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Denise it sounds like you had a lovely night and you are really smitten, hope it works out for you.

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Denise, he just scored 1000 points in my book that he actually was home alone with you without sticking his hands down your pants uninvited. I am still "scarred" from that weirdo incident in the parking garage - and I really thought he was a cool guy until all that went down. It has made me truly gunshy now.

Don't be intimidated by the intellect thing. Intellect is NOT about college degrees. I run into this a little in the opposite way - I am totally into blue collar guys in the sense that many of them are hard working, fit (yes, the hot factor counts alot in my book!) AND smart even without a college degree. The problem is more that sometimes things like grammar and vocabulary are different. It doesn't bother me much, but lets just say it has been noticed when I use $64,000 words if you know what i mean. I avoid correcting pronouncation or misuse of words because who the hell cares. It is more about a person, their character, zest for life, their ability to hold up a conversation etc etc. Do NOT let yourself feel "less than" just because you didn't go to college. Lots of the college educated crowd are out of shape, bored to tears with their inactive lives and live in their heads - so they ain't perfect either! It is sorta like looks - 80% of the battle is self confidence. If you come across all apologetic about your intellect, you are self diminishing which is totally the wrong strategy in my book.

I can tell you that I will never ever ever ever date another software engineer. I am so sick of those guys and I WORK i that industry and they are mostly masters level educated. Dull, out of shape and all they ever wanna talk about is work. sheesh.

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Okay Kim, this is the info I got regarding sizing of corsets should any other inquiring minds want to know - basically you do measure from your waist the other measurements are less meaningful:

If you are interested in a steel boned body shaping corset (item numbers not beginning with A3...) then please measure your waist and purchase a corset 4-5" smaller. If your natural waist measurement is 30" then you would select a 26" corset. These corsets have a 6" modesty which means you can open a 26" up to 32" and tension the corset down according to control or comfort.

Steel corsets have a bust +10" larger than the waist and a hip measurement +10" larger than the waist, therefore if you are to select a 26" corset this would have a 36" bust. Bear in mind the 6" modesty panel, this would open to 42" at the bust.

I had a great ride on my new horse last night - she is alot of fun. There was scary spooky huge flock of migratory swans swarming the fields right outside the arena. The sound was deafening and while she was a bit nervous, she did good. Instructor complimented me on my confidence and keeping my horse focused on work even while she felt that the bird invasion was imminent.

I have not even tried my "juliette" on yet. The other one I got, a demi with a tutu, fit just fine.

I have been seeing lots of swans lately, they are so lovely and make such a racket for sure!

I once watched a mexican mom tightening her little girls belt up snug... she was around 8 I would say, and say something about training her waist to be small.

I am temporarily questioning 5:2. It worked so well for me, but I am working so hard to get my out of wack system back "into wack" that I just can't make it a priority.

Yeah, I ordered that corset that was on sale, but there are so many really really cute ones! I like the halter top ones alot. I gotta figure if I can hide my back skin adequately. I think they will be super cute under jackets. Hope so anyway!

Remember there is some research (on mice ! I think) that says that intermittent fasting helps stave off cancer....among other things....as does developing a healthy gut biome.

I will be taking some photos of my costume on saturday.. I will ether wear my demi corset or the full hoo-haw, I dropped off the art today and the place is pretty cool. I then took a car trip to a restored wetland area up by the golden gate bridge, then went up the coast a bit to check out some shore birds at Stinson beach. The dog hates me now because of all the twists and turns in highway one... she'll sleep it off I'm sure.... I ate at TWO fast food places today, Subway (not that bad) and Mcdonalds! Medium frenchfries and an apple pie. bluck! The dog barked at me the whole time I was eating them. She was saying "Don't eat any more of those, they are bad for you... give them to me instead! I'll take that bullet for you mom!" (drool) I think I might fast tomorrow too... make it three days this week... Saturday will be some eating out as well....

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So, the extension won't be in the same location, and my buddy leaves end of Feb.

