mean by that? Do you have your own fridge? Do you stay in a big tent? Do you go to the kitchen and look for food? The only thing I picture in my head is M.A.S.H.

Denise, that machine would drive me crazy, too. I don't have any suggestions but to talk to him like others have said and have get an upgraded machine or something.

Sue, how is your son doing today? I hate it when the kids hurt, so painful for a parent.

Sheryl, I would assume keeping busy is helping keep you calm with the ex gone. I can understand caring about someone so much and being worried about them. He was a part of your life for so long. I hope he finds his way and can grown from all of this like you have. Are there a lot of reminders of him around the house?

Ladies, this is an exciting day for me. I'm getting a new stove today! I can hardly wait. After months and months of mine not working correctly, I finally won't have to worry about that anymore when I am baking. I know a new stove may sound trivial but for me it's a big deal. It has a double oven, too! I'm already planning on baking as soon as it gets here.

Today is a fast day for me and I have boot camp tonight.

Happy Thursday, Ladies!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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