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Coops, hope you are back to feeling better soon. I'm sure your students are missing you and are worried about you. What grade do you teach?

Kim, as usual, I love reading what you write. You know just how to say things and have such an encouraging way of looking at life. I feel the same about you, Wanda.

Wanda, so glad you are working Curves into your schedule. I know you don't like exercise but you just have to make yourself go because it's good for you. So happy to hear the scale is moving down even if it is slow. Oh, I was also going to suggest that you take measurements and write them down and maybe do them every month or so. I have a feeling you will see a big change in inches with the working out.

Now to try to answer your question about goals. Like, Sheryl, my first major goal was to get under 200 (started at 270). Once I got under 200 I really started noticing a difference in the way I looked and the things I could do. This is when most people really started to notice my weight loss. Some people noticed before that but once I was under 200 I would get the, wow's and what happened to you, things like that.

My body got down to 160-165 and I was very happy where I was. Because of working out a lot I feel like my body didn't look too bad. After being there for a while and really looking deep inside I knew that I was holding on to some of the weight still for some of the same reasons I became obese to begin with. I wanted that to change. That's when I started 5:2. 17 pounds later and I still would like to lose 10 pounds. Why? One thing is that the 17 pounds made a huge difference in my workouts. I am lighter and I can run and move easier so I think 10 more pounds will make even more of a difference. Also, this with this 17 pound loss I know from my body fat numbers that a lot of that was fat loss. I still have a little fat that I would like to try to lose before I have plastics.

Finally, to be honest, I just want to see my weight in the 130's again. It's been 20 years since I have seen that and I would like to see it again.

As for where your goal should be, only you can answer that. You will figure it out.

Not done yet but I'm going back to reread...

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Dee, very happy you are finally moving back home! I am sure this is a huge relief to you. Hopefully things will settle down for you a bit. I have a feeling the stress is what is causing you to not lose anything. I believe stress is huge in hindering weight loss.

Sheryl, you look amazing. Your scars are incredible. I can hardly see them in the pics. It is so interesting how we see ourselves. I look at your pictures and don't see what you see. Your body looks great to me.

I feel like I look fine in clothes. I always, always wear Spanx type things under my clothes. This helps hold all the skin in place. I look forward to the day that I can have plastics and not have to wear them anymore. I can't go without them, especially when working out. I hope I have as good of results after plastics as you have had. The corset looks great, too!

Dorrie, sorry you are having a hard time lately. I can relate. Hugs to you, my friend.

Florinda, congrats on losing the 30 pounds. Very exciting. No sense trying to hide it if you only lost a pound or two, waiting for big numbers. Girl, we get excited over anything in this group!

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Sheryl, I forgot to say that I love your new profile pic!

Georgia, Sheila, Kelly, Cathy....giving you all a shout out just because I can. :)

If I forgot anyone, I apologize.

Happy Wednesday, Ladies!

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I'm...there's so much I COULD say that I don't even know where to start. I'm still, I think, the only one who hasn't lost any weight on 5:2. For reals, I'm not keeping anything back. There were weeks and weeks where I did it so 110% and...nothing. But then since flood, burglary, car accident, dog illness...and now sitting here in half-empty apartment by myself (using phone for hotspot cos no internet LOL)...and a bunch of work **** (on and on and on I could go) that I don't even bother spelling out cos wtf, you know? I am okay...but I'm squishy round the middle and weigh the same as always.

The good news? I will be in my real apartment for reals hopefully by the weekend, so I will be hopefully back at the gym next week too. Fingers crossed that I haven't just slipped into oblivion on that...

I'm SO ENVIOUS, Florinda -- no kidding. I'm just dying that you lost 30lb cos that is EFFING AWESOME. I am very happy and proud for you. Especially when things are mental and I'm just barely clinging to normal sanity during the day in work (never mind the bawling I do at night -- my husband doesn't know what to do with me...more crying in the past few months than our entire previous 15 years...poor guy, he's lovely and I'm just a mess) and sometimes having internet at night. But I love this group and I'm always thinking of all of you!!

HUGS from me in my echo-y apartment. I will go to bed soon and hope for more than three hours' sleep in a row!


swiz, I just can't believe you haven't lost on 5:2! Our bodies really have their own idea about things don't they?! That weather is really something, we are having a drought here at this time, and It just started sprinkling outside (at last something!) Last week it was in the 70's! I know that sounds great, but without Water, all the agriculture and such are screwed. Hope things start looking up for you soon, I know cold and dark don't help one bit!

Whoa! So much to catch up on.

First off, thanks to all of you for your kind words and encouragement when I wrote about my friend on drugs. This has been weighing so heavily on my mind and I am still having a hard time with it. The fact that nothing can be done is a hard one for me. I know I need to learn to cope but, wow, it's hard. I honestly don't know how you all do it who have gone through this. Dorrie and Georgia with your sons...my heart aches for you. Florinda with your dad, so sad. I keep praying that she will stop before she kills herself.

