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I've been feeling better today, just knowing all the holiday stuff is done. My daughter even helped me take down the tree, and I just put it up last Sunday. I just wanted it down and done with!

I ate terrible today, but didn't do too bad the rest of the week. I only did one fast day this week and will be back on track next week with my regular days. Still at my low weight, so all is well with that.

Laura, isn't it funny how you can "feel" so big and then step on the scale and "feel" skinny all of the sudden?

I went shopping Thursday and finally bought myself a pair of size 6 skinny jeans! The other ones were just too big and were starting to look ridiculous. Now I need to find a couple of other pairs. I hate, hate, hate jean shopping. It's so hard for me to find ones that fit nice. My hips/butt are much bigger than my tiny waist. The waist in almost all of my pants are too big where everything else fits fine.

Brown, I loved reading about the feast your hubby does! Fun for him and the guys. Now, does he do all of the cleaning up after the cooking or is that your job? :)

Georgia, a few days ago I remember reading about your son coming up on his 2 year sobriety anniversary. I think that is so wonderful for all of you. I pray that he will continue on the right path! What heartaches you must have went through with him. I have a friend I met a few years ago and we instantly became like sisters. She had drug problems in her past and I helped her get off of the drugs. Recently, she has started again, and my heart literally hurts. I don't know how to deal with all of it because I have never had someone close to me with these problems. It is a big reason I had a hard time this Christmas season. Her and her hubby were supposed to be with us again this year.

Hope everyone had a nice Saturday. I am thankful my family is all under one roof for a couple more days!

I started a thread in the veterans group. I thought is was only for those a year out or more, meaning that nobody under a year should create or comment there??? Maybe I'm wrong. I hope it doesn't start an uproar.

Edited by sarsar

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On 27th December, my team leader died suddenly, early in the morning, at the gym. He was a very good man, honorable, loved his family deeply. After losing my own Father last year around this time, Larry became my surrogate Father, easing the transition of grief, but here I am, again, in pain and grief. I escorted his body to the main hub.

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Oh Globe, I'm so sorry to hear this... my thoughts are with you x

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Hello my little 5:2 Family!

I don't think I've been here in about a week! WOW that takes some catching up to do!!

First of all, Merry belated Christmas to you all! Coops, love the sweater and the new low...that just totally rocks! Georgia love the new DL photo...wow, you look great! Laura, also love the old kayaking photo...wow, what a transformation for you. Just wow. Kim also love the photo of the little dog with you photo-bombing the corner. Haha! Wanda, thanks for noticing that I had gone MIA for a while and Georgia thanks for remembering I had a house full and TOFFEE and NO ESCAPE! Aaargh! Sarah, I desperately want to take the tree down but the girls voted to keep it up. Sigh. Florinda, I'm so SO sorry for the loss of your team leader. My thoughts are with you, your team and his family.

A little update from me. Christmas Eve was nice, we had dinner at my SIL house and my MIL and FIL made crab legs and ham. Omg I never even made it to the ham I was busy cracking and eating those crab legs. I'm not much of a seafood person but my in-laws are and they have definitely introduced me to a love of crab legs and salmon. (I still don't like shrimp, scallops, and most other fish) oh I can do lobster, and tuna also. Halibut also, but that is about the extent of my seafood likes. LOL. Christmas day was hosted here with a proper turkey (which my brother and mother brined...yum if you have never had brined turkey, it's a must try!) and a pork roast. All was well, except by the end of the night my husband and brother got into an argument over a silly game and that sort of ruined the night. Good feelings gone. :(

Then by Dec. 27th, I had noticed that our beloved cat wasn't feeling himself. I could just tell something was wrong. Booked an am Vet appt. for him on Fri. and took him in. We knew he was already starting with renal failure (he was 16+ years old) and we were thinking they would tell us that his kidneys were getting worse and that we would have XXX number of days/months left. Well, as it turned out, he had a mass on his abdomen and it was likely cancer. He was suffering and so we opted to put him down. What a day filled with emotional turmoil. The four of us cried ourselves through a couple of boxes of tissues, and in the end he was peacefully let go with all of us surrounding him, crying. Then my oldest daughter came home, and flung herself on the floor and was basically inconsolable. She eventually cried herself into a nap. Sigh. My two daughters are 11 and 13, and our cat was 16...they have never known a life where he wasn't a part of it. My mom and brother tried to be comforting, but eventually decided to vacate the house for a while to give us some privacy and time to grieve.

It has been a horribly emotional week and sorry to come here and be just down.

