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I have been in a farm maintenance, house dejunking whirlwind last few days. I want a fresh start... I even want new furniture, not sure I will do that but I just want everything to feel fresh and different.

I am doing better than I feared since being alone. I am busy busy.

Did the ex finally move out?

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ARG!! Clean eating is freakin hard! I get on a good wave. No junk no sweets low carb. Several days in a row. Not a cookie, not a chip, not a piece of chocolate. The scale goes down. Then day 4. Well I've done so well this one cookie won't hurt. ARG!! Who the hell eats one cookie! How fragile is my weight loss scale up! So I start all over again

Its the diet syndrom. We all know the dance. There is no magic. There is no hidden wisdom to seek. I know there is only perserverence (forgive my spelling. I am ranting and not thinking). Keep going. Keep trying. Gotta figure out how to make the clean eating days last longer and still feel satisfied and not deprived

Apparently my weight can be maintained with the Occosionall cookie chip and chocolate. But I can not lose weight unless none of that enters the "pie hole"

Even with 5:2 and good fasting days. I have to eat really clean all the time while I am trying to lose

My planned Snacks are low carb, low sugar. Like protien chocolate pudding. Or the weight watchers treats. Once a day. Something to look forward to. And that's it. Then the world happens. Holidays, superbowls, baby showers, Valentine chocolates and the in coming GIrl Scout Cookies. Who can eat an entire sleeve of thin mints. This girl!!

Okay I'm done. I am outa breath! I am outta steam. I have to learn to live in a world with stuff I can't eat while I am trying to lose weight. My plan for this week. Five straight days of clean eating. My three days of curves. My two fasting days (still easy) and one day to treat myself to live in the world. Thanks for listening. I feel much better!

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I'm not contributing until I have something positive to contribute, or can participate in the conversation. Others probably feel the same way.

Have we gotten negative? I'm sorry, I know I've been in a funky funk for a while now, I apologise for bringing the blahs with me every time I post. Urgh, I wish I could quit me!!

I have to learn to live in a world with stuff I can't eat while I am trying to lose weight. My plan for this week. Five straight days of clean eating. My three days of curves. My two fasting days (still easy) and one day to treat myself to live in the world. Thanks for listening. I feel much better!

Wanda, I totally feel you. I think I'm going to follow your lead and try the 4:2 (with long fasting periods every day) plus one 'larger than normal' day per week. I'll try that for a while, for sanity and for weight loss. Thanks for the inspiration!!

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Technical help please - when using an ipad how do you pick up quotes to include in a reply?

Wanda, you have got it - we all have to personalise this journey as let's face it we are so so different. You have made lots of changes what with exercise, 5:2 and hours restriction which you have to admit seems to be working for you so to include a 'indulge Wanda Day' (planned out and anticipated) will keep you on the straight and narrow. Well done for taking control of it all.

Coops didn't realise that surgeons goal was so close, that's wonderful. Take a deep breath, a ducolux and a big squeeze and you will be there (just kidding). It must be annoying to be hovering on that edge for a while.

We should be confident and plan our shopping trip to happen during the Easter break.

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I talked to Laura, she said shes not ready to come back to BP just yet and said:

"I hope the girls and you are doing well. Tell them I said hi and I miss them too, I'm just kind of a mess right now.
I told her that we will support her wether she is "a mess" or not. Come back when she's ready.

I'm not contributing until I have something positive to contribute, or can participate in the conversation. Others probably feel the same way.

Anyway, glad to see your face around. Ain't the same without you! I don't need only good news, I just want to hear it when its there! Share the joy!