Exit plan should I be incapable of finishing the extension ... yes? I imagine if it is due to physical failings then I will be able to medevac.

How does a person walk away from doubling their savings? I just .... can't. When it comes to money and preparation and foresight, my parents were grasshoppers, fiddling the summer away, if you know the parable. This turned me into a neurotic little ant, preparing contingencies, saving saving saving, anxious about every penny, a panicker. If I were to stay the full extension then I will have been with this job/program for 6 years, and all I will have to show for it is a decent savings. It doesn't aid future career movement, I haven't made many lasting friendships, and I've lost all that American time, when I could have been living life and finding someone...

If that start-up had worked, I would have been outta here ...

Georgia - olive oil loses a lot of its positive nutritional aspects when heated above 200F and I believe develops carcinogenic elements at that point. I wonder if you could achieve the same crispiness by spraying olive oil on a silpat and baking them? I just love all the innovations that are happening lately with cauliflower.

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Cheryl I like your insight on Denise's dating life. HA HA! I totally agree with you that having a "degree" doesn't necessarily mean anything. Hubby and I both have Bachelor's and he brings in a decent income, enough to allow me to basically quit my career (which I'm currently trying to revive) so I could raise our girls. I've been lucky enough to have jobs that have allowed me to "only" work when they were in school or work from home. But you don't have to have a DEGREE to be smart, witty, and interesting!

Denise - I think Bill sounds like someone you want to continue seeing, and I'm hoping it all works out for you!

Kim, I'm getting so excited for your big event...I have never given any thought to a corset and now I'm thinking "WHEN can I have an event where I can wear a corset??" Ha ha!

So I did it, I fasted yesterday, worked my freaking a$$ off in the gym and was still UP on the f'ing scale. Argh! I'm not really worried about it, but I will tell you this. Today is my birthday and every fricken year it comes during a time that I'm supposed to be "dieting" or trying to clear out the junk from Christmas, blah blah blah. But there will be cake. I saw it this am when I went down to make coffee. And tomorrow night is a big family dinner at a japanese hibatchi style restaurant to Celebrate my birthday along with my MIL whose bday is in 2 weeks but will be out of town during her bday. So we'll combine our celebrations. So much for fasting more than ONE day this week. Bah!

But at least I know I can do it because I have been struggling big time with 5:2...errr shall I call it 6:1 which is pretty much what I've been doing since Nov. Sigh.

Edited by M2G

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Sheila I was also struggling with completing the fasting days too since Nov. But I have succeeded finally and some how did 2 fasting days in a row.... :rolleyes: So proud of myself. I have lost 3 lbs and now I hope it stays off. I do know that some of it is Water weight. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I just needed a detox....You will get back on track after the bday thing is done and over. :P


Kim I can't wait until I hear about your big event and hearing the wonderful news.... :P

Denise and Sheryl, you will both find you man! You are both so determined and I love hearing about your adventure....


I really love that LilMissDiva's back on the site now too......:P


I sure wish Laura and Cheri would come back, I miss them....

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High intensity exercise tends to make the scale jump I think your muscles hold Water. I am up 2 pounds since starting at the gym. I can actually see the tummy swelling... it's that bad on the water retension. I am back to wearing compression garments in my sleep and I wear those rocking pant liners during the day to put compression on the belly. I love those garments... my thighs look just completely tight in the skinny jeans with those on.

It seems there are other "diets" gaining momentum based on the idea that we are not grazers and that we should allow periods of time between eating. I was given the mindset to eat frequently and it is looking like more and more evidence that our internal organs need a freaking break from digestion. I still want to do 5:2 - my point is that right now I am making headway on mood stabilization and that is #1 priority. It has been hard for me to really do a proper fast day and i am not stressing over it. One thing I do is make sure I get at least that 18 hours without food twice a week. I think if NOTHING ELSE that helps.