I've eaten terribly, the scale is up... like +4lbs past my comfort zone and I haven't even THOUGHT about fasting. The toffee tin is almost half gone, I'm tempted to put the rest in a deep freezer. Ugh. I just can't seem to get myself together and while I swore to everyone I would NOT gain this year, so far I'm on the rise. And we still have the big new years eve WEDDING to attend on Tues. night. At least it will take my mind off the sadness and grief.

Here was my fur-baby, Magnus the cat.


Edited by M2G

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Oh and I wanted to add...this week I think I'm shedding hair? I think it must be stress-related...I know our hair goes in cycles but I've picked more loose, stray hairs of my shoulder this week and it made me think of my post-surgery-induced hair loss...funny what stress does to us!

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On 27th December, my team leader died suddenly, early in the morning, at the gym. He was a very good man, honorable, loved his family deeply. After losing my own Father last year around this time, Larry became my surrogate Father, easing the transition of grief, but here I am, again, in pain and grief. I escorted his body to the main hub.

Oh Florinda, that is so sad! Sorry you are having to go through this at this time of year... Oh my gosh... another deep breath... Sending love.

Sheila, its hard when the place is full of family and food! Get thee toffee to the freezer!

So sorry about your kitty kid, My little photobomb Sukie is 15 and getting frail, bad liver, getting blind and deaf. She still enjoys life, I can still see that tiny tail stump going a thousand miles an hour. The vet is taking it easy on her, she has lumps and bumps everywhere, but we have decided no surgery or going under for any procedures... I wish it was different, but its not. Frail parents and family members, frail pup...the Buddhists say "Life is suffering" so don't be so surprised, but I go kicking and crying (and eating) all the way....I don't like that truth one bit, but I do believe it. This is not to say there is no bliss, because I believe that too. The Buddhists also say that the suffering and the bliss are of the same taste when you reach an advanced state of practice.... I do not practice enough!

Wishing the best for you all... of course.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your friend..

Please know that we are here for you.


Magnus looks like he was a beautiful cat ( and loved) what beautiful eyes!

I will hold my old dog a little tighter today.

I hope your girls are feeling a bit better today.


I like your snippets of Buddhist philosophy..

I've not looked into it really but whenever you add something from it, it makes perfect sense.

A favorite quote of mine,

"Between pain and nothing, I would choose pain"

William Faulkner.

I always took it to mean, that to know the pain I would of also known joy and love..

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On 27th December, my team leader died suddenly, early in the morning, at the gym. He was a very good man, honorable, loved his family deeply. After losing my own Father last year around this time, Larry became my surrogate Father, easing the transition of grief, but here I am, again, in pain and grief. I escorted his body to the main hub.

Florinda I am so sorry for this loss. Sending healing energy your way!

Then by Dec. 27th, I had noticed that our beloved cat wasn't feeling himself. I could just tell something was wrong. Booked an am Vet appt. for him on Fri. and took him in. We knew he was already starting with renal failure (he was 16+ years old) and we were thinking they would tell us that his kidneys were getting worse and that we would have XXX number of days/months left. Well, as it turned out, he had a mass on his abdomen and it was likely cancer. He was suffering and so we opted to put him down. What a day filled with emotional turmoil. The four of us cried ourselves through a couple of boxes of tissues, and in the end he was peacefully let go with all of us surrounding him, crying. Then my oldest daughter came home, and flung herself on the floor and was basically inconsolable. She eventually cried herself into a nap. Sigh. My two daughters are 11 and 13, and our cat was 16...they have never known a life where he wasn't a part of it. My mom and brother tried to be comforting, but eventually decided to vacate the house for a while to give us some privacy and time to grieve.

Reading this brought up tears for me. So hard to have to make decisions to let go of our beloved family member.....we had adopted a black cat that looked exactly like magnus....he was the best cat ever and we had to let him go too.......we all still miss him after many years.....

Coops I love your Xmas sweater.....Hehe it looks too big for you......

Laura I've also been eating horribly, alot of sugar and extra food. my weight bounced up to 150 lbs and i've been feeling really fat too......now 4 days later I forced myself on to the scale and I'm down to 148 lbs again.. After the New Year I will be back to clean eating and getting at least 8 lbs off. I really want to hit the 130's.......

Georgia I love that you wear such a small size in clothes. Size 4 is perfect.....Congrats on your son and his sobriety......I can only hope the same for my son.....time will tell.....we also had a really rough time for many years.....