ARG!! Clean eating is freakin hard! I get on a good wave. No junk no sweets low carb. Several days in a row. Not a cookie, not a chip, not a piece of chocolate. The scale goes down. Then day 4. Well I've done so well this one cookie won't hurt. ARG!! Who the hell eats one cookie! How fragile is my weight loss scale up! So I start all over again

Its the diet syndrom. We all know the dance. There is no magic. There is no hidden wisdom to seek. I know there is only perserverence (forgive my spelling. I am ranting and not thinking). Keep going. Keep trying. Gotta figure out how to make the clean eating days last longer and still feel satisfied and not deprived

Apparently my weight can be maintained with the Occosionall cookie chip and chocolate. But I can not lose weight unless none of that enters the "pie hole"

Even with 5:2 and good fasting days. I have to eat really clean all the time while I am trying to lose

My planned Snacks are low carb, low sugar. Like protien chocolate pudding. Or the weight watchers treats. Once a day. Something to look forward to. And that's it. Then the world happens. Holidays, superbowls, baby showers, Valentine chocolates and the in coming GIrl Scout Cookies. Who can eat an entire sleeve of thin mints. This girl!!

Okay I'm done. I am outa breath! I am outta steam. I have to learn to live in a world with stuff I can't eat while I am trying to lose weight. My plan for this week. Five straight days of clean eating. My three days of curves. My two fasting days (still easy) and one day to treat myself to live in the world. Thanks for listening. I feel much better!

What is with these bodies!? It seems like a mystery to me. What/when/how/why it all works or doesn't work seems to float in the breeze, being blown off track and back on with the slightest gust. Good for you still in the game, Hope this helps get things back where you want them... on the way down to smaller fabulous!

I'm not contributing until I have something positive to contribute, or can participate in the conversation. Others probably feel the same way.

Have we gotten negative? I'm sorry, I know I've been in a funky funk for a while now, I apologise for bringing the blahs with me every time I post. Urgh, I wish I could quit me!!

>I have to learn to live in a world with stuff I can't eat while I am trying to lose weight. My plan for this week. Five straight days of clean eating. My three days of curves. My two fasting days (still easy) and one day to treat myself to live in the world. Thanks for listening. I feel much better!

Wanda, I totally feel you. I think I'm going to follow your lead and try the 4:2 (with long fasting periods every day) plus one 'larger than normal' day per week. I'll try that for a while, for sanity and for weight loss. Thanks for the inspiration!!

And Swiz, This last bit has really been hard for you, I know. At 5'6" and 150... that pretty small and normal... I think it would be hard to get below that. i am only under 2" taller than you, and weigh 20 pounds more. I can't get the scale to really budge at this time.... it does love to bounce though!

Technical help please - when using an ipad how do you pick up quotes to include in a reply?

Wanda, you have got it - we all have to personalise this journey as let's face it we are so so different. You have made lots of changes what with exercise, 5:2 and hours restriction which you have to admit seems to be working for you so to include a 'indulge Wanda Day' (planned out and anticipated) will keep you on the straight and narrow. Well done for taking control of it all.

Coops didn't realise that surgeons goal was so close, that's wonderful. Take a deep breath, a ducolux and a big squeeze and you will be there (just kidding). It must be annoying to be hovering on that edge for a while.

We should be confident and plan our shopping trip to happen during the Easter break.

I love that you guys are planning a trip! And Cathy, where did that hot new pic go? I don't have an ipad... so cant help you with that...

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ARG!! Clean eating is freakin hard! I get on a good wave. No junk no sweets low carb. Several days in a row. Not a cookie, not a chip, not a piece of chocolate. The scale goes down. Then day 4. Well I've done so well this one cookie won't hurt. ARG!! Who the hell eats one cookie! How fragile is my weight loss scale up! So I start all over again Its the diet syndrom. We all know the dance. There is no magic. There is no hidden wisdom to seek. I know there is only perserverence (forgive my spelling. I am ranting and not thinking). Keep going. Keep trying. Gotta figure out how to make the clean eating days last longer and still feel satisfied and not deprived Apparently my weight can be maintained with the Occosionall cookie chip and chocolate. But I can not lose weight unless none of that enters the "pie hole" Even with 5:2 and good fasting days. I have to eat really clean all the time while I am trying to lose My planned Snacks are low carb, low sugar. Like protien chocolate pudding. Or the weight watchers treats. Once a day. Something to look forward to. And that's it. Then the world happens. Holidays, superbowls, baby showers, Valentine chocolates and the in coming GIrl Scout Cookies. Who can eat an entire sleeve of thin mints. This girl!! Okay I'm done. I am outa breath! I am outta steam. I have to learn to live in a world with stuff I can't eat while I am trying to lose weight. My plan for this week. Five straight days of clean eating. My three days of curves. My two fasting days (still easy) and one day to treat myself to live in the world. Thanks for listening. I feel much better!