So, I am fairly into this guy Bruce. I have gone on a lot of first dates with no spark, and I felt it with him I guess. He seems to really like me, calls me all the time, texts me all the time but for the SECOND TIME has cancelled on me the last minute. Always a good reason, but pfffff... that is ridiculous. Steven at least had the decency to cancel on me 1-2 days in advance. With this guy - i was supposed to meet him at 5 and I texted him at 4 to let him know i would be heading over soon. Then he calls to tell me this big long multidimensional story that involved him driving to Bend Oregon (where his parents live) overnight for a doctors appointment that got moved to the morning. (Now THAT sounds like a typical Steven story - the man who lives his life in complete chaos.) I didn't tell him to kiss off when we talked yesterday because i wanted to sleep on it, but I am going to tell him to go away. My gut feeling is that he actually has no idea how annoying and rude it is and that he just lives his life this way. i could be wrong, but it seems like it just normal for him to have some "out of control" distraction and I hate that kind of chaos. He is super good looking , looks closer to 40 than 50, is tall and fit and charming and so far has behaved like a real gentleman while still expressing alot of interest in me (ie charming) - and as Denise pointed out to me, maybe has gotten away with this crap due to those attributes. What annoyed me the most is i was working in the office and didn't have gym or riding clothes so basically I couldn't do either of those things either. I haven't gone on any first dates in a bit, have none lined up for the weekend and am giving it a rest.

I never did that speed dating, that is up next when i actually feel like going on a date - I figure that will at least be entertaining if nothing else.

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Happy Birthday Sheila, hope you have a lovely day - enjoy the cake (just a small slice).

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Sheryl I hate it when someone cancels on the last minute. Couldn't he have planned on his Doctor's appointment early on. So frustrating..... You will get back to 5:2 when your ready, just not right now.......



I thought that you may enjoy this, it looks so good!


Glazed strawberry banana Dessert




1 banana, sliced

2 cups strawberries, sliced

1 ounce raw almonds or walnuts, chopped

1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg

1/8 tsp. ground ginger

1 tbsp. coconut oil

1 cup Greek yogurt

3-6 drops liquid stevia extract




Heat coconut oil in a medium saucepan over low heat until melted. Add cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and liquid stevia, mix to form a brown glaze. Keeping heat low, add sliced bananas and strawberries and mix until they are completely coated. Continue to heat until bananas are just warm. Remove from heat. Add nuts and mix until nuts are completely coated. Spoon mixture onto a plate alternating in layers with the greek yogurt.

PO also says: "You can sweeten the yogurt with a little stevia too, but I prefer the contrast."


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wow - so much going on!

Happy Birthday Sheila, hope you've had a good day!

Florinda, you've had so many tough decisions to make just lately... I think (and only think) that I would have to save the money - I know that sounds awful, but it sounds like it would really help you long term; take some financial pressure off? But, I really don't know what to suggest - go with your heart!

Sarah, I just love what your little boy said.. those words would be tattooed on my heart!

Glad the dating scene is going well for you single ladies... it is weird to hear of your tales and plights - I have forgotten how complicated it all is.

There seems to be so much going on, I can't remember it all now - but I do read. I will have to start replying as I read cos sometimes, especially with the time difference, this thread goes bonkers and I've only gone to sleep and work...lol!

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I am a nervous wreck over this already.

He just texted me that he's going out of town for a week. He said he would call sometime during the time he's gone. He invited me to the movies when he gets back.

This is worse than being a teenager because when you're that age, you expect to feel like this . At 61, I should be able to go with the flow and let things happen at their own pace and not sit and worry about every word he says and what it means.

I really want to talk to him about what direction our friendship is headed, but at the same time, I want to let things happen naturally. I will eventually have to ask him if he wants me to stop dating other people.

I hope I can stay away from movie popcorn. That new Julia Roberts movie is playing now too.

boy that dessert above sure looks yummy!

Florinda i'll try to find a bigger bottle of olive oil that will fit in that box that isn't too expensive.

Edited by Oregondaisy

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Multi quote time!

Kim, I'm getting so excited for your big event...I have never given any thought to a corset and now I'm thinking "WHEN can I have an event where I can wear a corset??" Ha ha!

