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Just got back from the doctor - she seems to think that the way I am feeling now is due to a virus and the tiredness is exaggerated by my menopause symptoms that have gotten worse.  Had some bloods taken to check hormone levels and I have to go back in a few weeks to see if there is anything they can offer me to help; the hot flushes are back (have been for a while) and getting worse.  It is nearly four years since this started and it is a complete pain - I just hate feeling out of whack like this!

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Why can't you take HRT, or if you are taking it, higher doses? acupunture?

The original post, my venting rage, was responded to well but full of a lot of questions. So I responded, answered a lot of questions and also revealed my loss of the regain in full, and it got totally ignored, except you.

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Hi ladies. I am still here. Really busy at work and added an hour to go to curves three times a week. I will comitt to three months by then my daughter will be on a different shift and I won't need to be home by 6 so she can go to bed at 7 and get off to Work at 3am. I. Am on YaYa duty while she sleeps. Once she changes shifts I can go to Zumba at 7 and she can put little man too bed. Still doing 5:2. On fast days I don't start eating until well after lunch time 1 or 2 and no pm snacking. Still helpin. scale moving down realy slow. But I am satisfied for now

Globe we here you! Yeah on the lost of the regain. Down 30 pounds!! How ? Oh how? Can you beat yourself up with such sucess under your belt? Look at how far you've come. I would have applauded any amount of loss you reported. But 30 pounds of regain and only 15 pounds from docs goal you are a star!!

Ladies from what I hear in all your posts everyone in this group is in the one hundreds. Every pic I see of yoou ladies you all look marvelous! And to me you don't need to lose another pound. I realize that's all subjective and to each his own. But how tiny do you need to be to be healthy. When do we stop letting the number on the scale measure our beauty and especially our health?

Yes our bodies are wobbly, smushy, jiggly dimply and puffy. But remember where we came from. Soounds like even with plastics we may never be hard bodies. But look how great you guys look in clothes.

I for one used to weigh 330 pounds. I will never reach onderland and I am ok with that. I used to be a size 26 and my 16 jeans fit fine but 250 is not a healthy weight so I am still working to move down a bit.

You guys report 150 140 and still not satisfied with your weight. Still not happy with your bodies. Not judging here I just don't understand

Globe congratulations on the 30 pound loss. Take the cyber high five. And congtats to the 2lbs loss!! Congrats to everyone in the group that has managed to lose a ton of weight and mostly keep fighting to keep it off. No losers here

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Why can't you take HRT, or if you are taking it, higher doses?  acupunture?


The original post, my venting rage, was responded to well but full of a lot of questions.  So I responded, answered a lot of questions and also revealed my loss of the regain in full, and it got totally ignored, except you.


I took HRT a few years ago - tried Patches and tablets and didn't get on with them; they made my 'moods' better but didn't help with the hot flushes and I bled a lot.  Doc wants me to reconsider taking them again which is why I have to go back in a few weeks.  We'll see what she says then.  

I might look into herbal alternatives?


I'm not making excuses here, but this thread moves so fast and goes on and off topic a lot - perhaps that is why others didn't comment? Dunno?  But I often read and don't respond as I have nothing to offer or nothing positive to comment on.

You  know we care my lovely... xx

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Hi ladies. I am still here. Really busy at work and added an hour to go to curves three times a week. I will comitt to three months by then my daughter will be on a different shift and I won't need to be home by 6 so she can go to bed at 7 and get off to Work at 3am. I. Am on YaYa duty while she sleeps. Once she changes shifts I can go to Zumba at 7 and she can put little man too bed. Still doing 5:2. On fast days I don't start eating until well after lunch time 1 or 2 and no pm snacking. Still helpin. scale moving down realy slow. But I am satisfied for now


Globe we here you! Yeah on the lost of the regain. Down 30 pounds!! How ? Oh how? Can you beat yourself up with such sucess under your belt? Look at how far you've come. I would have applauded any amount of loss you reported. But 30 pounds of regain and only 15 pounds from docs goal you are a star!!