You said it exactly right. For me, to lose I have to eat complete clean. I've found I can stay reasonably in range and do some carby eating but I sure feel more yucky doing it AFTER the initial YUM. :). And we Are in the middle of an ICE STORM this morning and today. This was to be a fast day. Of course, I am home now iced in and what do I fix for breakfast- Biscuits!!!!! :). Ha! Comfort. I will, of course, climb back on the 5:2 train probably tomorrow. :)

Edited by Georgia

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EX moved out... well sorta Friday night but since he was there Saturday I didn't realize it..haha. Anyway, he is really out now. He is coming back for a week to take care of the critters while I am in Orlando. I am doing surprisingly well, but i am worried sick. we are having a cold snap and it is 25 F degrees this morning. I hope he decided to stay with someone - he has those options. I texted him last night and he said he is okay.

I don't believe in calorie math - you know the ole calories in calories out? To me it is about as reliable as the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. I actually think that my body is full of stress and is hiding it from my conscious mind in those shrunken fat cells. Stress weighs alot. That's my story and I am sticking to it. I weigh 153.2 this morning which is better than the 154 I weighed yesterday. What is so crazy is I was just under 150 last week. Oh how quickly that harsh mistress, the scale, withdraws her favors.

I am 5'5" and I think I would like to weigh about 140 (I had plastics at 150 so ideally should keep my weight within 15# of that weight). I think I would like to make that my goal for 2014 to lose to 140 and drop my body fat % to 25%. It might take me all year, and i have to hide it from my friends and family who think I am already either skinny enough (yeah probably) or too skinny (which i am not - lets be real here).

I am sorry to hear that Laura Ven is struggling so - miss her. Thanks for posting Florinda - good to hear from you.

As far as particpating in a conversation - many of my posts go unanswered and I know I don't answer many others but I DO read them all and try to keep all the stories straight. Don't take it personally.

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Wanda, I can't lose weight if I really eat anything "extra" more than about once a week - my "going out" night. One thing that is nice about seeing steven is he really doesn't eat. Seriously, he is just not food oriented. "dating" is killer on me since normal people eat meals apparently.

My house is completely clear of bread, crackers, cold Cereal and other tempting carbs now. I may have to completely cut out going out to eat or drink in order to get back under 150 - so my weekly happy hour may have to be sacrificed but no big decisions until I get back from my biz trip to Orlando.

I am annoyed with this right now, feeling that "it isn't fair" feeling but I will get over it and carry on.

Wanda, I sense you are coming into your own formula for success. Knowing how you need to eat, how to use the intermittant fasting, how adding a little exercise can help. Once the pieces come to gether and the weight begins to slowly drop.... it will be clearer. Then, it will still be work, but at least the path is lit and you know what needs to happen.

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Yey Sheryl - glad he has moved out; it is your turn now... I completely understand why you would want new furnishing etc. I would do exactly the same; even as far as the crackers ...lol

Funny, as I had a week off work feeling ill and doing nothing but resting on the sofa, I too started to look around my home... I don't normally have time to just observe my surroundings! I too feel that I need a re-vamp... the house is in need of TLC at the moment.

And yes... lets all meet in Wales... OMG! That would be awesome. And double yes Cathy - Easter regardless of goal or no goal... we will meet and drink coffee...lol!

Dee are you really going to London (baby!)... awesome!

Good to see you Florinda... hope you are ok...

Where is Sheila?

Kim, can you give Laura my best and send her a Cooper cwtch from me! I miss her too - and Cheri!