Today is my birthday and every fricken year it comes during a time that I'm supposed to be "dieting" or trying to clear out the junk from Christmas, blah blah blah. But there will be cake. I saw it this am when I went down to make coffee. And tomorrow night is a big family dinner at a japanese hibatchi style restaurant to Celebrate my birthday along with my MIL whose bday is in 2 weeks but will be out of town during her bday. So we'll combine our celebrations. So much for fasting more than ONE day this week. Bah

But at least I know I can do it because I have been struggling big time with 5:2...errr shall I call it 6:1 which is pretty much what I've been doing since Nov. Sigh.

Me too!

Happy Birthday Lovely! Hope your day is fantastic fun and full of love!

I have done a few 6:1s as well... mananged 2 fast days this week, was thinking about doing a third today, but the scales didnt move up, so I just went normal today. I think just do what you can, you know, quitting is not a logical answer to not doing 100%... you are moving, and doing at least 50%! Thats pretty good girl! Things will calm down after the Bday cake;p

Sheila I was also struggling with completing the fasting days too since Nov. But I have succeeded finally and some how did 2 fasting days in a row.... :rolleyes: So proud of myself. I have lost 3 lbs and now I hope it stays off. I do know that some of it is Water weight. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I just needed a detox....You will get back on track after the bday thing is done and over. :P

I sure wish Laura and Cheri would come back, I miss them....

Good for you! two days! and down 3 pounds, awesome!

Cheri is back on the fourms, perhaps you would invite her back to our little group? She would have to spend 2 weeks solid catching up on our soap opera! We would all love to see here here again...

It seems there are other "diets" gaining momentum based on the idea that we are not grazers and that we should allow periods of time between eating. I was given the mindset to eat frequently and it is looking like more and more evidence that our internal organs need a freaking break from digestion. I still want to do 5:2 - my point is that right now I am making headway on mood stabilization and that is #1 priority. It has been hard for me to really do a proper fast day and i am not stressing over it. One thing I do is make sure I get at least that 18 hours without food twice a week. I think if NOTHING ELSE that helps.

So, I am fairly into this guy Bruce. I have gone on a lot of first dates with no spark, and I felt it with him I guess. He seems to really like me, calls me all the time, texts me all the time but for the SECOND TIME has cancelled on me the last minute. Always a good reason, but pfffff... that is ridiculous. Steven at least had the decency to cancel on me 1-2 days in advance. With this guy - i was supposed to meet him at 5 and I texted him at 4 to let him know i would be heading over soon. Then he calls to tell me this big long multidimensional story that involved him driving to Bend Oregon (where his parents live) overnight for a doctors appointment that got moved to the morning. (Now THAT sounds like a typical Steven story - the man who lives his life in complete chaos.) I didn't tell him to kiss off when we talked yesterday because i wanted to sleep on it, but I am going to tell him to go away. My gut feeling is that he actually has no idea how annoying and rude it is and that he just lives his life this way. i could be wrong, but it seems like it just normal for him to have some "out of control" distraction and I hate that kind of chaos. He is super good looking , looks closer to 40 than 50, is tall and fit and charming and so far has behaved like a real gentleman while still expressing alot of interest in me (ie charming) - and as Denise pointed out to me, maybe has gotten away with this crap due to those attributes. What annoyed me the most is i was working in the office and didn't have gym or riding clothes so basically I couldn't do either of those things either. I haven't gone on any first dates in a bit, have none lined up for the weekend and am giving it a rest.

I think the 'break" in eating is a key as well. I don't make a big deal about counting hours or anything, but on fast days I usually don't eat until after noon, and then only a little. I sometimes skip Breakfast on other days as well.... haha I worked so hard at incorporating breakfast into my day even though I wasn't hungry!

Instead of dropping the cute dude, how about just telling him you are a busy gal, and a little more notice would work much better for you. (Let him know you have a life. Your time is valuable and you are in demand!) It sounds to me like he might be fishing for more than fish... maybe others in the pond besides you? This may not be a bad thing, it just needs to be up front, or it gets messy. If he can't comply with such a small request, then ba-by lovely!