Sarah I always want to get the tree down before the New Year and my DH and daughter get so upset with me and call me the scrooge. Hahaha I hope your dear friend comes to her senses and stop using their drug of choice.......:(

Kim glad to see your a host and love buddism too.......i love energy work and love Steven Halpern's Tonal Alchemy..... :rolleyes:

have a wonderful day and love to all...... ;)

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Florinda, I am so sorry to hear about your team leader. You have been through so much, and now losing someone in your team. is just too much.

My thoughts are with you.

You can pm me if you're ready for me to start another care package.

Honestly I don't know how everyone is able to remember everyone's posts to comment on them. I am definitely going to have to take notes. I wish there was a way to view the thread while you're posting. I don't know how to open two screens but I know it can be done.

Went out dancing last night with some girl friends. It was really fun. The band at the Casino was really good. I can't even believe I am still at 135 after the holidays. I have not been to the gym. I've been trying to be careful but I've definitely eaten a lot of junk.

I had to break someones heart that I met online. He lives pretty close and we met and I knew after meeting him there was no way I wanted a date with him. He sent me a message telling me how he could not wait to see me again. That is just as hard as when I really like someone and they don't have any interest in me.

Well the holidays are almost over so I hope that everyone feels better when we start the New Year.

Hugs to all!

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{{{{{Florinda}}}}} I'm so sorry for your loss. :-(

Same to you, Sheila -- sorry about the wee Magnus. <3

Grief is the price we pay for love.

Hugs to all.

PS: I will not be fasting again till next week (week commencing 6 Jan) when I go back to work. I just gave up on anything but 16:8s as often as possible for the time being.

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Florinda - I am sorry about the loss of your friend. Never a good time, but around the holidays just seems even harder.

I had a fun afternoon yesterday. My good friend Mary and i meet for happy hour a few times a month at a place nearby. She invited me to join some of her friends - she hadn't seen in years - last night. They were the funnest people. I especially hit it off with one of the gay guys (he was there with his partner). He is from the south, into Nascar and demo derbies but is also the stereotypical well off gay man - smartly dressed, owns a bunch of collectible cars and vacation homes, "laughs with the girls" sorta dude. I really liked him - first time in my life I gave my number out to a guy I met in a bar...haha. The next demolition derby is Memorial Day weekend and we have a date for it. :)

So here is a puzzle for you - why can't I find a straight guy who is fun and outgoing and not afraid to get a woman's phone number???

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Florinda, I am sorry for you loss. This is just wrong...so many things happening to you. Life is unfair. Thinking of you...

Sheila, I am also sorry for the loss of your cat. Pets are like family members. I hope your girls are doing better. I'm glad your family gave all of you some time to yourselves to grieve.

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Florinda, I am so sorry to hear about your team leader. You have been through so much, and now losing someone in your team. is just too much.

My thoughts are with you.

You can pm me if you're ready for me to start another care package.

Honestly I don't know how everyone is able to remember everyone's posts to comment on them. I am definitely going to have to take notes. I wish there was a way to view the thread while you're posting. I don't know how to open two screens but I know it can be done.

Went out dancing last night with some girl friends. It was really fun. The band at the Casino was really good. I can't even believe I am still at 135 after the holidays. I have not been to the gym. I've been trying to be careful but I've definitely eaten a lot of junk.

I had to break someones heart that I met online. He lives pretty close and we met and I knew after meeting him there was no way I wanted a date with him. He sent me a message telling me how he could not wait to see me again. That is just as hard as when I really like someone and they don't have any interest in me.

Well the holidays are almost over so I hope that everyone feels better when we start the New Year.

Hugs to all!

Denise, when you read a post, at the bottom of it there are two boxes. One says "MultiQuote", the other says "Quote". You can click on those and the post you are going to reply to will show up in the box when you are ready to type your reply.

Click on Multiquote when you are done reading each reply and this will show you more than one reply at a time. Or click on "Quote" like I did and your post showed up above what I am writing.

Does this make sense?

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Sheila, I hope you, your hubby and the girls are ok... losing a pet is like losing a family member, horrible and painful! Sending you cwtches my lovely friend ...xxx

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This time of year is horrible for bad news... just found out that an ex pupil, just 21 has been found dead in the river... circumstances unknown by the the police at this time. His name is Rhys - I didn't teach him but I knew his younger brother and  I taught his sister Chloe, who is beautiful inside and out is inconsolable as expected.


News like this, just makes me realise how lucky and fortunate I am...


Such a sad day her in the valleys of south Wales

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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