Hope all you other lovely ladies are ok...

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Oh and forgot to say, after a fast day I bounced up... arghhhhh - need more than a dulcolax and a squeeze now... C'mon scale - play the game!!!

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I was still feeling wounded after the attack I was subjected to, here on the thread, for having *failed* to disclose my weight loss, that is why I have stayed away. Instead of focusing on whether I had been "truthful" (seriously people?!) about losing my regain - I would have expected sleevers to understand my terror at vocalizing my loss, lest I jinx it. Some did, some didn't.

2 weeks ago I was at 164.8, then I ballooned up to 169. Then our gym was torn down and I went 3 days without and I dropped down to 166. I am going to include some cardio into my lifting sessions, to better balance out the gain muscle/lose fat ratio.

I leave this location soon and that is fraught with emotion. Today I popped a mini kit-kat into my mouth, chewed, and spat it all out.

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Denise, so is the ex still staying at Bill's house 3 days a week? What happened with that situation?

 I can't believe how quickly this thread moves! And I want to know why I get no notifications from that anyone has posted in here.


Bill told her she needed to make other arrangements. The last time they had a fight, she told him to go and sleep in his truck and she hoped he froze to death. That was it for him. He told her she could not stay there anymore, and that she had said so many hateful things, that he did not love her.  He said he cared about her as a person, but he was not in love with her. .Then she packed up whatever she had at his house and off she went to where ever she had made other arrangements.


He tells me I have completely changed his life and he is happier than he has been in years.


Florinda, I don't remember ever causing any disrespect to you with regard to  your weight loss, or speed of weight loss, or regain lost. I remember saying way to go! or something to that affect.

I hope you aren't offended that  since Coops wanted to have the pleasure of sending you a package, that I didn't send an additional one. If coops' package arrives and you are still needing things, let me know, please.


Sheryl, Glad the ex is gone and I hope the took some stress from you along with him. Steven seems to fill your needs right now, so just go with it until it doesn't feel right again.


Wanda, I was the same way when I was trying to lose my regain. I could not eat anything without regaining any headway I had made until some social engagement happened and I didn' t have the willpower not to eat with everyone else as I socialized. I don't know why 5:2 made a difference, other than I was somehow able to stop snacking.I didn't keep anything sweet in the house other than sf fudge bars.


I hope I haven't missed anyone. It's 2 am and I don't have time to open another window so I can read all the pages I missed and respond to each one.

Edited by Oregondaisy

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Hi Globe. So sorry u felt attacked. I am sure that was not the intention. Yeah on the loss! I don't understand the whole gain with exercise and lose without. Yes muscle qeighs more than fat. I get that. I supose Water retention is also involved to cause such drastic swings. See there is another reason to hate exercise.

How have u been feeling physically? Makes sense to miss a place you've been at for awhile.some of that emotion must be good. If I remember correctly that place has some issues for you. Hopefully new plce new start new folks new adventures. Stay strong. We are all on your side and here to listen to vents rants and raves.

OD sounds like you and Bill are headed down a good road

CGJ new chapter for u too. Remind yourself. He's a grown man and will survive

Coops I think our scales are broke

Kim glad to hear from Laura sorry she's a mess. Will keep here in prayers.

Hang tough ladies!

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... I may have to completely cut out going out to eat or drink in order to get back under 150 - so my weekly happy hour may have to be sacrificed but no big decisions until I get back from my biz trip to Orlando.

I am annoyed with this right now, feeling that "it isn't fair" feeling but I will get over it and carry on.

I would have to draw the line there... if my social life was impacted this much to lose the last 10... I don't think I would go there. Thats probably why I am where I am, and not 10 pounds lower! I am not that great in the social life department anyway, and cutting out my occasional outings with friends that involve food (not horrible, The tummy helps on the quantity part, but some treats) would be heartbreaking to me. Most of my "food outings" are at horrible restaurants that do not cater to vegetarians anyway, and I have switched most of my thinking to "going out for socializing, and not for eating" Where do we draw the line?

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