I am a nervous wreck over this already.

He just texted me that he's going out of town for a week. He said he would call sometime during the time he's gone. He invited me to the movies when he gets back.

This is worse than being a teenager because when you're that age, you expect to feel like this . At 61, I should be able to go with the flow and let things happen at their own pace and not sit and worry about every word he says and what it means.

I really want to talk to him about what direction our friendship is headed, but at the same time, I want to let things happen naturally. I will eventually have to ask him if he wants me to stop dating other people.

I hope I can stay away from movie popcorn. That new Julia Roberts movie is playing now too.

boy that dessert above sure looks yummy!

Florinda i'll try to find a bigger bottle of olive oil that will fit in that box that isn't too expensive.

At this time i think you just have to trust him to do the right thing... he may have to go and pick some of his shite up or something. If there is unfinished business, its better that it get finished. See what he says when he gets back.

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Bruce aka Hottie and i have talked about challenges of meeting people this way. I know darn well that he hasn't found women our age (he is 51) who meet his looks criteria besides me - he runs into the same thing I do - lots of 50 year olds are out of shape etc. However, I also know damn well that the 30 year olds are happy to find a guy like him so for all I know he is chatting someone else up - which is fine - we are in early days. I too could find a 30 year old but it isn't what I want. I believe his reason, it is just the chaos factor that I don't like.

So, he recently moved here from alaska and is a union big equip operator. The union doesn't have much work yet so he is doing a "by the hour" for a flakey company and gets jerked around a bit - i totally understand that work comes first. He didn't think he was working at all on Thursday or Friday. He was going to leave for Bend oregon Friday morning and had this Dr appt down there at 4 in the afternoon. Well, he wound up working Thursday and then his dad called and said that the Doc office moved the appointment to 9am so he had to make that 7 hour drive Thursday night. His parents are in their late 80s and I know my mother would have just accepted the changed appointment too - generational thing. I believe the whole story ... what irritated me was that a) second time something like this has happened and B) in all the confusion he didn't think to tell me once he realized things were going to hell during the day Thursday.

So, he texted me first thing today - I really do think he is interested in me - but I just find this caveman communication and logistics skills to be irritating as all hell. I have noticed with people that they are generally on their best behavior in the beginning so I expect it to get worse. I haven't told him to drop dead yet...lol... Remember, I am already jaded...lol... so my ability to give the benefit of the doubt is pretty low right now.

As the country western song goes.... "my give a damn is busted"

Too bad he is so hot. :)

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Hi ladies had an issue with my phone so. I am catching up on some past post so bear with me. M2 and Skinny keep fighting the good fight shaking the carb monster. My demon is now the sweet creep. If I see it I just can't say no. Urgh! "Just a bit won't hurt" but when I say that daily yes it does


CGjane I agree with Skinny you gotta let go of the guilt. You'r not responsible for how someone else choooses to deal with their life. Life is to short to live any of it in a bad relationship.


Globe. Big decision in front of you. For my two cents I would think towards staying the six months and banking the dollars.

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Sar loved the story about the talk with your son. Children are so honest and most sons really love their Moms. Now get in front of. That camera more often so you'll have smiling pics to share


Happy birthday M2 hope u enjoyed the cake.


Ohh dating is hard. Good luck ladies. Follow your gut.


Way to go on the 3lbs lost Skinny!


Feed looking forward to see party pics


I attended a funeral yesterday for a very dear sweet Uncle. He was 72 in good health but out of no where. His heart just stopped. He's such a quiet man he may have been having problems but we didn't know. Part of the eulogy talked about how important the dash on your head stone is. You know the lived 1957 - 20?? Everybody's dash is different it represents the life you've lived. We must all make our dash count. It was very moving. Not a downer post cause our family funerals are mostly up beat celebrations of home going. Mostly a mini family reunion. I actually didn't mind getting in front of the camera for family pics. Lord life is short!


Still rocking the 5:2 scale moving slowly and I will take it.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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