Ladies from what I hear in all your posts everyone in this group is in the one hundreds. Every pic I see of yoou ladies you all look marvelous! And to me you don't need to lose another pound. I realize that's all subjective and to each his own. But how tiny do you need to be to be healthy. When do we stop letting the number on the scale measure our beauty and especially our health?


Yes our bodies are wobbly, smushy, jiggly dimply and puffy. But remember where we came from. Soounds like even with plastics we may never be hard bodies. But look how great you guys look in clothes.


I for one used to weigh 330 pounds. I will never reach onderland and I am ok with that. I used to be a size 26 and my 16 jeans fit fine but 250 is not a healthy weight so I am still working to move down a bit.


You guys report 150 140 and still not satisfied with your weight. Still not happy with your bodies. Not judging here I just don't understand


Globe congratulations on the 30 pound loss. Take the cyber high five. And congtats to the 2lbs loss!! Congrats to everyone in the group that has managed to lose a ton of weight and mostly keep fighting to keep it off. No losers here


Well done on getting that pesky scale moving down, remember slow but sure wins the race... good for you for keep going.

You are right about weight being subjective - and yes, I often think that we do forget where we have come from because we are so focused on what we 'haven't' achieved eg not at weight goal; not in the goal size jeans; not running that marathon and for me; not looking like Lara Croft!  And yes, I understand where you are coming from...I too get frustrated to hear people who have lower weight than me and in the past I often let it get to me... I don't do that now.  I can't and won't let others influence how I feel about myself.

Although others might say I am small/tiny/skinny bla bla bla, I know that I still need to get rid of more, ok, not a lot  more but as I age I want to be at a healthy weight and  a good fitness level to get the best quality of life that I can... does that make sense.

We are all in this together... and although I've said it before, I really appreciate the friends I have made here because they understand where I am coming from.


I think you are a star too... you don't let anything get to you, or get you down. Your glass is always half full and I love that.  Enjoy your 'journey' because you are living it in techno colour - you'll get to where you want to be because you are doing all the right things.  Good luck with Curves, I am looking forward to going back - it really did work wonders for me and I lost so many inches even when the scales didn't move and I am sure that you will do the same... xx

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@ Wanda - have you considered a career as a motivational speaker? I'm serious, you have the gift for raising spirits <3

You asked how I did it via 5:2 and the truth is, the real truth, I didn't do 5:2 until 6 wks ago. For the first 6 weeks I went back on a post-op diet; 600 cals a day, 70+g Protein, less than 35 carbs. That was the kind of kick in the pants my body needed to get it going again. Now that I am intensely lifting I eat 1400 cals a day with very very low carbs and then eat 600 cals on my 2 off days. I will do this for 10 days, body weight in grams of protein, 30g or less carbs. Then after day 10 I will have an evening of carb mania after the evening workout. After this trial I will add in a low normal amount of regular carbs, to be eaten after evening workouts, keeping the carbs during the day very low. Now that I am focusing on muscle gain, stability, and strength I am changing my diet more in keeping with lifters and wrestlers who have turned gaining muscle and cutting fat into a science.

Coops, yes this thread does move swiftly and tends to go in directions before people can get a handle on what they've just learned or missed, so I will repost my post :

"As for me, wow, I had no idea my moment of selfie rage would ilicit such a response (in a good way), thanks guys!!

So, I must confess something, I actually never told you guys that I had lost all of my regain because I was waiting for a more impressive stat like, "I've lost all my regain AND made it to surgeon's goal, wooo!" But now the cat is out of the bag so, yes, I lost all of my regain, in three months. That's 25-30 lbs, depending on which numbers you are using, thanks to our friend 5:2. My lowest legit (non-diarrhea induced) weight post-op was 167 which I achieved in February of '12. My highest was just shy of 200 a year ago March. Four days ago I weighed in at 164.8 lbs. This morning I weighed in at 168 and I could just spit nails but I'm hoping it is just Water in mending muscle tissue.