Kim, I think it was you who asked if she has any family that could help with an intervention. Honestly, my family and my extended family have been her family for the past few years. She has a mother and step dad who live right by her but they have their own issues and she has never been close to them. There is no way they would do an intervention. She's married but her husband is an enabler with the whole drug thing. He is such a good guy and she is just throwing her life away.

With the weather and a lot of other stuff going on it's been rough for me. I know I will be ok. I spent 3 days in bed. 3 days! What a waste. I had no ambition to do anything at all. We have had such cold weather here that school was cancelled again for 2 days this week. Wind chills were -30-40. I'm just trying to keep my head above water until Spring is here. I made myself get up and work out on Monday and that made things better. Exercise is such a stress relief for me.

I've been doing my fasting days and they have been fine. I fasted on Monday and tomorrow is another fast day. I'm getting blood work done tomorrow and I'll find out my results next week. I have a thyroid problem so I get blood work every 6 months but I like to see where I am with things.

Ok, I'm going to go back and try to respond to everyone.

sarah, you are a sweetheart! Thats all I have to say, you just are!

Finally, to be honest, I just want to see my weight in the 130's again. It's been 20 years since I have seen that and I would like to see it again.

As for where your goal should be, only you can answer that. You will figure it out.

Not done yet but I'm going back to reread...

I just figured out the last time I weighed this much was in 1985. That is a head trip!

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Hey Sarsar... I doubt my students are missing me...lol... I can be a task master in the class room heheheee.

I too have spent a lot of time doing nothing and I think it has done me good - to slow the pace as such and focus on trying to feel well.

WOW - how cold is it with you... I was moaning and groaning about being cold today and it isn't even in minus figures here... bloody hell, I can't imagine how cold -30 winds would be!!  Stay warm my lovely!

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Oh I teach 'high school' or as we call it comprehensive school - ages 11-16 boys and girls. My subjects are English literature and language and Media Studies and I love it!!!

I did go for a promotion to become Progress Manager or Head of Year; this is a pastoral role in the school where you are in charge of the whole year group and basically looking after the welfare and behaviour of the pupils. This is a part of the job that I am really interested in and want to learn more about. I didn't get the job 'cos it had already been ear marked for another person, but I went for the interview and made the right noises. Might get some Assistant Progress Manager experience from it... I can tell you one thing for sure though, regardless of the outcome I wouldn't have even applied for the position 4 years ago! No way would I have the confidence to go for the interview at my heaviest weight!!

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Thanks, Kim! That made me smile. :)

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Hi guys! Just caught up and I am so glad I am up to date with this busy thread - I get busy during the day and tell myself I need to login or I am going to have a heck of a time catching up - I am sure is it the same for us all.

Okay first off - does anyone have our list of names - I spent 45 minutes one day trying to dig through our massive thread and find it to no avail - I would be hugely grateful if anyone could share :) Or even give me an idea of what number of pages it might be located.

Coops thanks so much for the Amazon link to the menopause book - I am going through it though I still am having somewhat regular periods - gonna be 50 this year in October woo ;) It really feels like an emotional rollercoaster somedays - just like I have lost my mind haha.

Beautiful corsets ladies - Feed and Jane you look lovely! I am still getting used to having anything touch my middle with clothing - I spent so long in tent-sized clothing, right at the edge of 5x and needing specialty clothes that I think that only now am I realizing what clothing that actually fits looks and feels like - even things that fit perfectly sometimes make me feel very exposed and afraid people will stare and make fun on me (when my squishy is very well hidden in clothes.)

As hubby says "no more hobo clothes" (you must image the little designer from The Incredibles saying this lol.)

Sarah - I am so sad to hear that your dear friend is struggling with drugs. My ex before my husband, whom I was with for many years was a recovering heroin addict - we lived in NYC and I experienced him falling off the sobriety/clean wagon which was agony for all of us around him (an episode of Intervention is about the level of madness I am talking about). I also grew up in a home with alcoholic family members - I seriously believe I am an addict with food - its just my drug of choice. Know that she is the one who has to want it - no matter what, she will be the one that does it for herself.

I know that if I can quit smoking after 28 years of 2 packs a day then anyone on the face of this earth can stop their addictions too. One day at a time.

That same partner also came out of the closet during that time - (I call this time my floral dress era - desperately trying to feel pretty again) and within a year he had contracted AIDS - he is still living with aids but doing much better - living in L.A. and seems happy. I feel like I dodged a serous bullet with that one.