I think the frustration dam broke because I had pulled on a pair of pants that day that fit just fine - as they have for the past 30 lbs!! I mean, COME ON! Sure, they didn't look as good on me 30 lbs ago, but the fact is that they fit just fine then, and they fit just fine now and that was absolutely the last straw and I 'sploded.

I also don't understand how I can weigh less than I did in February of '12, yet be bigger/lumpier now? I told you I use this one VERY $$$ bra as a marker and last time I was this low it fit smoothly across the decolletage with "chicken cutlets" inserted. Now, no cutlets, and I still have breast skin bubbling out the top. what the??

I am 5'3" and if we go by the day the scale was my friend, 164.8 lbs. 15 lbs from surgeon's, 35 from personal.

I am staying in this abusive relationship of my job the way my Mom stayed in her marriage. I don't know how to quit and am afraid to quit and try something else, afraid to be without the only safety net I've known, even though it is destructive to me. I accepted the extension, this would give me the kind of cash money savings that could pay for a doctorate or a down payment on a house or invested in my future since it can take years to get SSD for MS... but I am so over being here, I'm angry at missing life, missing out on everything, it's like being fat all over again ...

And why the hell hasn't my front or back shape changed? My profile I will be the first to say has changed amazingly, my bootay especially :P, but back and front photos reveal no changes whatsoever.

Perhaps another frustration I have is in my eating. As you know, my restrictions aren't solely based on weight loss and following a diet for diet's sake but rather to retain my cognitive and physical function in the face of MS. I feel a bit like how I imagine a child born with type 1 diabetes might feel, angry at knowing you can't have that treat, and even angrier knowing that you just do not have the option of cheating, not if you want to survive. I ate some popcorn last week and my foot went numb.

I agree it has felt quiet around here, haven't heard from Coops, Kelly, Wanda, Sheila (Sweetums), the long lost Cheri, Laura...

Dee I'm so happy for you that you will be getting back into your home soon!

Sarah, (and all whose lives have been touched by addiction) - it is so painful to watch someone lose their lives to addiction, that is how I lost my Father one year ago and I still fantasize about what could have been done, "if only..." I wish I could cradle him in my arms and take away his pain, I wish there was a surgery for his addiction like there was for mine ...

I need to let go of my anger(s), feel the blessings in my life, why am I not able to do that? Why don't I feel blessed, why am I not brave? Why am I not better at all of this ...

Denise - IMPHO, I think you need to back away from Bill until he makes a firm move regarding his ex.

SherylJane - pics of the corset or it didn't happen! ^_^.

Oh, PS!! The D-bag "friend" trainer did reach out and apologize, via FB, for his behavior. I wrote back that the apology was "acknowledged and accepted", and left it at that."

Edited by Globetrotter

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Hi Coops. I do like to sat up beat most of the time and I am a big fan of. You do you and I'll do me. I don't let others influence how I feel about me. But my question still stands. You said your skinny tiny but you want to get to a healthy weight and a good fitness level. How do u determine that? 250 doest sound healthy to me. But how do we figure out what's a healthy weight? I thought it was the BMI number? I wonder if we will never be satisfied because weight has always been an issue for us? Again not judging just honestly curious.

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For me it will be when a stranger on the street, male or female, when asked to characterize my body, doesn't say fat or any euphamism for fat, no chubby/stout/curvy/soft. And when I can complete tricky yoga moves without my gut preventing me, and when I can run a mile straight outdoors without wanting to keel over, then I will know I am fit. The last time I was all of these things was under 130 lbs.

Edited by Globetrotter

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Corset pix... oh boy, I have to learn to not let the neck show, that is the one place where my double / triple chin left too much skin...


You look positively tiny! I am so happy these corsets are so nicely made! I know you probably posed with arms down because of the "underarm" (not that I can see anything at all) but really, you look fantastic, and will wow someone with that corset for sure! I need to get mine back out and try it on! I have the "underarm" going on ... but layered up with some nice jacket or blouse, who cares!