Speaking of one day at a time - I went to my very first Overeaters Anonymous meeting last weekend. I enjoyed it very much and plan to keep going - I was inspired by the honesty and sharing of the group - when I spoke I bawled like a little baby haha (maybe its those pesky menopause demons) and the group was very accepting of the fact that I had surgery - they were very interested in hearing about my experience. There were big folks and little ones - many had lost 100's of lbs and gained them back - some had maintained - just like all of us. I will check out other meetings around my area and see what those are like - it felt like a good reboot and have been seriously detoxing from the sugar since that meeting last Saturday.

Here's a question, what are your guys bounces ranges and how to do determine them?

Florinda - I am sorry you felt that you had to conceal your losses, but I am thrilled that you have lost your regain and then some! Learning to be kind to ourselves is just as big a part of all of this as anything. Lets all work on seeing how far we have come - I know I look to all of you as wonderful, inspiring successes, each and everyone one I can confide in and reveal the best and worst - the hardest of my struggles.

I had great success off the bat with 5:2 then have struggled a lot with the holidays - it is my own fault really - it has been an orgy of baked carbs...I never used to like this stuff, but now it is the easiest thin to crunch up and goes down easy -I then I get lightheaded and woozy, oftentimes sick...just like a needle in the arm lol.

I never got a goal weight from my docs or nutritionists, but one of them did mentioned that he thought I would end up at around 175. So that has been my upper limit with this recent gaining frenzy - or I should say that is my freak out weight lol.

My husband just wants me to be happy at any weight around where I am - he seems to love my body - squishy and all - trying to come around to his viewpoint.

I have noticed that cutting out even a bit of the sugar has helped tremendously this week with cravings - I have a milk issue with lattes, and when you get right down to it milk is a carb/sugar even if it is loaded with good stuff - I swear I would go drink milk from a cow on the side of the road if it was an emergency haha. I feel very successful at not having latte's on the way to work, at work, or on the way home from work every day this week - remember this is Seattle, that is a HUGE deal haha :)

Love you guys :)

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I just save all of my posts up into one epic, eye-bloodying post haha! sorry for the lack of brevity.

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Skinniness= Dorrie
Feedyoureye= Kim
Sarsar = Sarah
MG2= Sheila
Ccjane = Sheryl
Georgia = Georgia
Uk Cathy = Cathy
Swizzly = Dee
Brown= Wanda???
Globe= Florinda?? Gosh it something like that...it's an unusual name...sorry GT for not remembering...GT help!
Susan= Susan

Laura-ven= Laura


Supersweetums= Sheila

Coops= Sue

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Swizzly when I started 5:2 I dindnt lose for months. I stopped around thr holidays then started again. I think the thing that helped was adding hours to the fasting window. Not eating anything till late afternoon on fast days then only liquids after diner on the fast evening. Cyber hugs to you. Its hard to lose weight with so much stress in your life. Great news getting back into apt. I am sure your life is heading back to normal. Hang tight

Thanks to everyone for the thoughts about goals. Not sure long rang but for now looking at 10 pounds at a time. That's realistic. Small goals. Small steps. The hardest part about curves is leaving the office on time to get there. This is the part that takes the discipline. I am commiting to three months of curves. BrownDoesAll has to do something for herself!! Good night.

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Love you guys :)

Good for you Kelly, sounds like you have really picked up the gauntlet and are going for it strong. Very impressive and inspiring to me. Good going!

I just save all of my posts up into one epic, eye-bloodying post haha! sorry for the lack of brevity.

A good eye-blooding read!

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Good to hear from you Kelly - the menopause really does one on your head doesn't it... Kim posted the link; thanks Kim! I downloaded the book last night and have started to read it. I want to get it read and  understood by the time I go back to see the doc to discuss my options.  I really don't want to go on HRT and reading about what the extra estrogen does if it is not needed is a little scary!


I am starting to feel a little better - I ate yesterday without feeling too sick and my dizziness has pretty much gone. The headache is coming and going and I have a little more energy, so things are going in the right direction.  Might even attempt a walk later or tomorrow!!

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Chimera - we have some things in common. Started at over 300 , are both 49, live in the same area.... and I forgot the other things that struck me last night haha...

Wanda, I don't count calories so I too believe my main success with 5:2 is the long fasting windows....the at least 18 hours without food.< /p>

So for those of you with BMI in the lower range...say 20-22... did you notice any ill effect on you looks? I have been toying with making a push to lose another 10-15# once my ex moves out..and takes his bacon and bread with him. My biggest worry is that my ass will get even skinnier and that my face will look less youthful. Right now I have a bad chin wattlle (hidden by angles of photo) but otherwise face is ok. My current BMI is 25 which is FINE, so I am just curious what you all noticed as you dropped a little lower.

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CGJ - lower BMI *sighs*! lol!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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