No problem on the arms since plastics more of a side boob issue but I could minimize it by tightening it less at the top. After wearing it around I was able to tighten it enough to close the back panel but I still think next size up would be better next time.

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Wanda, I didn't say I was skinny etc...lol... that is what others say; well in response to photos it is skinny, in real life it is small or tiny but I am only 5'2'so I do 'look small' against a tall bloke like my hubby!!

For me to be healthy is going to be how I 'feel' and there is no real number on that... but yea, like Florinda says, to be able to do certain sports and doing them well is a good indication for me. I don't think I will use the BMI as a hard and fast measure because for me to be normal and at a 25 BMI I would need to weight 138 and below - 138 would be a BMI of 24.9 - that would mean I  lose another 15lbs... not sure that will happen and I won't be up set if it doesn't.  My aim is to get  - to surgeon's goal - to say that I have... after than is to weigh and stay under 11 stone - 154lbs, so in American speak to be in the 140s...lol.


What about you?  What is your ultimate goal - weight? Size? Fitness?

I know we are all different.


On a side note I have a friend who weighs between 133-140lbs and she is a UK size 8 US size 4 - she doesn't 'look' her weight, she looks lighter. So, yea, weight is not the ultimate way to measure success!

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Florida I think it is wonderful you lost your regain with or without 5:2. What time frame did this happen over?

I think I am puzzled because of so many posts that I thought said you weren't getting the scale to budge and very frustrated by hard work and no results. Then the post that I really took as very negative self body image loathing that I did respond in detail to. I posted pix of my new corset then went out with friends so didn't have time to say more.

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Hi Coops. I do like to sat up beat most of the time and I am a big fan of. You do you and I'll do me. I don't let others influence how I feel about me. But my question still stands. You said your skinny tiny but you want to get to a healthy weight and a good fitness level. How do u determine that? 250 doest sound healthy to me. But how do we figure out what's a healthy weight? I thought it was the BMI number? I wonder if we will never be satisfied because weight has always been an issue for us? Again not judging just honestly curious.

Brown I am actually satisfied weighing about 150 just about 25 BMI. I am noticing my 8 jeans getting loose and single digit sizes are right for me. A bad photo can trigger that bad feeling but overall I am content.

my surgeon said once BMI is under 28-29 you have pretty much the same health benefits. Maybe a 29 BMI is a possible goal?

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Not sure where I plan to land. I was fine for a year at 255 which for my 5'7" frame is still obese by BMI standards. I feel overweight. So still pushing down. I have no real fitness goal. My initial goal was to be able to get up and down from the sofa easy and to be able to run around with my grandson. I will have to think about my personal goal. I hope I will know it when I get there.

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I say that I lost 30 lbs thanks to 5:2 and only one person acknowledges, maybe that's why I never bothered to tell anyone ....

Well, I apologize for not earlier bit I had to leave my phone with sick granddaughter all day yesterday and just now catching up from wknd. Truly awesome!!! I KNEW that new profile showed you had lost regardless of how YOU see yourself. Isn't it weird how we view ourselves? I went off the grid and a carbs nonstop for four days. Immediately began to view myself as fat! Weighed the morning before my fast was still within 3 pound bounce and after a good fast day yesterday back down to low but boy my mind can do things to me! I'm very very proud of you! Circumstances haven't been kind to you but you've persevered and shown what a strong person you are. Hope you have a great day today!

Edited by Georgia

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Trying to play catch-up since I was out all day without a phone yesterday.

Coops, hope you're feeling better

Sheryl, love the corset.

Wanda go girl! Cathy, new low! Yaay!

Hang in there Ms Skinniness and M2G and Swizzly! Make those fast days your slave!

Sarsar, thinking of you! Chimera too!

FYE, what's on the agenda next? You have the most amazing life of us I think!

Finally pulled off a real great fast day yesterday hopefully more to come.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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